Saturday, February 26, 2022

Total Cost Industrial Engineering - Industrial Engineering of Enterprise Cost

Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering and System Efficiency Engineering - Narayana Rao

Cost based engineering redesign is part of system efficiency engineering and is advocated by economists to get maximum utility from available resources. Factor prices and prices of goods and services are to be taken into account to design products and processes. Industrial engineering has taken up this responsibility in the engineering disciplines.

Engineering of cost of engineering activities is the core job of industrial engineering. Total cost industrial engineering is an augmented activity.

Industrial engineering came out of Henry Towne's ideas expressed in 1886 in ASME meeting. Engineers' involvement in cost accounting and use of cost information for decision making precedes this meeting and presentation. But the advocacy for including shop accounting and efforts to reduce cost of production as part of engineers' duties and education were made in 1886. 

1886 - ASME - Henry Towne - Shop Management and Works Management - Shop Accounting

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) made the beginning in the field of works management and shop management.

Henry Towne, in a paper presented to the society (ASME) in 1886 observed that  the work of all engineers, especially that of the mechanical engineers, includes the executive duties of organizing and superintending the operations of industrial establishments, and of directing the labor of the artisans whose organized efforts yield the fruition of his work.

To insure the best results, the organization of productive labor must be directed and controlled by persons having not only good executive ability, and possessing the practical familiarity of a mechanic or engineer with the goods produced and the processes employed, but having also, and equally, a practical knowledge of how to observe, record, analyze and compare essential facts in relation to wages, supplies, expense accounts, and all else that enters into or affects the economy of production and the cost of the product. 

It will probably not be disputed that the matter of shop management is of equal importance with that of engineering, as affecting the successful conduct of most, if not all, of our great industrial establishments, and that the management of works  has become a matter of such great and far-reaching importance as perhaps to justify its classification also as one of the modern arts. A vast amount of accumulated experience in the art of workshop management already exists, but there is no record of it available to the world in general. Surely this condition of things is wrong and should be remedied. The remedy should originate  from  engineers, and, for the reasons above indicated, particularly from mechanical engineers. So, Towne put forward the question, "why should it not originate from, and be promoted by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers?"

The discussion and the dissemination of useful knowledge in this specialty, group themselves under two principal heads, namely: Shop Management, and Shop Accounting. A third head may be named which is sub-ordinate to, and partly included in each of these, namely: Shop Forms  and Blanks. Under the head of Shop Management fall the questions of organization, responsibility, reports, systems of contract and piece work, and all that relates to the executive management of works, mills and factories. Under the head of Shop Accounting fall the questions of time and wages systems, determination of costs, whether by piece or day-work, the distribution of the various expense accounts, the ascertainment of profits, methods of book-keeping, and all that enters into the system of accounts which relates to the manufacturing departments of a business, and to the determination and record of its results.

This work, if undertaken by the society, may be kept separate and distinct from the present work of the society (engineering work) by organizing a new "section" (which might be designated the " Economic Section'').

In the case of shop information of  a manufacturing establishment, there is now in use, in connection with the manufacturing accounts and exclusive of the ordinary commercial accounts, some twenty various forms of special record and account books, and more than one hundred printed forms and blanks. .The primary object to which all of these contribute is the systematic recording of the operations of the different departments of the works, and the computation therefrom of such statistical information as is essential to the efficient management of the business, and especially to increased economy of production. All of these special books and forms have been the outgrowth of experience extending over many years, and represent a large amount of thoughtful planning and intelligent effort at constant development and improvement. The methods in use presently,  would undoubtedly be of great value to others engaged in similar operations, and particularly to persons engaged in organizing and starting new enterprises. The society can provide a platform for explaining the present practices and many would come forward to engage in such a dialogue to benefit from the idea generated in the discussions.

Costs of products were reduced by many companies without encroaching upon the earnings of the men engaged and the results we know are quite striking.

A portion of the cost reductions indicated resulted from improved appliances, larger product, and increased experience, but after making due allowance for all of these, there remains a large portion of the reduction which, to the writer's knowledge, is fairly attributable to the operations of the peculiar piece-work system adopted. Henry Towne, promised to present the details and operations of this system followed in his company in the proceedings of the new section of  the society, in due time. He expressed the hope that other, and probably much more valuable, information and experience relating to systems of contract and piece-work would doubtless be contributed by other members.

For the full paper of Towne

The Engineer as an Economist- Henry Towne

Gain Sharing, Piecework and Day Work Systems

Henry Towne presented his ideas on involving labor in cost reduction work of the production organization in the paper "Gain Sharing" presented in 1889. This paper advocated bonus to all the employees based on the reduction achieved in the cost of production relative to a base year. Halsey in 1891 presented a paper and argued for production time as the basis for paying bonus to the individual workers. F.W. Taylor presented a more comprehensive system in 1895. It is very important to note that Taylor, proposed that organization of "Elementary Rate Fixing Department" as the fundamental step to achieve cost reductions. To implement the changes proposed by the rate fixing departments, differential piece rate system has to be introduced. "Elementary Rate Fixing Department" is the first appearance of industrial engineering department.

Elementary Rate Fixing Department (1895 - Taylor)

Taylor started this department of section in his company and its successful record was presented to the ASME in 1895. This department has to study the productive capabilities machines and men in a scientific manner and establish the speeds at which machines can work and men can work and based on the speed information has to decide the time required for completing various jobs or tasks. Such scientific information has to be used to set piece rates. This department must have status equal to the engineering department of the organization.  So Taylor organized the first industrial engineering department that is parallel to the engineering department of the company and is focused on the study of machines and men and in actual working on specific  jobs and in designing best methods of working that reduce cost of production.

