Saturday, March 30, 2024

Industrial Design Case Study: Hot Meal Box Vending Machine


Industrial Design Case Study: A 24-Hour Hot Meal Vending Machine

Spanner's work for Yo-Kai Express

By Rain Noe - March 29 in Design Business

Yo-Kai Express

Prof. Sheldon Ross - Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering - USC - Viterbi


Sheldon Ross Wins 2024 TAA Textbook Award

March 29, 2024

Introduction to Probability Models was honored with the McGuffey Longevity Award from the Textbook and Academic Authors Association.

Daniel J. Epstein Chair and Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering Sheldon Ross has been recognized by the  Textbook and Academic Authors Association (TAA).

Ross has been awarded a 2024 TAA William Holmes McGuffey Longevity Award for his textbook Introduction to Probability Models, which was first published in 1972. The textbook has been used extensively by professionals and in undergraduate courses in applied probability.

The McGuffey Longevity Award recognizes textbooks and learning materials whose excellence has been demonstrated over time.

Ross received his B. S. degree in Mathematics  in 1963,  M.S. degrees in mathematics  in 1964 and his Ph.D. degree in statistics from Stanford University in 1968.

Ross served as a Professor at the University of California, Berkeley from 1976 until joining USC in 2004. 

He  serves as the editor for Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, the advisory editor for the International Journal of Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, and an editorial board member of the Journal of Bond Trading and Management. Ross is the author of Introduction to Mathematical Finance: Options and Other Topics, Simulation, A First Course in Probability, Probability Models for Computer Science. 

The award will be presented at the TAA Awards Ceremony on Friday, April 26th, 2024.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Photos - IISE 2017 Annual Conference at PIttsburgh



Prof. K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao



IISE Album

IME Penn State University  Album

Thomas named IISE Fellow

Michael Foss (left), IISE Past President, presents Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus Warren Thomas with the IISE Fellow Award at the 2017 IISE Annual Conference and Expo.

2017 IISE Annual Conference & Expo-A glance to the future of ISE research


MTM - Elements

INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING is redesign (engineering) of Products, Facilities and Processes for Productivity increase.

TMU. Most predetermined motion time systems (MTM and MOST) use time measurement units (TMU) instead of seconds for measuring time. One TMU is defined to be 0.00001 hours, or 0.036 seconds.

One TMU  =  0.00001 hours  =   0.036 seconds.

There are approx. 28 TMU’s in one second.

The 17 Basic MTM-1 Motions

Fingers or Hand
Apply Pressure

Eye Motions
Eye Focus
Eye Travel

Body Motions
Foot Motion
Leg Motion
Side- Step
Turn Body
Bend, Stoop and Kneel
Sit and Stand

Chapter 5

REACH is the basic element employed when the predominant purpose is to move the hand and/or fingers to a destination or general location. 

The predominant purpose of the motion is the deciding factor in classifying it as a reach. Holding or palming a light, small item such as a screw- driver, pliers, or scissors while moving the hand does not justify classifying the motion as a move rather than a reach. For example, in the needle trades, a scissors is often held in the palm of the hand while other operations such as reaching from the cloth on the working area in front of the operator to a bin containing pins are performed. The motion to the bin should be classified as a reach if the predominant purpose is to get the hand in a position to pick up some pins for the next operation. 

Chapter 6



MOVE is the basic element employed when the predominant purpose is to transport an object to a destination.


The predominant purpose of the motion is the deciding factor in classifying it as either a reach or a move. If the hand holds an object as an incidental fact to the reason for the motion, a reach will be performed. Basically, then, the decision as to predominant purpose hinges on the reason for moving the hand—was it to relocate the hand, or was it to relocate the object? Answering this question will clarify  the kind of transport motion involved. 

Turn may be defined as follows: 

Turn is the motion employed to turn the hand either, empty or loaded by a movement that rotates the hand, wrist, and forearm about the long axis of the forearm.

Engineered work measurement; the principles, data, and techniques of methods-time measurement, modern time and motion study, and related applications engineering data, by Delmar W. Karger and Franklin H. Bayha., 



TURN is the basic motion employed to revolve the empty or loaded hand by an action which rotates the hand, wrist, and forearm about the long axis of the forearm. While pure Turns as defined above do sometimes occur in industrial operations, they occur more frequently in combination with Reaches and Moves. This fact has led to statements by some sources that Turn is a special way of performing a Reach or Move. Such is not the case. While it is true that Moves and Reaches may include performance of the basic motion Turn, this does not preclude the ability of the worker to accomplish pure Turns alone.



The basic element that requires the shortest time of any to perform is Release Load. Values of 1.7 TMU and 0 TMU have been assigned to the two cases thus far established. Undoubtedly the value of 1.7 TMU is high. It was obtained as the result of the measuring procedure employed when collecting data. Even in slow-motion pictures, Release Load is often found to consume only one or two sixty-fourths of a second, which would give values of approximately .4 or .8 TMU. 

Release Load is so quick that its presence must usually be determined by analysis rather than by observation. In compiling the methods-time data, it was thought possible that Release Load might be ignored altogether in application. It was found after numerous checks with and without recognizing Release Load that the accuracy of the results was somewhat increased by including time for releasing. This may be attributable to the manner in which the data were compiled, i.e., time may have been assigned to Release Load which actually belongs to Move and Reach. Regardless of this, however, since the recognition of Release Load increases the accuracy of the methods-time data in application in their present form, it should be included in the manner outlined below. 


Release Load is the basic element employed to relinquish control of an object by the fingers or hand. 

The opening of the fingers, or hand, permitting the part to be free, as shown by Fig. 53, is the motion employed. It should be noted that, like Grasp, the definition limits the basic element of Release Load to releases which are performed with the hand only. If a part is released by opening a pair of tongs, it is accompanied by performing the basic element Move. 



Disengage is the basic element employed to break the contact between one object and another, and it is characterized by an involuntary movement occasioned by the sudden ending of resistance. 

chapter 12 


Operations that involve walking occur frequently in industry. Therefore a detailed study of walking time and methods is necessary if the method-time data are to be applied to this class of work. 

MTM Maynard et al. 1948 Book chapters - Partial list

Table of Contents 

1. METHODS ENGINEERING. Industry's Search for Better Manufacturing Methods History and Development of Methods Engineering - Definition of Methods Engineering-The Growing Emphasis on Better Methods - Problems Arising from Methods Changes Methods Correction or Methods Engineering — Methods-Time Measurement. - 

2. METHODS - TIME MEASUREMENT AN ADVANCED STEP IN METHODS ENGINEERING.. Definition of Methods-Time Measurement Principal Uses of Methods-Time Measurement - Developing Effective Methods in Advance of Beginning Production - Improving Existing Methods Establishing Time Standards — Developing Time Formulas — Estimating - Guiding Product Design-Developing Effective Tool Designs Selecting Effective Equipment Training Supervisors to Become Methods-conscious Research - Settling Grievances Limitations of Methods-Time Measurement. - 

3. DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS-TIME DATA.. — Origin of Methods-Time Data Procedure for Collecting Data Analysis Procedure Conclusion. 


