Sunday, October 31, 2021

Motion Study - Resources and Bibliography

INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING is redesign (engineering) of Products, Facilities and Processes for Productivity increase.
Productivity Management Imperative for USA - McKinsey. Returning US productivity to its long-term trend of 2.2 percent annual growth would add $10 trillion in cumulative GDP over the next ten years (2023 - 2030).


Applied time and motion study
Holmes, Walter G.
Language(s): English
Published: New York : Ronald Press, 1938.
Subjects: Motion study
Time study
Physical Description: xii, 335 p. : ill.

Motion study,

Sampter, Herbert C.
Language(s): English
Published: New York, Pitman Pub. Co. [1943, c1941]
Edition: 2d printing.
Subjects: Motion study.
Physical Description: xi, 152 p. incl. illus., diagrs., forms. 21 cm.

Time study and motion economy;
with procedures for methods improvement,

Morrow, Robert Lee.
Language(s): English
Published: New York, The Ronald press company [1946]
Subjects: Motion study
Time study
Physical Description: xvii, 338 p. incl. illus., forms, diagrs. 23 1/2cm.

2nd chapter is on operation analysis. (imp.)

Motion analysis and time study,
with laboratory problems.
By Arthur N. Paul and John P. Rives.

Paul, Arthur N.
Related Names: Rives, John P., joint author.
Language(s): English
Published: [Lawrence, Kan., Allen Press, c1951]
Subjects: Job analysis > Job analysis /Laboratory manuals.
Physical Description: 78 p. illus. 28 cm.

Fundamental Hand Motions - Has some motion studies of Gilbreth

Motion study on handling strawberries

Automatic discovery of basic motions - 2006 paper

Therbligs - Gilbreth nework article


Virtual assembly process and generation of Gilbreth motions

Ud 31.10.2021
Pub 21.6.2012

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Lessons 1 to 30 - IEKC Industrial Engineering Online Course - With Links

This post has social media messages related to lessons. These messages make potential learners aware of the lessons. 

1 June 2021 to 31 May 2022

Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course.  #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

1 June 2021

Day 1 

Industrial Engineering - History  

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Lesson 1. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course. 

Daily lesson sharing starts today.

Lesson 1. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course. 

Daily lesson sharing starts today on #Twitter #FaceBook #Linkedin. #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Industrial engineers (IE) are employed and productivity improvement and cost reduction are practiced in many companies using IE  philosophy, principles, methods, techniques and tools.

Apple Inc. - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs


Day 2

Industrial Engineering - Definition and Explanation

Lesson 2. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course   #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

IE Continuous Improvement - 3 Years - 50% Cost Reduction - Diplexer Line

IE Case: Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course   #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

"Industrial Engineering is System Efficiency Engineering and  Human Effort Engineering."

It is concerned with engineering products and engineering processes primarily. It continuously improves engineering elements of products and processes as the opportunity arises to increase efficiency and productivity. Various other activities that plan and control engineering products and processes are also improved by industrial engineers to assure the productivity of the engineering processes or the engineering system as a whole. Industrial engineers also focus on the study and improvement of human effort in engineering processes.

Industrial Engineering - Definition, Explanation, History, and Programs

Industrial Engineering - Definition and Explanation

Lesson 2. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course   #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Offering FREE ONLINE Course in Industrial Engineering based on blog - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Center.  Start browsing today  <a href="">Lesson 2. Industrial Engineering - Definition and Explanation  </a>

Day 3

Industrial Engineering Introduction

Lesson 3. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course   #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

I genuinely believe Industrial Engineering is a useful idea and subject. Continuous improvement of engineering systems based on productivity science and developments in engineering is possible, value adding and it needs to be done.

Industrial Engineering Introduction.

Lesson 3. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course   #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #ContinuousImprovement #CI

BMW - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Offering FREE ONLINE Course in Industrial Engineering based on blog - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Center.  Start browsing today  <a href="">Lesson 3. Industrial Engineering Introduction </a>


Day 4

Pioneering Efforts of Taylor, Gilbreth and Emerson

Lesson 4. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

16 lks IEN

Coca-Cola - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs. 

Productivity Success Story of Coca Cola.

IE Case Study: Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Offering FREE ONLINE Course in Industrial Engineering based on blog - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Center.  Start browsing today  <a href="">Lesson 4. Pioneering Industrial Engineering of Taylor, Gilbreth and Emerson</a>


Day 5 (23 May)

Industrial engineering Principles, Methods Tools and Techniques

Lesson 5. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course

DuPont - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs - Industrial Engineer CEOs at Dupont.  

IE Case Study: Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction


194,310, 558



Functions and Focus Areas of Industrial Engineering

Lesson 6. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

IE Case Study: Value Engineering - Paddy Transplanter - Case Study #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course





Industrial Engineering of Belt Drives by F.W. Taylor - 1893. The first formally reported productivity engineering - IE case study.

Lesson 7. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

IE Case Study: Ford - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course

Industrial Engineering of Belt Drives by F.W. Taylor - 1893. The first formally reported productivity engineering research.

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction




Productivity Science -  Principle of Industrial Engineering. Develop a science for each element of a man - machine system's work related to efficiency and productivity.

Lesson 8. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

IE Case Study: GE going strong on Lean & Kaizen

GlaxoSmithKline - GE - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs. 

Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Productivity Science -  Principle of Industrial Engineering. 

Lesson 8. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

“Productivity science is scientific effort, that in any specific work situation, identifies the appropriate philosophy, culture, systems, processes, technology, methods and human physical action and behavior and elements of each of them of that will maximize positive (social, environmental and economic) outcomes relative to the resources consumed.” - Narayana Rao (IISE 2020 Annual Conference Proceedings)

Productivity science is the foundation for industrial engineering in productivity engineering and productivity management phases. #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Productivity science of machine identifies machine related variables that will increase productivity.#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Machining or Machine Tool Productivity Science

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Productivity Science of Human Effort - Frank B. Gilbreth - VARIABLES THAT AFFECT MOTION ECONOMY

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Productivity Science - 30 Factors that Affect Productivity by Prof Paul Mali, in, "Improving Total Productivity (1978)."

