Friday, December 28, 2018

Productivity Management Courses


Productivity Management (Production Management II)
 Productivity - Introduction and Fundamentals (Introduction to productivity management, fundamentals of productivity analysis)

 Machine Productivity (Analysis of the machine productivity, setup optimisation, maintenance, interlinked production lines)

 Labour Productivity (Analysis of the labour productivity, ergonomics, MTM-analysis, human-machine relation and layouts)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hermann Lödding

BMGT 211
Productivity Management
15 credits, 0.125 EFTS
Semester: Two
Timetable block: 5
An introduction to designing, managing an dcontrolling the core transformation process in organisations in a lean-focused, managerial decision-making context.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Engineering Discipline Minors for IE Students - Louisiana State University

An interesting way of promoting industrial engineering all engineering branches

Engineering Discipline Minors for IE Students -   Louisiana State University

Technical Minors for Industrial Engineering Program

Many Industrial Engineering students pursue minors in addition to their IE degree. If you have a clear idea as to the type of industry you want to focus in upon graduation, a minor can help you gain additional understanding of the field and strengthen your competitiveness in that industries job market.   You may enroll in multiple minors.

Minors of Interest to Industrial Engineers

Biological Engineering
Construction Management
Electrical and Computer Engineering   
Environmental Engineering
Materials Science Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Structural Engineering
Sugar Engineering
Transportation Engineering


Industrial Engineering in All Branches of Engineering - Principle of Industrial Engineering

Industrial engineering defined as system efficiency engineering has application in all branches of engineering. Productivity improvement is needed in engineering systems of all branches and therefore industrial engineering needs to be used in all branches of engineering. It needs to be taught in all engineering branches.




Friday, December 14, 2018

Human Oriented Productivity Enhancement - Improvement Program

Prof Masayoshi Takahashi,

HOPE- Human Oriented Productivity Enhancement

HOPP - Human Oriented Productivity Program


*Sharing Japanese system of management of successful companies

*20 Keys of work improvement as advocated by Prof Masayoshi Takahashi, Y.S Fakuda of Japan

Japanese 20 Productivity keys

1.Good house keeping

2.Rationalizing systems in the organization

3.Reducing work in process and Inventory

4.Quick change over technology

5.Value analysis & work improvement

6.Zero monitoring manufacturing

7.Couple manufacturing

8.Maintenance of machines

9. Punctual work attitude

10.Waste elimination

11.Quality assurance system

12.Developing suppliers to meet your requirement

13.Empowering workers to make improvements

14.Small group work culture in the organization

15.Skill versatility and cross training

16.Production scheduling

17.Effciency control & Management

18.Conserving energy and materials

19.Application of existing technology

20 Computer technology and company wide net working ERP

*Factories  can be measured on the scale of 1-5 and assessed by trainers and show the current level and set targets for improvements.

 Sridhar Reddy


A.Sridhar Reddy BE, MIE, FIV
Senior Vice President
M/S Integritti HRes Solutions Pvt.Ltd, Banglaore

Management advisor (International)
Former General Manager –HMT Corporate -Personnel Directorate (HRD + HRM) and
Japanese productivity Improvement , ISO 9000& TQM Grievance, counseling
+ 29 years of experience- Trained by Swiss on Quality &
Japanese on Productivity Improvement


1. Rs 20 Cr. Savings to Jordan industries due to HAPPI program - 10 Industries covering 5000 employees- countrywide-presented to prime minister and Ambassador Japanese

2. Worked as Japanese management Advisor to Jordan Government on Industrial policy- 10 enterprises-6000 workers

3. Worked as consultant in Sri Lanka- 25enterprises 3000 workers

4. Assignments at England, Singapore , Malaysia, Dubai,

Brief description:

Jordan (Annual Total savings Rs 25,0 Lakhs of 10 companies
Soaps , Toiletry, LG-TV , Refrigerators, . Aqaba Vegetable Oil, Phones .Biscuits, Carpets , Paints, Cosmetics, .Arab Carpets, Air conditioners, Arab drip irrigation, Foundry, .Fertilizer, Presses, Vegetable oils

