Saturday, May 30, 2015

Industrial Engineering of Flow Production Lines - Thought Before Taiichi Ohno and Shigeo Shingo

Japanese were rational shoppers for production technology and management methods from USA and other countries. Taiichi Ohno and Shigeo Shingo combination improved the production line technique pioneered by Henry Ford in to a very high productive system. There is a book written during Henry Ford's time itself describing the full process of Ford system (Hartley W. Barclay  "Ford Production Methods," Harper & Brothers, New York, 1936.). MIT faculty, Richard Muther published a book in 1944 describing the planning, optimizing, and operating the production line system. He also wrote essays in Maynard's Handbook on Industrial Engineering on the topic.

We can see that quality and maintenance were given stress by Muther. Ohno and Shingo developed methods and tools to squeeze out further waste from the production line system due to extra setup time, poor quality and maintenance problems.

Muther's Description

Line production is a method of manufacture or an arrangement of work areas where the material moves continuously and at a uniform rate through a sequence of balanced operations which permit of simultaneous performance throughout, the work progressing toward completion along a reasonably direct path. Actually, the complete refinements of line production are seldom attained.

Principles of Production Flow Line

1. The principle of minimum distance moved.
2. The principle of flow of work.
3. The principle of division of labor
4. The principle of simultation or simultaneous operation
5. The principle of unit operation
6. The principle of fixed routing
7. The principle of minimum time or material in process
8. The principle of interachangeability

Enforcement of Operation Study.

Muther gives this point as an advantage of Production Flow Line.

It is especially important that adequate operation-analysis and methods study go into the job before it starts into production.

When a production line is installed, it works as a unit. Recognition of this necessity causes a critical examination of every phase of the job. This demand for thorough analysis of all details leads to many improvements in operations which might otherwise never have been noticed. Thus efficient  performance of the work follows.

Line production and  the motion study

In line production the work of motion study should be conducted along with the design of the tools. The chief objective is to build the quality and cost of the job and the skill required into the tools. The ease of operation is  highly desirable. Thought should be given to the motions of the operator of the tool before it goes into the line. Building the line as a piecemeal activity with work simplification
appearing after the job is under way is not only wasteful, but it leads to unbalancing the line

Motion economy rules to guide tool designers and process men.

1. Make the necessary movements as short as possible without crowding the operator.
2. Replace hand movement by automatic machine movement where practical.
3. Replace hand movement by foot movement.
4. Eliminate the passing of work from one hand to the other.
5. Provide hand levers, etc., with multiple functions.
6. Use mechanical ejectors.
7. Arrange so that finished work will drop from fixture into discharge chutes. Use drop discharge chutes and the pushthrough idea.
8. When drop discharge cannot be used, arrangement for disposal directly in front of operator, over top of machine, is often a good solution.
9. Arrange for getting new work from hopper or chute as close as possible to loading point or from location close to discharge point so as to overlap movements.
10. Provide mechanical holders to eliminate the use of the operator's hand as a holding device.
11. When possible keep hand movements within radius of forearm pivoted from elbow. In all events keep within radius of full arm without body bend or twist and without necessity for stepping to reach point desired.
12. Eliminate barriers so that movements can follow shortest path.
13. Keep both hands busy with useful work and avoid waiting of one hand.
14. Provide double station fixtures; one for each hand.
15. Centralize all control levers and starting buttons within the normal work area.
16. Aid locating by means of slides, guides, flanges, stops, bell mouth holes and bullet-nosed pins.
17. Separate scrap from good parts by simple mechanical means.
18. Eliminate all unnecessary use of the eyes. Keep necessary eye use within small space (about six-inch circle if possible).
19. Avoid necessity for operator to assume uncomfortable position. Most of the work should be at elbow level when seated and 6" below elbow level when standing.
20. Build controls of proper size, shape, and weight, and build to operate without undue effort.

Perquisites for Feasibility for Establishing Production Flow Line

1. Quantity
2. Balance
3. Continuity

Methods and Equipment

It is especially important that adequate operation-analysis and methods study go into the job before it starts into production.

Also it is adequate many times to supply a line with equipment that is slower instead of the fastest one available in the market.  The machine must serve the needs of the line speed to do its role in the line.

Line Balance

The desired rate of production is converted into a time for work station. This time is called station time or cycle time. If every operator and every equipment is busy for this cycle time,the line has perfect balance. But this perfect balance is rarely achieved. Operators with idle time can be assigned material handling, taking routine care of the machine etc.

Mechanics of Balancing

Adjust operations by combining or dividing operations to get a total time that is equal to the station time.


Make sure:

1. adequate space for maintenance and repair.
2. space for material handling
3. adequate storage space for materials
4. provision of inspection points

Manning the Line

The number of operators required equals the total time (in standard hours allowed) required to perform all operations on one unit mutliplied by the rate of production scheduled divided by the length of the shift or period worked in hours per man. This number is based on no idle time to balance.

Assuring Continuity of Manpower

If a line has to work all operators have to be on the line as per planned. No doubt line can be operated at lower rates of output with lesser number of operators. But this is once again planned before hand. Hence the number of operators has to be assessed before the start of the line and actions are to be taken to see that planned number of operators are there.