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction



9 (13.37 principles), 20(6 minutes), 27, 30



Productivity Engineering I - Product Industrial Engineering

Lesson 9. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Product IE Case Study: Value Analysis and Engineering - Examples by L.D. Miles - Part 1  #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction


“Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of men, materials, and equipment. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.” (AIIE, 1955). [4]

Narayana Rao (2009)

"Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering and System Efficiency Engineering.



21 (4 minutes), 25 (5.42), 39 



Productivity Engineering II. Process Industrial Engineering. 

Lesson 10. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

IE Case Study: Process Industrial Engineering Using Robo Cylinder  #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction



9, 14, 26, 29



Industrial Engineering Economic Analysis.

Lesson 11. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

IE Case Study: Honda Model Variety Reduction To Cut Costs, Boost Production Efficiency.

Honda - Industrial Engineering Activities and Jobs  #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Industrial Engineering Theory - Industrial Engineering Economic Analysis - Production function 

Have you read? The Role of IE in Engineering Economics By Riel, Philippe F., IIE Solutions, April 1998

Industrial Engineering Economic Analysis.

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Industrial Engineering Economic Analysis.

Lesson 11. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course



18 (4.53), 22(4.53), 26, 26



IE Measurements - Productivity, Process Time (Machine time, Operator time), Cost and Waste.

Lesson 12. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

IE Case Study: Milling - Estimation of Machining Time  #IndustrialEngineering Value Creation for the Organization by Industrial Engineers - Productivity Engineering Potential

Measurement essential to specify capacity and improve performance. IE #Measurements - Productivity, Process Time (Machine time, Operator time), Cost and Waste.

Lesson 12. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction


13, 17 (4.53), 23, 29




Value Creation for the Organization by Industrial Engineers - Productivity Engineering Potential

Lesson 13. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

36,33 27.8.2021

25 likes IEN

New Technology Information for IEs: Gear Machining Productivity - New Process - Scudding and InvoMilling

Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Important Industrial Engineering Lesson. Value Creation for the Organization by Industrial Engineers - Productivity Engineering Potential

Lesson 13. Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #Income #Salary #Value

I want industrial engineers to commit to an annual target and develop knowledge bases that are continually update to achieve the target. About every element of the process, IEs must have the information on the latest available commercial offering. I do not see such an activity in IE departments.

Value Creation for the Organization by Industrial Engineers - Productivity Engineering Potential


12, 20(3.10), 27, 29,

36,33   -  27.8.2021



1 June  2020

Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course - Second Module

Contribution of Taylor, Gilbreth, Emerson, Maynard, Barnes, Lehrer, Shigeo Shingo

Taylor's Industrial Engineering of Machining and Machine Tools/Shop 1881-1906.

Taylor - Productivity Science and Art of Metal Cutting - Important Points  #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Taylor's Industrial Engineering of Machining and Machine Tools/Shop 1881-1906.

Taylor - Productivity Science and Art of Metal Cutting - Important Points  #IndustrialEngineering

Lesson 14.Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #Productivity #CostReduction

IE Case Study:Process Industrial Engineering - Illustration. 

Cryogenic Machining Adoption - Productivity Improvement at Lockheed Martin  #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course

Lesson of <a href="">Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course</a>

 likes in IE Network Linkedin Group and   Likes in FaceBook Industrial Engineering Group.

Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course


48, 69(0.19), 102



15 June  2021

Taylor's Industrial Engineering - First Proposal 1895 - Element level engineering improvement - Element level result (performance) standardization. Separate section or department. 

Lesson 15. Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering   #Productivity #CostReduction

IE Case Study: Investment in Sliding-Head Lathe with Chipbreaking Feature - Process Industrial Engineering - Illustration


Industrial Engineering Knowledge Center - Industrial Engineering Online Course - Lessons 1 to 15

27, 47(0.45), 80



 June  2021

Industrial Engineering Described in Shop Management by F.W. Taylor - 1903

Lesson 16 . Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course  #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

1 like in IEN 

IE Case Study:Process Improvement via Toolholder Change.

Process Industrial Engineering - Illustration  #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Industrial Engineering 4.0. Now a Full Paper in IISE Conference Proceedings as Computer Assisted Industrial Engineering.


1, 6



Machine Work Study.

Productivity Improvement of Machines in Machine Shop - F.W. Taylor - Machine Work Study. The first focus of industrial engineering.

Lesson 17 . Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course  #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

IE Engineering Elements: Tool Wear and Temperature Analysis for Process Improvement


6(14), 10



5 June  2020

Human Work Study - Productivity Improvement and Development of Science in Mechanic Arts - F.W. Taylor 

Lesson 18 . Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course  #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction


Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course. You require INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS to develop machine productivity science. Not operator work science. - F.W. Taylor 

Development of Science in Mechanic Arts - F.W. Taylor #IndustrialEngineering

Dynamic Control of Circulatory Pumps for Heating Systems Saves 20% of Energy Cost

Human Work Study.

Productivity Improvement and Development of Science in Mechanic Arts - F.W. Taylor 

Lesson 18 . Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course  #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Human Work Study (HWS) - Productivity Improvement and Development of Science in Mechanic Arts - F.W. Taylor 

Lesson 18 . Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course  #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction



2, 3



6 June  2020


Time Study for Process Time Reduction - F.W. Taylor. 

Lesson 19.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

IE Case Study: Additive Manufacturing of Fixtures - Productivity Benefits. Process Industrial Engineering - Illustration #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course

Why TIME STUDY? Time Study for Process Time Reduction - F.W. Taylor.