Sri Lanka
Coach building , Blue Diamond,.Jewelry, .Ceylinco securities, Stock brokers , Seylon merchant bank, Treasury, Insurance Co,.Air lines ticketing & travels Ceylon bank , Legal cell, World trading, Cey homes, .Transport,. Marketing consumers, Corporate , Legal cells

Information and technology IT sector
Associate consultant on ERP – HRD module and
Customer complaint analysis of capital goods , Watches,
-Unisoft Bangaloore
-Nsoft Bangalore
-Brio software division
-e-net group on HR Manual- Bangalore

2. Indian Consultancy- Private Industreies

Wind mill Energy sector M/s Enercon India ltd .>150 employees in south
( Service & Erection)
Rs 1.6 Cr savings for Enercon India Ltd.,- Wind Mill projects
Companywide , covering Administration, finance, purchase , manufacturing
security, sub contractors

3 sites at Chitradurga, Kanyakumari and Coimbatore

1. Improvement projects 77 completed and going for South zone
competition & moving towards new Team approach work culture
2. Total savings of Rs 160,00.000=00

Milk Diary NANDANI

Karnataka milk federation KMF unions
Conducted HRD and productivity work shop to more than 1000 participants in different areas like Corporate Directors ,office staff , Marketing, Processing area workers, supervisors, management staff, Village farmers, men & women who supply milk to union.

Cattle feed plant Gubbi- 85 employees
Employees achieved savings equal to One month salary of all employees due to projects taken by teams; voluntary & enthusiastic implementation with least cash out on improvement projects and utilizing in house talent and material. . High morale of employees instate owned enterprise . The appreciation by corporate management and directors to Gubbi plant and expanding to other units.
- Rs 8 0 L to KMF Cattle feed Gubbi plant, equal to 4 months total
employees salary + reduction of of cost of production by 250 Rs/ ton
Mother Diary Yelahanka , trained all employees+ Market,
dispatch of Milk satchets to dealers, Pre sales and sales
improvement by 10 %- Rs 50 L savings

Tumkur Milk union – Improvement of total productivity and
promotion kaizens including Chilling centers – Rs 12L savings
Cattle feed plant at Hasan improvement of productivity and
reducing cost of production
Cattle feed plant at Rajanukunte Bangalore
Companywide work conducted and lot of saving seen
Milk Diary Mysore
Companywide work conducted and lot of saving seen
Milk Diary unit at Bellary
Companywide work conducted and lot of saving seen

Suveswara Bangalore
- Life long employed- resently 1.0 crore turnover with 100 employees an new premises of industry shed built newly. TS certified
• more than 500 kaizens in first 2 years improvements adding directly to current year profits- Involvement of all employees in shop , customer satisfaction, Inventory reduction, .

Unit Alfa , Bommasandra turn over increased from
22L to Rs 50 L- Life long employed new
premises of industry shed built newly

Shakambari Kanakapura increased turn over from 50L
to Rs 80L - life long employed new- ISO certified Co
premises of industry shed built newly
CNC machines- Machining Titanium material and ZERO deviation
High value . Shop floor re organizing for better work environment,
Eco friendly, reduction in scrap and reworking.
Total savings of 3 months savings for the current year
* The proprietor wants us to be the third eye for total operations,
including shop floor improvements and enhancing customer base
Added VMC, CNC Milling machine

SN Automats, Bangalore: Total Management advisor to new premises and making it defect rate 0.2 % achievement- turn over of
10 L labor job- premises of industry shed built newly- 15 CNC MC

Sunik Industries , Bangalore
100 employees – turnover 60 L / month- Total consutancy- lLife long employed- Iso certified Co. with ERP

Capronics Bangalore
Prited circuit manufacturer- process improvement and team work
Publications of Practical HRD hand Books for seminars ”your car”

Yantech company
ISO certifying agency- certified 4 companies process

Karnataka Government offices:
KSRTC Regional work shop kengeri- Trained 250 employees and improved productivity in select areas.
Commissioner of Police-Bangalore, - Lokayuktha officers
Women & child, -Co-operative Banks etc.,
- covered more than 800 staff.
*Conducted work shop on Office productivity and customer focus
Police Academy
– trained more than 500 Sub inspectors & Inspectors
Human resource Development covering Listening, Communication, team work, Time management, Office maintenance and Japanese management concepts and Out door management exercises and camps
“Retrieval of Any document or item in 60 seconds” How to handle customers in human approach and tough handling of Law breakers