Shop Management (1905 - Taylor)

Taylor responded to the call by Towne to described innovations in the field of management done by engineers who had done managerial work as part of engineer's functions. He contributed a paper on redesign of belts based on cost data (1893) and another paper on increasing productivity and reducing costs by organizing elementary rate fixing department and installing differential piece rate system.

In 1895, he presented a book length paper on shop management. He described many practices that will contribute to productivity improvement and effectiveness improvement. He also indicated the innovations of many others in the field of shop management. Taylor also contributed to discussions on shop accounting and its contribution to improving productivity.

In the paper "Shop Management", Taylor wrote, "The art of management has been defined, "as knowing exactly what you want men to do, and then seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way.""  No concise definition can fully describe an art, but the relations between employers and men form without question the most important part of this art. In considering the subject, therefore, until this part of the problem has been fully discussed, the other phases of the art may be left in the background. Once again, we have to carefully note this sentence. Taylor said, the many other items are left in the background and issues related to managing men are highlighted.

Productivity is to be measured in cost terms.

Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug brought the issue into prominence through an article in 2002.

Cost Measurement and Analysis-A Necessary Part of Industrial Engineering Education & Training
Author  Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 2002

Deo, Balbinder S.,(2001) 'Operation Based Costing Model for Measuring Productivity in Production Systems', PHD Thesis Submitted to The University of Manitoba (Canada), ProQuest Digital Dissertations, AAT NQ57506.

Learn or Revise Cost Accounting through these articles

Cost Accounting

23 to 26 April 2016

Role of Costing and Cost Accounting in the Organizations
Introduction to Cost Terms - Review Notes

Traditional Cost Objectives and Their Utility
Job Costing - Review Notes

Activity-Based Costing and Activity-Based Budgeting
Process Costing - Review Notes

What is Industrial Engineering in practice?

It is the study of resource use to develop planning and control methods and data. Resource use is accounted for in units of resource as well as in money values. The money value of a resource is termed as cost or expense. Planning of resource use is also done in terms of units of resource and money terms. The objective of industrial engineering is resource use efficiency or elimination of waste of resources.

AACE, the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering, stated, "Most people would agree that ‘engineers’ and engineering — or, more generally, the ‘application of scientific principles and techniques’ — are most often responsible for creating functional things or strategic assets … "

Cost engineering profession advocates that an engineering professional must determine the activities needed to design and build a product, as well as estimate how long these activities will take and estimate the potential cost.

Industrial engineers have to justify their system improvement recommending through engineering economic analysis. As majority of the industrial engineering proposals are cost reduction projects, industrial engineers have to estimate costs using the existing method, costs using the proposed method and then calculate the summary profitability measures like NPV or IRR.

"Total cost industrial engineering is a framework that helps industrial engineers to visualize the total enterprise cost in terms of  individual resources, various processes or methods, various systems and products which they analyse to eliminate waste or improve efficiency and drive total cost reduction, waste elimination and improve efficiency."

(The framework can be developed similar to the thesis Towards a conceptual framework for strategic cost management - The concept, objectives, and instruments

Value chain analysis proposed by Michael Porter in the context of strategic analysis for differentiation and cost advantage can be the starting point of developing the model for visualizing the total enterprise cost in terms of segments meaningful for IE activity.
Value Chain Analysis - A Base for Total Cost Industrial Engineering

I proposed the concept of process cost industrial engineering on 26 February 2022. Process in industrial engineering refers to the process of producing a part, a subassembly or a full product. So a major portion of total cost will be the cumulative costs of various processes in the enterprise.


Ideas to be included

Product ideas, product designs,production process plans, layout plans, inspection plans, maintenance plans etc. are part of the planning process. Industrial engineers' main responsibility is to take care of these engineering activities and their management. In this context an interesting paper to be read is

NASA Johnson Space Center,  Houston, Texas 77058

In the abstract of the paper, this interesting statement is made.

The traditional roles of an  engineer  to  design, develop, and streamline (a product and its) a manufacturing process for a product are still valued and relevant.  However, the need for an engineer to participate in the process of identifying the product  to  be  developed,  the schedule and resources required, and the goal of satisfying the customer, has become paramount to achieving the success of the enterprise. When we include these endeavors in the functions of an engineer, management of “engineering” takes on a new dimension. In this paper, the ramifications of  the  changing and increased functions. of  an engineer and consequent impacts on engineering management are explored.

System cost industrial engineering

    Supply chain system cost industrial engineering
    Manufacturing system cost industrial engineering
    Information system cost industrial engineering
    Quality system cost industrial engineering
    Maintenance system cost industrial engineering
    Accounting system cost industrial engineering

Accounting for industrial engineering decisions

Cost estimating for engineering economic analysis of method studies, value engineering studies, operation research models, human effort engineering studies

Standard Costing

Standard cost of the product - break up in terms of processes and methods evaluated or to be evaluated by IE department - break up in terms of components to be examined by value engineering methodology.

IE departments have to visualize the total cost of the enterprise in terms of subsystems, processes and methods they improve, select the ones they would like to study and improve and declare the benefits they envisage in the new methods. Thus each IE productivity improvement project has to contribute to the reduction of a planned cost of a period. This sort of visually mapping of the benefit of IE projects would make the contribution of IEs to organizations very clear and also will push the industrial engineering to put in right efforts.