Some companies give incentives and operators as a group have to the freedom to operate the line at the speed they desire and also vary it as they want.

Assuring Continuity of Material

To keep a line running, adequate materials and components must flow into the line at various work stations as per plan. Quantity, quality and location have to right. Material and component planning must synchronize and schedule the work so that everything flows together as needed.

To assure the material,  advance plans are required and these plans are refined as actual production period approaches.  Muther described that a company makes five different types of plans.

1. Broad plan for the year.
2. Tentative 90-day schedule
3. Definite program for 30 days
4. Shipping schedules for 10 days
5. Daily schedule with complete specificationi


In line production, the ability of the vendor to supply the correct parts when they are needed is very important.  The supplier has to be reliable in both quantity and quality.

Material Control

Storage of material along the line

1. Store material at the point of use.
2. Predetermine and identify all storage places along the line.
3. Replenish material along line every night.
4. Have adequate communication system for material control men.
5. Make material control people conscious of not wasting material and components due to faulty handling.


Muther has listed the factors that may aid quality in line production. Similarly he highlighted some factors that give rise to quality problems.

He gave the following directions to improve quality.

1. Test all sample parts for quality check.
2. Check all tools, dies, and fixtures to make sure that they produce quality output.
3. In stead of depending on individuals, put confidence in  tooling, inspection gauges, and fixtures (This point needs thinking. Is Muther hinting at Poka Yoke?)
4. Plan for the inspection group to be busier than usual during pilot-lot or trial run period.
5. Assign inspectors along the line:
6. Maintain clean-up touch up stations at the end of the line to care for minor defects.
7. Stop production line and move operators to the end of the line to correct units when large number of mistakes occur.


Machines should not break down during the time line is running. All maintenance activities have to be undertaken to ensure that all machines are available during the planned run of time of line.

The recommended steps:

1. Sound preventive maintenance program involving periodic inspectioni, repair, or  replacement of tools, equipment, and handling devices.
2. Rapid communication system or automatic signaling devices to indicate a breakdown and where it has occurred.
3. Ample use of fuses, overload switches, shear pin on conveyor drives, electric-cye or limit switch controls to stop overrunning.
4. Pay group incentive based on freedom from downtime on the line.
5. Stand-by equipment
6. Guards and protective devices to avoid machine or conveyor jamming.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Chapter - Assembly Line or System Balancing - 2015 Edition



Assembly Line Balancing: A Review of Developments and
Trends in Approach to Industrial Application
By Naveen Kumar & Dalgobind Mahto
Green Hills Engineering College
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Volume 13 Issue 2 Version 1.0 Year 2013
Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)

A good research review of 100 papers up to 2012. Needs to be read


Balancing Mixed Model Assembly Lines in an Automobile Seat Plan - Masters Thesis

Software for assembly line balancing

Mixed-model assembly line at Volvo Construction
Requirements for mixed-model assembly line at Volvo Construction
Equipment and a case study at the Arvika plant
Master of Science Thesis in Production Engineering

P. Chutima and P. Olanviwatchai, "Mixed-Model U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing Problems with Coincidence Memetic Algorithm," Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, Vol. 3 No. 4, 2010, pp. 347-363. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2010.34040.

Supply Chain Engineering: Useful Methods and Techniques
Alexandre Dolgui, Jean-Marie Proth
Springer Science & Business Media, Jun 2, 2010 - 541 pages
The book contain 2 to 3 very good chapters on line balancing

Simple and U-type assembly line balancing problems with a learning effect
M. Duran Toksarıa, , , Selçuk K. İşleyenb, Ertan Günerc, Ömer Faruk Baykoçc
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Volume 32, Issue 12, December 2008, Pages 2954–2961

Test problems of Assembly Line Balancing
Problem No. of task
Jackson 11

Heskia 28

Gunther 35

Kilbridge 45

Warnecke 58

Mukherje     94


Kaizen Assembly: Designing, Constructing, and Managing a Lean Assembly Line - Book Information
Chris A. Ortiz
CRC Press, 26-Jun-2006 -  264 pages

Assembly Line Design: The Balancing of Mixed-Model Hybrid Assembly Lines with Genetic Algorithms
Brahim Rekiek, Alain Delchambre
Springer Science & Business Media, 21-Apr-2006 - Computers - 178 pages

ProBalance 1.6
Mixed Model Automotive Line Balance Tutorial

Chapter on Production Planning in the book Production and Operations Management by P. Rama Murthy

Page 88.

Book chapter on Flow Production in Essentials of Operation Manaagement by Ray Wild.
Page 284 - Chapter starting page 283 not in preview.

Updated 21 May 2015
First published 21 Jan 2013

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Prof Jayant Rajagopal - Industrial Engineering - Publications

Ph.D. in Industrial and Management Engineering, The University of Iowa, 1985

M.S. in Industrial and Management Engineering, The University of Iowa, 1982

B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, The University of Madras, 1980

Chen, S.I., Norman, B.A., Rajgopal, J., and Lee, B.Y., In press, "Passive Cold Devices for Vaccine Supply Chains," Annals of Operations Research.

