Sunday, February 16, 2025

Industrial Engineering - Bulletin Board - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Center

Started a Newsletter. Please Subscribe.

Modern Industrial Engineering - LinkedIn Newsletter - February 2025 Issue.

Industrial Engineering is Productivity Oriented Engineering and Management. It Promotes Industry Expansion.

Objective: "Let us Industrial Engineer a Better World together with Creative Ideas, Engineering and Management."

Coverage: Industrial Engineering - Innovations, News, Research and Success Stories.

Industrial Engineers have their primary objective: Increase Pleasure and Prosperity of All Associated with their Organization - Customers, Employees, Suppliers, and Shareholders. 

Best wishes to all Industrial Engineers and Readers.

"Engineers make things, industrial engineers make them better."

"Engineers do Engineering and make available things and services.  Industrial engineers do better/productive engineering and make things and services better and abundant."

If  you're always finding a better, more efficient, more sensible way to do things, you're already on the right track to become an industrial engineer.   

Refresh and Update Industrial Engineering Knowledge.

Read Lessons of  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course

Industrial Engineering for Society Prosperity. 

Effective industrial engineering in companies and firms in the society will give more useful and valuable goods and services from the same resources. It will increase society prosperity. Industrial engineers contribute to consumers, company employees, company shareholders and society at large through their services. They must feel good and proud to provide their services in their organizations with dedication to their profession and organization.



Very Popular Free Download EBook. 10,000+ Downloads/Views so far.  0.5% rank in all books.

Foundation for Industrial Engineering.

Principles of Industrial Engineering - Taylor, Gilbreth, Emerson, Mogensen, Barnes, Maynard. Ohno-Shingo (Toyota TPS)- IISE Conference Presentation Video.  

10100+ views.

New Offering for 2025

Modern Industrial Engineering - A Book of Online Readings

PDF File. FREE Download. 

100 Reads in the first week. Good Welcome by IE Learners and Practitioners.

Now on Academia-Edu Platform.

"Let us industrial engineer a better world together."

"Let us productivity engineer a better world together."

The India Advantage: Your Gateway to Innovation & Growth - Tata Technologies.



14 Feb

Efficiency, precision, and a breakthrough you don’t want to miss

Sandvik Coromant

February 14, 2025


Are enough resources being provided for Productivity Improvement Projects?

Resourcing for IE Department and Productivity Improvement Projects.

Lesson  358 of  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course -  Productivity Management Module.

Global strategy consulting firm Strategy& has teamed up with the World Governments Summit to launch the Productivity Potential Index (PPI).  It offers countries a groundbreaking new way to manage their strategic planning around productivity and sustainable growth.

Productivity has long been the engine of modern economies, influencing global competitiveness, quality of life, and long-term prosperity. The new index is based on  future opportunities,” - Dima Sayess, partner at Strategy& and one of the conceptors of the Index.

The Role of AI in Shaping Productivity.
Daniel Rock is an assistant professor of operations, information and decisions at the Wharton School. He and his colleagues have looked at how AI can impact something like productivity.

Young-Jun Son

James J. Solberg Head and Ransburg Professor at PurdueJames J. Solberg Head and Ransburg Professor at Purdue


Purdue University Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering is once again ranked #1 for our online MS degree program.


Industrial Engineering is based on productivity improvement and economic analysis. Rate-of-Return Calculations of Industrial Engineering Projects. Industrial Engineering Economic Analysis.

Lesson 328 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Present-Worth Comparisons of Industrial Engineering Projects. Industrial Engineering Economic Analysis.

Lesson 327 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Industrial Engineering is based on productivity improvement and economic analysis. 

Industrial Engineering Projects - Formulation and Economic Feasibility Analysis.

Lesson 326 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Industrial Engineering is based on productivity improvement and economic analysis. Required Rate of Return for Investment or Expenditure Proposal.

Lesson 325 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Waste Measurement and Reporting Using MES - Manufacturing Execution System

Lesson 315 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Productivity Measurement - Waste Measurement

The Seven Value Stream Mapping Tools - Peter Hines and Nick Rich - Brief Explanation

Lesson 314 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Important Point.

To understand value stream and improve it, we have to use multiple charts and diagrams.

Action Item

Develop multiple charts for the value streams of your organization.


Value Stream Mapping (VSM - MIFD) to Measure Inventory Accumulation and Barriers to Flow. Why not single piece flow?

Lesson 313 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Losses identified in TPM.

16 Losses given by Yamashina in Manufacturing Cost Reduction Deployment.

Lesson 312 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Seven Wastes - Taiichi Ohno List -  Toyota Production System Focused Waste Elimination

Lesson 311 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Total Factor Productivity & Total Productivity Measurement

Lesson 307 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Productivity Measurement.

Lesson 306 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Industrial Engineering - Cost of Production and Service Units has to down. Productivity of Resources has to go up.  You need to measure both.

Time Study - Work Measurement Lessons (Lessons 291-299)

Engineering tasks are to be divided into elementary operations or elements, and the time to complete them has to be understood through various elements contributing to it. Through that understanding the time to do an element has to be reduced. These elements have to be classified into standard elements that are present in multiple tasks. 

Time study has to be done at the start of the process improvement study. At intermediate points in the study. At the end of the study. Then after some training and practice in the new method, it has to be done to fix the output expected from the new process as standard.

Taylor's Time Study: Taylor wanted time study to generate standard data for specified elements of work of machines and men. This standard data can be at national or universal level, industry level or company level. Taylor and Gilbreth recommended study of the best person to understand the best way of doing a work element currently. They spent time to further improve the way of doing based on productivity science developed them on the work element. For them the output  of time study has to be the best way of doing a work element and the minimum time in which it can be done. Taylor insisted from the beginning that the speed specified for operations has to be the speed that can be done comfortably, safely and healthily for the entire career span of the operators. What is that speed? Industrial engineering discipline later on developed a standard for that speed as 3 miles per hour. But is it scientifically validated? It may be necessary to provide solid logic and empirical foundation for this standard. Do people feel  happy and comfortable to walk 24 miles per day in 8 hours? This standard has corresponding specification in various work elements. In which work element, people are happy and comfortable to do as per the standard? It is an important question to be answered by IE discipline.

Time Study - Work Measurement Lessons (Starting  from 25.12.2024) 


Predetermined Motion Time Systems (PMTS)

Lesson 299 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Predetermined Motion Time System (PMTS) - Introduction  

A predetermined motion time system (PMTS) consists of a set of time data for basic human motions and a systematic procedure which analyses and subdivides any manual operation of human task into motions, body movements, or other elements of human performance, and assigns to each the appropriate time value. Each system of time data was originally developed from extensive studies of all aspects of human performance through measurement, evaluation, and validation procedures.  

Industrial engineers have to learn these methods to visualize human effort on their own without observing the operators. Then observation follows and understanding increases.

Optimization of Labour Productivity Using MOST Technique


What is Industrial and Systems Engineering?

IISE Definition of Industrial Engineering

Industrial and systems engineering (ISE) is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.

Focus on these portions of the definition

Industrial and systems engineering (ISE) is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems  - to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.

Specify the required results from the systems.

Predict the expected results from the designs of the systems

Evaluate the results after installation and improve them.

Result Areas

As per definition, any result area can become the activity of IE.

Cost and productivity are the two result areas which were first taken up by IE. Quality awareness and resolve not to deteriorate quality was part of IE right from beginning. But as quality engineering and management made its progress, IE adopted quality as a result area. Later flexibility appeared. Now sustainability came into prominence.

Elements of Human Effort/Work: Therbligs by Gilbreth
Lesson 298 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Important Point

Therbligs are foundation for productivity science of human effort. Every industrial engineer has to know these basic motions of humans and subject that further developed out of it. PMTS systems are developed based on therbligs.