Cost Elements - Total Cost

We can identify more elements now to account for the total cost of a manufacturing plant.

Materials: Direct and Indirect

Labor: Direct in the manufacturing processes, Indirect in the manufacturing support.

Machines: Processing, Inspection, Material handling, data processing (computers and network)



Indirect Expenses

Total Cost - Sum of the Cost of Various Product  Processes (Process Charts)

The total cost of the manufacturing plant has to be visualized as the sum of the costs of processes used in the organization. Production of each product follows a process and within that production of each part has a process chart. The process chart visualization also facilitates evaluation of the work of industrial engineering in the organization. IEs also get data on cost of the processes for which they are responsible for cost reduction through productivity improvement of material inputs, machine effort,  human effort, energy and information.

Total Cost Industrial Engineering - Research Papers

Total Cost Industrial Engineering - Research Papers

1. Cost: The ultimate measure of productivity
Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. Industrial Management42. 3 (May/Jun 2000): 20-23.

2. Cost Measurement and Analysis-A Necessary Part of Industrial Engineering Education & Training
Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2002): 1-5.

3.  Operation Based Cost Measurement Model
Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2002): 1-7.

4.  Comparative Outcome Of Productivity Measures- A Case Study
Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1-6.

5.  Fixing the Problem of Subjectivity in the Concept of 'Activity' in Activity Based Costing (ABC) - An Engineering Perspective
Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1-7.

Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-7.

Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-6.

Deo, Balbinder S. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 1034-1040.

9.  Communicating cost and performance
Ding, Youmin; Strong, Doug; Deo, Balbinder. Industrial Management51. 4 (Jul/Aug 2009): 22-23,25,5.

10. Developing Generic 'Cost Based MIS Modules' for Process Oriented System
Deo, Balbinder S; Sra, Jaspreet, MSc. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2012): 1-11.


 Cost Measurement and Analysis-A Necessary Part of Industrial Engineering Education & Training
Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2002): 1-5.

 Communicating cost and performance
Ding, Youmin; Strong, Doug; Deo, Balbinder. Industrial Management51. 4 (Jul/Aug 2009): 22-23,25,5.

 Cost: The ultimate measure of productivity
Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. Industrial Management42. 3 (May/Jun 2000): 20-23.

 Operation Based Cost Measurement Model
Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2002): 1-7.

Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-7.

Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-6.

Citation/AbstractFull textFull text - PDF (72 KB)‎
Deo, Balbinder S. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 1034-1040.

 Comparative Outcome Of Productivity Measures- A Case Study
Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1-6.

 Fixing the Problem of Subjectivity in the Concept of 'Activity' in Activity Based Costing (ABC) - An Engineering Perspective
Deo, Balbinder S; Strong, Doug. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1-7.

10. Developing Generic 'Cost Based MIS Modules' for Process Oriented System
Deo, Balbinder S; Sra, Jaspreet, MSc. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2012): 1-11.

Bibliography - Total Cost Industrial Engineering

Total Cost Industrial Engineering - Bibliography

Papers Published by Industrial Engineering Professors in Costing Area


Comments on the idea

Marshall Spencer

Industrial Engineer at Johnson Controls
Huntsville, Alabama Area

(In linkedin discussions) -

In my experience, developing the framework for "total cost engineering" is well worth the investment in resources if they are available (which is mostly the time required by the IE to champion it), and if the results will be utilized as reportable measureables by management. But a lot of cost-engineering information can "fall through the cracks" or be ignored by controllers simply because there may be no place for it in the ledger format used by traditional cost accounting. 

There is usually a large rift between "cost" from an engineering perspective and "cost" as viewed by financial professionals. Therein lies the challenge. 

An innovative IE can "translate" much of the engineering-cost data into something that a controller can use. But the controller must be willing to accept it. 

By becoming proficient in understanding the "language" of financial people, the IE working in cost engineering will have an advantage and may find controllers more willing to accept cost-engineering information and put it into their measurables. 

In college I completed a very good course in engineering economics of which there was no equivalent in the business curriculum at that school. It was not the same approach to accounting as taught in the accounting classes. I would like to see undergraduate IE curriculums try to bridge that gap. It has the potential to enable IE's and controllers to develop an alliance and work more effectively toward a common goal.

My reply to the comment

You said "In college I completed a very good course in engineering economics"

My thinking also stems from that foundation only. Every industrial engineering recommendation has to be profitable in the engineering economic analysis. If IEs recommend many cost reduction projects, EE analysis requires the cost of existing method and the costs of proposed method. To do EE analysis, IEs require cost data. So cost related industrial engineering analysis has to provide this data to IEs. Shall we call it "Cost industrial engineering" or simply as "Cost engineering". Cost industrial engineering focuses the attention of IEs on pulling data from various existing sources in the company and then manipulating the data to come out with information useful to aid IEs in the work. Total cost industrial engineering does the same thing at enterprise level.

I am happy with your support to the idea.

"In my experience, developing the framework for "total cost engineering" is well worth the investment in resources if they are available (which is mostly the time required by the IE to champion it), and if the results will be utilized as reportable measureables by management."

Details emerge slowly as some IEs think over the issue. If we bring an issue into the open and point out that there is scope, the beginning would be made. I have an advantage in the area to make some speculation, as my research work after PG in IE is in the area of stock markets and then I spent five years in conducting training programs in the modern developments in cost accounting and cost management. Now I am involved in developing and teaching "Introduction to industrial engineering" and "Strategic perspectives of industrial engineering"

I connected engineering economic analysis and cost analysis in my first few paragraphs of my note on TCIE. You also referred to the same background. That is a good coincidence. Thank you for the synergy.