4. METHODS-TIME DATA.... Methods-Time Data Tables - Unit of Time - Conventions for Recording Methods-Time Data. 

5. REACH - Starting and Stopping Points  Determining Definition of Reach Length of Motion - Reach Motions Involving Body Movements - Classifications of Reach. 

6. MOVE  Definition of Move Starting and Stopping Points - of Move - Other Cases of Move - Weight Factors. - Classifications 

7. TURN  - Definition of Turn-Starting and Stopping Points - Length of Turn Motion - Combination Motions - Classifications of Turn Influence of Weight of Object on Turn - Special Cases of Turn Apply Pressure. 

8. GRASP Definition of Grasp - Starting and Stopping Points - Classifications of Grasp Synthesizing Time Values for Complex Grasps — Grasp at High Performance Levels - Two-handed Operations. - 

9. POSITION  Importance of Position - Starting and Stopping Points - Variables Affecting Position Class of Fit- Symmetry. Ease of Handling - - Special Cases of Position - Theory of Positioning Motions. 

10. RELEASE Load....  Definition of Release Load-Starting and Stopping Points - Classifications of Release Load. 

11. DISENGAGE  Definition of Disengage - Starting and Stopping Points - Variables Affecting Disengage - Ease of Handling — Careful - Class of Fit - Handling. 

12. WALKING  — Study Procedure - Characteristics of Walking - Determination of Walking Time-Accuracy of Walking-Time Data. 

13. OTHER MOTIONS.. Measurement Procedure - Foot Motions Step Turn Body —  - Side - Leg Motions - Bend, Stoop, and Kneel on One Knee- - Sit and Stand from a Sitting Position Kneel on Both Knees Accuracy of Body, Foot, and Leg Methods-Time Standards. 

14. PRINCIPLE OF THE LIMITING MOTION....  Combined Motions Simultaneous Motions Simultaneous Grasps Simultaneous Positions Simultaneous Arm and Stepping Motions — Simultaneous Foot or Leg and Arm Motions - Complex Simultaneous Motions of the Body. 

15. ACCURACY OF METHODS-TIME STANDARDS. Preliminary Tests of Accuracy with Motion-picture Films Tests of Accuracy Against Time-study Data-Study of Gauze-folding Film- Additional Tests. 


Productivity Management Imperative for USA - McKinsey. Returning US productivity to its long-term trend of 2.2 percent annual growth would add $10 trillion in cumulative GDP over the next ten years (2023 - 2030).

Engineered Work Measurement: The Principles, Techniques, and Data of Methods-time Measurement Background and Foundations of Work Measurement and Methods-time Measurement, Plus Other Related Material

Delmar W. Karger, Franklin H. Bayha

Industrial Press Inc., 1987 - Work measurement - 503 pages

Includes extensive information on I.E. and work measurement software. Focuses on the MTM material that has been refined for more than three decades. Provides accurate answers to all questions regarding MTM-1 found in the MTM Association for Standards and Research MTM-1 Examinations. Covers the minimum work measurement background essential to all who must understand and apply MTM-1.

MOST Work Measurement Systems, Third Edition,

K. B. Zandin

CRC Press, 19-Dec-2002 - Technology & Engineering - 552 pages

This book is an essential guide for those in training for their MOST® certification and a great value to anyone looking to enhance their marketability to prospective employers. Revised to accommodate the evolving needs of current and emerging industries, the third edition clarifies the working rules and data card format for BasicMOST®, MiniMOST® and MaxiMOST®, presents a thorough description of the application of AdminMOSTTM, a version of BasicMOST® for measuring administrative tasks in retail, banking and service environments, and contains new photographs and illustrations. It is an excellent resource for practicing professionals and newcomers in the fields of industrial engineering and management.

A Long Case Study Using MTM, Therbligs and Process Charts

Improving the process of Assembling and Unassembling an Electric Mosquito Swatter

19 min read


Sep 17, 2022

Ud. 13.3.2024
Pub. 22.9.2023

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

News for Productivity Improvement of Material Processing Operation Industrial Engineering - News for Process Improvement

Process Improvement using engineering knowledge to reduce cost through increasing productivity of machines and men by reducing machine time and man time is the main activity of industrial engineering.

Many other disciplines help industrial engineers to achieve their objectives. But the main discipline that is the foundation for IE is engineering of products and processes.

Information for IE - Case 44 - Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course. - Process Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course (Module)

My advocacy now is IEs must first concentrate on improving engineering elements and then move into productivity managerial elements and non-engineering areas. Machine work study or machine effort improvement, value engineering and design for manufacturing and assembly are major engineering based IE methods. All are available as existing methods.

Knowledge Base for Process Productivity Improvement - News - Information for

Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICMME 2019
T. Rajmohan, K. Palanikumar, J. Paulo Davim
Springer Nature, 21-Sept-2020 - Technology & Engineering - 689 pages
This book comprises selected papers from the Fourth International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMME 2019). The contents focus on the latest developments in the synthesis and characterization of new materials, and highlights the challenges involved in the manufacturing and machinability of different materials. Advanced and cost-effective manufacturing processes and their applications are also discussed in the book. In addition, it covers topics like robotics, fluid dynamics, design and development, and different optimization techniques. The contents of this book will be beneficial to students, researchers, and industry professionals.

There is a three way break up of time in a process.

Value added activity time + Non-value added activity time + No value added time.

Cost is incurred all the time. Time reduction is cost reduction if resources are same. (Narayana Rao, 19 July 2021)

Questions on Machine, Equipment and  Tools to Improve Elements of Value-Adding Operations or Processing Operations

Operations Analysis - Maynard and Stegemerten (1939)

Barnes has focused on the motions and activities of the operators and he mentioned machines in a brief manner. It is Maynard and Stegemerten who documented the practice of Westinghouse in the book "Operational Analysis." In this description of productivity improvement many aspects related to machine are covered first and then only at the end of standardizing the machine related aspects, motion study, the work of the operator is investigated. Thus we can see in process improvement, process machine effort improvement and process human effort improvement. Better machines, more useful cutting tools, faster movements of required machine parts, better machine accessories etc. increase productivity and reduce costs.

The following questions are suggested by Maynard and Stegemerten for logical analysis of machine, equipment and tools.

About Machine

1. Is the machine tool best suited to the performance of the operation of all machine tools available?

2. Would the purchase of a better machine be justified?

About Fixture - Workholding

3. Can the work be held in the machine by other means to better advantage?

4. Should a vise be used?

5. Should a jig be used?

6. Should clamps be used?

7. Is the jig design good from a motion-economy standpoint?

8. Can the part be inserted and removed quickly from the jig?

9. Would quick-acting cam-actuated tightening mechanisms be desirable on vise, jig, or clamps?

10. Can ejectors for automatically removing part when vise or jig is opened be installed?

11. Is chuck of best type for the purpose?

12. Would special jaws be better?

13. Should a multiple fixture be provided?

14. Should duplicate holding means be provided so that one may be loaded while machine is making a cut on a part held in the other?