Bangalore Police Commissioners office 25 Inspectors & Office staff
Human resource Development covering Listening, Communication, team work, Time management, Office maintenance and Japanese management concepts and Out door management exercises and camps
“Retrieval of Any document or item in 60 seconds”
Women and child welfare- office staff -125 office staff
“Retrieval of Any document or item in 60 seconds”
Human resource Development covering Listening, Communication, team work, Time management, Office maintenance and Japanese management concepts for day to day life

General achievements

- Management development Institute & knowledge
-Management for Multi unit manufacturing companies
-“Employees take 12 months salary & Voluntarily return
1 month’s salary to organization” by practicing “HOPE”

Guest faculty :

* IIT’s ,IIMs, MBA ,MCA and Engineering colleges
* Worked as Faculty in T.John MBA college, Bangalore
* As gest faculty to AMC, Reddy vemana college,
Co-operative colllege

Consultant on :

• Waste elimination, Productivity, Office productivity,
• Customer Satisfaction-Ecstasy,
MBA , BBM college students
• ISO Certified auditor- Organized 18 units certification
• Human Resource Development & Human Resource Management
• Counseling- employ grievance + family + individual + stress
Programs conducted: Individual development, Team work, How to
work in organizations/ Industries, stress management, Memory,
Social organizations like Rotarians, Jacyees
Evening lecture on Self development, Stress management,

3. Publications on Human Resource Development:

• HRD Book “Your Car” 5000 copies

• Waste Elimination
• TQM- executive Hand book
• Technical papers presented on Quality
Recognition from UK , Japan & Poland



Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Output, Cost and Productivity of Information Systems - Industrial Engineering Challenge Area

Information systems are attracting huge capital investments and operating expenditures. But the productivity impact of these investments is not visible. We have a productivity paradox. It means the output of information systems is not getting captured as a valuable addition to the measured quantity of goods and services. Industrial engineering profession has identified information as an important element in production systems or engineering systems to be studied by industrial engineers. But still in this area, IE seems to be in germination stage only.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Development Strategy for Industrial Engineering

Applied Industrial Engineering - Industrial Engineering 4.0 is a growth opportunity for Industrial Engineering Profession in the World

Summary of

"Thinking about the Application and Development Strategy of Industrial Engineering"

Quan-qing LI, Ming LI
(C)2011, IEEE

Characteristics of Industrial Engineering

Analysis of the origin of industrial engineering, reveals that the original industrial engineering has the following characteristics:

1. It is developed to solve management problems of production side of manufacturing industry. (F.W. Taylor mentioned that management or entrepreneur or financial capitalists/investors focused on marketing and finance and production was left to superintendents and foremen. The systems content of production management activity was very low and reliance was on the persons and their knowledge based on their experience and thinking.)

2. Efficiency was the objective and Industrial Engineering was called "Efficiency Engineering" also.

3. The subject reflected the characteristic of "Thing Big, Act Small." The big aspect refers to the objective, the efficiency and cost of of the production activity of the enterprise. The small aspect refers to the action point. The IE activity can start from little things such as an individual worker's action, working tool, workflow (a step of the process) and so on.

Application Range of Industrial Engineering

The authors say it is sufficient to say that IE analyses and improves objects and people.  Materials and equipment are objects.  Operation of objects requires energy. Also operation is based on information. Hence the term objects covers material, machine, energy and information.

Two Kinds of Technology - Specialized Engineering and Industrial Engineering

Basic Engineering - Industrial Engineering (Effort Engineering - Productivity Engineering)

Processes or systems convert input into output through a conversion process.

Input ------------- Conversion -------------> Output

In the conversion task, two kinds of technology play a big roles. One is the technology to realize physical and chemical change which transforms the input into desired shape having the desired properties and functions. This technology is created by various specialized engineering branches in various products.  The second type of technology modifies the first technology or redesigns the first core technology into combination (integration) and collocation, and makes the system more efficient and less costly (maintaining the quality). The second technology is called the industrial engineering technology. The first technology pays main attention to production process. The second technology pays attention to production management issues of productivity and cost reduction.

For any system, improving efficiency and reducing cost are its inspiring objectives.