Let me see, when can I develop some more detailed version on the topic.

Comment by D. Rajasekhar (23.9.2012)

Dear Narayana Rao,

I would like you to reflect on some of my views on Total cost industrial engineering.
I have read the contents in detail.
How is it different from Lean management ? Request your views.
With all my experience of 33 years in Mfg industry I would like to say cost focus without time element as an integral part is meaningless.
Very often many executives put emphasis on cost.
I have seen many Development Projects in my career did not deliver results due to step motherly treatment given to time over cost.
I have myself experienced Projects resulting in grand success by doing in time even with cost overrun.
In industry COQ ( cost of quality) often goes out of estimates due to poor management of time also.

That is why I always advocate my engineers TIME, QUALITY, COST and RISK.

My reply

In this concept of Total Cost Industrial Engineering, we may not be referring analytically to project cost. As you know, whenever any scientific relation is proposed, the concepts involved are specially defined.

This idea is an offshoot of an idea that the productivity improvement is to be expressed in cost. Productivity improvement is reduction in use of resources, and if at all it occurs, cost has to reduce. So we are having a map of total cost of the organization at a point in time, in terms of industrial engineering segment view of the enterprise and we want to see the contribution of industrial engineering as reduction of cost in some of the segments. It is to plan and do industrial engineering and show its contribution.

Cost, Quality, Time, Flexibility, Risk, Delivery are all important and industrial engineering may not cover all of them. Certainly time was a focus of industrial engineering and even now it is. This refers more to the operation times. We are not talking of trade offs between these dimensions which is an important managerial problem in operations management. The issue raised by you regarding time and cost of a project is a trade off problem and only a manager on the spot can understand the trade off involved. Your view is to be respected by us.  But  improvement in each dimension or relative improvement among dimensions is possible over time with effort.

Is lean management an industrial engineering innovation or operations management innovation? Lean management is a description of the Toyota Production system by Womack of MIT and it certainly became very popular idea. It in essence an industrial engineering initiative - because waste elimination or efficiency improvement is an industrial engineering concern for the last 100 years.  Total Cost Industrial Engineering can become in one sense Cost Stream Mapping that helps industrial engineers to view the total cost in segments useful to them. So, it is imitating Value stream mapping, another idea that became popular. To support lean management, there is lean cost management and accounting. In a similar way, to support industrial engineering (lean management is a branded technique of IE -my view of it), there will be total cost industrial engineering.

First published on 21.9.2012

Updated subsequently many times

Total Productivity Model of Sumanth & Total Cost Industrial Engineering - The relation has to be explored.

Total Factor Productivity & Total Productivity Measurement
Lesson 307 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.
#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity  #CostReduction  #ProductivityMeasurement

Updated  26.1.2022, 25 Nov 2021, 30 April 2019,
7 Apr 2016,  9.9.2014

Friday, February 25, 2022

Industrial Engineering - Hand Tools, Cutting Tools and Machine Accessories for Productivity

As a task of process industrial engineering to increase productivity, industrial engineers have to investigate the use of various hand tools, cutting tools and other machine accessories that can increase productivity. Industrial engineers also have the responsibility to come out with new hand tools, cutting tools and accessories that increase productivity. Thus patents can be created by the industrial engineers in productivity improvement devices and features.

Labour Day 2018

Source: Google Doodle on 1 May 2018



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Feb 01, 2018

Ud.  25.2.2022, 21.1.2022
Pub  1 May 2018

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Process Systems Engineering - Introduction


Process systems engineering (PSE) in the pharmaceutical industry: past and future

Process Systems Engineering (PSE) has had a profound impact in the chemical, petroleum and petrochemical industry in the last 30 – 40 years.

By Christos Georgakis, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Systems Research Institute for Chemical and Biological Processes, Tufts University and Gregory M. Troup, Merck Research Laboratories, Merck & Co., Inc

15 December 2013

Applications of Systems Engineering in the Chemical and Process Industries

DWT Rippin

(Notes in 1994 course in Economics and Costing for Maintenance, Narayana Rao)

The Carnegie Mellon Process Systems Engineering (PSE) group represents one of the largest university research efforts for process systems engineering in the United States. Over the past four decades, the PSE group (Professors Biegler, Gounaris, Grossmann, Sahinidis, and Ydstie) has changed the global landscape of process systems engineering, providing intellectual leadership in complex decision-making issues faced by process industries, such as the petrochemical and emerging energy technology industries. Our underlying approach is based on developing and advancing systematic modeling and solution methods for multi-scale process systems engineering, covering the full spectrum from the molecular to the enterprise level.

Process Systems Engineering  - IIT Bombay

Process Systems Engineering (PSE) focuses on a complete, life cycle view of the manufacturing process in chemical engineering, beginning from the scale of molecule discovery &  scale up to the other end of spectrum relating to achieving manufacturing excellence and minimizing environmental impact. The PSE research has been focusing on these various individual steps in the life cycle of process engineering from both theoretical as well application perspectives.