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #MotionandTimeStudy #TimeStudy


4, 9



20 June  2021

Taylor on Quality, Human Relations and Management. 

Lesson 20.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #Quality

IE Case Study: Alternative Lubricants and Productivity - Case Study. Process Industrial Engineering - Illustration

Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #Quality

Ensure Maintenance of Quality First Before Improving Productivity. F.W. Taylor on Quality.

Lesson 20.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #Quality

Inspection Foreman:  has to be master of the art of finishing work both well and quickly. F.W. Taylor on Quality.

Lesson 20.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #Quality

Importance and Primacy of Inspection Foreman. F.W. Taylor on Quality.

Lesson 20.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #Quality

An older lesson

Industrial Engineering of Belt Drives by F.W. Taylor - 1893. The first formally reported productivity engineering research.

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction



5, 5 (0)



21 June  2021


Gilbreth's Human Effort Industrial Engineering - Productivity Science of Human Motions (Motion Study) - Part 1  

Lesson 21.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic

IE Case Study: Illustration of Human Effort Productivity Engineering - Bricklaying Improvement by Gilbreth 

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic



9 June  2020

Gilbreth's Human Effort Industrial Engineering - Productivity Science of Human Motions (Motion Study) - Part 2 

Lesson 22.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic

IE Case Study: Illustration of Human Effort Productivity Engineering - Pig Iron Handling by Taylor

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort

Characteristics of Industrial Computers:

·    Fanless and ventless design

·    Ability to withstand harsh environments

·    Highly configurable

·    Extensive I/O options

·    Long lifecycle

By utilizing such advanced computers, #smartfactories lower production costs by increasing efficiency and reducing the need for human labor, meaning greater output, higher quality products, and increased customer satisfaction overall.

Nil Behor 

Founder and CEO at SemiTech Engineering

Albany, New York, United States

Can you provide a case study highlighting benefits of industrial computers over normal personal computers like laptops or tablets giving return on investment (ROI). I am trying to write on industrial computers.

Industrial Computers



9, 10



23 June  2021

Gilbreth's Human Effort Industrial Engineering - Productivity Science of Human Motions (Motion Study) - Part 3.  

Lesson 23.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic

IE Case Study: Illustration of Human Effort Productivity Engineering - Bicycle Balls Inspection Example given by F.W.Taylor.

Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic

May be useful to you in business studies. Management Theory Blog with #Million+ readers in 10 years.

Industrial Engineering - Definition, Explanation, History, and Programs

Human Effort Industrial Engineering - Design of Human Effort for Increasing Productivity, Comfort, Health and Income. Better presented now.

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic


3 (11.37), 5 (5.17) 



24 June  2021

Gilbreth's Human Effort Industrial Engineering - Productivity Science of Human Motions (Motion Study) - Part 4 

Lesson 24.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic

IE Case Study - Method Study - Cast Iron Housing Loading and Unloading 2014.

Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic


Human Effort Industrial Engineering - Design of Human Effort for Increasing Productivity of Man-Machine or Machine-Man Systems #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #HumanEffort #Man #Work

Modern Tools - Combination and Multifunctional Tools for Motion Economy and Resource Economy



Value Stream Mapping - Origins - Evolution and Applications #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #Lean


2, 3(0)



25 June  2021


Gilbreth's Human Effort Industrial Engineering - Productivity Science of Human Motions (Motion Study) - Variables Affecting of Motion Time. 


Lesson 25.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic

IE Case Study - Method Study - Welding Fixture Redesign - Productivity Improvement 2002

Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic 

Gilbreth's Human Effort Industrial Engineering - Productivity Science of Human Motions (Motion Study) - Variables Affecting of Motion Time. #IndustrialEngineering


Lesson 25.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic

Machine Work Study - Innovation in Industrial Engineering by Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.

Productivity promotes competitiveness.

IE promotes productivity.

Innovations in Industrial Engineering are needed to increase productivity and competitiveness.

Toyota Kata gets to the essence of how Toyota manages continuous improvement and human ingenuity, through its improvement kata and coaching kata.

#Squid - the future of #warehouse #automation! Quite impressive, is it not?


7, 12(0)



26 June  2021

Gilbreth's Human Effort Industrial Engineering - Productivity Science of Motion Study - Variables Affecting of Motion Time.


Lesson 26.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic

IE Case Study: Method and Motion Study in a Printing Company - 2019 

Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic


3, 3



27 June  2021

System Industrial Engineering - Process Improvement - Process Chart Method  - Gilbreths - 1921  

Lesson 27.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic


IE Case Study - Examining All Operations in a Process

Lesson.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic

System Industrial Engineering - Process Charts - Gilbreths - 1921  

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic

AKTU Digital Education | Industrial Engineering | Processing Planning

1,063 viewsPremiered on 8 Jan 2021

New IE Case Study: Machine vision Based Inspection Productivity Improvement on Bottling Line -  - 2013

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Machine Effort Industrial Engineering - Bottle Filling Process - Technology, Machines, Methods and Motions - Productivity Improvement

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

The primary focus of industrial engineering has to be improvement of engineering in processes to increase productivity by harnessing the full current state body of engineering knowledge. Industrial engineering is engineering++.

Provide real-time customer sentiment analytics to agents using Contact Lens API for Amazon Connect

I benefited immensely by participating in IISE Annual Virtual Conference & Expo 2021. There is very good information which needs to be used in graduate teaching and corporate training.

Computer Aided Industrial Engineering (CAIE) - Prof. Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. NITIE@IISE Annual Conference 2021 - Highlights. #IISE #NITIE #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity


8 (11.52), 14 (10.20)



28 June  2021 - Lesson 28 - Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course 

It is important that industrial engineers have to recognize that scientific management was evaluated by Lilian Gilbreth, a psychologist, from a human behavior  perspective

and a positive opinion was given. Industrial engineering appeared as a part of the scientific management and engineering developed to reduce cost of products made using engineering methods.