Brown, S.T., Schreiber, B., Cakouros, B.E., Wateska, A.R., Dicko, H.M., Connor, D.L., Jaillard, P., Mvundura, M., Norman, B.A., Levin, C., Rajgopal, J., Avella, M., Lebrun, C., Claypool, E., Paul, P., and Lee, B.Y., 2014, "The Benefits of Redesigning Benin's Vaccine Supply Chain," Vaccine, no.32, pp. 4097-4103.

Chen, S.I., Norman, B.A., Rajgopal, J., Assi, T.M., Lee, B.Y., and Brown, S.T., 2014, "A Planning Model for the WHO-EPI Vaccine Distribution Network in Developing Countries," IIE Transactions, no.1, pp. 1-13.

Esmaili, N., Norman, B.A., and Rajgopal, J., 2014, "A Heuristic Approach for Integrated Storage and Shelf-Space Allocation," 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, XX International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, International IIE Conference 2014, Malaga, Spain.

Mofrad, M.H., Maillart, L., Norman, B.A., and Rajgopal, J., 2014, "Dynamically Optimizing the Administration of Vaccines from Multi-Dose Vials," IIE Transactions, no.7, pp. 623-635.

Scala, N.M., Rajgopal, J., and Needy, K.L., 2014, "Managing Nuclear Spare Parts Inventories: A Data Driven Methodology," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, no.1, pp. 28-37.

Scala, N.M., Rajgopal, J., Vargas, L., and Needy, K.L., 2014, "Using Principal Components Analysis for Aggregating Judgments in the Analytic Hierarchy Process," International Symposium of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Washington, D.C..

Assi, T.M., Brown, S.T., Kone, S., Norman, B.A., Djibo, A., Connor, D.L., Wateska, A.R., Rajgopal, J., Slayton, R.B., and Lee, B.Y., 2013, "Removing the Regional Level from the Niger Vaccine Supply Chain," Vaccine, no.26, pp. 2828-2834.

Haidari, L.A., Connor, D., Wateska, A.R., Brown, S., Mueller, L.E., Norman, B.A., Schmitz, M.M., Paul, P., Rajgopal, J., Welling, J.S., Leonard, J., Chen, S., and Lee, B.Y., 2013, "Augmenting transport versus increasing cold storage to improve vaccine supply chains," PLoS ONE, no.5.

Haidari, L.A., Connor, D., Wateska, A.R., Brown, S., Mueller, L.E., Norman, B.A., Schmitz, M.M., Paul, P., Rajgopal, J., Welling, J.S., Leonard, J., Claypool, E.G., Weng, Y., Chen, S., and Lee, B.Y., 2013, "Only adding stationary storage to vaccine supply chains may create and worsen transport bottlenecks.," Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 2:S65-7.

Haidari, L.A., Connor, D.L., Wateska, A.R., Brown, S.T., Mueller, L.E., Norman, B.A., Schmitz, M.M., Paul, P., Rajgopal, J., Welling, J.S., Leonard, J., Chen, S.I., and Lee, B.Y., 2013, "Augmenting Transport versus Increasing Cold Storage to Improve Vaccine Supply Chains.," PloS one, no.5, e64303.

Norman, B.A., Nourollahi, S., Chen, S.I., Brown, S.T., Claypool, E.G., Connor, D.L., Schmitz, M.M., Rajgopal, J., Wateska, A.R., and Lee, B.Y., 2013, "A Passive Cold Storage Device Economic Model to Evaluate Selected Immunization Location Scenarios," Vaccine, no.45, pp. 5232-5238.

Scala, N.M., Rajgopal, J., and Needy, K.L., 2013, "A Base Stock Inventory Management System for Intermittent Spare Parts," Military Operations Research, no.3, pp. 63-67.

Assi, T.M., Rookkapan, K., Rajgopal, J., Sornsrivichai, V., Brown, S.T., Welling, J.S., Norman, B.A., Connor, D.L., Chen, S.I., Slayton, R.B., Laosiritaworn, Y., Wateska, A.R., Wisniewski, S.R., and Lee, B.Y., 2012, "How influenza vaccination policy may affect vaccine logistics.," Vaccine, no.30, pp. 4517-23.

Lee, B.Y., Assi, T.M., Rajgopal, J., Norman, B.A., Chen, S.I., Brown, S.T., Slayton, R.B., Kone, S., Kenea, H., Welling, J.S., Connor, D.L., Wateska, A.R., Jana, A., Wiringa, A.E., Van Panhuis, W.G., and Burke, D.S., 2012, "Impact of introducing the pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines into the routine immunization program in Niger.," American journal of public health, no.2, pp. 269-76.

Maillart, L., Mofrad, M.H., Norman, B.A., and Rajgopal, J., 2012, "Dynamically Optimizing the Administration of Vaccines from Multi-Dose Vials," 2012 Society for Medical Decision Making Conference.