"Systems Approach" — What is It?
Leonard C. Silvern
Educational Technology
Educational Technology
Vol. 8, No. 16 (August 30, 1968), pp. 5-6 (2 pages)

Facets of Systems Science

George J. Klir
Springer Science & Business Media, 21-Nov-2013 - Business & Economics - 664 pages

This book has a rather strange history. It began in Spring 1989, thirteen years after our Systems Science Department at SUNY -Binghamton was established, when I was asked by a group of students in our doctoral program to have a meeting with them. The spokesman of the group, Cliff Joslyn, opened our meeting by stating its purpose. I can closely paraphrase what he said: "We called this meeting to discuss with you, as Chairman of the Department, a fundamental problem with our systems science curriculum. In general, we consider it a good curriculum: we learn a lot of concepts, principles, and methodological tools, mathematical, computational, heuristic, which are fundamental to understanding and dealing with systems. And, yet, we learn virtually nothing about systems science itself. What is systems science? What are its historical roots? What are its aims? Where does it stand and where is it likely to go? These are pressing questions to us. After all, aren't we supposed to carry the systems science flag after we graduate from this program? We feel that a broad introductory course to systems science is urgently needed in the curriculum. Do you agree with this assessment?" The answer was obvious and, yet, not easy to give: "I agree, of course, but I do not see how the situation could be alleviated in the foreseeable future.

Systems engineering

Sunday, February 20, 2022

AutoML and Production ML (MLOps) - Increase Effectiveness and Productivity of Machine Learning Projects


AutoML platforms push data science projects to the finish line

Data science projects often have trouble reaching the production phase, but automated machine learning platforms are accelerating data scientists' work to help them come to fruition.

By Cameron Hashemi-Pour, 16 Feb 2022

AutoML speeds up the work data scientists perform through automation. Azure's AutoML is one such product offering. The automated ML software expedites and simplifies this otherwise arduous work.  

According to Dennis Michael Sawyers, author of a book on AutoML,  automated machine learning as a concept will become a trending topic in 2022 due to the data science labor shortage. For existing data scientists,  automating  much of their labor as possible will increase their productivity. AutoML lets data scientists build models very quickly and also lets new data scientists on-ramp very quickly. 

Databricks AutoML, DataRobot and Google Vertex AI AutoML are the biggest competitors to Azure AutoML.

Databricks'  AutoML feature  will surely take off due to Databricks' large and established user base. GCP positions AI as its main strength and has fairly advanced AutoML capabilities across multiple categories of data, including tabular, video, text and images. DataRobot is the most popular AutoML vendor and is mostly focused on making machine learning as accessible as possible to companies even if they lack data scientists. 

Most machine learning problems are being handled fairly well by AutoML these days. It makes sense that  data scientists use AutoML before building out custom models. For experienced data scientists,  learning curve to using AutoML isn't very steep. 

Dennis Michael Sawyers, Author, 'Automated Machine Learning with Microsoft Azure'

Google AutoML

Train high-quality custom machine learning models with minimal effort and machine learning expertise.

Train custom machine learning models

AutoML enables developers with limited machine learning expertise to train high-quality models specific to their business needs. Build your own custom machine learning model in minutes.

Vertex AI

Unified platform to help you build, deploy and scale more AI models.

AutoML Image

Derive insights from object detection and image classification, in the cloud or at the edge. 

 AutoML Video

Enable powerful content discovery and engaging video experiences. 

AutoML Text

Reveal the structure and meaning of text through machine learning. 

AutoML Translation

Dynamically detect and translate between languages. 

AutoML Tabular

Automatically build and deploy state-of-the-art machine learning models on structured data. 

What is AutoML?

Automated Machine Learning provides methods and processes to make Machine Learning available for non-Machine Learning experts and  to improve efficiency (productivity) of Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) has achieved considerable successes in recent years in variety of disciplines.  Machine learning experts to perform the following tasks:

Preprocess and clean the data.

Select and construct appropriate features.

Select an appropriate model family.

Optimize model hyperparameters.

Design the topology of neural networks if they are used. 

Postprocess machine learning models.

Critically analyze the results obtained.

The rapid growth of machine learning applications has created a demand for off-the-shelf machine learning methods that can be used easily with less knowledge and effort. The resulting research area  targets progressive automation of machine learning and it is termed AutoML.

See for some outputs of AutoML Research and some presentations

AutoML - Conferences

AutoML-Conf 2022
1st International Conference on Automated Machine Learning
 Baltimore, US (co-located with ICML; we're currently planning an in-person event)
 July 25, 2022 - July 27, 2022

Production ML - MLOps

Production ML: Getting Started with MLOps

How Can MLOps help you productionize your ML projects? And Why do you need to start adopting MLOps ASAP?

Hajar Khizou, Feb 17, 2022

MLOps tends to be defined as the counterpart of DevOps for machine learning. We can therefore deduce that MLOps allows the automation and monitoring of the steps of a machine learning project.

MLOps is the operationalization of Machine Learning model management. It aims to create an end-to-end process for creating, implementing, and managing repeatable, testable, and scalable machine learning models.

Reengineering Product Life Cycle Processes Based on Digital Transformation Technologies


Re-engineering PLM Processes Based on the Digital Transformation

Feb. 18, 2022

Processes and people alike must be upgraded to take full advantage of tools and technology.

Tom Gill

The tools and techniques of digital transformation greatly simplify and speed up new product development. Digital transformation’s tools and techniques can greatly improve collaboration and innovation in new-product development. To make full use of the capabilities of the new technologies, many existing processes are to be updated—or in other words, re-engineered.  Products are being  re-engineered to make use of new capabilities provided by new technologies. Processes also must be re-engineered.