About Cutting Tools

15. Are the cutters proper?

16. Should high-speed steel or cemented carbide cutting tool be used?

17. Are tools properly ground?

18. Is the necessary accuracy readily obtainable with tool and fixture equipment available?

19. Are all operators and machines provided with the same tools?

20. Can a special tool be made to improve the operation?

Because of the wide variety of tools available for different kinds of work, this list could be  extended almost indefinitely with specific questions. Foundries, forge shops, processing industries, assembly plants, and so on all have different kinds of tools, and different questions might be asked in each case. The list given above, drawn up principally and by no means completely for machine work, will indicate the kind of searching, suggestive questions that should be asked. 

A special list might well be drawn up by each individual plant to cover the questions on the kind of machines, machine tools that are used in its own work.

News Relating to Flow Process Chart Operations - Value-Adding Operation - Inspection - Transport - Temporary Delay - Storage

Say YES to Knowledge Based Industrial Engineering. 

Use recent developments in engineering & technologies in process improvement for productivity.

Forward Thinking About Productivity: Assess each engineering and technology development about its productivity benefit for the processes of your organization.

Machine Shop Cost Reduction News - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - Up to 2014

News Relating to Value-Adding Operation in the Process

Do it. It is Real Engineering. Industrial Engineering is Engineering Primarily.

Find 5 new engineering developments every day in elements related to facilities, products and processes in your organization and assess their use for industrial engineering. 
Best Practices in #IndustrialEngineering 


Optimizing mixing efficiency: 5 strategies for industrial manufacturers
Nov. 7, 2023

Mixing by stirring: Optimizing shapes and strategies
Maximilian F. Eggl and Peter J. Schmid
Phys. Rev. Fluids 7, 073904 – Published 27 July 2022,and%20produce%20a%20homogeneous%20mixture.

[Submitted on 16 Aug 2021 (v1), last revised 11 Aug 2022 (this version, v2)]
Mixing by stirring: optimizing shapes and strategies
Maximilian F. Eggl, Peter J. Schmid
The mixing of binary fluids by stirrers is a commonplace procedure in many industrial and natural settings, and mixing efficiency directly translates into more homogeneous final products, more enriched compounds, and often substantial economic savings in energy and input ingredients. Enhancements in mixing efficiency can be accomplished by unorthodox stirring protocols as well as modified stirrer shapes that utilize unsteady hydrodynamics and vortex-shedding features to instigate the formation of fluid filaments which ultimately succumb to diffusion and produce a homogeneous mixture. We propose a PDE-constrained optimization approach to address the problem of mixing enhancement for binary fluids. Within a gradient-based framework, we target the stirring strategy as well as the cross-sectional shape of the stirrers to achieve improved mixedness over a given time horizon and within a prescribed energy budget. The optimization produces a significant enhancement in homogeneity in the initially separated fluids, suggesting promising modifications to traditional stirring protocols.


9FS1 CBN grinding wheels for Wood-Mizer,Lenox,Fenes,Ro-Ma,Pilana HSS band saw blade
August 24, 2023

Unleash the Power of Operations Automation for Business Growth and Innovation

May 30, 2023  Operations Automation  by HogoNext Editor team

Adding Feeder Bowls to An Existing Multi-Axis Robot or Cobot Station

Know more about parts feeding by visiting

CNC Sewing Machines - Productivity & Quality Benefits


Adaptix Soft Jaw 
9/12/2022  12 September
The highlight of this product is it can be dropped onto different vises, such as Schunk, Kurt, etcetera.
The product offer benefits such as instant setup, elimination of storage, interchangeable pin tips, vise compatibility, durability and field repairability.  Adaptix is said to solve several machining problems by being able to grip nearly any part with repeatability and noted clamping force. When designing this product, Norgren wanted to bring reduced setup and changeover times, costs and time spent designing, creating and storing vises and soft jaws.

Published 4/20/2022
3 Types of 3D Printed Tooling for Injection Molding
3D printed tooling for injection molding, including mold inserts, components and end of arm tooling, were on display at the Plastics Technology Expo.

Additive Manufacturing Process Improvement - SST Technology (SST).

Part setup time reduced from 4 hours to 25 minutes. Manufacturing 7 times as many parts. Machining cycle time halved from 15 hours to 7.5 hours.

60,000 rpm Spindle Speed

Desktop Metal Announces New Printer
April 21, 2022
By Desktop Metal
Press Release

Aerospace part production cost saving being  explored.
15 FEBRUARY 2022

Leading aerospace companies including Airbus and Safran Landing Systems are working with a consortium to reduce part production costs through a combination of forging, forming and additive manufacturing.

Funded by the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI), and supported by the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, the Hybrid Direct Energy Deposition (DED) Sprint, the consortium  include NMIS Digital Factory, Cranfield University and the Northern Ireland Technology Centre (NITC).

The group is working to devise a new Hybrid DED process.

Complete machining of truck camshafts in one clamping
Cutting Tool Engineering
February 14, 2022

Inexpensive, Lightweight Motorcycle Aluminum Frames with High Design Appeal
Aluminum frames made with our CF die-casting technology

Magnesium Chassis Parts for Motorcycles
Examples of large, cast magnesium parts with thin sections
Based on our CF (controlled filling) die-casting technology for aluminum, Yamaha was able to successfully develop casting methods yielding even melt flow and solidification for magnesium-specific part designs; optimized control of vacuum degree in the mold cavity, mold temperature, and melt injection speed; and melt control that minimizes impurity content. These and other achievements made it possible to cast large magnesium parts with thin sections, thereby practicalizing the use of magnesium for large motorcycle chassis parts.

Interesting Videos

2020 Best Improvements

42,902 views. 20 Dec 2020

2017 Best Improvements
90,407 views. 23 Dec 2017

Continuous process improvement: Penny Weller at TEDxKalamazoo
165,435 views. 7 Feb 2014

Potential of welding automation to improve productivity and efficiency.
By Engineering Department | Arc Machines, Inc. January 25, 2022

Orbital welding is a technique whereby the welding tool is rotated through 360° (or 180° in double up welding) around a static workpiece. Originally developed to solve the problem of operator error in Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding (also known as Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)), and allow for a uniform weld around pipes and tubes, which can be difficult to achieve with manual welding processes.

The orbital welding process can create high quality repeatable welds with the use of a computer, meaning that there is little need for intervention from a welding operator. The process is used for two main applications; tube-to-tube / pipe-to-pipe joining and tube-to-tubesheet joining.

The Orbital Welding Process 
Orbital Welding was developed to address the issue of operator error in GTAW processes.  The process was developed 50 years ago, but is becoming increasingly popular in recent years.   With automated welding, the computer-controlled process runs with little intervention from the operator.   Computer controlled systems combine arc current, feed and speed to allow the ‘orbital weld head’ to travel around the tube in a steady and repeatable manner.   The operator’s responsibility becomes simply fit-up and monitoring in most cases.  Once a weld schedule (program) has been developed for a specific ‘heat’ of material, the weld profile should remain consistent.

High quality, repeatable welds can be delivered for critical applications but this comes with a price.  The cost of Orbital Welding Equipment when compared with conventional equipment is 5-10 times the initial capital cost. The good news is that much of this cost can be recovered over time as productivity ranges between 2-3 times that of conventional means.