First Evaluation of Scientific Management/Industrial Engineering by a Psychologist. Psychology Evaluation of Scientific Management by Lilian Gilbreth - 1914

Lesson 28.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic

Standard is Model. Implementing Standard Work - Issues

Information for Industrial Engineering. Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic

Machine Work Study in Garment Manufacturing Factories

Why Machine Work Study?

Improvement Possibilities  - "Replacement of Machines Opportunity" to  "Work Aids Provision" and "Incremental Machine Level Automation"

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic

First Evaluation of Scientific Management/Industrial Engineering by a Psychologist. Psychology Evaluation of Scientific Management by Lilian Gilbreth - 1914

Lesson 28.  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course

Why MWS?

Machine Work Study (MWS) in Garment Manufacturing Factories

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #HumanEffort #Operator #Mechanic

Human Work Study (HWS) - Productivity Improvement and Development of Science in Mechanic Arts - F.W. Taylor 

Lesson 18 . Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course  #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Expert and Novice Performance in an Industrial Engineering Virtual World Simulation

John L. Elson II, Universal-Publishers, 22-Feb-2007 - Business & Economics - 244 pages




29 June  2021 - 

Harrington Emerson - A Pioneer Industrial Engineer -  12 Principles of Efficiency - Productivity

Lesson 29 - Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #Planning

IE Case Study: New Scheduling Algorithm Substantially Improves Foundry Productivity - 2017

Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #Planning

Harrington Emerson - A Pioneer Industrial Engineer - His Principles and Practices

Lesson 29 - Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #Planning

Harrington Emerson - The Twelve Principles of Efficiency - Part 1

Harrington Emerson - The Twelve Principles of Efficiency - Part 2


5,  18



30 June 2021  

Prof. Hugo Diemer (Penn State, 1911) - Taylor's Industrial Engineering

Lesson  30 Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction  diemer archive link



Industrial Engineering Exercise: Productivity Analysis of a Newly Introduced Machine 

Case Study 30. Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction 


Lessons 16 to 30 - Industrial Engineering Online Course by Industrial Engineering Knowledge Center

Industrial Engineering Knowledge Center - Industrial Engineering Online Course - Lessons 1 to 15

Taylor's Industrial Engineering - Prof. Diemer - Prof. Narayana Rao

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction


Going - Six Areas for Industrial Engineering - 1911


President Taylor Society

Maynard (2)

Alan Mogensen


L.D. Miles



Yoichi Ueno

Taiichi Ohno

Shigeo Shingo


David Sumanth

Narayana Rao

June - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan - Industrial Engineering Fundamentals

Industrial engineering is engineering done in response to data generated as engineering products are produced or as engineering processes are used in the organizations.  costs, human factor related data, task time data productivity data, defects data and resource use data.

Industrial engineering is engineering done in response to data generated as engineering products are produced/used or as engineering processes are used in the organizations. costs, human factor related data, task time data, productivity data, defects data and resource use data.

Industrial Engineering Data and Measurements #industrialengineering

<a href="   ">  </a>

Industrial Engineering - Introduction to  Basic Principles and Techniques

Industrial engineering converts technical products and processes created by pure engineers and managers into commercially viable products and thereby creates industries - manufacturing/engineering service concerns that satisfy the needs of the people and make profit for the organizations. On an ongoing basis industrial engineering improves the profits of the organization by eliminating wastes and reducing cost through minimizing resource use.

Industrial engineering is system efficiency engineering and human effort engineering.

Any Productivity improvement you can share with your professional colleagues today? #Industrialengineering  

Case Studies and Examples - Productivity Engineering

IE helps in creating new industries and prosperous industries.

IE makes enterprises rich. IE makes employees rich. IE makes societies rich.

Twitterhashtags  popular

#Industrialengineering   #methodstudy  #productivity #timestudy  #performance 

#lean #quality  #optimization  #wasteelimination  #tps 

#efficiency #taylor  #motionstudy  #ergonomics  #economics

#cost   #costreduction  #kaizen  #continuousimprovement  #worksimplification

#ohno  #shingo  #therblig  #gilbreth #bestpractice #standard

#profit  #costmanagement  #competitiveness #costleadership  #sevenwastes







Determinants of Productivity - The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

Lean Assembly Line Layout Do’s and Don’ts

May 9, 2019

A lean-based approach to line layout differs from traditional techniques. For instance, lean layouts often use some type of an andon system to address issues such as production status, quality checks and abnormalities.

Lean layouts also rely heavily on product and process planning (3P) methodologies.

“We call it production preparation,” says David Pate, vice president of TBM Consulting Group. “It involves layout design that can apply to either an individual workcell or an entire plant.”

According to Pate, any layout project using this method should address the following criteria:

Enable material flow to and from the line.

Allow people to interface easily and quickly in a flexible environment.

Ensure that all equipment is as versatile as possible.

Don’t create monuments. “Smaller, moveable equipment is better than large, monolithic items,” claims Pate.

Make it easy to change over.

Minimize wasted motion.

Separate people and machines.

Enable the use of pull systems.

Optimizing Energy Consumption - Successful IoT Applications - 2015

Consumer IoT

The consumer IoT market is estimated to reach USD 104.4 billion by 2023 from USD 46.8 billion by 2018, at a CAGR of 17.39% during 2018–2023.

B. Tech (Production & Industrial Engineering) - IIT Delhi

Programme Code: ME2 / (PE)

Bachelor of Technology in Production and Industrial Engineering

B.Tech Minor in IEOR

To get a UG Minor in IEOR, the B.Tech/DD student needs to complete 5 IE labelled courses (30 credits).