Process re-engineering is becomes possible at several levels as  information is freed from pre-operative formats such as spreadsheets, CAD-generated drawings and e-mail attachments. Many critical process elements are rendered obsolete and news of doing them are to be developed. Many long-established practices in the handling of information in product life cycle processes are headed for the dustbin of digital history.

AMT - Manufacturing Manifesto for USA


AMT Releases Updated Manufacturing Mandate

AMT recently updated its Manufacturing Mandate, which outlines our legislative and policy recommendations to strengthen U.S. manufacturing. AMT uses this document in discussions with government officials and staff. 

Feb 10, 2022

White House’s February 2022 Report on critical and emerging technologies

The White House has included additive manufacturing within its updated list of critical and emerging technologies that are important to US national security.

The document builds upon the White House’s October 2020 National Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technologies released by then President Donald Trump, and will inform a forthcoming strategy on US technological competitiveness and national security, in addition to potentially informing future efforts to prioritize the technologies named.

Harrington Emerson - The First Efficiency Principle :Clearly Defined Ideals

Lesson of Productivity Management Module of Industrial Engineering Online Course Notes


Chapter 3 : The First Principle :Clearly Defined Ideals
(Harrington Emerson - The Twelve Principles of Efficiency)

Note Originally Prepared/Presented by

Raveendra Babu Veerla Roll No: 68
Rishikesh Saurabh Roll No: 70
Ritesh Kumar Roll No :71

The First Principle was “Clearly defined Ideals”.

In large organizations, number operators and managers are very often without definite conceptions and purpose for which plant is working. Worker & Foreman at the lower end of the line organization are so far from the top  managers,  who are  responsible setting the enterprise ideals (objectives and goals). Persons at lower levels are driven to create minor ideals and inspirations of their own, these being often at variance of ideals of those above them.

If all the ideals animating all the organization from top to bottom could be lined so as to pull in the same straight line, the resultant would be very powerful effort. If ideals are in diverse directions, the resultant force might be negative. These kind of conflicting ideals are very common in american plants, even among the higher officials.

For example, a handy man in a railroad repair  examined cylinders for  cracks, They were often so unimportant that they could be safely repaired by a patch, but he swelled with pride when the recommendation for new cylinder has been heeded. A patch may cost $30 and new cylinder cost $600. When in doubt he always decided  in favor of new cylinder. Here the ideals of engineering economy was submerged and conflicting ideal of individual aggrandizement was substituted.


Vague Ideals and understanding

A superintendent ordered a large automatic lathe, having no idea of economies realized. He felt that automatic lathe will do cheaper work, but in reality the material wasted cost more than normal cost by a worker on a normal lathe.

 Personal Impulse

Many American explorers have succeeded in achieving great feats due to personal impulse. However this reckless confidence in impulses, this reliance on individual initiatives, is often responsible for many failures in industrial organizations.

Ideals of the British railroad were clear-no grade, no curve, no grade crossing and good passenger terminals. These ideals cost them $375,000 /mile.

James J Hill was great American railroad executive who built up dominant railway system in 20 years. Another great railroad executive was J.W Kendrick who considered disagreement with labor as time consuming, destructive to peace and loyalty, and therefore he resolved to setup a high standard of discipline by efficiency reward.

Ideals of one company are that its customer shall be treated with absolute fairness, that its employees shall be of higher skill and better paid than neighboring competitors. Ideals of good company is to see employee prosperity, well paid, not overworked.

If  every manager of an organization formulates ideals, promotes them in plant, posts them everywhere, inoculate every employee and official with them, organization can achieve high degree of excellence.

In setting up ideals,  managers have two choices.  One course is to set up his own ideals and reject all efficiency principles that do not accord with them and other is to accept the organisation and principles of efficiency and to create ideals that are congruent with them.

Ud. 20.2.2022
Pub: 2.6.2016

Principles of Machine Utilization Economy and Practices


I developed basic principles of industrial engineering in July 2016. I formulated the detailed principles of industrial engineering in the beginning of 2017 and presented them in the IISE Annual Conference in May 2017.

The fourth principle of the 21 principles of industrial engineering is related to the elimination of the waste of machine's potential productivity.

4. Principles of machine utilization economy to be developed for all resources used in engineering systems.

I am trying to develop Principles of Machine Utilization Economy and Practices taking place in practice to increase machine utilization to decrease costs and increase profits.

The principles may be in three groups if we follow total productive maintenance framework.

Principles related to machine availability.

Principles related to proper machine operation

Principles related to attention to quality.

The principles have to help us to get the maximum output from the machine in unit time at lower machine cost per unit as well as at lower overall cost of the production facility.

Manufacturing System Losses Identified in TPM Literature

16 Major losses

A.    Seven major losses that impede overall equipment efficiency

1 Failure losses (Breakdown) Losses due to failures.
Types of failures include sporadic function-stopping failures, and function-reduction failures in which the function of the equipment drops below normal levels.

2 Set up and adjustment losses
Stoppage losses that accompany set-up changeovers

3 Cutting blade change losses
Stoppage losses caused by changing the cutting blade due to breakage, or caused by changing the cutting blade when the service life of the grinding stone, cutter or bite has been reached.

4 Start-up losses
When starting production, the losses that arise until equipment start-up, running-in and production processing conditions stabilize.

5 Minor stoppage and idling losses

Losses that occur when the equipment temporarily stops or idles due to sensor actuation or jamming of the work. The equipment will operate normally through simple measures (removal of the work and resetting).

