Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Principles of Industrial Engineering - IISE 2017 Conference Presentation - 2024 Version


Principles of Industrial Engineering

Dr. V.S.S. Narayana Rao Kambhampati

Professor, NITIE, Mumbai, India

Industrial Engineering #Principles -  #IISE 2017 Conference Presentation -  Video. 

9930+  Views. 


Prof. V.S.S. Narayana Rao Kambhampati

NITIE, Mumbai, India

2024 Version


Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management

1. Managers develop a science for each element of a man's work, which replaces the old rule-of-thumb method. 

 2. They scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the workman, whereas in the past he chose his own work and trained himself as best he could. 

 Taylor’s Principles - Third

 3. They heartily cooperate with the men so as to insure all of the work being done in accordance with the principles of the science which has been developed. 

Taylor’s Principles - Fourth

4. There is an almost equal division of the work and the responsibility between the management and the workmen. 

The management takes over all work for which they are better fitted than the workmen, while in the past almost all of the work and the greater part of the responsibility were thrown upon the men.

Primary Principles of Industrial Engineering – Narayana Rao

1.Develop a science for each element of a man - machine system's work related to efficiency and productivity.

2. Engineer methods, processes and operations to use the scientific laws related to the work of machines, man, materials and other resources to improve economic efficiency and productivity.

IE Principles – Narayana Rao 

3. Select or assign workmen based on predefined aptitudes for various types of man - machine work.

4. Train workmen, supervisors, and engineers in the new methods, install various modifications related to the machines that include productivity improvement devices and ensure that the expected productivity is realized.

IE Principles 5 & 6

5. Incorporate suggestions of operators, supervisors and engineers in the methods redesign on a continuous basis.

6. Plan and manage productivity at the system level.

Principles of Industrial Engineering in Detail

Detailed principles are derived from primary principles of industrial engineering.

Productivity science, Productivity engineering, and Productivity management are the three major components of Industrial engineering.

1. Productivity science

The principle follows the principle regarding science proposed by Taylor. Develop a science for each element of a man - machine system's work related to efficiency and productivity.

 The productivity science developed is the foundation for industrial engineering in productivity engineering and productivity management phases.

2. Productivity engineering

Industrial engineering is concerned with the redesign of engineering systems with a view to improve their productivity. 

The increase in productivity due to the use of low-cost materials, processes and increasing speed of machines and men, should not lead to any decrease in quality of the output.

3. Application in all engineering branches

Industrial engineering defined as system efficiency engineering has application in all branches of engineering. 

Productivity improvement is needed in engineering systems of all branches and therefore IE needs to be used in all branches of engineering and is to be taught in all engineering branches.

4. Machine/equipment/tools utilization economy

Principles of machine utilization economy are required to guide decision making in productivity engineering.

These principles may be developed for various categories of machines like machine tools, electric motors, pumps etc. Principles for efficient utilization of all resources used in engineering systems.

5. Optimization

Each engineering system design idea needs to be optimized to get the best output and then only alternatives have to be compared for selection of the best alternative. 

Hence optimization is an important principle in industrial engineering.

IE alternatives need to be optimized.

6. Engineering economic analysis

Every engineering proposal has to pass the engineering economic analysis. 

Industrial engineering system redesign proposals also have to pass engineering economic analysis and provide the required rate of return of the organization concerned.

7. Implementation team membership

Industrial engineers have to participate in the implementation effort to the end. 

They have to become implementation team members and if required have to lead the team.

8. Human effort engineering for productivity

Industrial engineers are unique in engineering disciplines in taking up the engineering of human effort. 

They have to synthesize the theories of human sciences and productivity science to design human work for an optimal combination of productivity, income, comfort, health, safety and satisfaction of the employed.

9. Motion economy

Operators use motions to do work directly or indirectly through machines. 

Science of human effort developed by Gilbreth.

Principles of motion economy - Gilbreth 

They need to be employed in all industrial engineering studies in the redesign of human work in engineering systems of all branches.

10. Operator comfort and health

As human effort engineers, industrial engineers are also concerned with comfort and health of operators. 

The productivity improvement should not lead to discomfort, fatigue and musculoskeletal disorders. 

Remember similar statement in respect of quality.

11. Work measurement

To determine the best combination of machine and human motion elements, measurements of the time required to do each element/motion as well as bundles of elements/motions are needed. 

Measured/calculated standard times are  useful to set day’s task for an operator. 

Task-based incentives can be set based on the standard time which is an output of work measurement.

12. Selection of operators

Productivity science has to provide the basis for identifying the proficiencies required for a trade and also the method of evaluating various persons.

Productivity science guidelines are to be used for selection of operators.

13. Training of operators

Industrial engineers have to train the operators in the new machine/work methods proposed by them and in the new man motions. 

There is need to demonstrate the expected output from new methods by specially trained operators. 

Acceptance of the new method and standard requires objective demonstration. 

14. Work simplification education and training

Industrial engineers have to now accept that productivity improvements can be suggested by operators and supervisors

The ability of operators and supervisors can be enhanced by providing productivity education and training. 

15. Continuous improvement - Employee participation

Continuous improvement of processes with significant benefit is possible when a large number of operators participate in improvement activity. 

Industrial engineers have to put in systems for increasing employee participation and implementing the continuous improvement in a systematic fashion.

16. Productivity incentives

Taylor stated that high productivity and high incomes go together. 

Productivity incentives are a vehicle for providing higher income for higher productivity taking into account natural differences among people.

17. Hearty cooperation

Industrial engineers have to believe in the benefits for operators due to increase in productivity in the form of higher wages.

 Industrial engineering advocates hearty cooperation between managers, industrial engineers and operators and makes efforts to promote it.

18. Productivity management

Every industrial engineer is a productivity manager. 

He has to manage studies and productivity improvement projects proposed based on them. Total system cost is his responsibility.

Evaluation of management processes and plans for their impact on the productivity of engineering activities and processes.

He has to learn complete management theory and its application in IE practice.

19. System level focus

The objective of the industrial engineering department in a company is productivity improvement and profit improvement at the enterprise level. 

IEs have to select and implement productivity improvement projects at lower levels like work stations that increase system level productivity.

20. Productivity measurement

Productivity improvement requires productivity measurement at the beginning and end of studies and projects.

To maintain system level focus, productivity measures at system level have to be developed and used. 

The relation between productivity measures at the enterprise level, process level, and work station level have to be established to facilitate decision making.

21. Cost measurement

The ultimate proof of productivity improvement is the reduced unit cost.

Cost measurement at the beginning and end of studies and projects.

Cost accounting department measures and reports unit costs.

Industrial engineers have to work in cooperation with them to get the representative cost figures that are reliable for decision making.


The principles provide a foundation to the activities of industrial engineering field.

They embrace the current practice areas of IE.

They distinguish the field from regular branches of engineering and management. 

Future Scope

Scope is there for further explanation, refinement and expansion of the principles proposed by Narayana Rao.

Suggestions Welcome.

Thank you.

V.S.S. Narayana Rao Kambhampati

Kvssnrao55 at the rate gmail.com

Ud. 3.12.2024

Pub. 10.8.2024

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