Questions and Answers on Manufacturing Processes

Video 1

Video 2




Milling Head with Sensors for High-Speed Zero-Defect process.

The aim of the activity is to bring to market a new sensory milling head, with the scope of upgrading large scale machining to a High-Speed Zero-Defect process.

The milling head will be based on the Sensory Tool Holder, which has been developed by TU Wien together with MyTool IT and Schunk. This development goes beyond the state of the art, integrating vibration and temperature monitoring modules with a specific interface between milling head and tool holder for energy and information transfer in a single tool system that also provides adaptive control of milling process parameters for large scale machining. The milling head will be commercialized by Walter tools and MyTool IT in accordance with a user and sales agreement. Voestalpine HPM will act as an end user for this product, having a large experience in large scale machining. Other markets such as aerospace, energy, etc. will contribute to scale up the solution after the project.

Start date:

1 January 2021

Machining connecting rods with Junker grinding machines
Author Cutting Tool Engineering
Published January 31,2022 - 09:30pm

Multi-Axis Machining: Beyond Mainstream
January 10, 2022
Ed Sinkora
By Ed Sinkora
Contributing Editor,
SME Media
Five-axis machining has progressed from exotic to mainstream over the past few years. Assessing how that transition plays out in the broader job shop environment requires untangling the many machine tool options available that exceed five-axis configurations.

Artificial intelligence enabled smart machining and machine tools
Yu Sung Chuo, Ji Woong Lee, Chang Hyeon Mun, In Woong Noh, Sina Rezvani, Dong Chan Kim, Jihyun Lee, Sang Won Lee & Simon S. Park 
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology volume 36, pages1–23 (2022)


Automating Image Feeding for Computer Vision based Machine Learning.

20/20 computer vision for artificial intelligence
Toyota, Intel and LinkedIn use Israeli startup Dataloop to slash the time and cost of building AI image banks
19 December 2021, 12:00 pm 

Ubiquity of Industrial Engineering Principle of  Industrial Engineering.

Engineering subjects belong to one engineering branch or other. Every #engineering branch has product design process, process design process, production process, inspection process, material handling process, storage process, equipment operating process, equipment maintenance process, equipment replacement process, equipment retirement process, reuse and recycling process.

Industrial engineers have to develop productivity science based on #productivity measurements for all engineering processes and output, do productivity engineering to improve productivity and do productivity management to plan, manage and realize productivity improvement. To do it, industrial engineers need to have the knowledge of the concerned engineering subject, process or output.

Zurich, Switzerland, 2021/12/15 - Global technology company ABB has today launched its Tundish EMS solution to enable steelmakers to overcome the limited ability of the tundish vessel in controlling the flow of molten metal, and therefore steel quality and temperature - ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex
• ABB’s new Tundish EMS (electromagnetic stirring) offering will improve quality, productivity and profitability in billet and bloom casting and metal powder production;
• The new technology enables steel plant operators to overcome challenges of controlling flow, steel quality and temperature in tundish not yet solved by furniture systems;
• Solution will match the industry’s higher requirements for steel cleanliness.

Tundish EMS is placed on the outside of the tundish and uses non-contact electromagnetic stirring technology to generate an electromagnetic field that creates a stirring effect in the bath melt. This continuous stirring significantly increases mixing zone volume for virtually the entire tundish, with higher flow speeds, elimination of dead zones and homogenization of temperature.

Adoption of this electromagnetic stirring technology will be particularly important for steelmakers with multiple casting strands coming from one tundish. It will mean greater removal of inclusions, resulting in smoother, cleaner steel and reductions in nozzle clogging.

By creating a stirring flow throughout the entire tundish melt bath, Tundish EMS delivers rapid homogenization of temperature and chemical composition that results in better quality steel, more uniform and repeatable casting conditions across multiple strands and overall improved quality, productivity and profitability in billet and bloom casting and metal powder production.

“The new Tundish EMS is a result of ABB’s know-how in stirrer design and unrivalled process insight gained from thousands of installations as well as track record in collaborative product development,” said Zaeim Mehraban, Global Sales Manager, Metallurgy Products at ABB. “It allows steelmakers to overcome a challenge that tundish furniture has not yet be

Modify a Hex Head into Torx Head with 0.02" (0.49mm) Tool!
9 Dec 2021

Mass production construction elements

Delhi man designs contactless golgappa machine. Watch  video
November 25, 2021

Automatic Fish Meat Separator

Size J150- $ 1,325

Renishaw - Two New AM Machines in  RenAM 500 range
November 23, 2021

Renishaw,  UK, launched a new range of Additive Manufacturing machines, based on its RenAM 500 range, the RenAM 500S Flex, a single-laser AM machine, and the RenAM 500Q Flex, a four-laser AM machine.  Both machines feature a simplified powder handling system said to be well suited to manufacturers who must regularly swap build materials during production, such as research and development (R&D), pre-production or bureau environments. The range features the same optical, chamber and gas-flow designs as the RenAM 500 series and produces the same quality parts, but provides additional flexibility when changing powders.

Gripper, Pneumatic Vise Help Automate VMC

Nov. 18, 2021

KURT WORKHOLDING and ABSOLUTE MACHINE TOOLShave created an automation package featuring a Mitsubishi LoadMate Plus robot, Kurt 3600A pneumatic vise, and Kurt RV36 robotic gripper working in tandem with a Tongtai VP-10 mass-production, high-speed vertical machining center.

“Absolute is very excited to have this opportunity to collaborate with Mitsubishi Electric to design and build the new LoadMate Plus robotic automation cell.

ExOne announces first sales of new InnoventPro 3L machines to Siemens and Neoshapes

November 17, 2021
The ExOne Company,  Pennsylvania, USA, has announced multiple sales of its new InnoventPro™ 3L Binder Jetting (BJT) Additive Manufacturing machine. Siemens and Swiss startup Neoshapes SA placed early orders.

The InnoventPro 3L is an advanced entry-level model, designed to provide the ease-of-use features of the Innovent+ and  bigger build areas,  the speed and technology features of the company’s production-ready AM machines, such as the X1 25Pro® and X1 160Pro™.

The InnoventPro features Siemens controls, which integrate with the printer drives, motors, sensors, as well as Siemens MindSphere IoT operating system, which powers ExOne’s Scout machine monitoring and analysis app. Siemens intends to use the InnoventPro at its Charlotte Advanced Technology Collaboration Hub (CATCH), Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, to develop materials and processes before taking scaling them on the X1 160Pro.

Optima Group Introduces New Machine Solutions for Glass Syringes

Assembly machine covers tray handling, product separation, inserting and bonding the cannula, and various hardness and test procedures.

At the Compamed and Medica trade shows taking place between November 15 and 18, 2021, Optima Life Science and Optima Automation are showcasing new solutions.

Optima Automation, also a subsidiary of the Optima Group, will provide information at Compamed about a new assembly Solution for glass syringes, among other things. The OPTIMA GSM has been optimized for even gentler product handling, higher efficiency and greater flexibility. The assembly machine covers the processes of tray handling, product separation, inserting and bonding the cannula as well as various hardness and test procedures.