Ogirala, A., Sai, V., Kamrani, A., Rajgopal, J., Norman, B.A., Hawrylak, P.J., and Mickle, M.H., 2012, "Ultra High Speed and Low Power Flexible Architecture using State Transition Matrix Model for EPC Gen-2 Communication Protocol Processor," International Journal of Modeling and Simulation, no.3, pp. 198-205.

Scala, N.M., Rajgopal, J., and Needy, K.L., 2012, "An Inventory Criticality Classification Method for Nuclear Spare Parts: A Case Study," in Decision Making in Service Industries: A Practical Approach, J. Faulin, M.J. Fry, S.E. Grasman, and A.A. Juan, eds., CRC Press, pp. 365-391.

Rajgopal, J., 2011, "Geometric Programming," in Wiley Encyclopeida of Operations Research and Management Sciences, J.J. Cochran, ed., Wiley.

Rajgopal, J., Abdulmalek, F., Wang, L., and Norman, B.A., 2011, "Analyzing the Benefits of FRID in Reducing Off-Shelf Out-of-stock: A Simulation Approach," International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, no.1, pp. 19-37.

Rajgopal, J., Connor, D.L., Assi, T.M., Norman, B.A., Chen, S.I., Bailey, R.R., Long, A.R., Wateska, A.R., Bacon, K.M., Brown, S.T., Burke, D.S., and Lee, B.Y., 2011, "The optimal number of routine vaccines to order at health clinics in low or middle income countries.," Vaccine, no.33, pp. 5512-8.

Rajgopal, J., Wang, Z., Schaefer, A.J., and Prokopyev, O., 2011, "Integrated Design and Operation of RemnantInventory Supply Chains under Uncertainty," European Journal of Operational Research, no.2, pp. 358-364.

Assi, T.M., Brown, S.T., Djibo, A., Norman, B.A., Rajgopal, J., Welling, J.S., Chen, S.I., Bailey, R.R., Kone, S., Kenea, H., Connor, D.L., Wateska, A.R., Jana, A., Wisniewski, S.R., Van Panhuis, W.G., Burke, D.S., and Lee, B.Y., 2011, "Impact of changing the measles vaccine vial size on Niger's vaccine supply chain: a computational model.," BMC public health, p. 425.

Hawrylak, P.J., Ogirala, A., Norman, B.A., Rajgopal, J., and Mickle, M.H., 2011, "Enabling Real-Time Management and Visibility with RFID," in Management Engineering for Effective Healthcare Delivery: Principles and Applications, A. Kolker, and P. Story, eds., IGI Global.

Lee, B.Y., Assi, T.M., Rookkapan, K., Connor, D.L., Rajgopal, J., Sornsrivichai, V., Brown, S.T., Welling, J.S., Norman, B.A., Chen, S.I., Bailey, R.R., Wiringa, A.E., Wateska, A.R., Jana, A., Van Panhuis, W.G., and Burke, D.S., 2011, "Replacing the measles ten-dose vaccine presentation with the single-dose presentation in Thailand.," Vaccine, no.21, pp. 3811-7.

Lee, B.Y., Assi, T.M., Rookkapan, K., Wateska, A.R., Rajgopal, J., Sornsrivichai, V., Chen, S.I., Brown, S.T., Welling, J., Norman, B.A., Connor, D.L., Bailey, R.R., Jana, A., Van Panhuis, W.G., and Burke, D.S., 2011, "Maintaining vaccine delivery following the introduction of the rotavirus and pneumococcal vaccines in Thailand.," PloS one, no.9, e24673.

Shylo, O.V., Luangkesorn, L., Prokopyev, O.A., Rajgopal, J., and Schaefer, A., 2011, "Managing Patient Backlog in a Surgical Suite that uses a Block-Booking Scheduling System," 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, R.R. Creasey, M. Fu, J. Himmelspach, S. Sain, and K.P. White, eds., Phoenix, AZ.

Shylo, O.V., Prokopyev, O., and Rajgopal, J., 2011, "On Algorithm Portfolios and Restart Strategies," Operations Research Letters, no.1, pp. 49-52.

Lee, B.Y., Norman, B.A., Assi, T.M., Chen, S.I., Bailey, R.R., Rajgopal, J., Brown, S.T., Wiringa, A.E., and Burke, D.S., 2010, "Single versus multi-dose vaccine vials: an economic computational model.," Vaccine, no.32, pp. 5292-300.

Maillart, L., Kamrani, A., Norman, B., Rajgopal, J., and Hawrylak, P., 2010, "Optimizing RFID Tag-Inventorying Algorithms," IIE Transactions, no.9, pp. 690-702.

Scala, N.M., Rajgopal, J., and Needy, K.L., 2010, "Influence Diagram Modeling of Nuclear Spare Parts Process," 2010 IIE Research Conference, Cancun, MX.

Scala, N.M., Rajgopal, J., and Needy, K.L., 2010, "Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Group Decision Making for Nuclear Spare Parts," 31st ASEM National Conference, pp. 191-199, Fayetteville, AR.