Work Sampling for Work Measurement

Lesson 297 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Work sampling reduced work in work measurement studies of certain types of work. It is application of statistics to work measurement area in industrial engineering.


Effort Rating or Pace Rating in Stop Watch Time Study

Lesson 296 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Interesting Issue

Effort Rating or Pace Rating Standard in Stop Watch Time Study. 3 miles per hour. Do you agree.
Doubt - Is 3 Miles per Hour Work Pace Standard Validated?

 Is Walking a Full Marathon in Eight Hours and  Fifteen minutes  the Work Standard as per Work Measurement

Can a worker can walk a full marathon every day comfortably. How many walk a full marathon even once in a year? Is this 3 mph standard validated scientifically by work measurement engineers?


Work Measurement - Nadler's Description

Lesson 295 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Time Study and Work Measurement - ILO Work Study Book Explanation

Lesson 294 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Important Point to Note

Method study reveals shortcomings of design, material, equipment, its accessories, cutting tools and method of manufacture, and, as such, affects mainly technical decisions.  Work measurement is more likely to show up short comings on the part of management  and the motions,  movements and idle time  of the workers.

On the basis of work measurement, the elimination of ineffective time due to management shortcomings must precede any attack on the ineffective time within the control of the workers.

Action Item

Production study of  a batch of part can study the technical aspects of the process, managerial aspects of the the process and operator related aspects of the process. Work measurement will be important activity in this production study. Try it.


Time Study and Work Measurement - Definitions.

Lesson 293 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Work Measurement for Recording Times in Process Charts is ignored in current work measurement theory. 

Operation Process Chart - Recording and Analyzing It


F.W. Taylor - Explanation of Time Study - 1912

Lesson 292 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Important Point to Note.

The constructive work of time study.

The analysis of a piece of work into its elements almost always reveals the fact that many of the conditions surrounding and accompanying the work are defective; for instance, that improper tools are used, that the machines used in connection with it need perfecting, that the sanitary conditions are bad, etc. And knowledge so obtained leads frequently to constructive work of a high order, to the standardization of tools and conditions, to the invention of superior methods (processes) and machines.

Action Item.

Machines used  need perfecting,

Constructive work of a high order - Standardization of tools and conditions, Invention of superior methods (processes) and machines.

As Industrial engineers, do improve machines and tools.


Time Study - 1903 Explanation by F.W. Taylor - Process Time Reduction Study

Lesson 291 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Interesting point.

It is also desirable that, as soon as practicable after taking a few complete sets of time observations, the operator should be given the opportunity of working up one or two sets at least by summing up the unit times and allowing the proper per cent of rest, etc., and putting them into practical use, either by comparing his results with the actual time of a job which is known to be done in fast time, or by setting a time which a workman is to live up to.

The actual practical trial of the time student's work is most useful, both in teaching him the necessity of carefully noting the minutest details, and on the other hand convincing him of the practicability of
the whole method, and in encouraging him in future work.

Action Item.

If you are not using above suggestion try using it. 


Cost Engineering


What is Cost Engineering?

“Cost” is the collective term for resources such as: money and time. These resources are limited and should be utilized as efficient as possible. Cost engineering focuses on; “managing cost throughout the life cycle of any enterprise, (e.g. project or program).”

A cost engineer applies his engineering skills and experience to forecast the cost of the design and the project plan during the development of a project.  He also predicts the cost during the  progress of a project by spotting deviations from the plan early on. To analyze a deviation in the original design, it is vital to understand what other parameters will be affected and how this impacts the rest of the design and planning. 

Action Item. Industrial engineers have to understand techniques used on cost engineering.


Industrial Engineering Accompanied by Cost Estimating

Lesson 284 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Reducing the machine hours and labour hours based on engineering modifications is the focus of industrial engineering. It has to result in reduced cost of units produced. Hence every industrial engineering project or study begins with a time study, cost study (estimation), and productivity study. When an industrial engineering project is completed, its benefits are indicated by once again doing a time study, cost study and productivity study. As an intermediate stage, estimates of time, cost and productivity are made by industrial engineers.

Action Item. Do you have an established cost estimation process in IE department? If not, develop the process


Cost Measurement in Manufacturing Execution System (MES)

Lesson 283 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.



Machine Cost and Work Measurement - Time and Cost Estimates for Metal Forming Processes

Lesson 282 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Estimation of forging cost discussed.

Action Item

Do cost estimates or standard cost calculation for all parts and assemblies. Remember the final goal of industrial engineering is cost reduction that benefits consumers, employees and shareholders/owners. 


Better Equipment - More Productivity (Output)

The  cartoon depicts two fishermen, one with a simple stick and string catching small fish, and the other using advanced fishing equipment to catch large fish. Captioned "Better Equipment," this image humorously illustrates the concept of using better equipment as a tool for higher productivity. By employing standardized (improved), effective tools and techniques, individuals or teams can achieve significantly better results with the same effort.


My comments in the above discussion

Standardization:  - Improve - Promote the new way in all instances of use - improve again. Standardization has to be promoted as a cycle.

Better Equipment - Industrial Engineers have to contribute to development of better equipment - Contribution can be from concept to detail design and fabrication and operation. It can be up to any depth and detail as appropriate and feasible.



Cost Behavior Analysis and Relevant Costs Concept

Lesson 281 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Cost Estimation Procedures

1. Industrial Engineering Method
2. Conference Method
(W. Wichelll, Realistic cost Estimating for Manufacturing, 2nd ed., Society for Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn, Michigan, 1989)
3. Account Analysis Method
4. Quantitative Analysis Method
a. High-Low Method
b. Regression Analysis

What is  Industrial Engineering Method of Cost Estimation? Industrial engineers have to notice it.



Teach the utilization of financial and cost techniques to do cost analysis for decision-making, pricing and control of operations.

Full article


Establishing common ground for business management and engineering

By Thomas R. Cutler

International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 18(5), 232-243, 2011.ISSN 1943-670X© INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGOPTIMAL COSTESTIMATION FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PRODUCT DESIGNHongchul Lee1 and Jaemyung Lee

Action Item

Prepare cost relation sheet for each process under your responsibility. Develop activity volume based relations and complexity based cost driver relations.


Kaizen Costing, KAIZENshiro and Kaizen Cost Management

Lesson 280 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Japanese implemented  cost reduction philosophy in a systematic manner. They planned reductions in the standard costs of an item every year. So the production and sales team have to plan their department and activity cost to achieve reduction in standard cost. The idea was extended by them to monthly costs. They said we cannot achieve cost reduction in one day in a year. So having a standard cost for an year and then asking for reduction in it next year is not the right approach for cost reduction. They came with a reducing cost target for every month. Such a reducing cost target for every month demands some effort on cost reduction by departments every month. Hence cost reduction is on the monthly agenda of every department in the company. Kaizen costing is providing the monthly cost target information and accounting for actuals during the month.

Action Item: Prepare the cost statements for the last two months and compare costs for evidence of cost reduction. Plan for the cost reduction during next month.

Standard Costing and Cost Reduction
Lesson 279 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Cost Center Reports and Analysis
Lesson 278 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Process Costing - Review Notes
Lesson 277 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Job Costing - Review Notes
Lesson 276 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Part Process Chart Costing Sheet - Industrial Engineering Cost Measurement Sheet


Elements of Cost - Cost Accounting Record/Book Keeping
Lesson 275 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Basics of Accounting for Industrial Engineers

Lesson 273 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Cost Accounting - Introduction

Lesson 274 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


271. Industrial Engineering Measurements - Online Course Module - Introduction and Index

Lesson 271 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

Industrial Engineering is cost reduction of product and service units based on productivity improvement of all resources used in production.