Optomec - Two New Production Additive Manufacturing Machines 
Fully Automated Metal Additive and 3D Printed Electronics machines reduce production costs

November 16, 2021 
Optomec Inc., a leader in production solutions for Metal Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printed Electronics, is now offering two new Additive Manufacturing machines. Both of these machines are specifically designed for high volume production, incorporate automated part-handling options and are designed with operator-friendly production software for error-free job sequencing in a manufacturing setting. 

The first of these machines is the HC-TBR, a compact, all-in-one Metal Additive Manufacturing machine that uses LENS® Directed Energy Deposition (DED) to build or repair 3D metal parts with a wide variety of alloys. In particular, this new machine is capable of processing reactive metal alloys such as titanium and aluminum at high volume in an oxygen-free chamber to ensure superior mechanical properties. Using advanced laser optics, the machine can remotely change the size and power profile of its laser beam, enabling significant reductions in print times. This is a first for the industry. The machine was designed in response to manufacturers in several industries that are seeking lower cost methods of producing and repairing titanium components as the industrial use of titanium continues to grow worldwide.

The second machine to be highlighted is the new Aerosol Jet® HD2 3D Electronics Printer for 3D Semiconductor Packaging/Assembly. The Aerosol Jet HD2, uses Optomec’s patented Aerosol Jet solution to produce high resolution circuitry (with features as small as 10 microns), including a unique ability to dispense conformal 3D interconnects between die, chips, components and substrates. This interconnect approach is all the more powerful due to its improved performance at high signal frequencies, enabling longer range and reduced power consumption in emerging segments such as 5G communications, automotive radar and defense applications. As a primary application, the Aerosol Jet HD2 can serve as a drop-in replacement for the decades-old method of connecting electrical components with wire bonds, which suffer from several critical deficiencies including space inefficiency, high scrap and poor signal performance.

Optomec is a privately-held, rapidly growing supplier of Additive Manufacturing systems. Optomec’s patented Aerosol Jet Systems for printed electronics, and LENS and Huffman brand 3D Printers for metal component production and repair, are used by industry to reduce product cost and improve performance. Together, these unique printing solutions work with the broadest spectrum of functional materials, ranging from electronic inks to structural metals and even biological matter. Optomec has delivered more than 500 of its proprietary Additive Manufacturing systems to more than 200 marquee customers around the world, for production applications in the electronics, energy, life sciences and aerospace industries. The users include GE, Samsung, Raytheon, Siemens, Lockheed and LiteOn, as well as the US Air Force, US Navy, US Army and NASA

"New machine function improves cycle time of Injection Moulding and protects the engine"
The new SmartTurn option for 2K injection molding

After six months of development, KraussMaffei has tested the SmartTurn optimization option not only in field tests at selected customers but also in-house on five different rotary platen and insert machines. 

The new function SmartTurn from KraussMaffei not only optimizes the turning speed but above all adjusts acceleration and deceleration based on the motor's characteristic curve. This does not only improve cycle times, but also protects the engine. In general, the lighter the tool, the more interesting this feature becomes and the greater the potential it offers. One of the first customers to successfully test the new SmartTurn function in field tests is Nifco. For the specific application, more than one second of cycle time could be saved. You can download,   interview of Andreas Handschke, Technology Manager and responsible for multi-component injection molding and foaming at KraussMaffei, explaining  the functionality and advantages of the new function.

New laser-cutting system for half-cut, shingled PV cells
German manufacturer 3-D Micromac said it has developed a new machine that can produce more than 6,000 wafers per hour. It is suitable for solar cells with temperature-sensitive coatings, or depositions such as heterojunction devices.
November 9, 2021

Dr Nageswara Rao Posinasetti, Professor, Department of Technology, University of Northern Iowa, USA

Part 1Part 2 -   Part 3 -  Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 -  Part 8
Eight Major Steps to Semiconductor Fabrication, Part 9: Packaging and Package Testing
on June 17, 2015

Robot Cell for Flexible Machine Tool Tending
LoadMate Plus aims to increase throughput in high-mix, low-volume machine shops, using automation to free operators for other tasks.
MAY 06, 2021

Modular system of workholding

Published: 21/04/2021
Evolving its ‘Smart Connected Assembly’ philosophy to the next level, Atlas Copco Tools and Industrial Assembly Solutions has launched a brand-new tool range with in-built controllers.

reCool for ER
reCool lets you retrofit your existing static or driven tooling system to internal cooling at low-cost.
Suitable for both oil and emulsion.

Features of reCool rotary RCR for driven tools
reCool for ER System by REGO-FIX
Cost-friendly conversion of existing driven tooling systems to through coolant in only two minutes
For ER and ERM thread in driven tools and turning machines and for ER collets to DIN 6499 / ISO 15488
Speeds up to 12,000 rpm and 6,000 rpm with RCR / ER 40
Coolant pressures up to 150 bar with high-pressure hose, standard hose max. 100 bar
Low-maintenance coolant lubricated bearings
For coolant through tools (with sealing disks DS/ER) and for peripheral cooling (with coolant flush disks KS/ER)
For emulsion and oil coolants
Convert inner-threaded driven tools to outer-threaded, using the reCool adapter. Thus, successfully prepare different types of driven tooling for the use of reCool
Not for use with sealed collets DM
Only clamp the nominal collet diameter

Features of reCool static RCS for use with static holders
reCool static RCS for ER System by REGO-FIX
Cost-friendly conversion of existing static tooling systems to through coolant in only two minutes
For ER collets (DIN 6499 / ISO 15488) in stationary colletholders with external fine threads*
Coolant pressures of up to 150 bar**
RCS/ERMX for emulsion and oil coolants
Low-maintenance design
For coolant through tools (with sealing disks DS/ER) and for peripheral cooling (with coolant flush disks KS/ER)

* reCool static can also be used for internal threading with the corresponding adapter.
** With high-pressure hoses RHS-HP. 100 bar with standard hose.

Many benefits. Even Carbide tipped drills are available
Kennametal and Gurhing
Jul 24, 2020

Next-Generation Gundrilling Machines Emphasize Flexibility, Performance
UNISIG's new UNE machine-tool product line is engineered and designed to simplify gundrilling for shops with high-volume/low-mix or low-volume/high-mix manufacturing programs.
JUN 25, 2020

Finishing the part after Machining by Manual Processes is a Cost-Cutting Opportunity
Jeff Elliott
JUN 24, 2020

Secondary finishing operations  are conducted offline to remove excess material on semi-finished parts  by hand using oscillating tools, grinders, files, abrasive hand pads, and wire brushes.
These secondary operations  can be automated effectively using a variety of abrasive tools mounted in a toolholder and carousel without removing the part from the machine.

Wolfram Manufacturing produces a range of complex parts with through-holes. Removing burrs and sharp edges in cross-drilled holes and other difficult-to-access areas — such as undercuts, grooves, slots, or internal holes is essential as  burrs can cause blockages or create turbulence in the flow of fluids, lubricants and gases through critical passages.