Rajgopal, J., Wang, Z., Schaefer, A.J., and Prokopyev, O., 2009, "Effective Management Policies for Remnant Inventory Supply Chains," IIE Transactions, no.5, pp. 437-447.

Paulk, M., Needy, K.L., and Rajgopal, J., 2009, "Identifying Software Process Outliers," ASQ Software Quality Professional, no.2, pp. 28-37.

Scala, N.M., Rajgopal, J., and Needy, K.L., 2009, "Risk and Spare Parts Inventory in electric Utilities," 2009 IIE REsearch Conference, Miami, FL.

Scala, N.M., Needy, K.L., and Rajgopal, J., 2009, "Decision Making and Tradeoffs in the Management of Spare Parts Inventory at Utilities," 30th ASEM National Conference, pp. 257-263, Springfield, MO.

Rajgopal, J., Norman, B.A., Wang, L., and Abdulmalek, F., 2008, "A Simulation Study of RFID for Retail Shelf Replenishment," 2008 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, pp. 758-763, Vancouver, BC.

Shuman, L.J., Bidanda, B., Besterfield-Sacre, M.E., and Rajgopal, J., 2008, "Internationalizing the Engineering Curriculum," IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2008 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Abdulmalek, F.A., and Rajgopal, J., 2007, "Analyzing the Benefits of Lean Manufacturing and Value Stream Mapping via Simulation: A Process Sector Case Study," International Journal of Production Economics, no.1, pp. 223-236.

Wang, L., Norman, B.A., and Rajgopal, J., 2007, "Maximizing Read Accuracy by Optimally Locating RFID Interrogators," in RFID Handbook: Applications, Technology, Security, and Privacy, S. Ahson, and M. Ilyas, eds., CRC Press, pp. 181-198.

Wang, L., Norman, B.A., and Rajgopal, J., 2007, "Placement of Multiple RFID Reader Antennas to Maximize Portal Read Accuracy," International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications, no.3, pp. 260-277.

Abdulmalek, F.A., Rajgopal, J., and Needy, K., 2006, "A Classification Model for the Process Industry to Guide the Implementation of Lean," Engineering Management Journal, no.2, pp. 15-25.

Wang, Z., Rajgopal, J., and Schaefer, A.J., 2006, "An Efficient Heuristic for Location/Distribution Decisions with Remnant Inventories," IIE Research Conference, Orlando, FL.

Besterfield-sacre, M.E., Norman, B.A., Bidanda, B., Needy, K., and Rajgopal, J., 2005, "Integrating and Synthesizing the Industrial Engineering Curriculum via an Unstructured Problem Solving Course," American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings, Portland, OR.

Rajgopal, J., and Mazumdar, M., 2004, "An Optimum System Based Component Testing Approach for Evaluating Software Reliability," Net.ObjectDays Workshop on Testing of Component-Based Systems (TECOS 2004) and Software Quality (SOQUA 2004), S. Beydeda, V. Gruhn, J. Mayer, R. Reussner, and F. Schweiggert, eds., pp. 63-76.

Norman, B., Besterfield-sacre, M.E., Bidanda, B., Needy, K., and Rajgopal, J., 2004, "A Conceptual Model for Integrating and Synthesizing the Industrial Engineering Curriculum," American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings, Salt Lake City, UT.

Norman, B.A., Besterfield-Sacre, M.E., Needy, K.L., and Rajgopal, J., 2004, "Integration and Synthesis of the Industrial Engineering Curriculum," IIE Research Conference, Houston, TX.

Olson, S., Boros, S., Schaefer, A.J., and Rajgopal, J., 2004, "Evaluation of Operating Policies for Remnant Inventory Systems via Simulation," IIE Research Conference, Houston, TX.

Adbullah, F., and Rajgopal, J., 2003, "Lean Manufacturing in the Process Industry," IIE Research Conference, Portland, OR.

Rajgopal, J., and Bricker, D.L., 2002, "Solving Posynomial Geometric Programming Problems via Generalized Linear Programming," Computational Optimization and Applications, no.1, pp. 95-109.

Rajgopal, J., and Mazumdar, M., 2002, "Modular Test Plans for Certification of Softwware Reliability," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, no.4, pp. 358-363.

Abdullah, F., Rajgopal, J., and Needy, K.L., 2002, "A taxonomy of the Process Industry with a View to Lean Manufacturing," American Society for Engineering Management, pp. 314-321, Tampa, FL.

Adickes, M.D., Billo, R.E., Norman, B.A., Banerjee, S., Nnaji, B.O., and Rajgopal, J., 2002, "Optimization of Indoor Wireless Communication Network Layouts," IIE Transactions, no.9, pp. 823-836.

Rajgopal, J., 2001, "Principles and Applications of Operations Research," in Maynard's Industrial Engineering Handbook, K.B. Zandin, ed., McGraw Hill, 11.27-11.44.

Rajgopal, J., and Mazumdar, M., 2001, "Software Reliability via Modular Testing," 10th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Dallas, TX.