Reasons for Neglecting Industrial Engineering Technology

Specialized engineering technology is the necessary condition of the system existence and running. Without it the system is unable to run, so it cannot be neglected. With industrial engineering the system can be run better for more profits and less waste.  But many entrepreneurs are satisfied with the normal running of the system and do not aspire after the good that is possible with additional effort.

Second, the specialized engineering technology is produced first. Industrial engineering technology is produced after a time lag (hysteresis).

Third the benefit of specialized engineering technology is immediate, appearance of the production system. The benefits waste elimination methods take more time to show significant results.

Development Stages of Industrial Engineering in Various Technologies

In each technology we can see:
1. Germination period.
2. Cornerstone-laying period
3. Growth period
4. Slow growth or maturity period.

In each technology, the four periods will appear. As specialized engineering disciplines create new technologies, there will be germination period during which industrial engineers have to explore and understand the new technology and identify the productivity levers and barriers. They have to develop productivity science of the new technology. Based on the science they have to develop productivity engineering solutions. As productivity solutions are demonstrated, more and more organizations adopt them and the growth phase will start. The growth period is extended by new scientific and engineering solutions. Productivity management innovations related to the new technology may also come into existence. As technology matures, IE related to the technology also stagnates.

The authors feel in manufacturing sector, IE is in slow growth period. In service industry, it is still in cornerstone-laying period.

Difficulties Faced by IE in Extending Its Applications

1. Industrial engineering applications have to customized to the organizations. Hence its extension is made difficult.

2. Similarly industrial engineering is technology specific. Industrial engineering is nearly the technology of "one-to-one" to solve the problem.

3. The hysteresis involved in developing IE solutions and the possibility of running the systems based on specialized engineering solutions for a long period means, the application of IE can be delayed in the new technologies.

4. The idea, "Think Big, and Act Small" may not be working right. IE does not have methods that aid thing big. IEs are not happy with micro level initiatives and improvements. Hence IE as an activity is negatively impacted from both sides.

Suggestions to Speed up the Application and Extension of Industrial Engineering

1. Popularize the basic purpose of industrial engineering. It is seeking more efficiency. Do not be satisfied with the present level of efficiency. Search for ideas in productivity science, productivity engineering and productivity management. Develop applications in house. Contact consultants, researchers and academicians.

2. The industrial engineering has to speed up research and development. It needs innovations in research (science), technology (engineering) and methods. Only innovations in technology and methods can be used by the organizations and therefore can provide growth to industrial engineering profession.

Innovations in Industrial Engineering - Changing Landscape of Industrial Engineering



You can view the full article in



Applied Industrial Engineering Implementation Steps - Industrial Engineering 4.0 Context



Related Article

Applied Industrial Engineering  Bulletin
IE in New Technologies - IE with New Technologies

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Productivity Management - Bulletin Board


Management Approach for Resource-Productive Operations: Design of a Time-Based and Analytics-Supported Methodology Grounded in Six Sigma
Markus Hammer
Springer, 10-Jul-2018 - Business & Economics - 258 pages

Markus Hammer investigates a time-based and analytics-supported operations management approach. He explores five perspectives: 1) the needs of industry, in particular manufacturing in process industries, 2) the impact of digitization, with focus on Big Data and analytics, 3) the management of operations through time-based performance metrics, 4) how operations improvement methods and advanced process control help achieve resource-productive operations and 5) learning from practice based on two empirical case studies. The author conceives, explains, and tests an implementation methodology. The final case study proves that the developed implementation methodology works in practice.


Productivity management system for a machine
Patent US9605413B2
Inventor Xinyu GEQiang Chen
Current Assignee Caterpillar Inc 
Priority date 2015-05-29
2017-03-28  US9605413B2 Grant

A multi-tool machine for utilizing a plurality of work tools includes an engine and a controller operatively coupled to the engine. The engine is configured to operate at a first engine operating configuration when a first work tool is coupled to the machine and configured to operate at a second engine operating configuration when a second work tool is coupled to the machine. The controller is configured to transition the engine from the first configuration to the second configuration when the machine transitions from the first work tool to the second work tool.

Cost Attack Teams
BorgWarner Inc.'s Diversified Transmission Products plant in Muncie, Indiana.
"An important part of cost reduction strategy is getting  employees involved in reducig cost of  manufacturing operations.  Cost Attack Teams (CATs) are used for it.