Wolfram  has automated the cross-hole deburring process by incorporating  Flex-Hone tools in a variety of sizes in its tool carousels. The Flex-Hone is , supplied by Los Angeles-based Brush Research Manufacturing (BRM).

Assembly Line Theory and Practice
Book, 2011

Updated  2023  14 March
2021  5 June 2021, 11 May 2021
5 August 2020
26 June 2020

Value Addition by Industrial Engineering Department


26 April

Industrial engineers add value to systems and processes by reducing the cost. The cost can be estimated cost or actual cost. At the design stage it is estimated cost. Value engineering studies in construction project designs are example of estimated cost reductions. It is done routinely in USA.

Industrial engineering departments are not reporting their achievements through the annual financial statements of their companies. They have to take courage and prepare annual reports of their department and ask their company management to make them public.

Value Creation Model for Industrial Engineering - Productivity Engineering

Part of 

A to Z of Industrial Engineering - Principles, Methods, Techniques, Tools and Applications

What do you do if you want to excel in leadership and secure a promotion in industrial engineering?

Powered by AI and the LinkedIn community

Ud. 12.3.2024
Pub. 26.4.2023

Monday, March 11, 2024

Quality Engineering - Introduction

The Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) is a professional who understands the principles of product and service quality evaluation and control. This body of knowledge and applied technologies include, but are not limited to, development and operation of quality control systems, application and analysis of testing and inspection procedures, the ability to use metrology and statistical methods to diagnose and correct improper quality control practices, an understanding of human factors and motivation, familiarity with quality cost concepts and techniques, and the knowledge and ability to develop and administer management information systems and to audit quality systems for deficiency identification and correction.


Computer Delivered - The CQE

examination is a one-part, multiple

choice 175-question exam and is

offered in English only. 160 multiple

choice questions are scored and 15

are unscored. Total appointment time

is five-and-a-half hours, exam time

is 5 hours and 18 minutes.

Paper and Pencil – The CQE

examination is a one-part,

160-question, five-hour exam and is

offered in Mandarin and Korean in

certain locations.


For comprehensive exam information on the Quality Engineer certification,


The ASQ Certified Quality Engineer

D. Measurement and Test

1. Measurement tools

Select and describe appropriate

uses of inspection tools such as

gage blocks, calipers, micrometers,

optical comparators, and coordinate

measuring machines (CMM).


2. Destructive and

nondestructive tests

Identify when destructive and

nondestructive measurement test

methods should be used and apply

the methods appropriately. (Apply)

E. Metrology

Apply metrology techniques such as calibration, traceability to calibration

standards, measurement error and its

sources, and control and maintenance

of measurement standards and devices.


F. Measurement System Analysis (MSA)

Calculate, analyze, and interpret repeatability and reproducibility (gage R&R) studies, measurement correlation, capability, bias, linearity, precision, stability and accuracy, using MSA quantitative and graphical methods. (Evaluate)

V. Continuous Improvement  (26 Questions)

A. Quality Control Tools

Select, construct, apply, and interpret the

following quality control tools:

1. Flowcharts

2. Pareto charts

3. Cause and effect diagrams

4. Control charts

5. Check sheets

6. Scatter diagrams

7. Histograms (Analyze)

B. Quality Management

and Planning Tools

Select, construct, apply, and interpret

the following quality management and

planning tools:

1. Affinity diagrams

and force field analysis

2. Tree diagrams

3. Process decision

program charts (PDPC)

4. Matrix diagrams

5. Interrelationship digraphs

6. Prioritization matrices

7. Activity network diagrams


C. Continuous Improvement


Define, describe, and apply the following

continuous improvement methodologies:

1. Total quality management (TQM)

2. Kaizen

3. Plan-do-check-act (PDCA)

4. Six Sigma


D. Lean tools

Define, describe, and apply the following

lean tools:

1. 5S

2. Value stream mapping

3. Kanban

4. Visual control

5. 8 Wastes

6. Standardized work

7. Takt time

8. Single minute exchange

of die (SMED)

9. Overall equipment effectiveness

(OEE) (Evaluate)

E. Corrective Action

Identify, describe, and apply elements of

the corrective action process, including

problem identification, failure analysis,

root cause analysis, 5 Whys, problem

correction, recurrence control, and

verification of effectiveness. (Evaluate)

F. Preventive Action

Identify, describe, and apply various

preventive action tools such as error

proofing/poka-yoke, and robust design,

and analyze their effectiveness. (Evaluate)

VI. Quantitative Methods and Tools (34 Questions)

A. Collecting and Summarizing Data

1. Types of data

Define, classify, and compare

discrete (attributes) and continuous

(variables) data. (Apply)

2. Measurement scales

Define and describe nominal,

ordinal, interval, and ratio scales.


3. Data collection methods

Describe various methods for

collecting data, including tally or

check sheets, data coding, automatic

gaging, data automation, database

integration, and identify the strengths

and weaknesses of the methods.


Data accuracy and integrity
Identify factors that can influence
data accuracy such as source/
resource issues, flexibility, versatility,
inconsistency, inappropriate
interpretation of data values, and
redundancy to ensure data accuracy
and integrity. (Apply)
5. Data visualization techniques
Apply and interpret data visualization
techniques using dashboards, and
select the appropriate metrics for
dashboards. (Apply)
6. Descriptive statistics
Describe, calculate, and interpret
measures of central tendency and
dispersion, apply the central limit
theorem, and construct and interpret
frequency distributions, including
simple, categorical, grouped,
ungrouped, and cumulative. (Evaluate)
7. Graphical methods for
depicting distributions
Apply and interpret diagrams such
as probability plots for normal and
other distributions. (Note: Histograms
are covered in V.A.) (Analyze)
B. Quantitative Concepts
1. Terminology
Define and apply quantitative terms,
including population, parameter,
sample, statistic, random sampling,
and expected value. (Analyze)
2. Drawing statistical conclusions
Distinguish between numeric
and analytical studies. Assess the
validity of statistical conclusions by
analyzing the assumptions used and
the robustness of the technique used.
3. Probability terms and concepts
Describe concepts such as
independence, mutual exclusivity,
multiplication rules, complementary
probability, and joint occurrence
of events. (Apply)
C. Probability Distributions
1. Continuous distributions
Define and distinguish between these
distributions such as normal, uniform,
exponential, lognormal, Weibull,
Student’s t, and F. (Analyze)