Rajgopal, J., and Mazumdar, M., 2001, "System Based Component Test Plan for Reliability Demonstration: A Review and Survey of the State-of-the-Art," in Handbook of Statistics: Advances in Reliability, N. Balakrishnan, and C.R. Rao, eds., Elsevier Science, pp. 659-677.

Aiyer, J.P., and Rajgopal, J., 2001, "Managing Cable TV Commercial Inventories via Program Promotion," Marketing Intelligence and Planning, no.1, pp. 45-54.

Bidanda, B., Shuman, L.J., Rajgopal, J., Besterfield-Sacre, M., and Ruibal, C., 2001, "Flexible Doctoral Programs for the International Faculty: A Refined Model with Preliminary Results," International Conference on Engineering Education, ICEE-01, Oslo/Bergen, Norway.

Gomes, C.J., Onipede, O., Lovell, M., Norman, B.A., and Rajgopal, J., 2001, "Numerical Analysis of Springback Using a Response Surface Methodology," Transactions of the 29th North American Manufacturing Research Conference, pp. 89-96.

Ozturk, U.A., Norman, B.A., and Rajgopal, J., 2001, "A Simulation Analysis of Printed Circuit Board Operations in a Mixed Production Environment," Annual Industrial Engineering Solutions Conference, Dallas, TX.

Rajgopal, J., 2000, "A Transportation Model for Scheduling Promotions on Cable TV," 9th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Cleveland, OH.

Rajgopal, J., and Mazumdar, M., 2000, "Minimum Cost Test Plans for a Series System with Imperfect Interfaces," in Perspectives in Statistical Science, A.K. Basu, J.K. Ghosh, P.K. Sen, and B.K. Sinha, eds., Oxford University Press, pp. 209-218.

Needy, K.L., and Rajgopal, J., 2000, "Developing a manufacturing Strategic Plan: A Field Study," Annual Industrial Engineering Solutions Conference, Cleveland, OH.

Rajgopal, J., Mazumdar, M., and Majety, S.V., 1999, "Optimum combined Test Plans for Systems and Components," IIE Transactions, no.6, pp. 481-490.

Federowicz, A.J., and Rajgopal, J., 1999, "Robustness of Posynomial Geometric Programming Optima," Mathematical Programming, no.2, pp. 421-431.

Mahmood, F., Bidanda, B., and Rajgopal, J., 1999, "WEDM Process Modeling using the Regression Approach," 8th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Majety, S.V., Dawande, M., and Rajgopal, J., 1999, "Optimal Reliability Allocation with Discrete cost-Reliability Data for Components," Operations Research, no.6, pp. 899-906.

Rajgopal, J., and Mazumdar, M., 1998, "System Based Component Test Plan for Reliability Inferences," in Frontiers on Reliability, A.P. Basu, S.K. Basu, and S. Mukhopadhyay, eds., World Scientific Press, pp. 295-302, Singapore.

Rajgopal, J., Bidanda, B., and Shuman, L.J., 1998, "Flexible Doctoral Programs for International Faculty," International Conference on Engineering Education, ICEE-98, pp. 149-151, Rio de Janeiro.

Rajgopal, J., and Mazumdar, M., 1997, "Minimum Cost Component Test Plans for Demonstrating Reliability of a Parallel System," Naval Research Logistics, no.5, pp. 401-418.

Rajgopal, J., Needy, K.L., and Porter, J.D., 1997, "Combining International Experience and Industrial Relevance in a Capstone Engineering Design Course," 1997 ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Aiyer, J.P., and Rajgopal, J., 1997, "Commercial Sales in Cable Television - An Overview and a Linear Model," Mid-American Journal of Business, no.1, pp. 27-33.

Majety, S.V., and Rajgopal, J., 1997, "Dynamic Penalty Function for Evolutionary Algorithms with an Application to a Reliability allocation," 6th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, pp. 36-41, Miami Beach, FL.

Rajgopal, J., and Mazumdar, M., 1996, "A System Based Component Test Plan for a Series System, with Type-II Censoring," IEEE Transactions on Reliability, no.3, pp. 375-378.

Rajgopal, J., and Mazumdar, M., 1995, "Designing Component Test Plans for System Reliability via Mathematical Programming," International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, no.1, pp. 35-48.

Rajgopal, J., and Mazumdar, M., 1995, "Designing Test Plans for Series System Reliability via Mathematical Programming," Technometrics, no.2, pp. 195-212.

Tunasar, C.E., and Rajgopal, J., 1995, "An Evolutionary Algorithm with an Application to a Lot Sizing Problem," 4th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, pp. 852-858, Nashville, TN.

Rajgopal, J., 1994, "Investigations in an Alternative Approach to Geometric Programming," 1994 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, pp. 271-272, Cambridge, MA.

Rajgopal, J., Mazumdar, M., and Coit, D., 1994, "Design of System-Based Component Test Plans for Series Systems with Gamma Distributed Component Lifetimes," 3rd Industrial Engineering Research Conference, pp. 13-18, Atlanta, GA.

Rajgopal, J., Mazumdar, M., and Savits, T.H., 1994, "Some Properties of the Poisson Distribution with an Application to Reliability Testing," Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, no.3, pp. 345-354.