B. Tech. Production & Industrial Engineering

B.Tech. (Production & Industrial Engineering) - NIT Kurukshetra


Smart Paint Circulation System for Smart Manufacturers.

Patvin Engineering Private Limited

Friday, October 29, 2021

Fact Gathering for Office System Efficiency Engineering Studies

Office Work Study - Industrial Engineering

The staff members are asked to write down their job description as they feel they are doing it, under various heads, for a representative period – work, month etc. They are asked to prepare a statement of duties and responsibilities under selected heads and to make an estimate of the total attendance time devoted to each activity as well as time absorbed by miscellaneous affairs, waiting, etc.


Relevant Facts

A large part of system efficiency studies consists of getting facts.  The fact collection must be done selectively and as economically as possible. In gathering facts, the nature and amount of work, its purpose, the people who do it, the place and time of doing it, and the methods used are to be ascertained.


What is done?
The process and the result are to be recorded.


Can a measure be found for each action?
Words and answers like ‘often’ or ‘frequently’ need to challenged and efforts are to be made to get a numerical estimate of the frequency.


Why is the work done?


Who does the work?


Where is the work done?


When is the work done?


How is the work done?
This includes method, movement, equipment and supervision.

 Methods of collecting and getting information

Information provided through records

Organization charts, work distribution lists, work statistics, statements of procedures and actions taken reports etc. are useful and valuable sources of information.

Job description by staff

The staff members are asked to write down their job description as they feel they are doing it, under various heads, for a representative period – work, month etc. They are asked to prepare a statement of duties and responsibilities under selected heads and to make an estimate of the total attendance time devoted to each activity as well as time absorbed by miscellaneous affairs, waiting, etc.

Direct observation of work

The system study person can himself observe procedures and record. He can discuss various steps of the procedure with the employee concerned at the time of observation.

Interview and discussion

Interviewing is a most important part of the fact collection exercise. Arrangement for an interview should always be made through, or with the knowledge of, the immediate supervisor of the person to be interviewed. The system study person should make a rough plan of the enquiry indicating the kind of information needed and the scope of enquiry based on the job description provided to him by the organization as well as the employee concerned.

During an interview the analyst should have an informal manner. He should take great trouble to put the other person at ease. He must pose his questions carefully, avoiding anything which implies criticism of the individual, or of the work done, or which may be interpreted as injuring prestige. He should be impersonal, making it clear that he is engaged upon a study of the work and is not probing into the actions of the individuals. He needs to play down any idea that he is an expert in the specific work and stress the value of the main features of efficiency study approach. It helps if he uses the term ‘we’ rather than ‘I’ in conversation and interview. He should listen patiently and attentively – but also be able to guide the conversation over the required subject matter without dominating it.

As far as possible, interviews should be time to suit the work requirements and staff convenience. Normal work should not be seriously disturbed. Incoming telephone calls, enquiries and the like must be recognized as inevitable disturbances; the extent of such interruptions, the reasons for them and the manner n which they are treated may provide useful information about the job.

The best point at which to examine work is where it is done; this may mean that interviews are undertaken by the side of the desk where the employee is functioning.

Written questionnaires

Written questionnaires can be used where more number of similar jobs are being performed to get information in a structured manner.

Discussions with senior staff

Discussion with senior staff regarding the facts recorded for each staff member may reveal additional facts.


Sampling studies are undertaken to record relevant facts.

Part 5 - The Practice of Motion Study - Effect on Workers - Gilbreth

INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING is redesign (engineering) of Products, Facilities and Processes for Productivity increase.
Productivity Management Imperative for USA - McKinsey. Returning US productivity to its long-term trend of 2.2 percent annual growth would add $10 trillion in cumulative GDP over the next ten years (2023 - 2030).


Lesson 208 of Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course.

The Practice of Motion Study - Gilbreth - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5


(Published in the " The Annals " of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, May, 1916. Publication No. 1000. )

Motion study consists of analysing an activity into its smallest possible elements, and from the results synthesising a method of performing the activity that shall be more efficient, the word " efficient " being used in its highest sense. 

We find it of utmost importance and mutually advantageous from every standpoint, to gain the full and hearty co-operation of the worker at once, and to enlist him as a co-worker in the motion study from the moment the first investigation is made. Our methods of making motion study are by the use of the micromotion, simultaneous motion cycle chart, and chronocyclegraph methods. The process of making motion and time studies through the use of the cinematograph, the microchronometer and the cross-sectioned screen have been so reduced in cost as to make them indispensable even from the cost standpoint in motion study.

It is imperative that the worker shall understand what is being done and why, and make it most profitable to every one that- the worker shall be able, as well as willing, to help in the work of obtaining methods of least waste by means of motion study. The process of motion study is made even more effective and  economical when the worker, or the observed man, does his best work, and endeavours to take a part of active initiative in deriving the motion standards. We find in our practice that the worker is only too glad to do this. In fact, it is usually he, oftener than the observer, who cries out, "Wait a moment till this is done in the best way possible," or "Wait a moment, please, I know a way that I believe is easier." Similarly, when using the chronocyclegraph device; the worker is not only interested in the electric lights and their various paths and orbits of dots and dashes, but is most anxious that these paths shall be those of the greatest skill and the fewest number of motions possible. 