G. Process and
Performance Capability
1. Process capability studies
Define, describe, calculate, and
use process capability studies,
including identifying characteristics,
specifications and tolerances,
developing sampling plans for such
studies, and establishing statistical
control. (Analyze)
2. Process performance
vs. specifications
Distinguish between natural process
limits and specification limits, and
calculate percent defective, defects
per million opportunities (DPMO), and
parts per million (PPM). (Analyze)
3. Process capability indices
Define, select, and calculate Cp, Cpk,
Cpm, and Cr, and evaluate process
capability. (Evaluate)
4. Process performance indices
Define, select, and calculate Pp
and Ppk, and evaluate process
performance. (Evaluate)
H. Design and Analysis
of Experiments
1. Terminology
Define terms such as dependent
and independent variables, factors,
levels, response, treatment, error, and
replication. (Understand)
2. Planning and
organizing experiments
Identify the basic elements of designed
experiments, including determining
the experiment objective, selecting
factors, responses, and measurement
methods, and choosing the
appropriate design. (Analyze)
3. Design principles
Define and apply the principles of
power and sample size, balance,
replication, order, efficiency,
randomization, blocking, interaction,
and confounding. (Apply)
4. Full-factorial experiments
Construct full-factorial designs and
use computational and graphical
methods to analyze the significance of
results. (Analyze)
5. Two-level fractional
factorial experiments
Construct two-level fractional
factorial designs and apply
computational and graphical
methods to analyze the significance of
results. (Analyze)
VII. Risk Management
(21 Questions)
A. A. Risk Fundamentals
1. Risk terminology
Define, describe, and apply risk
terminology such as risk, risk
management, severity, occurrence,
detection, and risk-based thinking.
2. Types of risk management
Understand and apply various types
of enterprise (strategic, software,
business, regulatory, medical, audit),
operational (supplier, supply chain,
safety, project, manufacturing,
operations, service, quality system),
and product (design, process, use,
safety) risk management. (Apply)
B. Risk Planning and Assessment
1. Risk management plan
Analyze and interpret a risk
management plan and its components
(objectives, risk criteria, stakeholder
identification, and team member
roles/responsibilities) to identify and
prioritize risks. (Analyze)
2. Risk assessment
Apply categorization methods and
evaluation tools to assess risk such
as failure mode and effects analysis.
Identify and apply evaluation metrics
including the use of risk matrices, risk
priority numbers, and acceptability
criteria. (Analyze)

ASQ Quality Engineer Handbook

Quality Metrology Engineer (2024 advertisement)

Brunk Industries, Inc., a globally recognized industry leader specializing in high precision metal components for the Medical device industry, as well as other high-tech applications, is currently seeking a Quality Engineer with a strong background in Metrology. If you are motivated by new opportunities and business growth, seek a stimulating and rewarding career, we invite you to join our diverse team of talented professionals. Brunk offers a competitive salary, a wide range of attractive benefits, a flexible work environment and a culture built on innovation and excellence

Job Function:

Manage, develop, and approve development of incoming, raw material, all process, final inspection testing, and documentation responsibilities in accordance to Brunk Quality System to ensure that all components meet specifications.


Complete documented training and fully understand all SOPs/WIs that apply to the Engineer duties.

Develop and initiate standards and methods for inspection and testing. Automate inspection process using OGP Measuremind 3D and Zone 3 software’s.

Perform and analyze capability studies, GR&R’s, FAI reports on products in development phase.

Work with Manufacturing Engineering and Operations to update and maintain Process Flows, Process Control Plan and FMEA.

Provide training and mentoring of quality functions.

Manage and/or coordinate process troubleshooting and/or improvement activities.

Promote teamwork and effective communication within the department as well as peers and management.

Required Skills:

Broad knowledge of high-volume precision metal stamping process and metal finishing processes.

Advanced knowledge of programming CMMs and automated vision systems/OGP using Measuremind 3D and Zone 3 software’s.

Advanced knowledge and ability to interpret blueprint/drawing.

Advanced knowledge and ability to interpret GD&T.

Advanced knowledge and ability to interpret SPC using advanced statistics in JMP and Minitab.

Advanced knowledge and ability to interpret internal, customer, federal, and international specifications.

Advanced knowledge of micrometers, calipers, indicators, comparators and force testers.

Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Excel and an ERP system.

Excellent documentation practices, highly detail oriented.

Excellent communication skills, work independently while maintaining a team environment.


Minimum educational requirements listed below may be substituted by relevant experience, learned competencies and/or certifications obtained throughout one’s career.

4-year degree in Engineering or equivalent work experience is preferred.

Minimum 7 years quality experience in a manufacturing setting. Medical device component manufacturing desired.

ISO 13485 or equivalent experience desired.

ASQ Certified Quality Engineer desired.

Please complete an application or submit your resume, including salary history.

Brunk Industries, Inc. Attn: Human Resources, 1225 Sage Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147

Fax: (262) 249-2479   EOE

Organizations Investing in Artificial Intelligence Solutions To Bolster Quality Engineering
December 4, 2023


Welcome to the 15th edition of our World Quality Report (WQR)
Capgemini and Sogeti are publishing this report with our strategic technology partner OpenText. The topics covered are as far-reaching as possible to capture the nuances and trends in the industry, with key findings and recommendations across several key focus areas: business assurance, agile quality management, QE lifecycle automation, AI, quality ecosystem, digital core reliability, intelligent product testing, and sustainability

Moving from Quality Assurance to Quality Engineering. A brief history in time and what lies ahead.

Nitin Mehra

Senior Director, Software Engineering at

October 18, 2015

My comment on the article.

Quality is to be produced by the developer. Testing is to be done by the developer and also by user and also by specialist quality staff. Inspection and testing by specialist staff is being termed non-value adding. Quality engineering has to focus on developer first.

The International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering (IJMQE) is devoted to articles dealing with applied metrology and quality tools for process improvement in research (in environment, health, food, energy, aerospace, automotive, …). The International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering's main focus is related to measurement, sensors and instrumentation, products and systems reliability and safety, conformity assessment, process control, data sciences and quality management.

Quality Engineering by Prof. D.G. Mahato

A quality Engineer is responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining quality systems and products at all stages and processes. These #systems #measure, #monitor, and #control product quality. The roles and responsibilities include process quality, product quality, work in progress, quality control of incoming materials, Outgoing finished products, Quality system and audit, Framing Quality policies and #procedures etc.

To be a well qualified quality engineer in an industry Bachelors Degree in Engineering is required . Through your education, you'll learn al the essentials of quality needs in an organization, including regulations (both state and national), #documentation, and testing practices. You have to supplement yourself with practical exposure. So your vibrancy, your #dedication, putting your #heart and #soul in learning quality tools and technologies will make your #future bright... Accentuate the Positive; Eliminate the Negative, latch onto the affirmative. This will enable you to build a perfect Quality Engineer.

If yes, then decide to be a Quality Engineer. Great to look for the most evolving profession...

Wrteup by Prof D.G. Mahato

Very interesting write-up. Quality engineers are required in every branch of engineering. Quality is not testing alone. Quality engineer has to know the process of production of goods or services and be able to locate and correct the manufacturing tasks to get quality output. And then he has to train the operators in the modified method.

Ud. 12.3.2024, 27.1.2024

Pub. 11.2.2022

Lean Software Development and IT Enabled Services

Cost reduction through Productivity improvement is industrial engineering.

Ubiquity of Industrial Engineering Principle of  Industrial Engineering

Illustration: Google's  Engineering Productivity Department - Evolution of the Department through Automation of Testing. Emergence of Software Engineering Productivity Engineer & Specialist. 

2023 BEST E-Book on #IndustrialEngineering. 


Industrial engineering is done in products, facilities and processes. Improvements or redesigns are done in products, facilities and processes to reduce the quantities of inputs to produce outputs with the designed effectiveness. Effectiveness first. Efficiency next.