An IE does something more than engineering in the engineering area. It is the understanding of the cost of inputs into the engineering products and productivity of the resources and process elements. An IE does not spend time on creating new engineering products and processes. He spends time on understanding and improving cost elements and productivity elements of existing products and processes. It means IE develops productivity science and cost science related to engineering elements. The engineering done by IE is productivity engineering of engineering elements, based on the discoveries in productivity science. This productivity engineering could be done by the industrial engineer himself or he can get the engineering project approved to be executed by the concerned engineers internally or by the consultants and external engineering design firms.  He measures cost and productivity (time) of engineering elements and combines them in creating better cost effective and productive solutions to existing products and processes. Thus the final effect of industrial engineers' efforts  is on final products and processes and systems. But many times it is the combination of improvements at the elements level, and their proper integration that gives the result at the system level. Industrial engineering department of a company has to make significant contribution of the order of 2 to 5% reduction in the engineering systems cost of the organization year after year based on adopting new engineering developments, industrial engineering discoveries and inventions, creative thinking and the learning effect of all employees of the organization.

IE Measurements - Cost - Time - Productivity - Waste - Inventory

lessons are there for each cost element or head in the module.

Cost Measurement - Essential Activity of Industrial Engineering

Lesson 272 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.


Very Happy 2024 for Me. 

Er. Italo Coutinho included my name in  7 Titans of Engineering and Project Management 2024.


hashtaggestaocontratual 🏆 The #7 hashtagTitans of hashtagEngineering & Project Management 2024
Follow these my global leaders to learn, grow, and excel in contracts, innovation, scheduling, and project management!
Which Titan are you following first? Let me know! 🌟

🌍 Titan #1: Ilamparithi BoologaSundaraVijayan
Subject: Contract Management & Claims
A top Construction Contracts & Claims Consultant with $2.2B EPC portfolio experience. Expert in FIDIC, arbitration, and claims analysis. 🌟

🌍 Titan #2: Narayana Rao KVSS
Subject: Industrial Engineering
Expert in system efficiency and creator of a top IE knowledge hub. His blog offers articles, case studies, and course notes with over 2.5M page views globally! 🚀

🌍 Titan #3: Joselito Henriques 🇧🇷
Subject: Engineering & Innovation
VP of R&D at Akaer Group. Leads innovation in aerospace, space, and defense sectors with over 10 years in strategic project management and global partnerships. ✈️

🌍 Titan #4: Mounir Ajam 🇺🇸
Subject: Collaborative Decision-Making
CEO of UrukPM, with 35+ years of experience. Innovator in SaaS solutions for governance, PMO, and real-time progress tracking to solve project challenges. 💻📈

🌍 Titan #5: Andy Hewitt 🇬🇧
Subject: FIDIC Contracts
40 years of experience in contracts, claims, and dispute management. Author of Construction Claims & Responses and founder of Claims Class. 🛠️

🌍 Titan #6: Adriana Garavaglia, PMP® 🇦🇷
Subject: Architecture & Project Management
Founder of ARQ PM Consulting, delivering agile strategies, execution plans, and client-focused solutions to optimize projects worldwide. 🎯

🌍 Titan #7: Paul E Harris 🇬🇧
Subject: Scheduling with Primavera P6
Expert in project controls with 40+ years of global experience. Trainer and consultant for Primavera P6 and Microsoft Project. Founder of Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd. 📅 Note about Paul: retired, but your books and posts on Linkedin are great!

🧐 I forgot any Titan? Please tell me!

hashtagGestaoDeProjetos hashtagValorizaEngenharia hashtagProjectManagement hashtagEngineeringTitans hashtagInnovation hashtagitalocoutinho

My repost with quote



Very Happy. Thank You YouTube Community.10000+ views. Principles of Industrial Engineering. IISE Conference Presentation Video.

Thank You LinkedIn Community.10000+ views. Principles of Industrial Engineering. IISE Conference Presentation Video. 

New. Popular E-Book on IE,

Introduction to Modern Industrial Engineering.  #FREE #Download.

In 1% on 11,700+ Downloads so far.

Principles of Industrial Engineering - Taylor, Gilbreth, Emerson, Mogensen, Barnes, Maynard. Ohno-Shingo (Toyota TPS)- IISE Conference Presentation Video - 9950+ views.

Industrial Engineering - Increases Resource Efficiency. Increases Output of Goods and Services. Increases Income to Employees. Increases Profits and Dividends to Entrepreneurs.

#IndustrialEngineering   for   #SocietyProsperity  through #Productivity  #Improvement satisfying all constraints and limits. 

Modern Industrial Engineering and Lean in Low Volume - High Mix Production - Shahrukh Irani, Narayana Rao and Others


Industrial Engineering - Machine Effort IE, Human Effort IE.

I want industrial engineers to notice the definition.  Work System: Definition

"A work system is a system in which human participants and/or machines perform work using information, technology, and other resources to produce products and/or services for internal or external customers." (IISE Work Systems Division)

Design of Work Systems, Machine Methods, Operator Methods, and Work Measurement - Ralph Barnes

Related person

Industrial systems and processes exist in agriculture, manufacturing - mining - construction, and service businesses. Do you agree?

Industrial Engineers  have to be pioneers in New Technology Adoption. Do you agree?

Industrial Engineering is Cost Reduction through Productivity Improvement.
Productivity Improvement Using  Productivity Science - Productivity Engineering - Productivity Management. Do you agree?


Good video

Introduction to Industrial Engineering



Generative Use Cases - Productivity is also included.

Improving Operation Process Chart

Industrial engineers have to first improve operation process chart. 

In it they have to improve material transformation fist and then its quality assurance activity. Only after economical quality output is assured through the material transformation process, they have to examine storage requirement, transport requirement and planning activity for the production. Improvement of operation process chart has to be the primary activity of industrial engineers.

Process Improvement - Productivity Analysis and Productivity Engineering.

Industrial engineer analyzes each process into its ultimate, simple elements, and compares each of these simplest steps or processes with an ideal or perfect condition and modifies the element appropriately. - F.W. Taylor - Hugo Diemer.

Prof. Hugo Diemer  - Taylor's Industrial Engineering

Productivity Benchmarking -  Industry  4.0 Technologies

Applied Industrial Engineering. Industry 4.0 Technologies. List of Industry 4.0 Light Houses -  Productivity and Cost Benefits Realized - WEF - McKinsey - Have You Benchmarked with the Best in Industry 4.0 Implementation?

AUG 1, 2024
Additive manufacturing is impacting the automotive industry, from large players to custom shops
Automotive insights from RAPID/TCT 2024.
At this year’s industrial additive manufacturing event in Los Angeles, automotive applications were strongly represented by equipment manufacturers, material suppliers and software vendors.
Specialty autos that were formally contracted out for completion, such as Roush and Shelby Mustangs, may move in-house as additive manufacturing technology and capability for short runs, without added costs. 

Seminar Video - Higher Education in Industrial Engineering and Management - IE3

Politecnico di Bari

Streamed live on 2 Feb 2023

"Say Goodbye to Downtime: Revolutionize Machine Cleaning with EasyMech QC50!" Unlock the Power of Efficient Maintenance and Minimize Downtime Today.

22 August 2023

Industrial engineering departments and industrial engineers have to develop 

How to implement Jidoka in Lean Manufacturing ? Autonomation

Knowledge Factory-Lean Six Sigma
"Jidoka, also known as automation with a human touch, comes from the Japanese word for 'autonomation'. It's about creating a system where machines, not humans, identify and resolve errors."

Low-cost, easy-to-produce prosthesis

The aim of the ARM2u team is to start marketing a prosthesis that helps people with this disability at a much lower cost than that of similar existing models. This prototype is easy to produce at a low cost, since it is made of PLA plastic using 3D printing techniques.