6. Speed losses
 Losses due to actual operating speed falling below the designed speed of the equipment.

7. Defect & rework loss
Losses due to defects & reworking

B. Losses that impede equipment loading time

8. Shutdown (SD) losses
Losses that arise from planned equipment stoppages at the production planning level in order to perform periodic inspection and statutory inspection

C. Five Major losses that impede workers efficiency

9. Management planning losses: Waiting losses that are caused by management planning, such as waiting for materials, waiting for a dolly, waiting for tools, waiting for instructions etc.

10. Motion losses
Man-hour losses arising from differences in skills involved in etc.

11. Line organization losses - Line balancing loss
Idle time losses when waiting for multiple processes (earlier process to complete) or multiple platforms.

12 Distribution losses
Distribution man-hour losses due to transport of materials, products (processed products) and dollies by machine operators by keeping the machine idle.

13 Measurement and adjustment losses
Work losses from frequent measurement and adjustment in order to prevent the occurrence and outflow of quality defects.

D Three major losses that impede efficient use of production subsidiary resources

14. Energy losses        
 Losses due to ineffective utilization of input energy (electric, gas, fuel oil, etc) in processing.

15. Die, jig and tool losses
Financial losses (expenses incurred in production, regarding renitriding, etc.) which occur with production or repairs of dies, jigs and tolls due to aging beyond services life or breakage.

16 Yield losses
Material losses due to differences in the weight of the input materials and the weight of the quality products

Improvement Techniques
Source: D matrix (matrix of causal losses and their improvement techniques)
H. Yamashina & T. Kubo (2002) Manufacturing cost deployment, International
Journal of Production Research, 40:16, 4077-4091, DOI: 10.1080/00207540210157178

Individual approaches/techniques

1. Breakdown analysis
2. Setup time reduction
3. Tool life improvement
4. Startup time reduction
5. PM analysis
6. Cycle time reduction
7. Cp, Cpk improvement
8. N.V.A.A.
9. Operation method
10. Layout improvement
11. Inspection method
12. Yield improvement
13. Material saving method
14. Energy saving method

Systematic approaches

1. Operative maintenance
2. Preventive maintenance
3. Predictive maintenance
4. Quality maintenance
5. Quality assurance
6. Education and training

Improvement techniques for losses

1. Breakdown analysis

In the first step, maintenance by production operators can be implemented to prevent the forced deterioration of each facility component. 

In the second step, individual approaches such as processing point analysis and so on are adopted to eliminate causes of the breakdown. 

In the third step, preventive maintenance is implemented to do planned maintenance of facility components regularly. 

Finally, predictive maintenance is implemented using various kinds of diagnostic technology in the forth step. 

In addition to these steps, breakdown and repair rates are further reduced through improvement in skill of maintenance workers, etc. 

There are several steps and approaches in each of the improvement of activities. Therefore, the most appropriate technique corresponding to the condition of each facility must be selected. 

Improvement activities for losses associated with operators. Losses of man-hours are reduced through, for example, confirmations in operating methods, improvements in plant layouts (to reduce movement of operators), automation with the introduction of robots, etc.

Improvement activities for losses associated with material, etc. In reducing yield loss, for example, activities such as design changes increase the yield ratio. One example of improvement approaches in
indirect material loss is to reduce unit prices by decreasing the consumption of machining lubricant and other indirect materials. 

In case of improvements about die and jig losses, cost reduction is possible by, for example, extending their lives through confirming their specifications. 

Examples of improvement approaches in energy loss are to increase energy efficiency by reducing the down time of facilities, to decrease the unit price, etc.

More detailed descriptions of improvement techniques for the other losses are given in K. Okazaki (1996).

OEE Literature

OEE = Availability × Performance Efficiency × Quality

• Availability: - This monitors how long a machine is actually available to operate (i.e. available time 
minus planned and unplanned downtime) measured against the total net available time, (i.e. available 
time minus any planned downtime) 
• Performance Efficiency: - This records the production rate or speed of the production process versus 
the design or ideal rate. 
• Quality: - A measure of the percentage of defects produced by the process.


Down Time Losses 

1. Equipment Failures
2. Tooling Damage 
3. Unplanned Maintenance 
4. Process Warm Up 
5. Machine Changeovers 
6. Material Shortage


Speed  & Time Losses 
 1. Product Misfeeds
 2. Component Jams 
 3. Product Flow Stoppage 
 4. Level of Machine Operator Training 
 5. Equipment Age 
 6. Tooling Wear


Quality Losses 
1. Tolerance Adjustments
2. Warm Up Process 
3. Damage 
4. Assembled Incorrectly 
5. Rejects 
6. Rework

Source: A Literature Review on Overall Equipment Effectiveness. 
Praveen Singh sisodiya, Mushtaq Patel, Dr. Vivek Bansod
Vol.2 Issue.2, February 2014. Pgs: 29-34

Which are the principal contributions in OEE and what are the future trends?

Initially, OEE was used in production, in particular as part of  TPM and it assisted  in identifying the overall equipment performance in a manufacturing process . Some researchers began to analyze the productivity of manufacturing line systems  or factories. Currently, OEE is used with continuous improvement methodologies, such as lean manufacturing to increase productivity by eliminating waste. It is also used as a KPI and data collection tool to measure the effectivity and process capability of new six sigma implementations. Following the methodology of continuous improvement, Braglia et al. (2019) developed a new metric based on OEE, known as overall task effectiveness. This new indicator supports lean and six sigma methodologies to identify, analyze and evaluate losses that occur during manual assembly activities.

