Saturday, October 15, 2022

News - Information for Industrial Engineering Analysis of Delays in Processes - Lean Inventory Design in Processes

Next Lesson of the IE Course

Eliminate the Delay (Remember ECRS Method)

How can we eliminate the delay in a process? Identify the delay and find ways to eliminate it.

There is a three way break up of time in a process.

Value added activity time + Non-value added activity time + No Activity time (delay).

Cost is incurred all the time. Time reduction is cost reduction if resources are same. (Narayana Rao, 19 July 2021)

Flow Manufacturing and Product Families.

Product families help you to create flow manufacturing cells. Flow manufacturing has many benefits compared to job shop or job queue manufacturing shops. Jobs have inherent delays in material flow.

Flow manufacturing is one of the five principles of lean manufacturing design.

Analysis of Delays

Delays, both temporary and permanent were recognized by process improvement advocates. But the attention given to preventing delays did not receive strong push. It is Japanese managers and industrial engineers who made innovation in this area and then extended the requirements to reduce delays to the other three operations processing, inspection and transport and realized dramatic improvement in productivity that exceeded the performance of US companies by even 100 percent.

Shigeo Shingo explained the analysis and prevention of delays well in his book TPS: IE Point of View.

Eliminating - Stocks and Temporary/Permanent Storage Operations (Delay)

There are three types of accumulations between processes:

E storage - Planned inventories resulting from unbalanced flow between processes  (engineering)
C storage - buffer or cushion stock to avoid delay in subsequent processes due to machine breakdowns or rejects (control)
S storage - safety stock; Stock kept to take care of variability of demand during lead time and variability of  production lead time.  

Eliminating E-Storage

E-storage is due to engineering/planning/design of the production-distribution  system. SMED reduces batch quantities and thus reduces planned lot size inventories. Synchronize the entire process flow.

Eliminating C storage - Cushion

compensating for:
machine breakdowns,
defective products, and
downtime for tool and die changes 

Prevent machine breakdowns - Zero Defect Movement - Eliminate Lengthy setups and tool changes

Eliminating Safety (S) storage - Plan to fulfil demand directly from production.

Recent Developments - News Information on Reducing Process Delays

Interesting Paper
An Empirical Study of Delays in Large Engineering Projects: An Indian Experience
R. Jayaraman. 
Jindal Journal of Business Research, Volume 10, Issue 1

Shahrukh Irani

I help any high-mix low-volume (HMLV) manufacturer customize their impleme

Fellow IEs, how can we rejuvenate our profession? There is a lot of IE that is missing in the Toyota Production System. It just takes for each of use to take an IE textbook, each to identify a chapter whose content matches a lot of what we know about the Toyota Production System, and put those chapters through the "Leanification grinder". Infusing "Lean IE" into the IE we know is going to produce an IE BoK that is much-needed, both by educators (and students) as well as all of us practitioners.

If nothing else, is Lean going to wipe out Industrial Engineering? If yes, then when somebody asks an IE, "Quo Vadis", will their reply be, "My professional grave?".

Narayana Rao KVSS

" It just takes for each of use to take an IE textbook, each to identify a chapter whose content matches a lot of what we know about the Toyota Production System, and put those chapters through the "Leanification grinder"."

We just have to take temporary delays and storage time of process chart and examine ways to minimize them. Cycle time can reduce to processing time + inspection time + transport time. All TPS innovations will enter IE BOK.


“Data-driven throughput bottleneck analysis in production systems." - PhD Thesis - It will be part of computer aided industrial engineering.
Mukund Subramaniyan - Ph.D. from Chalmers University

Using Value Stream Mapping to Eliminate Waste - MDPI  
by M Salwin · 2021 — This paper presents a case study that describes the use of Value Stream. Mapping (VSM) in the production of steel pipes.

Value Stream Mapping For Software Delivery
Value stream mapping allows you to optimize your flow of materials and information by lowering costs and improving value adds. Read on to learn more.
By Harness Author
Last updated October 7, 2021

The origins of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) came from the 1918 book Installing Efficiency Methods by Charles E. Knoeppel. The book contains diagrams showing the flow of materials and information.
At Milliken, the VSM application sits within the Production Flow (PF) methodology inside the Milliken Performance System (MPS). 

Taking DevSecOps to the Next Level with Value Stream Mapping
Nanette Brown
MAY 24, 2021

Anylogic - VSM Simulation

Cost value-stream mapping as a lean assessment tool in a surgical glove manufacturing company

Rajesh Menon B.,, *; P.R. Shalij,  ; P. Sajeesh, ; G. Tom ; Pramod V.R.
S. Afr. J. Ind. Eng. vol.32 n.1 Pretoria May. 2021


Eliminating - Stocks and Temporary/Permanent Storage Operations (Delay)

There are three types of accumulations between processes:

E storage - Planned inventories resulting from unbalanced flow between processes  (engineering)
C storage - buffer or cushion stock to avoid delay in subsequent processes due to machine breakdowns or rejects (control)
S storage - safety stock; Stock kept to take care of variability of demand during lead time and variability of  production lead time.  