UWM engineering students create solution that saves company $840,000 per year

Posted on May 17, 2023

Manufacturing Plants Trends

Improve Operational Efficiency

New Writing Project

Industrial Engineering: Productivity Improvement of Systems and Processes - Book by Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.

Remember F.W. Taylor. Birthday - 20 March 1856.

To be remembered for Productivity Improvement System, Productivity Engineering of Machine Tools, Shop Management, Scientific Management. 

Frederick Taylor's Productivity System for Rapidly Attaining The Maximum Productivity - Part 1

#IndustrialEngineering  #Productivity

Productivity Engineering of Machine Tools and Machining - F.W. Taylor - Part 1

F.W. Taylor - Shop Management - With Appropriate Sections.

F.W. Taylor Scientific Management - With Appropriate Sections


Blog Readers During the year 2022.

Page views (Analytics): 59,528.
Unique page views: 54,720.
Average time on page: 3.21 minutes.

Users: 33,318.

Improving Operation Process Chart

Industrial engineers have to first improve operation process chart. 

n it they have to improve material transformation fist and then its quality assurance activity. Only after economical quality output is assured through the material transformation process, they have to examine storage requirement, transport requirement and planning activity for the production. Improvement of operation process chart has to be the primary activity of industrial engineers.

Process Improvement - Productivity Analysis and Productivity Engineering.

Industrial engineer analyzes each process into its ultimate, simple elements, and compares each of these simplest steps or processes with an ideal or perfect condition and modifies the element appropriately. - F.W. Taylor - Hugo Diemer.

Prof. Hugo Diemer  - Taylor's Industrial Engineering

Lesson 162 of  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course.

Lesson 161 of  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course.

Lesson 158 of  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course.

Analysis of Flow -  Delays in the Processes - Part of Flow Process Chart Analysis
Lesson 156 of  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course.

Analyze the Current Method of Process/Operation to Find Improvement Opportunities. - Machine Tool Setup Time and Cost Analysis.  - Lesson 93 of Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course.

Industrial engineering and management, problems and policies, ...
About this Item
Barnes, Ralph Mosser, 1908-
386 page scans$b27038&view=1up&seq=165

Fundamentals of Lean Manufacturing
by Don T Phillips (Author), Berna E Tokgoz .
Read the first chapter in Amazon site.

New Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Industrial Engineering.
Facilities Industrial Engineering - Product Industrial Engineering - Process Industrial Engineering -
Human Effort Industrial Engineering

Online Free Access Handbook of Industrial Engineering includes all modules of IE Online Course Notes.

Process Improvement using engineering knowledge to reduce cost through increasing productivity of machines and men by reducing machine time and man time is the main activity of industrial engineering.

Many other disciplines help industrial engineers to achieve their objectives. But the main discipline that is the foundation for IE is engineering of products and processes.


Joe Biden
By investing in manufacturing and building out our supply chains, we are creating good-paying jobs that you can raise a family on, lowering the costs of energy and the internet, and making sure that no community is left behind.

Replying to @JoeBiden Ask industrial engineers to work on sectors where costs are high? #IndustrialEngineering #CostReduction.



Top  Posts of the Month on 17.8. 2022
Origin of Industrial Engineering and Productivity Management - Piece Rate System & Shop Management by Taylor - Summaries
Posted by Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.
Low Cost Materials and Processes - Information Board - Database for Industrial Engineering and Value Engineering
Posted by Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.

Special Promotion - September 2022

Industry 4.0 - IIoT - Productivity Management Implications and Applications.

From IE Department, have you sent a report on IIoT based Productivity Improvement to your management. Have you made a presentation? Was the opportunity brought to the notice of your board?
Industry 4.0 - IIoT - Productivity Management.

Manufacturing System Losses Identified in TPM Literature - Principles of Machine Economy

Equipment Efficiency - Machines Related  Losses - Identification and Prevention.

Productivity Management - Improving Productivity   

32(0.04%), 36, t44

Business Process Efficiency Engineering - Industrial Engineering Through Information Technology.

Are You Aware of These 100 New Technologies in Industry 4.0 Era - How Many Do You Know?

IE Redesign Implementation - Principle of Industrial Engineering

You are not just planner. You are an Engineer and Manager. Implement the Redesign of Engineering Systems - IE Redesign Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Redesign Products and Processes. Implement. IE Redesign Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Industrial Engineering is Redesign of Products and Processes in Different Technologies for Productivity Improvement.

System Level Focus - Principle of Industrial Engineering

Selection of Operators - Principle of Industrial Engineering.
Selection of Equipment is also an Important Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Design for Manufacture for Injection Molding - Important Points
Lesson 250 of IEKC Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course Notes.

DFMA - Design for Manufacture for Die Casting - Important Points

DFMA - Design for Manufacture Notes on Selection of Materials and Processes

News and Information to Facilitate Productivity Analysis of Machining Elements in Milling

Milling - Estimation of Machining Time

Production Industrial Engineering - Industrial Engineering in Production Activity -  Scope

2018 Machine Shop Engineering & Technology - Productivity Improvement and Cost Reduction News

Alternative Lubricants and Productivity - Case Study

The principles of Methods Efficiency Engineering are fundamental, and they can be applied to any class of work. It makes no difference if a plant is manufacturing toys, tools, trains, or tractors ; the principles apply equally to all. - H.B. Maynard.
Scope and Limitations of Process Industrial Engineering - Methods Efficiency Engineering.

The principles of Methods Efficiency Engineering are fundamental, and they can be applied to any class of work. It makes no difference if a plant is manufacturing toys, tools, trains, or tractors ; the principles apply equally to all. - H.B. Maynard.
They are applicable to job shops as well as mass production shops. There are also applicable to all engineering branches.



Productivity Incentives - Principle of Industrial Engineering

Learning Curve - Experience Curve - Bibliography

News - Information for Industrial Engineering Analysis of Delays in Processes - Lean Inventory Design in Processes

Flow Manufacturing and Product Families.

Product families help you to create flow manufacturing cells. Flow manufacturing has many benefits compared to job shop or job queue manufacturing shops. Jobs have inherent delays in material flow.
News - Information for Industrial Engineering Analysis of Delays in Processes - Lean Inventory Design in Processes

Lean Thinkers have to use Industrial Engineering Tools - especially process charts. [VSM] analysis is at a high level, without many details. To uncover every instance of every type of muda requires a detailed analysis using a portfolio of tools drawn from industrial engineering ... The most important of these are process mapping (to identify and categorize each step together with the time, distance and effort involved)... Womack and Jones, 1996.
Lean Management - Introduction - Evolution.

New Lean Principles for an Industry 4.0 World
#IndustrialEngineering  #Productivity  #CostReduction   #Lean

Systems Engineering - Designing entire value stream; that is, every step required to deliver value to your customer – instead of your product in isolation – is the defining characteristic of LPPD. - Jim Morgan, Lean Enterprise Institute.
New Lean Principles for an Industry 4.0 World.
#IndustrialEngineering  #Productivity  #CostReduction   #Lean

Lean thinkers reiterate what F.W. Taylor said earlier.
Robert Martichenko and Kevin von Grabe  say:
"Make decisions that will meet customer expectations at the lowest possible total cost."
Compare Taylor's management definition with the above explanation of lean management. They both mean the same.

Management is  knowing exactly what you want men to do, and then seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way. - F.W. Taylor in Shop Management.
Lean Management - Introduction - Evolution.