Rajgopal, J., and Mazumdar, M., 1993, "Optimum System Based Component Test Plans," 2nd industrial Engineering Research Conference, pp. 247-251, Los Angeles, CA.

Rajgopal, J., Bidanda, B., and Burns, G., 1993, "Integrating Group Technology and TSP for Scheduling Operations with Sequence Dependent Setup Times," 2nd industrial Engineering Research Conference, pp. 837-841, Los Angeles, CA.

Bricker, D.L., Choi, J.C., and Rajgopal, J., 1993, "On Geometric Programs Having Negative Degrees of Difficulty," European Journal of Operational Research, no.3, pp. 427-430.

Rajgopal, J., 1992, "An Alternative Approach to the Refined Duality theory of Geometric Programming," Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, no.1, pp. 266-288.

Rajgopal, J., 1992, "Nonlinear Programming," in Maynard's Industrial Engineering Handbook, W.K. Hodson, ed., McGraw Hill, 14.177-14.200.

Rajgopal, J., and Bidanda, B., 1992, "On the Use of Statistical Design in Manufacturing Engineering Education," International Journal of Applied Engineering Education, no.4.

Rajgopal, J., and Bricker, D.L., 1992, "On Subsidiary Problems in Geometric Programming," European Journal of Operational Research, no.1, pp. 102-113.

Rajgopal, J., and Bidanda, B., 1991, "Scheduling Parallel Machines with Two Setup Classes," International Journal of Production Research, no.12, pp. 2443-2458.

Rajgopal, J., and Bricker, D.L., 1990, "Geometric Programming as a Special Case of Semi-Infinite Linear Programming," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, no.3, pp. 455-475.

Rajgopal, J., and Frabotta, M., 1990, "Manufacturing Resource Planning - MRP II," in Handbook of the Automated Factory, B. Bidanda, and D.I. Cleland, eds., TAB Scientific Publishers, pp. 567-588.

Belegundu, A.D., Rajan, S.D., and Rajgopal, J., 1990, "Exponential Approximations in Optimal Design," AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC 31st Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, pp. 137-150, Long Beach, CA, NASA.

Bidanda, B., and Rajgopal, J., 1990, "Optimal Selection of Workholding Devices for Concentric Rotational Parts," IIE Transactions, no.1, pp. 65-72.

Rajgopal, J., and Mazumdar, M., 1988, "A Type II Censored, Log-Test Time Based, Component Testing Procedure For Parallel Systems," IEEE Transactions on Reliability, no.R-37, pp. 406-412.

Hundal, T.S., and Rajgopal, J., 1988, "An Extension of Palmer's Heuristic for the Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem," International Journal of Production Research, no.6, pp. 1119-1124.

Bricker, D.L., and Rajgopal, J., 1983, "Yet Another Geometric Programming Dual Algorithm," Operations Research Letters, no.4, pp. 177-180.

Prof Karen M. Bursic - Industrial Engineering - Publications

Doctorate in Industrial Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 1990

PhD in Industrial Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 1990

Masters in Engineering Management, University of Pittsburgh, 1987

B.S. in Industrial Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 1984

Engineering Economic Analysis

Engineering Education

Engineering Management

Bursic, K.M., Clark, R., Besterfield-Sacre, M., and Budny, D., 2014, "Preliminary Experiences with 'Flipping' a Freshman Engineering Program Course," 6th First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference, College Station TX.

Bursic, K.M., Steiner, S., Besterfield-Sacre, M., and Shuman, L., 2014, "An Approach to Evaluate Engineering Global Preparedness in Industrial Engineering Curricula," 2014 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Montreal, QC.

Bursic, K.M., 2012, "Does the Use of Clickers Increase Conceptual Understanding in the Engineering Economy Classroom," 2012 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, San Antonio Texas.

Bursic, K.M., Shuman, L., Besterfield-Sacre, M., Vidic, N., and Siewiorek, N., 2012, "CCLI: Model Eliciting Activities: Experiments and Mixed Methods to Assess Student Learning III," American Society for Engineering Education, San Antonio, TX.

Siewiorek, N., Shuman, L.J., Besterfield-sacre, M.E., Vidic, N., and Bursic, K.M., 2012, "Students' Confidence Levels in Technical Concept Knowledge with Model Eliciting Activities," San Antonio, TX.

Bursic, K.M., Shuman, L., and Besterfield-sacre, M.E., 2011, "Improving Student Attainment of ABET Outcomes Using Model-Eliciting Activities (MEAs)," American Society for Engineering Education, Vancouver, BC.

Bursic, K.M., Shuman, L., Besterfield-sacre, M.E., Vidic, N., and Yildirim, P., 2011, "CCLI: Model Eliciting Activities: Experiments and Mixed Methods to Assess Student Learning - Part II," American Society for Engineering Education, Vancouver, BC.

Bursic, K.M., Vidic, N., Shuman, L., Besterfield-sacre, M.E., Yildirim, T.P., and Siewiorek, N., 2011, "Leaning Impacts Gained from Introducing Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) in an Introductory Statistics Course," Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Reno, NV.