Eliminating E-Storage

E-storage is due to engineering/planning/design of the production-distribution  system. SMED reduces batch quantities and thus reduces planned lot size inventories. Synchronize the entire process flow.

Eliminating C storage - Cushion

compensating for:
machine breakdowns,
defective products, and
downtime for tool and die changes 

Prevent machine breakdowns - Zero Defect Movement - Eliminate Lengthy setups and tool changes

Eliminating Safety (S) storage - Plan to fulfil demand directly from production.

Prevent machine breakdowns

Determining the cause of machine failure at the time it occurs, even if it means shutting down the line temporarily.

Total Productive Maintenance movement.

News - Information for Maintenance Operation Analysis

Eliminate Cushion Storage: Zero Defect Movement.

Total quality management.
Use better inspection processes:
Self Inspection.
Successive Inspection.
Enhancement to inspection through Poka Yoke

Eliminate Cushion Storage: Eliminate Lengthy setups and tool changes

Implement SMED to eliminate long set-up times and tool changes
Running smaller batch sizes to allow for quick changes in production plans

Eliminate Cushion Storage
Absorb Change in Production Plan
Running smaller batch sizes allows for quick changes in production plans without disturbing flow production to significant extent.

Eliminating Safety (S) storage

Safety stock is kept not to take care of any predicted problem but to provide additional security
It may guard against delivery delays, scheduling errors, indefinite production schedules, etc.
Ex. 10 Delivery to stores
In example 2.10 Shingo mentions a company wherein vendors supply to store and from store components are supplied to assembly line.
Shingo suggested that vendors should directly supply the day’s requirements to assembly floor and in case of any problem, components in the store can be used.
Less Need for Safety Stock Observed
That practice led to the observation that very less safety stock is needed in the store.

Shingo recommends keeping a small controlled stock that is only used when the daily or hourly scheduled delivery fails or falls behind.
In case of unexpected defects also it can be used.

The safety stock can then be replenished when the scheduled materials arrive, but the supply of materials due for the process go directly to the line, rather than normally going into storage first.
This is the essence of the just-in-time supply method.

Eliminating lot delays
While lots are processed, the entire lot, except for the one piece being processed, is in storage (is idle).
The greatest reduction in production time can be achieved when transport lot sizes are reduced to just one; the piece that was just worked on.

Using SMED (single-minute exchange of dies), set up time is decreased so large lot sizes are no longer necessary to achieve machine operating efficiencies.
SMED facilitates one item lot sizes.

Layout Improvement - Flow
Transportation changes can be accomplished through flow  layout and using gravity feed Chutes which result in shorter production cycles and decreases in transport man-hours.

Reducing Cycle Time
Generally, semi-processed parts are held between processes 80% of the time in a production cycle time.
It quantity leveling is used and synchronization of flow is created, the cycle time can be reduced by 80%.
By shifting to small lot sizes will further reduce cycle time.

TPS – Reduction of Delays or Storage

Methods of reducing production time delays (JIT) is the foundation of Toyota Production System.
It clearly brings down production cycle time and thereby offers small order to delivery time.

Process Mining for Process Recording and Analysis

Process Mining for Manufacturing Process Analysis: A case Study
Conference Paper · July 2014

Process mining is extracting process-oriented knowledge from event logs recorded in  MES and exploiting the big data to provide an accurate view on manufacturing process. Process mining provides a manufacturing process model, which is valuable to provide an insight of actual manufacturing processes. It will perform further analysis for the discovered model such as bottleneck analysis, and is can conduct machine analysis that shows the utilization of machines. 

The framework of process mining has four major steps: data preparation, data preprocessing, manufacturing process mining and analysis, and evaluation and interpretation.

In the data preparation step, raw data are extracted from MES databases. Next, data pruning and filtering should be done and the refined data are converted into a standard form, i.e. MXML. In the next step, several process mining techniques are applied according to the two perspectives: Process and Resource. In the process perspective, we can discover a process model and conduct process performance analysis such as conformance checking, bottleneck analysis, and pattern analysis. The resource perspective mainly focuses on resource performance analysis to find machine utilization. The results are available to decision makers to  evaluate and interpret by decision makers and improve the existing processes based on the interpreted results.

Updated 28.6.2022, 14.6.2022,  15.9.2021 17 July 2021
Pub July 2020

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