The various methods used with these various types of apparatus, which are usually new to the worker, present problems in psychology which are interesting to the worker as well as to the observer. The worker is quick to note that, with the new conditions attending the measuring work, his own process varies for a short time at the beginning from his unusual habits, because of the entering of the variables of the apparatus and the strange conditions that it involves. He is quick to notice, also, that this effect of strangeness soon disappears, and that he then works exactly in accordance with his normal method. This period of strangeness, far from being a dis-advantage, is, on the contrary, often a great advantage. The worker is almost sure to revert to the former habit, and an investigator or observer often gains valuable clues not only to excellent standards, but to necessary methods of teaching those standards, particularly with emphasis on eliminating interference of many wrong habits acquired in trade learning prior to conscious effort for motion economy. It is, therefore, clear that during the period of making motion studies the effect of them upon the worker is educative to the highest degree, for not only does he become interested in what he does, but he learns to think of all activity in terms of motions and elements of motions. The by-products of this are also important, as he is always able afterwards to learn new work much faster and with comparatively little coaching, and as he has that success that usually attends the work of one who knows the least wasteful method of attack of learning the new problems or performing the new task. 

The effects of motion study are particularly striking upon the observer or the man actually making the studies. This is true not only during the time of making the observation, but also during the time spent in embodying the data derived in simultaneous cycle motion charts and in motion models. These motion models, which are wire representations of the paths of the motion, made from the stereoscopic records derived from the chronocyclegraph process have a peculiar educative value that is well embodied in the following statement of a young engineer who spent some time making motion models as a part of that thorough training for motion and time study man which we believe so necessary : 

"After making a number of models of motions I have changed from a scoffer to a firm believer. I believe not only in their value as an aid to the study of the psychology of motions, but also as to their educational value in the teaching of the motion study man. 

"I consider them of the same value to the motion study man as is the model of an engine or a mechanical device to an engineer. If the engineer was to study, for instance, a railroad engine, and the only chance he had to study was to watch an engine going by him at express train speed, his impression as to the mechanical working of the engine would be, to say the least, vague. 

"A motion, in itself, is intangible, but a model of a motion gives one an altogether different viewpoint, as it seems to make one see more clearly that each motion leaves a definite path, which path may be subjected to analysis. 

"I have made motion studies since making models, and what I learned from making the models has convinced me of their value. In former motion studies which I have made, my attention was always divided, more or less equally, between the direct distance between the starting and finishing points of the motion, the equipment, and the surroundings. I have found that, since seeing a motion, as represented by a model, I am better able to concentrate first on the motion itself, and then upon the variables which affect the motion. This seems to me a more logical method, and I know that I have had better results. 

" I believe a good method of illustrating how a motion model helps one to visualise is to compare it with the wake left by an ocean liner. When one stands at the stern of a liner, which changes its course often, and watches the wake he can visualise the changes more readily than when unable to see the wake." It is interesting to note here not only the interest aroused intensively in the subject of motion study itself, but also extensively in the correlation of processes in the industries with general processes outside. The motion study man is a specialist who, because of his work, spends a large amount of time in the close study of motions, but to some extent this intensive and extensive interest is aroused in all those engaged in motion study, whether as observers or observed. 

After the results of motion study are actually installed the effects are as great or greater upon those who work under the derived standards. It must be understood that motion study always implies fatigue study,  for the best and least wasteful results cannot be obtained otherwise, and that the worker who operates under these standards, therefore, not only has time to do the work in the best way, but ample time for adequate recovery from the fatigue of his work. This procedure provides directly for his physical and mental well-being. Motion study lays particular emphasis upon this. The great bogey of all who argue against standardisation is "the awful resulting monotony." Now psychology,  as well as the results in actual practice, proves that monotony comes not from performing the activity the same way every time, but from a lack of interest involved in, or associated withy the activity. This interest is supplied not only directly by motion study, but indirectly by the other parts of measured functional management, such as devices for eliminating unnecessary fatigue and for overcoming necessary fatigue. 

Besides all this there is the interest aroused and the education resulting from the graphic representation of the results of motion study data to the worker as well as the observer. The pictures of the micromotion films are projected at the nor-mal speed of the moving picture. They are also examined one at a time. The chronocyclegraphs in three dimensions are shown through the stereoscope, on the screen, by means of the wire motion models to the workers at the foremen's and workers' meetings and are there discussed. All the traditional knowledge is literally collected, measured, sorted, tagged and labelled. These data, together with indisputable measuring methods is presented before those possessing the greatest craft skill of the old methods, and who can quickest actually learn the new knowledge and put it to use. The new knowledge is of no use to the employer without the co-operation of the worker. This fact puts the relations between the worker and his employer on a new basis. They must co-operate, or both pay an awful price. These new methods have demonstrated that there is so much to learn that the employer cannot afford to put on and lay off his employees in proportion to the receipt of orders. He must solve the problem of steady employment. He cannot afford to let his specially trained men " get away." This is of vital importance in its effect upon the mental condition and activity of the worker. 

By these means the workers, who are the actual producers of the nation, become familiar in every day experience with motion study and time study instruments of precision and with the results of their use. Such knowledge in the hands of our workers is the means of their being able to take the initiative in acquiring greater skill in all trades and in all life works. This is one of the best forms of industrial preparedness. It must be emphasised that the facts concerning motion study here stated embody not only a program but a record. The actual every day practice of motion study shows these effects on the  worker not only in the intangible results of added interest and a different attitude towards the work, but also in such tangible results as a larger number and a more profitable set of suggestions in the suggestion boxes, better attended and more profitable foremen's and workers'  meetings, a greater number of promotions, more co-operation, more reading and study of the science of management, mid higher wages earned with greater ease. 

Motion study has no right to claim all the benefits that accrue from measured functional management, but, as a part of this management,  shares in these benefits, and thus those who work under it are assured of unusually high pay, during and after the motion study, a chance for promotion, physical and mental well-being, and a co-operative atmosphere in which to work. Motion study has the right to claim as its own benefits an added interest not only in the activity involved in the particular work done in the office or plant or wherever the work place may be, but in all activity away from as well as at work. Motion study benefits employees and employers, as well as everybody else who adopts its methods, because it makes " to do," mean "to be interested' and to be interested means to be more efficient, more prosperous, and more happy. 