Bursic, K.M., Budny, D., Lund, L., and Vidic, N., 2010, "Reviewing the Success of a Freshman Programming Course," ASEE North Central Section Regional Conference.

Bursic, K.M., Shuman, L., Besterfield-sacre, M.E., Yildirim, T.P., and Siewiorek, N., 2010, "Improving Conceptual Learning in Engineering Economy using Model-Eliciting Activities (MEAs)," Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Cancun, Mexico.

Bursic, K.M., Shuman, L., Besterfield-sacre, M.E., Clark, R., and Yildirim, P., 2009, "E-MEAs: Introducing an Ethical Component to Model Eliciting Activities," American Society for Engineering Education, Austin, TX.

Bursic, K.M., and LaScola, K., 2008, "Implementing International Requirements in Undergraduate Industrial Engineering Programs," American Society for Engineering Education.

Bursic, K.M., Needy, K.L., Norman, B., Besterfield-sacre, M.E., and Hunsaker, B., 2007, "The Challenges of Undergraduate Industrial Engineering Curriculum Reform at the University of Pittsburgh," Industrial Engineering Research Conference.

Bursic, K.M., 2006, "Applying Engineering Economic Analysis to Contemporary Problems with Global and Societal Implications," American Society for Engineering Education.

Bursic, K.M., 2006, "Engineering Economy."

Bursic, K.M., 2004, "Self-Managed Production Teams," in Field Guide to Project Management, 2nd ed..

Bursic, K.M., Needy, K.L., and Wilson, J.P., 2003, "Integrating Engineering Economic Analysis Across the Engineering Curriculum," American Society for Engineering Education.

Bursic, K.M., Atman, C.J., Chimka, J.R., and Umphred, H.N., 1999, "A Comparison of Freshmen and Senior Engineering Design Processes," Design Studies.

Bursic, K.M., and Atman, C.J., 1998, "Verbal Protocol Analysis as a Method to Document Engineering Student Design Processes," Journal of Engineering Education.

Cleland, D., Bursic, K.M., Puerzer, R., and Vlasak, Y., 1998, "Project Management Casebook and Instructor's manual," Project Management Institute.

Bursic, K.M., and Atman, C.J., 1997, "Information Gathering: A Critical Step for Quality in the Design Process," Quality Management Journal.

Bursic, K.M., Chimka, J.R., and Atman, C.J., 1997, "Describing Student Design Behavior," American Society for Engineering Education.

Bursic, K.M., and Atman, C.J., 1996, "Teaching Engineering Design: Can Reading a Textbook Make a Difference," Research in Engineering Design.

Bursic, K.M., Atman, C.J., and Lozito, S.L., 1996, "An Application of Protocol Analysis to the Engineering Design Process," American Society for Engineering Education.

Bursic, K.M., and Atman, C., 1995, "Do Freshmen Design Texts Adequately Define the Engineering Design Process?," American Society for Engineering Education.

Bursic, K.M., and Atman, C., 1995, "Gathering Information: What Do Students Do?," American Society for Engineering Education.

Cleland, D., 1993, "Project Management Casebook and Instructor's Guidelines," Project Management Institute.

Bursic, K.M., 1992, "Strategies and Benefits of the Successful Use of Teams in Manufacturing Organizations," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.

Bursic, K.M., and Cleland, D.I., 1992, "Strategic Technology Management: Systems for Products and Processes," American Management Association.

Bursic, K.M., 1991, "The Use of Teams for Improving Productivity and Quality in Manufacturing," Conference on Productivity and Quality Research.

Bursic, K.M., and Cleland, D., 1991, "Strategic Technology Management," Engineering Management Journal.

Bursic, K.M., 1990, "Production Teams in Manufacturing," in The Automated Factory Handbook, TAB Books.

Bursic, K.M., Cleland, D., and Wain, H.W., 1990, "A Strategic Technology Management System," Second International Conference on Management of Technology.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Supply Chain Engineering - Activity Based Cost Management

Jimmy Anklesaria proposed eight step model to use activity based cost management in his book Supply Chain Cost Management.

The eight steps can be stated as:

1. Deciding to do supply chain cost industrial  engineering - Deciding to manage costs of supply chain
2. Identifying critical costs, secondary costs and tertiary costs
3. Measuring costs using activity based costing.
4. Defining costs drivers and options to manage cost drivers.
5. Eliminating and reducing activities of a product. Reducing cost of activities.
6. Implementing the recommendations of activity based cost industrial engineering team.
7. Verifying the plans and results with cost measurement systems
8. Repeating the cycle for continuous improvement using total industrial engineering approach

Details of the steps will be covered in future.

It is important to state that interorganizational cost management was covered by Robin Cooper in his book on Cost Management in 1995.

Supply chain has a distribution chain, production chain and procurement chain. Hence supply chain industrial engineering has distribution chain industrial engineering, production industrial engineering and procurement chain industrial engineering as sub components.  Supply chain leader needs to develop industrial engineering expertise in his operations and then provide leadership to other partners in the supply chain.