Software Development Operation Process Chart - Analysis of Software Writing (Development) Operations - Industrial Engineering in Software Development

The authoritative guide to Lean software development

Brad Hipps



Lean and Agile Software Development
5th International Conference, LASD 2021, Virtual Event, January 23, 2021, Proceedings
Editors (view affiliations)
Adam Przybyłek, Jakub Miler,Alexander Poth, Andreas Riel


Lean Software Development Practices and Principles in Terms of Observations and Evolution Methods to increase work environment productivity
September 2020
Llahm Omar Ben Dalla
Sebha University
Lean Software Development (LSD) is one of the influential Agile Software Development (ASD) methods. Furthermore, the main aim and objective of this essential method is creating customer value as well as swift delivery in time within the required budget. Moreover, the lean methodology can enhance the business domain via adopting the usage of lean principles (LPs) according to the business requirements in diverse domains. This observational paper provides observations on the evolution of lean software development practices as well as principles. This study is a significant in terms of three important contributions: the first stage of the contribution is defined as lean as well as lean principles in terms of powerful as well as weaknesses. In addition, the second contribution studied the relationship between ASD as well as LSD. Further, the study contributes the comprehensive understanding of LSD principles and practices during the recent decade. Additionally, the results of this beneficial study are important for several domains such as the industrial world, the educational world, the manufacturing world as well as the scientific world in addition to researchers who aimed for some investigations outcome based on LSD practices besides principles in manufacturing domain.


Alliance Software - See for more videos


Benefits adding lean to agile software development

1) Reduced lead time:
2) Improved flow:
3) Continuous improvement:
4) Improved defect fix rate:

Agile to Lean Software Development Transformation: a Systematic Literature Review
Filip Kisˇs and Bruno Rossi
Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2018 pp. 969–973
DOI: 10.15439/2018F53
ISSN 2300-5963 ACSIS, Vol. 15, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1885N-ART c  2018, PTI


What is DevOps

IBM Developer
Published on 1 Mar 2017
Get the Developer Webcast Calendar newsletter to learn about new  videos and upcoming webcasts from IBM Developer.

IBM Distinguished Engineer and Solutions Architect Sanjeev Sharma delivers a basic, comprehensive overview of the DevOps.

Productivity of the software development and deployment process is usually improved in two ways:
 - Reduce the amount of rework that needs to be done for the specific project
 - Reduce the amount of overhead in the process in general

Download Sanjeev Sharma's eBook  "DevOps For Dummies":


Lean Engineering: Applying Lean Startup Principles at Paypal
by Bill Scott on Aug 25, 2013


The Lean India Summit - Nov 15-16, 2013
Taj Vivanta Hotel, Trinity Circle, Bangalore
Organized by Knowledge Works

When you agile, you get lean

Kaizen Principles for Creating Great Agile Teams

Invisible Waste and Hidden Opportunities in IT
TBMCG article

How to Advance Lean Software Development (Beyond the ‘Toyota Way’)
May 21, 2012
9 mins

Matthew Heusser is a consulting software tester and self-described software process naturalist who develops, tests and manages software projects. Matt is a contributing editor for Software Test & Quality Assurance Magazine and his blog “Creative Chaos” focuses on software writing. An elected member of the Board of Directors of the Association for Software Testing, Matt recently served as lead editor for “How to Reduce the Cost of Software Testing” (Taylor and Francis, 2011). You can follow Matt on Twitter @mheusser or email him.

Interesting article on What Wipro, a software company learned from Toyota.

A blog on agile development and Kanban

Books on Lean Software Development

Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash (Addison-Wesley Signature Series)
by Mary Poppendieck
Lean software development: an agile toolkit By Mary Poppendieck, Tom Poppendieck

Lean software strategies: proven techniques for managers and developers
Peter Middleton, James Sutton

Implementing lean software development: from concept to cash
By Mary Poppendieck, Tom Poppendieck
Leading Lean Software Development: Results Are Not the Point
By Mary Poppendieck, Tom Poppendieck

The Poppendiecks are authors of Lean Software Development, winner of the 2004 Jolt Software Development Productivity Award

The Art of Lean Software Development: A Practical and Incremental Approach

Curt Hibbs, Steve Jewett, Mike Sullivan
"O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 15-Jan-2009 - Computers - 142 pages

This succinct book explains how you can apply the practices of Lean software development to dramatically increase productivity and quality. Based on techniques that revolutionized Japanese manufacturing, Lean principles are being applied successfully to product design, engineering, the supply chain, and now software development. With The Art of Lean Software Development, you'll learn how to adopt Lean practices one at a time rather than taking on the entire methodology at once. As you master each practice, you'll see significant, measurable results. With this book, you will:

Understand Lean's origins from Japanese industries and how it applies to software development
Learn the Lean software development principles and the five most important practices in detail
Distinguish between the Lean and Agile methodologies and understand their similarities and differences
Determine which Lean principles you should adopt first, and how you can gradually incorporate more of the methodology into your process
Review hands-on practices, including descriptions, benefits, trade-offs, and roadblocks
Learn how to sell these principles to management
The Art of Lean Software Development is ideal for busy people who want to improve the development process but can't afford the disruption of a sudden and complete transformation. The Lean approach has been yielding dramatic results for decades, and with this book, you can make incremental changes that will produce immediate benefits.

"This book presents Lean practices in a clear and concise manner so readers are motivated to make their software more reliable and less costly to maintain. I recommend it to anyone looking for an easy-to-follow guide to transform how the developer views the process of writing good software."-- Bryan Wells, Boeing Intelligence & Security Sytems Mission System

"If you're new to Lean software development and you're not quite sure where to start, this book will help get your development process going in the right direction, one step at a time."-- John McClenning, software development lead, Aclara

Lean IT: Enabling and Sustaining Your Lean Transformation 2010 book

Lean Enterprise Software and Systems
LESS 2013, Ireland
Conference Proceeding
Preview from Google Books

Lean Software Development - Tutorial Slides by the Poppendiecks

Lean Essays
by Poppendieck LLC

Podcast with Mary and Tom Poppendieck
Google Video on Competing on Speed
Mary Poppendieck

Research Papers - Lean Software Development


Agile to Lean Software Development Transformation: A Systematic Literature Review
Filip Kišš; Bruno Rossi
We wanted to better understand the “agile-to-lean” transformation, in terms of: i) reported benefits, ii) challenges faced, iii) metrics used. Method: we performed a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) about “agile-to-lean” transformations. Results: reduced lead time, improved flow, continuous improvement, and improved defect fix rate were the main reported benefits. Adaptation to lean thinking, teaching the lean mindset, identification of the concept of waste, and scaling flexibility were the main challenges. Lead time was the most reported metric.
Published in: 2018 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS)

A selection of articles

The lean gap: A review of lean approaches to large-scale software systems development
J. PernstÃ¥l , R. Feldt , T. Gorschek 
Journal of Systems and Software
Volume 86, Issue 11, November 2013, Pages 2797-2821

Updated on 11.3.2024, 27.11.2023, 16 Oct 2021, 28 August 2020,  22 June 2019, 13 March 2015

Original Knol - 4309