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Lesson 15. Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Part 3 - The Practice of Motion Study - Gilbreth

INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING is redesign (engineering) of Products, Facilities and Processes for Productivity increase.
Productivity Management Imperative for USA - McKinsey. Returning US productivity to its long-term trend of 2.2 percent annual growth would add $10 trillion in cumulative GDP over the next ten years (2023 - 2030).


Lesson 206 of Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course.

The Practice of Motion Study - Gilbreth - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5


(Presented by Gilbreth at the International Engineering Congress. ) 

The greatest waste in the world comes from needless, ill-directed, and ineffective motions. These motions are unnecessary and preventable. Now the methods and devices of waste elimination are known and are being constantly used. But the knowledge of how to make these great world-wide economies is being disseminated at an astonishingly slow pace. This paper is for the purpose of disseminating such knowledge, particularly as to the devices that are used for making the measurements that enable us to eliminate waste. 

In the science of management, as in all other sciences, progress that is to be definite and lasting depends upon the accuracy of the measurements that are made. There are three elements to every measurement : 

1. The unit measured. 

2. The method of measurement. 

3. The device by which the measurement is made. 

It is here our aim to show the development of the devices of measurement, that is, of instruments of precision that apply to one branch of the new type of management, namely, to motion study and its related time study. 

The fundamental idea of the new type of management that has been variously called "Scientific Management," or "Measured Functional Management," is that it is based upon the results of accurate measurement. This fundamental idea has been derived as follows : Each operation to be studied is analysed into the most elementary units possible. These units are accurately measured, and, as the results of the measurement, the efficient units only are combined into a new method of performing the work that is worthy to become a standard. 

(Dr. Taylor, the great pioneer in time study, and his co-worker, Mr. S. E. Thompson, have clearly defined their conception of time study as "the process of analysing an operation into its elementary operations, and observing the time required to perform them." Time study has to do, then, fundamentally, with the measurement of units of time. Additional comments by me: The purpose of time study is to understand the drivers of time and to reduce the time and then validate it with another time study. So time study before improvement and time study after improvement.)

Now motion study has to do with the selection, invention, and substitution of the motions and their variables that are to be measured. Both accurate time study and motion study require instruments of precision that will record mechanically, with the least possible interference from the human element, in permanent form, exactly what motions and results occur. For permanent use the records must be so definite, distinct, and simple that they may be easily and immediately used, and lose none of their value or helpfulness when old, forgotten, or not personally experienced by their user. 

It was not, however, until Dr. Taylor suggested timing the work periods separately from the rest periods that the managers tried to find accurate time-measuring devices. 

It is not always recognised that some preliminary motion study and time study can be done without the aid of any accurate devices. It is even less often recognised that such work, when most successful, is usually done by one thoroughly conversant with, and skilled in, the use of the most accurate devices. In other words, it is usually advisable in studying an operation to make all possible improvements in the motions used and to comply broadly with the laws of motion study before recording the operation, except for the preliminary record that serves to show the state of the art from which the investigation started. However, in order to make a great and lasting success of this work, one must have studied motions and measured them until his eye can follow paths of motions and judge lengths of motions, and his timing sense, aided by silent rhythmic counting, can estimate times of motion with surprising accuracy. Sight, hearing, touch, and kinesthetic sensations must all be keenly developed. With this training and equipment, a motion- and time-study expert can obtain preliminary results without devices, that, to the untrained or the uninformed, seem little short of astounding. When the operation has received its preliminary revision and is ready for the accurate measurements that lead to actual standardisation and the teaching that follows, devices of precise measurement become imperative for methods of least waste that will stand the test of time. Early workers in time study made use of such well-known devices as the clock, the watch, the stop-watch, and various types of stop-watches attached to a specially constructed board or imitation book. Through the use of these it became possible to record short intervals of time, subject, of course, always to the personal error. The objection to the use of these methods and devices is their variation from accuracy, due to the human element. This is especially true of the use of the stop-watch, where the reaction time of the observer is an element constantly affecting the accuracy of the records. But the greatest loss and defect of personally observed and recorded times is that they do not show the attending conditions of the varying surroundings, equipment and tools that cause the differences in the time records, and give no clue to causes of shortest or quickest times. 

Being unable to find any devices anywhere such as the work of our motion study required, the problem that presented itself, then, to us who needed and desired instruments of precision, applicable to our motion study and to our time study, was to invent, design and construct devices that would overcome lacks in the early and existing methods. It was necessary to dispense with the human element and its attending errors and limitations. We needed devices to record the direction as well as the path or orbits of motions, and to reduce the cost of obtaining all time study and motion study data. These were needed not only from the scientific standpoint, but also from the standpoint of obtaining full co-operation of the mechanics and other workers. 

Through our earliest work in making progress records we recognised the necessity of recording time and conditions accurately and simultaneously, the records being made by dated photographs. This method was particularly applicable in construction work,  where progress pictures taken at frequent intervals present accurate records of the surroundings, equipment and tools that affect records of output of various stages of development. 

In making more intensive studies of certain trades, such as shovelling, concrete work, and bricklaying, we found it advantageous to photograph the various positions in which the hands, arms, feet, and other parts of the body involved in the operations were placed, and to record the time taken in moving from one position to another by one method, as related to the time taken in moving from the same first to the same second position by another method.  Our intensive study of bricklaying, which grew out of an appreciation of the unique history, present practice and doubtful future of this trade, led us to a more intensive study of the problems of motion and time study in general.  Bricklaying will always be the most interesting of all examples to  us, for one reason, among others, that it was the first trade to use the principle of duplicate, interchangeable parts system of construction; had had six thousand known years of practice in all countries; and was, therefore, a comparatively finished art, but not a science, when we undertook to change it by means of motion study. 