How to Lead Lean Systems?
John Shook - Former Toyota Manager. 
YouTube Videos on #Lean Systems and Practices

Lean is subset of IE with increased focus on flow and special focus on pull.
Lean is a Subset and Sub-brand of Industrial Engineering.
#IndustrialEngineering  #Productivity  #CostReduction   #Lean


Industrial Engineering - Hand Tools, Cutting Tools and Machine Accessories for Productivity

Information Systems Industrial Engineering - Information Systems Engineering

Business Process Improvement - Industrial Engineering Through Information Technology - Bibliography


Process Improvement Industrial Engineering

Operations in the Process - Material Processing - Inspection - Material Movement - Storage - Production Planning and Control

Material Processing Improvement

For each manufacturing process, industrial engineers have to identify the process parameters that have an effect on productivity and do experiments to find the relation between the parameter and productivity. The increased understanding of these relations leads to productivity engineering and more productivity.
Electrochemical Machining - Productivity Science - Engineering

Production Industrial Engineering - Scope.
Basic Production Processes and Technologies and Industrial Engineering.
Developing basic production processes and technologies in the direction of increasing productivity is the responsibility of industrial engineering discipline.


For inspection operation also, equipment, gauges and persons are used. Productivity improvement has to be attempted based on the engineering knowledge of IEs.

Material Handling, Transport and Material Movement

Motorized Equipment, Man operated trolleys, implements like shoves  and persons are used. Productivity improvement has to be attempted based on the engineering knowledge of IEs.

Storage and Warehousing

Receiving, breaking the bulk or separating items, counting, moving to shelves and placing in shelves are to be done. Similarly, there are activities when material is to be issued. Full automation of warehousing is possible now. Productivity improvement has to be attempted based on the engineering knowledge of IEs.

Production Planning and Control

If it is not proper, wrong batch quantities and safety stocks are employed. Lots of delays take place. Material lies idle and resources become idle.

Hence productivity science is needed in each step of the process of manufacture of a part or a complete product.

Principles of motion economy for human effort industrial engineering. Principles of machine economy for machine effort industrial engineering.

Productivity Improvement in Machine Shop - F.W. Taylor

Engineering in Industrial Engineering -  Machine work study or machine effort improvement, value engineering and design for manufacturing and assembly are major engineering based IE methods. All are available as existing methods.

Process Improvement - Process Industrial Engineering - Methods and Techniques

Question the choice of the machine for the operation in each process improvement study.
Do the replacement analysis in each facilities improvement study.
Production Equipment Productivity Analysis. 

My advocacy now is IEs must first concentrate on improving engineering elements and then move into productivity managerial elements and non-engineering areas. Machine work study or machine effort improvement, value engineering and design for manufacturing and assembly are major engineering based IE methods. All are available as existing methods.

SME 2021 Geoffrey Boothroyd Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineers

14 Geoffrey Boothroyd Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineers, age 35 or younger, are being recognized for their exceptional contributions and accomplishments in the manufacturing industry. 

Each year, the award is named in honor of a specific individual who has made lifelong contributions to manufacturing and SME. The 2021 award namesake is University of Massachusetts Professor Geoffrey Boothroyd, PhD, FSME, and founder of Boothroyd Dewhurst Inc. Boothroyd and his colleagues began research on what would become the basis for the design for manufacture and assembly (DFMA) methodology, "which has dramatically reduced costs, improved product quality and enhanced the competitiveness of major U.S. manufacturers."

Lilian Gilbreth - Cal Graduate - Cal's First Industrial Engineer

Industrial Engineering @ Oakland ISE - Prof Robert Van Til

J. Jack Watson : Engineering Hall of Fame - 2001

Graduation Year: 1950
BSIA 1950 - MIME

Jack Watson graduated with a BS in Industrial Administration in 1950, then worked as an industrial engineer and supervisor with The Boeing Company in Seattle for nine years, and three years at Thiokol Chemical in Brigham City, Utah. He then spent 25 years in executive management at Wilton Corporation in Shiller Park, Illinois; Walworth Company in Braintree, Massachusetts; Medalist Industries in Oshkosh, Wisconsin; Pressed Steel Tank in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Grove Valve and Regulator in Oakland, California. In 1987, Watson co-founded and served as Chairman and CEO of NEWFLO Corporation in Austin, Texas. NEWFLO acquired nine subsidiary companies during the next nine years and sales grew from $34 million in 1988 to $232 million in 1996. The company was sold to Portland, Oregon's Precision Castparts in 1996.

Jack Watson - Biography - Book - Page 156 Boeing job starts
Page 177: 300 person industrial engineering department at Boeing (1950-1959)

For each 100 million dollars cost of production, there can be one MS IE and 6 BSIEs.
Value Creation Model for Industrial Engineering - Productivity Engineering

Industrial Engineering in Top Global Manufacturing Companies - Top 100

Understand skills and knowledge required for IE Jobs in Top 100 Global Manufacturing Companies
Industrial Engineering Jobs - Top Global Manufacturing Companies - 2020

Industrial Engineering - Core Task

The core task in Industrial Engineering (IE) is continuous engineering change in product and processes to increase productivity. Other activities are additions to this core. If it is not done, engineering term has no meaning and IE has no competitive advantage.

"Industrial Engineering is System Efficiency Engineering and Human Effort Engineering. It is an engineering discipline that deals with the system efficiency."

The core design teams are first concerned with effectiveness and then with satisfactory efficiency. Industrial engineers evaluate and increase efficiency over the life cycle of the product and process based on intensive search of existing knowledge, creative application, efficiency related measurements and analysis, new technology developments, experience, and involving every body in operations as well as design in efficiency improvement. Improvements done by IEs are fed back into core design for the future products and processes.

Principles of Industrial Engineering With Supporting Articles

The earlier Blog URL:


Industrial Engineering Knol Books by Narayana Rao


Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision - One Year Plan

January - February - March - April - May - June

July - August - September - October - November - December

The Purpose, Philosophy, Principles and Methods of Industrial Engineering
Masters in Industrial Engineering Program Orientation Address 2016


Knowledge Base for Process Productivity Improvement - News - Information for


40 continuous improvement tools 

New Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Industrial Engineering.
Facilities Industrial Engineering - Product Industrial Engineering - Process Industrial Engineering -
Human Effort Industrial Engineering

IEs have to learn: Action-based modeling: What’s behind what’s happening?

Mario Ventresca, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Industrial Engineering,
College of Engineering, Purdue University

Happy. 250 lessons got minimum 50 views in a year.
Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course. 

The Next 50 Years of Industrial Management and Engineering

hakan butuner
2015, Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Trends and Proposals for European Industrial Engineering

June 2021
Conference: IEM Teaching and Research at the Crossroads of Innovation, Digitalisation and Sustainability. Proceedings of the 14th EPIEM Conference 2021. Editors Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Bernd Markus ZUNK Univ.-Ass. Amila OMAZIC, BSc MScAt: Graz University of Technology (virtual conference)Volume: ISBN (e-book) 978-3-85125-827-1
Jabier Retegi, Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Juan Ignacio Igartua-Lopez, Mondragon Unibertsitatea

The Efficiency Magazine - 1911 to 1916

Efficient Manufacturing - Web Magazine

Creative machine fixturing ability enables Parkn to produce large batches of parts very quickly if needed. They can also set up the fixtures to run separate parts on the other side, if smaller batches are required.

Machine fixture design is a balancing act to see how many parts you can fit into the machine at once without disturbing the tool path or exceeding the limitations of your machine tool.

Managing to Learn: Using the A3 Management Process to Solve Problems, Gain Agreement, Mentor and Lead

John Shook
Lean Enterprise Institute, 2008 - Business & Economics - 138 pages

"The process by which a company identifies, frames, acts and reviews progress on problems, projects and proposals can be found in the structure of the A3 process ... follow the story of a manager ... and his report ... which will reveal how the A3 can be used as a management process to create a standard method for innovating, planning, problem-solving, and building structures for a broader and deeper form of thinking - a practical and repeatable approach to organizational learning"--Publisher's description.

