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Online Handbook of Industrial Engineering - Narayana Rao

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Dr. K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao, Professor,  National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai, India.

Author of Principles of Industrial Engineering, Functions of Industrial Engineering and Focus Areas of Industrial Engineering.

Industrial Engineering is System Efficiency Engineering. 

Machine Effort and Human Effort Industrial Engineering. 

It is continuous improvement engineering. There are product design engineers, process design engineers, facilities planning engineers, production operations engineers, facilities maintenance engineers, product service engineers. There are industrial engineers. Industrial engineers observe, do studies and use recorded data on time, cost and productivity, develop science and based on the science do improvement engineering or productivity engineering. Quality of product or the output and human comfort & safety are part of focus areas of industrial engineering as all engineering changes have to be done taking into consideration quality and human aspects.

Industrial Engineering has three components:
Systems Efficiency Engineering, and Systems Design, Installation and Improvement Management, and Machine Effort and Human Effort Engineering. The functions of industrial engineering are research, productivity science, productivity engineering, productivity management, productivity communication and training, productivity measurement, productivity analysis. Articles describing various methods and techniques under each component/function are included in this handbook. Many of these articles are globally popular online articles with thousands of page views and visitors.

Online Handbook - Click on Link to go to the Article/Essay/Chapter

Introduction to Industrial Engineering

Basic Principles of Industrial Engineering - Narayana Rao

1. Develop science for each element of a man - machine system's work related to efficiency and productivity.
2. Engineer methods, processes and operations to use the laws related to the work of machines, man, materials and other resources.
3. Select or assign workmen based on predefined aptitudes for various types of man - machine work.
4. Train workmen, supervisors, and engineers in the new methods, install various modifications related to the machines that include productivity improvement devices and ensure that the expected productivity is realized.
5. Incorporate suggestions of operators, supervisors and engineers in the methods redesign on a continuous basis.
6. Plan and manage productivity at system level.

The principles were presented at the Annual Conference of IISE 2017 at Pittsburgh, USA. The paper is in the proceedings of the conference. The presentation made at the conference is given below.


Principles of Industrial Engineering - Narayana Rao


Industrial Engineering - History

Levels of Industrial Engineering in an Enterprise. 

Industrial Engineering Strategy - Enterprise Level Industrial Engineering.
Facilities Industrial Engineering.
Process Industrial Engineering - Process Machine Effort Industrial Engineering - Process Human Effort Industrial Engineering.
Operation Industrial Engineering.
Element Level Analysis in Industrial Engineering.

Pioneers and Expert Practitioners of Industrial Engineering

Frederick Winslow Taylor - A Pioneer Industrial Engineer

The Component Areas of Industrial Engineering

Systems - Factory, Facilities, Processes, Products

Human Effort Engineering - Methods, Techniques and Related Issues 

Systems Efficiency Engineering - Methods, Techniques and Related Issues 

Value Engineering - Introduction


Value Engineering Introduction - Miles Way


Systems Design, Installation and Improvement Management Methods, Techniques and Related Issues 

System Engineering Process and Its Management 

Functions of Industrial Engineering


Focus Areas of Industrial Engineering

Engineering has two aims: 
To develop effective products and processes that satisfy customers. 
To develop efficient products and processes that give profits and satisfaction to the producers (both managers-capitalists and employees). 

Industrial engineering is focused on efficiency while the functional engineers are focused on effectiveness. 

Both engineering streams have big data bases of knowledge, information and data that are to be used to do the design and execution work successfully to the satisfaction of customers. 

Industrial engineering developed its knowledge based over 140 years. The academic discipline of industrial engineering was started in 1908. But the call for development of this engineering branch was given in 1880.

Productivity Science: Science developed for each element of machine operation and each element of human tasks in industry.

Product Industrial Engineering: Redesign of products to reduce cost and increase value keeping the quality intact.

Process Industrial Engineering: Redesign of processes to reduce cost and increase value keeping the quality intact.

Industrial Engineering Optimization: Optimizing industrial engineerng solutions created in Product Industrial Engineering and Process Industrial Engineering.

Industrial Engineering Statistics: Using statistical tools like data description, sampling and design of experiments in industrial engineering activity.

Industrial Engineering Economics: Economic analysis of industrial engineering projects.

Human Effort Industrial Engineering: Redesign of products and processes to increase satisfaction and reduce discomfort and other negative consequence to operators.

Productivity Measurement: Various measurements done by industrial engineers in industrial setting to collect data, analyze data and use the insights in redesign: Product Industrial Engineering and Process Industrial Engineering.

Productivity Management: Management undertaken by industrial engineers to implement Product Industrial Engineering and Process Industrial Engineering. Management processes industrial engineering is also part of productivity management.

Applied Industrial Engineering: Application of industrial engineering in new technologies, existing technologies, engineering business and industrial processes and other areas.