Fortunately, we are now able to use the motion picture camera with our speed clock, and other accessories, as a device for recording elements of motion and their corresponding times, simultaneously. Our latest microchronometer records intervals of time down to any degree of accuracy required. We have made, and used, in our work of motion study investigations of hospital practice and surgery, one that records times to the millionth of an hour. This is designed for extremely accurate work, but can be adjusted to intervals of any length desired, as proves most economical or desirable for the type of work to be investigated. 

Having completed our microchronometer, we proceeded as follows: The microchronometer was placed in the photographic field near the operator and his working equipment, and against a cross-sectioned background or in a cross-sectioned field, and at a cross-sectioned work bench or table. The operator then performed the operation according to the prescribed method, while the motion-picture camera recorded the various stages of the operation and the position of the hand on the microchronometer simultaneously. Thus, on the motion picture film we obtain intermittent records of the paths, the lengths, The directions, and the speeds of the motions, or the times accompanying the motions, these records all being simultaneous; and the details of the conditions of the surroundings that are visible to the eye are recorded without the failings of memory. This was a distinct step in advance, but we realised that there was a lack in the records. It was difficult, even for one especially trained and experienced to visualise the exact path of a motion, and it was not possible to measure the length with precision from the observations of the motion picture film alone, as there is no summary or recapitulation of all the motions of a cycle or operation in any one picture. To overcome this lack we invented the cyclegraph method of recording motions. This consists of attaching a small electric light to the hand or other moving part of the person or machine under observation. The motion is recorded on an ordinary photographic film or plate. Upon observing our very first cyclegraph records, we found that we had attained our desire, and that the accurate path taken by the motion stood before us in two dimensions. By taking the photographic record stereoscopically, we were able to see this path in three dimensions, and to obtain what we have called the stereocyclegraph. This showed us the path of the motion in all three dimensions ; that is, length, breadth, and depth. It did not, however, contain the time element. This time element is of great importance not only for comparative or " relative " time, but also for exact times. This time element is obtained by putting an interrupter in the light circuit, that causes the light to flash at an even rate at a known number of times per second. This gives a line of time spots in the picture instead of a continuous cyclegraph light line. Counting the light spots tells the time consumed. 

The next step was to show the direction of the motions. To do this it was necessary to find the right combination of volts and amperes for the light circuit and the thickness of filament for the lamp, to cause quick lighting and slow extinguishing of the lamp. This right combination makes the light spots pointed on their latest, or forward, ends. .The points, thus, like the usual symbol of arrow heads, show the direction. The result was, then, of course, finally, stereochronocyclegraphs showing direction. These act not only as accurate records of the motions and times, but also serve as admirable teaching devices. 

Wire models of cyclegraphs and chronocyclegraphs of the paths and the times of motions are now constructed that have a practical educational value besides their importance as scientific records. These models are particularly useful as a step in teaching visualisation of paths by photographs alone, later. 

Our latest apparatus in the field of recording devices apparently fulfils all present requirements of the time- and motion-study experts and their assistants and the teachers who are now devoting their lives to the transference of skill and experience from those who have it to those who have not. 

We have also devised and used many special kinds of apparatus ; for example, devices for recording absolute continuity of motion paths and times, doing away with the slight gaps in the record that occur between one picture and the next on the cinematograph film, due to the interval of time when the film is moving, to get in place for the next exposure. To overcome this objection we have a double cinematograph) that ! one part may record while the other moves from one exposure to the next. In this way we get a continuous record of the operation. There have been occasional objections to all methods of making time and motion studies that involve the presence of an observer. Some of these have come from those working on what they consider their own secret processes, who object to having any observer record what they are doing, believing that the time study man is obtaining knowledge of their skill and giving them no information in return. Others have come from those who have seen or heard " secret time study " and " watch- book time study," and who regard all observers as spies because of general lack of understanding ! and co-operation; and there are some instances where they are right. For such cases we have designed an automicromotion study, which consists of an instantaneous modification of the standard micromotion apparatus, and also the autostereochronocyclegraph apparatus. This enables the operator to take accurate time study of himself. He can start the apparatus going and stop it from where he works, with one motion of his finger or foot. This invention supplies every possible requirement and feature for time and motion study processes, except the help and advice of a properly qualified observer, or the annoyance of having one not fitted by training, experience, or natural qualities to co-operate. 

There is not space in this paper for a discussion of the educational features of observations made with these devices, or of their influence upon the new and much needed science of fatigue study, or of their general psychological significance. 1 It is only necessary to emphasise their adaptability, flexibility, and relation to economy. We have here a complete set of inexpensive, light, durable apparatus, adaptable to any type of work and to any type of observer or self -observation. 

It consists of systematically assembled units that may be so combined as to meet any possible working condition. Through a specially devised method of using the same motion picture film over and over again, up to sixteen times, and through a careful study of electrical equipment and of various types of time spot interrupters, we have been enabled to cut down the cost of making time and motion study, until now the most accurate type of studies, involving no human equation in the record, can be made at less cost than the far less accurate stop-watch study. This time study and motion study data can be used when it is " cold." No specially gifted observer, combined with the most willing and efficient recorder, can compete with it for observing and recording facts. 

It does not depend upon a human memory to " give up " its facts. It is usable at any time and forever, after it is once taken. Naturally, the requirements for refinement and the special set-ups to be used in any case must be determined after some study of the case in hand. 

There are now available, therefore, instruments of precision fitted to make measurements as fine as the most exact science demands, economical enough to make both immediate and ultimate savings, and that meet the demands of the most exacting industrial progressive. When the time and motion study is taken with such instruments of precision, there are still other by-products that are of more value than the entire cost of the time and motion studies. 


i See " Fatigue Study," Sturgis & Walton, New York. 

ii See " Primer of Scientific Management," D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. 

iii See " Concrete System," Engineering News Publishing Co., New York. 

Requires some more revision to make it more brief.