Gemba Keiei by Taiichi Ohno, Chapter 33: The Difference Between Production Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering
By Jon Miller

Industrial Engineering 4.0 - 2022

Using process mining to improve productivity in make-to-stock manufacturing
Rafael Lorenz et. al., International Journal of Production Research, Volume 59, 2021 - Issue 16.

How is 3D Animation impacting the new age of Engineering Animation?
The new world is all about technology. Every industry across the globe is manifesting to switch to new technological methods that can catalyze their business productivity and functionality.



Artificial Intelligence Replacing the Human Effort by 4 times.
when people don’t know about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots they are four times more effective at selling products than inexperienced workers
ByElets News Network,  September 24, 2019

ISO 9241-11:2018(en)
Ergonomics of human-system interaction — Part 11: Usability: Definitions and concepts

Modern engineering: why do organizations transform?

JANUARY 15, 2020

Antonio De La Prieta


Lead of custom software engineering, digital, and Salesforce practices at the Advanced Technology Center in Spain.

Jorge Hidalgo


Global Java practice co-lead, and custom software engineering, architecture & DevOps lead at the Advanced Technology Center in Spain.

Productivity Improvement Service of Sandvik Coromant

Stanford researchers demonstrate major advance in dynamic charging
May 19, 2020

Stanford engineers report that they have taken a big step toward a practical system for dynamic charging, which would allow EVs to recharge while hurtling down the highway.

Stanford Professor Shanhui Fan has been working on dynamic charging for some time. In 2017, Fan and graduate student Sid Assawaworrarit built a working prototype. Now they  demonstrated a system that could be scaled up to enable highway dynamic charging, and that could see a practical application in the nearer term, wirelessly recharging robots as they move around warehouses and factory floors. This is a significant research step toward a practical and efficient system for wirelessly recharging automobiles and robots, even when they are moving at high speeds.

S-in motion provides smart steel solutions for EVs
Posted May 7, 2020

ArcelorMittal introduced its first S-in motion study for ICE vehicles ten years back. The company has now released a new set of S-in motion solutions for EVs. The S-in motion online car configurator shows how advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) and smart solutions can be deployed to meet the weight, safety, cost and sustainability performance targets of EV producers.

Manufacturing Education

November 2017

November - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

Empowerment and Productivity

Engineering Materials for Cost Reduction
Posted by Michael Pfeifer, Ph.D., P.E.
One approach to cost reduction is to re-engineer products to use less expensive materials or reduced quantities of higher priced materials.  This approach can have a significant impact on a product’s costs, since the materials used in a product account for a large part of its total cost.

Interesting work in Industrial Engineering being done by

Industrial Engineers - Share at least one productivity idea of yours every year

Contribute Brainstorming Bits for Productivity Improvement.

I suggest that all industrial engineering participating in productivity improvement contribute at least one productivity initiative of theirs every year through a blog post, social media entry or email in a group. The blog post can be in their own blog, on a blog of their company or it can be submitted to blogs of their institute or professional associations. The social media posts can be on their profile, a page, or in a community. That way the community will have multiple examples of productivity improvement in the entire global economy and some of these examples act as brainstorming particles that excite others to think and implement productivity measures in their organizations. By sharing only one idea every year, every industrial engineer engaging in productivity improvement can energize the entire profession.

I am very happy that Mr. Keven McManus, a regular author in Industrial Engineer magazine supported the idea in FaceBook Community of IISE.

NIFT should focus on Industrial Engineering

Low Cost Materials and Processes - Information Board - 2014 - Database for Industrial Engineering and Value Engineering

Branding for Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering Strategy

Industrial Engineering of Technical Processes

  Manufacturing Systems Industrial Engineering
  Material Handling Systems Industrial Engineering
Quality and Inspection Systems Industrial Engineering
Storage and Warehouse  Systems Industrial Engineering
Supply Chain Systems Industrial Engineering
Logistics Systems Industrial Engineering
  Information Systems Industrial Engineering
Lean Manufacturing Systems Industrial Engineering
    Maintenance System Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering of Business Processes

Marketing and Selling Processes  Industrial Engineering
Purchase Processes  Industrial Engineering
Accounting Processes  Industrial Engineering
Customer Service Processes  Industrial Engineering
Human Resource Recruitment  Process Industrial Engineering

Continued in 

Productivity and Industrial Engineering News - Bulletin Board - February 2014

November 2014
Industrial Engineering Strategy - Decisions to be taken by top management
Toyota Production Industrial Engineering updated by adding all chapters of the book

July - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan - Started on 17 June 2014

February 2014

Shigeo Shingo - The Japanese Industrial Engineer - Contribution to Industrial Engineering  Updated on 18.2.2014

3 Feb 2014
IntelliJ IDEA 13 Wins Jolt Productivity Award for Coding Tools 2014!
Dr. Dobb’s Journal named IntelliJ IDEA 13 the winner of the Jolt Productivity Award for Coding Tools 2014, an annual award given to the best IDEs and coding tools.

January 2014


Vacuum drying - increased moulding productivity - Plastics Processing

“Vacuum drying is six times faster than with desiccant systems, which not only makes possible much shorter cold startups but also reduces the risk of material degradation, since resin is exposed to elevated temperature for 80% less time,” said Mr. Smith. “This remarkable drying speed is attributable to a far more efficient method for extracting moisture from resin pellets — so much more efficient that vacuum dryers reduce energy consumption by up to 60% in comparison with desiccant dryers.”

Solutions to Drive Warehouse Productivity
In this webcast, Eric Hepburn, Vice President of Distribution Center Management for Penske Logistics, shares proven techniques on how to devise a labor management strategy that can make a huge impact on your distribution operations.


Three reasons why blogging helps research productivity

Efficient cooling system improves productivity in plastic moulding

As cooling time is the biggest factor in plastic moulding cycle and one of the deciding factors for the quality requirements, better control upon the same will improve the productivity to a great extent.
Analysis of cooling performance at regular intervals is always advisable to maintain and/or improve the cooling efficiency.
The pump/s, pipe diameter and cooling tower are selected accordingly and the design is optimised. Design can be optimised for new plants and for modification of existing plant.

Wave Walker Boosts Productivity
WaveWalker can considerably boost productivity in tasks such as drilling and pipeline and cable-laying.

Bangladesh boosts garment productivity with SewEasy System for industrial engineering
The SewEasy SMV estimation system, established on PMTS technology serves factories since 1996, and is based on MTM.

Remarkable increase in productivity with the new SEHO SelectLine
SEHO Systems GmbH, a worldwide leading manufacturer of automated soldering systems and customer-specific solutions, will present the new SEHO SelectLine selective soldering system

H.C. Starck's Newton facility awarded Industry Week's 2013 Best Plants
The global supplier of technology metals was able to reduce waste, optimize productivity, streamline processes, improve efficiencies, and reduce cost.