Productivity Science

Productivity Science - Principle of Industrial Engineering
Productivity Drivers - Productivity Analysis - Productivity Science
Productivity Science - Determinants of Productivity
People Productivity Factors - Model by R.A. Sutermeister

Product Industrial Engineering

Product Design Industrial Engineering

Value Engineering

Value Engineering - Introduction
Value Analysis: Approach and Job Plan
Value Analysis and Engineering Techniques - 13 Techniques Proposed by L.D. Miles, the founder of value analysis and engineering
Value Engineering - Examples, Cases and Benefits

Design for Manufacturing

Process Industrial Engineering

The scope of process industrial engineering is very big. Engineering processes are large in number because of large number of engineering branches. Within each branch there are different areas of subjects. Within each subjects there are large number of processes. For illustration, in the subject of manufacturing alone there are number of fundamental processes. Within each fundamental process,  say for example, machining, there are number of machine tools. Continuously, developments are taking place in machine tools, cutting tools and accessories that have an effect on productivity. Industrial engineers have to monitor, establish relationships with representatives of sellers and consultants to know the developments, evaluate them and implement them in their organization as quickly as possible. There is reengineering opportunity each time a new development in any engineering element is adopted. Creative application of new technology as well as problem solving ideas is required all the time in industrial engineering. 

Process Industrial Engineering - Methods and Techniques

Operation Process Chart
Flow Process Chart
Seven Waste Model
Value Stream Mapping

Productivity Analysis and Improvement of Processing Operations

Identifying, Analyzing and Installing High Productivity Equipment and Machines
Identifying, Analyzing and Utilizing High Productivity Special Processes
Developing special purpose machines
Installing accessories for productivity improvement
Using Jigs and Fixtures
Using more productive tools
Using new lubricants
Using new cutting fluids
Cutting parameters optimization
Process parameters optimization
Poka Yoke

Machine Work Study
Operation Analysis
Process Analysis
Electric power consumption analysis and reduction
Predictive maintenance
Preventive maintenance
OEE improvement
Manufacturing Cost Policy Deployment (MCPD)

Productivity Analysis and Improvement of Inspection Operations

Statistical Process Control
Acceptance Sampling
High Productivity Inspection Techniques and Instruments
Inspection Fixtures

Productivity Analysis and Improvement of Material Handling  Operations

Plant Layout Studies
Cellular Layouts
Developments in Material Handling Equipment
Robots for Loading and Unloading Machines

Analysis of Temporary Delays

Shigeo Shingo is to be appreciated for providing detailed discussion on this issue in his book,  "A Study of the Toyota Production System from an Industrial Engineering Point of View."

Reduction of batch quantities
Reduction of safety stocks
Reduction of demand fluctuations

Productivity Analysis and Improvement of Stores/Warehouse  Operations

Warehouse Efficiency Improvement
Warehouse Layout Analysis
Warehouse Information Management Systems

Objectives of  Productivity Engineering - Process Industrial Engineering

Zero Waste, Zero Defects, Zero Breakdowns, Zero Stocks, Zero Resources (Investment)

Reduce Waste, Reduce Defects, Reduce Breakdowns, Reduce Stocks, Reduce Resources (Investment)

The Function of Methods Efficiency Engineering - Process Industrial Engineering

Machines and Tools Related Methods Efficiency Analysis - Machine Work Study

Machine Work Study



Machine Work Study - Methods, Techniques and Tools


Machine Work Study - Online Book
Operation Analysis Approach - Knol Book

Case Studies and Examples - Productivity Engineering - Process Industrial Engineering - Methods Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering of Machine Shop - Machining Operations

Taylor - Art of Metal Cutting - Important Points
Machine Shop Process Industrial Engineering
Cutting Tool Alternatives for Machine Process IE - Cost and Productivity Benefits
Metal Cutting Theory, Machines and Tools for Machine Work Study
Organizing a Small Workshop for High Productivity - F.W. Taylor
Machining Time Reduction - Machining Cost Reduction

Six Sigma in Machining Processes

Industrial Engineering Optimization

Operations Research - An Efficiency Improvement Tool for Industrial Engineers
Cost Based Assembly Line Optimization

Industrial Engineering Statistics

Six Sigma in Machining Processes
More articles are provided in the articles in the area "Applied Industrial Engineering"

Industrial Engineering Economics

The Engineer as an Economist - Industrial Engineer - Henry Towne - 1886
Industrial Engineering Economics - Important Component of Industrial Engineering
Engineering Economics and Industrial Engineering

Human Effort Industrial Engineering

Human Effort Industrial Engineering

Productivity Measurement - Work/Time, Cost, Productivity

Industrial Engineering Data and Measurements

Time Study by F.W. Taylor

Kaizen Costing and Kaizen Cost Management

Productivity Management

Productivity Management

Applied Industrial Engineering

Applied Industrial Engineering - Process Steps
3D Printing - Additive Manufacturing Industrial Engineering - Productivity Science and Engineering
Industrial Engineering of Welding Processes


Applied Industrial Engineering - Implementation Steps


McKinsey Way Supply Chain Industrial Engineering - Zero-Based Productivity Management of Supply Chain
Supply Chain Industrial Engineering - Online Book

Organizing Industrial Engineering Department

Industrial Engineering and Other Departments and Disciplines

Industrial Engineering Programs


Articles, Books, Bulletin Boards, Course Pages

Innovations in Industrial Engineering


Additional Materials


QFD to Direct Value Engineering in the Design of a Brake System, 2002

Updates done on 2.7.2024,  22.7.2023, 9.4.2022,  28 Dec 2020,  17 June 2020,  20 May 2020,  7 April 2020, 3 April 2020
First published on 7 May 2019

(C) Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.


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