Domingo et al. (2015) developed the overall environmental equipment effectiveness to identify and measure losses due to sustainability. Durán et al. (2018) designed the Sustainable Overall throughput effectiveness indicator to measure the operating performance and factory level sustainability.

In the mining industry [16]  OEE  was used to identify possible losses in the availability, performance and quality of equipment such as shovels and trucks. In recent years, the efficiency framework in the port terminal  that considers manageable and unmanageable variables has been studied to create indicators based on OEE. Additionally, the OEE has been adapted to road transportation based on distance, load capacity, route time, stops and services. It has been used to evaluate the effectiveness of urban freight transportation as well as optimize availability, performance and quality metrics.

 Source: Overall Equipment Effectiveness: Systematic Literature Review and Overview of Different Approaches
by Lisbeth del Carmen Ng Corrales, María Pilar Lambán ,Mario Enrique Hernandez Korner  and Jesús Royo 
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(18), 6469;

IIoT and Industry 4.0 Literature

On Industry 4.0 Machine Utilization and OEE Management
Published on November 15, 2021

Case Studies

By partnering with Capgemini, BHGE (Baker Hughes, a GE company)  implemented an industrial internet solution that gathers data from all manufacturing devices and machines to provide operators and engineers with a new level of insight and the ability to adjust production at a moment’s notice

Enhanced visibility and insight
Real-time management of manufacturing processes provides nearly 50 users with real-time status updates, analysis of historical data, and visual metrics dashboards
Prevention of 26,000 hours of downtime in 2017 (across all BHGE’s plants in Italy).

Davide Marrani, Vice President Global Supply Chain TPS, BHGE
In Florence, where the main production line comprises 94 machines, we avoided 26,000 hours of downtime in 2017. A numerical control machine usually has 4.500 hours scheduled per year and the cost to buy a machine is roughly $1M. The Industrial Internet solution implemented therefore increased the shop’s capacity by as much as six new numerical control machines, so it would have cost us $6M to achieve the same result.


Content Prepared in 2016

I prepared the content below in 2016. I developed basic principles of industrial engineering in July 2016. I formulated the detailed principles of industrial engineering in the beginning of 2017 and presented them in the IISE Annual Conference in May 2017.

The fourth principle of the 21 principles of industrial engineering is related to the elimination of the waste of machine's potential productivity.

4. Principles of machine utilization economy to be developed for all resources used in engineering systems.

19 November 2016

Industrial engineers have to improve the machine utilization economy. To do that we need principles of machine utilization economy, like principles of motion economy.

What principles can be proposed?

1. If it is a machine tool, we have to investigate cutting tools, coolants, cutting speeds, feeds, depth of cut and jig and fixtures to improve the utilization and productivity. Taylor himself did all these evaluations and suggested many improvements, which are still valid today.

2. For all machines, finding the load at which maximum efficiency is obtained is done. The load planning has to take into account the maximum efficiency load.

3. Six sigma provides a way to optimize the working of any machine. The factors that affect the working of the machine are to be identified, and the levels at which they can be operated are to be found. Then the combination of factors and levels at which the best output will come will be obtained and machine can be run at that combination or setting.

4. Calculate economic batches for various components to be made on the batch and use those batch quantities. JIT as an idea is welcome, but you can use it only when you implement SMED and drive down the setup time.

5. Look for opportunities to implement Pokayoke features on the machine so that defects are reduced to very low levels (zero defects).

6. Use the developments in maintenance management to have the most efficient and productive maintenance system.

Total Productivity Equipment Usage Management

Six major categories of inefficiencies and losses related to equipment - machines
affect the overall performance of the equipment namely:

1. Equipment failures/breakdown losses are the time losses and quantity losses caused by defective
2. Set-up and adjustment losses are defined as time losses resulting from downtime and defective
products that occur when production of one item ends and the equipment is adjusted to meet the
requirements of another item.
3. Idling and minor stop losses occur when the production is interrupted by a temporary malfunction
or when a machine is idling.
4. Reduced speed losses refer to the difference between equipment design speed and actual operating speed.
5. Reduced yield losses occur during the early stages of production from machine start up to stabilization.
6. Quality defects and reworks are losses in quality caused by malfunctioning of production equipment.

Selection Principles on Manufacturing System for Part Family
Li Tang,  Derek Yip-Hoi, , Wencai Wang, Yoram Koren
1  NSF Engineering Research Center for RMS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A.
2  Mechanical Engineering Dept., University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Ud. 20.2.2022, 28.11.2021
Pub: November 2016

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Parts and Sub-Systems for Automation


Vibratory Feeder Basics


Feeder University

Automated assembly processes, the world over, utilize Vibratory Feeders to provide reliable part flow to optimize their production.


 What are Parts Feeders?

Nut Feeder Kirti Pressings Pvt. Ltd.

MCI - MMI - HCI - HMI - Industry 4.0 - Industry 5.0

 Universal Robots@Universal_Robot


"Robots have traditionally been designed to increase productivity through technical excellence, but why not make them a joy to use? Industry 5.0 is expected to put humans back at center stage."

- Fabio Montagna, VP Product & Solutions Management

MCI - Machine Computer Interaction

MMI - Machine to Machine Interaction 

HCI - Human Computer Interaction

HMI - Human Machine Interaction

Now that Industry 4.0 is an accepted development, the attention now shifts to human effort engineering in Industry 4.0 production and service systems. Industry 5.0 is about technologies that make possible better and improved human computer and human machine interaction.