Productivity and Online Learning

The Need for Greater Productivity through Online Learning, Part 1
The Need for Greater Productivity through Online Learning, Part 2
The Need for Greater Productivity through Online Learning, Further Thoughts

Productivity Commission of New Zealand suggests 25 recommendations that it believed would boost the productivity of the services sector

Tap behavioural economics for productivity boost
Businesses must select leaders and managers who can engage their employees

Preparing For Productivity: The Rise Of The Maintenance Planner

Guide to assessing productivity in your organisation - Productivity South Africa
Download the Guide to assessing productivity in your organisation - (139KB)

The Domino N600i
The only digital colour label press that combines
the productivity of flexo with the flexibility of digital printing

Resource Productivity of Japanese Manufacturing Subsidiaries in the Philippines: A Comparative Case Study.
Source: DLSU Business & Economics Review . Jul2011, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p15-28. 14p. 5 Charts.
Author(s): Cortez, Michael Angelo A.
(EBSCO Host)

Industrial Productivity
What determines how much a worker can produce in different periods and in different countries? The answer is found in the study of a sensitive ratio between the cost of labor and the cost of machinery
By Seymour Melman
Scientific American Volume 193, Issue 1

3M™ High Productivity Pad 7300, 20 in, 5/case

Value Engineering of Ventilator

Productivity and IE in Stock and Commodity Exchange Trading

Integrated production planning and control: A multi-objective optimization model
Cheng Wang, Xiao-Bing Liu
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
Vol 6, No 4 (2013)

A Novel Optimization Method on Logistics Operation for Warehouse & Port Enterprises Based on Game Theory
Junyang Li, Xiaomin Zhu, Runtong Zhang
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
Vol 6, No 4 (2013)

2014 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications(ICIEA 2014)

Papers on the following topics will be presented in oral and poster sessions:
· Decision Analysis and Methods
· E-Business and E-Commerce
· Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis
· Engineering Education and Training
· Global Manufacturing and Management
· Healthcare Systems and Management
· Human Factors
· Information Processing and Engineering
· Intelligent Systems
· Manufacturing Systems
· Operations Research
· Production Planning and Control
· Project Management
· Quality Control and Management
· Reliability and Maintenance Engineering
· Safety, Security and Risk Management
· Service Innovation and Management
· Supply Chain Management
· Systems Modeling and Simulation
· Technology and Knowledge Management

Conference papers will be selected to be published in Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information (JIII, ISSN: 2301-3745, 10.12720/jiii,


Rokla Rockwheel cutting unit increases productivity in abrasive material mining

Productivity From Packaging Line Solutions
Rennco is a manufacturer of semi-automatic and fully automatic vertical bagging machines and medical device heat sealing systems

Low-cost and more versatile robots to increase productivity
Rise of the machines: Robots on the factory floor
Vanguard Plastics in Southington, Conn., has put a robot named Baxter($25,000) in its plant to work side by side with some of the 22 people on its floor.

New Inserts Boost Productivity in a Wide Range of Tough Turning Applications
Walter's new geometries bring production efficiencies for turning high temperature alloys, titanium machining and tough roughing jobs.

Drum Debarker — Continuous Wood Feeding And Other Productivity-Boosting Mechanisms

Reduce press downtime between jobs in stamping machines

How We Increased Productivity on the Shop Floor
Paul Downs founded Paul Downs Cabinetmakers in 1986. It is based outside Philadelphia.

Tips for Maximizing Productivity and Decreasing Costs in Welding Job Shops

Analysis of buffered assembly line productivity
Ryspek Usubamatov, Abd Alsalam Alsalameh, Rosmaini Ahmad, Abdul Rahman Riza, (2014) "Analysis of buffered assembly line productivity", Assembly Automation, Vol. 34 Iss: 1, pp.34 - 40

Comprehensive, quantitative bioprocess productivity monitoring using fluorescence EEM spectroscopy and chemometrics.
Analyst, 2014, Accepted Manuscript!divAbstract

InfoPrint Productivity Tracker
Insights to help drive out cost

Converged infrastructure boosts Oracle DBA productivity
Converged infrastructure boosts DBA productivity, according to a new Wikibon report. Wikibon’s research examined Oracle database administrators (DBAs) in particular and found that highly converged infrastructure lowered costs and raised productivity between 40 and 50 percent.


$1 billion Soros backed fund for Supply Chain Efficiency Improvement Projects

Niedermaier, CEO of New York-based Tau Investment Management has teamed up with investor Alexander Soros— the son of billionaire financier George Soros to raise $1 billion  to revamp the vast number of firms that form supply chains for various products. He said firms participating in supply chains are full of inefficiencies and outdated equipment that can be upgraded for a nice profit. His Tau Investments has chosen as its first target textile and apparel manufacturing in emerging markets, a $1 trillion industry.

Management and Productivity

Decreasing workplace transparency can increase productivity.

Harvard Business School Assistant Professor Ethan S. Bernstein shows that decreasing the observation of employees can increase their productivity.  His paper "Transparency Paradox: A Role for Privacy in Organizational Learning and Operational Control"  won the 2013 Best Published Paper Award from both the Academy of Management's Organization and Management Theory Division and Organizational Behavior Division.

Tivoli Storage Productivity Center - IBM
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center simplifies the following data and storage management processes:
Storage administration options where you can choose from an advanced GUI or VMware plug-in. It also includes Cognos® Business Intelligence and pre-designed reports.
Storage and device management to give you fast deployment with agent-less device management – while intelligent presets improve provisioning consistency and control.
Integrated performance management features end-to-end views, including devices, SAN fabrics and storage systems. The server-centric view of storage infrastructure enables fast troubleshooting.
Data replication management that enables you to have remote mirror, snapshot and copy management and supports Windows, Linux, UNIX and System z data.

Increasing  the productivity of sales simplifying the Insurance form filling process

Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd today said it has implemented a host of new processes that will make life insurance simpler and increase the productivity of its sales force.
Tata AIA Life is one of the first insurance companies in India to fully switch over to a ‘Standard Proposal Form’ for all products consequently offering convenience in making completion of applications faster and easier for the customers. This also makes the agent sales kit lighter since different proposal forms for different products would not be required any further.

Productivity in Germany

Highest 111.June 2012
102.3 in November 2013

Impact of Temperature and Climate Variability on Milk Productivity of Bovines
Mitigation Measures - India

22 Productivity Principles From Proverbs

Improving field service productivity with tablet pcs

Modern Compass Improves Oilfield Productivity, Cuts Costs

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) comments that multiple reservoirs of oil and gas can be now be accessed from a single platform by drilling vertically and then horizontally, but drill operators need to know which way their drill bits are going to maxi­mize production and avoid collisions with other wells. One way to accomplish this important task is to install a magnetometer—a sort of modern-day compass—in a drill-string instrument package that follows the drill bit.

ATC 900 the most productive tire changer solution on the market

The dual-disc bead breaker, center clamp system and automatic demounting tool make the ATC 900 the most productive tire changer solution on the market. Leverless demounting and powered wheel lift reduce technician fatigue and opportunity for injury. Dual disc bead breakers and servo positioned and electronically synchronized so the technician can efficiently maintain a safe and ergonomic bay position.

December 2013

Industrial Engineering of Warehouses - Efficiency Improvement of warehouses

The New role of Industrial Engineering  by Jan Kosturiak and Robert Debnar (Article in 2008)
Practices in USA, Europe and Japan Compared and Changing Directions Identified.

The American school of Industrial Engineering combines statistical methods in quality, mathematics and optimisation methods of operation research, simulation and  the methods for work analysis and facilities layout planning. The base of the methods of the Japanese school of Industrial Engineering is the Toyota Production System oriented on waste elimination in the entire value stream. But also Japanese universities and companies incorporated simulation, mathematics and operation research programmes into the traditional Industrial Engineering methods. In an  issue of Harvard Business review, Toyota´s President Katsuaki Watanabe emphasizes the importance of combining continuous improvement (Kaizen) with radical innovations (Kakushin).

 The traditional focus of Industrial Engineering is on process analysis and improvement.  and also the human aspects related to flexibility, productivity and creativity.

 Information technology is being increasingly integrated into IE courses and alongside the basic subjects that deal with hard facts, there are more and more classes looking at issues of teamwork, people motivation, communication skills, emotional intelligence and ethics.




Focus of Industrial Engineering

Systems Optimisation, Statistical Process Control, Simulation, Bottleneck Management, Project Management  - USA

Complex process optimisation, CIM, CAD/CAM, Flexible Automation, Systems Engineering, Digital Factory - Europe

Waste Elimination, Simplification, Visualisation, Low Cost Automation,  Common Sense, Lean, TPS, Kaizen - Japan

Typical Role of the Industrial Engineer

Systems Integrator, Optimiser, Process Improvement and re-engineering - USA

Production Process Optimisation, - Europe

Lean Manager, Teacher, Trainer, - Japan

Who are the Industrial Engineers?

Industrial Engineering Department, Operation Management - USA

Department of Work and Process Organisation, Production Planning Department _ Europe

Hancho – Supervisor on Shop Floor, Every Employee from CEO to the Worker on the Line has some IE Skills - Japan

Leading  associations and organizations

Institute of Industrial Engineers, Maynard´s, Lean Institute, MIT, Purdue University, Goldratt Institute - USA

REFA, MTM, Fraunhofer - Europe

Toyota, Nissan, Omron, JMA, JUSE - Japan

Some IE  Leaders

Babbage Towne, Hasley, Gantt, Taylor, Gillbreth, Ford, Deming, Shewhart, Pritsker, White, Malcom

Fayol, Mitrofanov, Altschuller, Schulmpeter, T.Baťa, J.Baťa, Warnecke

Toyota, Suzaki, Imai, Takeda, Shingo, Ishikawa, Taguchi, Ohno, Monden

Focus on the “empolyee´s muscles” (performance – physical intelligence) and brains (kaizen – mental intelligence) shifting to  Focus on the employee´s heart (self motivation, emotional intelligence)  and soul (moral and ethics – soul intelligence)

Management philosophy
Trade Off Thinking - High Quality OR Low Cost, Affordable OR Customized to Breakthrough Thinking, High Quality AND Low Cost, Affordable AND Customized

Improvement Concepts
Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, TOC shifting to Systematic Innovation, Lean Product Development

Management principles
Management by objectives, process and project management shifting to  Management by opportunities, company as a  living organism

Mass customisation,  individualisation, global competition, fast overcoming of traditional rules and standards mean that many change processes are running in companies world wide under the slogan “give your customer what he wants – but faster than your competitors”.

There are three fundamental concepts in industrial engineering focused on customer value:

1. Lean Management

2. Theory of Constraints based Total Productivity Management

3. Six Sigma

Over the last decade, many companies have tried to copy Toyota‘s principles. They are applying methods for waste elimination from production and business processes, they compare benchmark indicators like value added index or working hours per product. But the essence of Toyota’s excellence is not yet captured . Toyota has been developing this system consistently for over 50 years. Toyota has developed a system of knowledge which creates reusable knowledge, maintains it, and leverages its use in the future. Nobody from Toyota employees wrote a handbook of the Toyota Production System, this is the business of other management gurus. The values and principles of the Toyota Production System are developed in the minds and daily jobs of all the employees. All the knowledge gained throughout the design or production process, what works and what doesn’t work, could be captured and consistently applied for all future projects. Toyota doesn´t call its system “lean”, but it is lean, Toyota doesn´t speak about knowledge management, but it does it!

The lean concept originated in Toyota is oriented on waste identification and elimination from the whole process chain (Value Stream Management). In other words – lean focus is the maximisation of added value in all the production, logistical, administrative and development processes. TOC (Theory of Constraints) is based on the identification and elimination of the system´s constraints with the goal ongoing throughput improvement. The throughput is defined as the rate at which the organisation generates money through sales. In other words, throughput is the added value in the process chain per time unit. The Six Sigma philosophy identifies and eliminates variation from the value stream so that defects approach zero and quality delights the customer. Six Sigma, Lean and TOC continuously improve knowledge in pursuit of perfection and involve and empower the employees.

Many companies are oriented on low cost strategies. But some cost attack programmes or the transfering of production facilities to low cost countries showed that it is not the right and strategic solution. In recent years, many West European and US manufacturing firms have moved their production plants to the low cost countries. Over time, they recognised that they had lost some competitive advantages because some departments were physically separated (e.g. product design and development, production engineering, production, logistics) and the communication and co-operation between them was limited. Also many cultural differences reduced the effects of the low cost location. Not even the massive implementation of lean management, Six Sigma or other world class concepts can sometimes bring any radical improvement. Company success is not only in the optimisation of current processes (doing right things right).

 What is the new role of industrial engineering in coming years?

1. The industrial engineer will still focus on value stream improvement, but not only in manufacturing. Administrative, product development, customer service and logistical processes offer huge improvement potential.

2. The integration of traditional concepts for process improvement like Lean, Six Sigma and TOC. These concepts for waste elimination, reduction of process variation and throughput increase will be combined with concepts for customer value creation.

3. Today, the typical job position of industrial engineers is in the production and logistics departments. In the future, the industrial engineers will penetrate into the departments for product and process development and innovation management, where the higher opportunities to reduce costs, eliminate waste and improve quality rather than production are.

4. Industrial engineers have to increase their orientation on the people. Not only in the traditional sense – ergonomics, but also in the areas of emotional intelligence, co-operation, knowledge management, coaching, training, leadership, communication, etc. The companies should be able to solve the following important questions regarding knowledge management: How to share, communicate and develop the best corporate practices in the organisation? How to transfer knowledge between employees on the projects and actions in the company? How to increase and measure knowledge? How to change knowledge into innovation as fast as possible?

5. The design and development of teamwork in the entire company – this is the crucial competence of industrial engineers for the future. They need to work in  the creative teams of strong individuals, focused on innovation ability.  The other important task is to work in  multi-cultural teams in the global production networks.

6. Work analysis and measurement is the traditional competence of industrial engineers. New opportunities for this discipline are in logistics, distribution, office, and product and process development.

7. Industrial engineers will penetrate from production departments to other company areas. There are many new application fields for traditional IE methods – e.g. 5S in information systems, simulation and value stream management of supply chain networks, simplification and streamlining of management processes – waste in meetings, reporting, etc.

The most used methods and concepts of industrial eingineering in the industrial companies are  – Value Stream Industrial Engineering  (not only in production processes, but also in office, logistical chains and product development processes),  – Work Analysis and Measurement (in European companies more traditional methods are used MTM or UAS, American companies use MOST more often),  – Computer simulation (in Europe EM Plant or Witness, in US companies more often, Arena, Automod, etc.),  – TPM based waste elimination - Total Productivity Management based on TOC  – Quality in process – SPC, poka yoke, andon, jidoka, stop line  – 5S and Quick Changeover  – Different Systematic Problems Solving Approaches – Kaizen (individual improvement ideas, workshops, quick win activities, Improvement Projects with DMAIC methodology  – Planning of U shaped  Lines with one piece flow and Low Cost Intelligent Automation (LCIA) concepts  – Team work, visual management, management by objectives  – Pull systems in production and logistics (internal and external milk run concepts)  – Traditional IE problem solving methods – FMEA, QFD, Project Management, A3 reports, etc. -

Industrial Engineering Bulletin Board - Archive 1

Industrial engineering directs the efficient conduct of manufacturing, construction, transportation, or even commercial enterprises of any undertaking, indeed in which human labor is directed to accomplishing any kind of work . Industrial engineering has drawn upon mechanical engineering, upon economics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, accountancy, to fuse from these older sciences a distinct body of science of its own . It is the inclusion of the economic and the human elements especially that differentiates industrial engineering from the older established branches of the profession (Going, 1911)

IEs have to remember economists and their contribution to improving engineering economics.

Emmy Aware Winning Video on Industrial Engineering from University of Buffalo.


Article on the video on IIE website

Appeal to Readers.

Please give your comments on the adequacy of the content. Please indicate the additional information you suggest for inclusion. Shall try to add it at the earliest. Thank You.

Updated  8.4.2022,  21 February 2020,  12 November 2017,  26 July 2017,  18 June 2016,  12 June 2016,  3 Jan 2015


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