A CAT is born when an employee on the plant floor gets an idea about how something could be done better. Any employee at BorgWarner's Muncie plant is empowered to implement his or her idea. A CAT team made up of other operators, engineers, quality control people, and anyone else whose area of specialty might be needed to make the idea work.

Each week, the members of the CATs that successfully implemented improvements the preceding week participate in a drawing for a $100 gift certificate. Every month, there is an additional drawing, with the winner receiving $500 worth of BorgWarner stock.

Updated on 7 December 2018
earlier 27 October 2018

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Aims and Objectives of Industrial Engineering - Prof F. F. Groseclose 1949

November 22, 1949
F. F. Groseclose, Director
School of Industrial Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia

The successfully Industrial Engineer must possess special interests and abilities in the analysis of the human, technical, and cost problems of modern manufacturing.

The Aims and Objectives of the Curriculum in Industrial Engineering

The aims and objectives of the curriculum in Industrial Engineering are to furnish young men  prepared for the field and/or job as outlined below:

The increasing magnitude and complexity of modern industrial plants has demanded the development of a branch of engineering widely recognized as Industrial Engineering.

The field of the Industrial Engineer is that of the process and production expert engaged in planning, organizing, improving, managing, and operating various processes for production manufactured products of all kinds and varieties.

New problems have arisen and new techniques have been developed during recent years which are peculiar to and characteristic of Industrial Engineering. These include the analysis of a proposed product with regard to the possible steps and sequences of operations involved in its manufacture, a selection of the most efficient machines to perform these operations, the layout of the plant and shops to provide for the flow of the product from one machine to another, organization of the material supply, avoidance or elimination of bottlenecks, together with the related problems of quality and cost control, testing, inspection, and personnel relations.

Industrial Engineering coordinates men, materials, machines, and methods so as to solve problems met in the conversion, transformation, and fabrication of raw materials into the products of industry. The successfully Industrial Engineer must possess special interests and abilities in the analysis of the human, technical, and cost problems of modern manufacturing. In addition, he must possess the personality and attributes of character which will enable him to work with and direct others in the planning and operation of manufacturing enterprises.

The Job of the Industrial Engineer

What Do Industrial Engineers Do? The Industrial (also called management of administrative) Engineer makes surveys of how industrial plants or businesses are organized and operated, and on the basis of such studies, he prepares recommendations to executives for changes in the way things are made or in the set-up of money in the conduct of business.

To carry out this work, he makes use of his knowledge of the principles of business organization and administration, engineering, economics, industrial psychology, statistics, accounting, and marketing. He may examine and observe new equipment and how men work, make time and motion studies, study production records and products, or talk with management and production personnel. He tries to obtain a comprehensive view of any plant or business activity such as: planning and scheduling of production; production methods, standards equipment, cost records, and control; how materials and goods are received, packed, and shipped; the hiring, training, and management of personnel; wage payment system, relation of unions to management; the system for purchasing materials and supplies; the advertising and distribution of products; and the manner in which the business is to be established. Many Industrial Engineers, especially consultants with long training and experience, are qualified to survey and advise on all phases of a business or industrial organization. Most of them work in a particular industry, such as an electric utility or a chemical process industry, and deal with a particular broad phase of industrial engineering work, for example, plant design and construction, plant production, sales and marketing, purchasing, personnel and labor relations, wage systems, finances, or traffic management.

Who Should or Should Not Take Up Industrial Engineering? The Industrial Engineer combines the aptitudes of a mechanical engineer, accountant, and business executive. He should have an aptitude for studying such college subjects as engineering, calculus, statistics, economics, and business administration. He should have an interest in all kinds of jobs and in the machines and men who manufacture goods; he should have the ability to spot a problem in getting something made, gather all the related facts about processes and costs, stick to the facts in working out a solution, and present his conclusions or ideas in clear, concise English to business executives. He should be able to visualize in three dimensions in order to develop plans for the layout of equipment or for the successive steps in getting work done.

F. F. Groseclose, Director
School of Industrial Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia
November 22, 1949

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

IISE 2018 Orlando Annual Conference Presented Papers

You can access the presented papers for a limited time from the following link.

Conference Program

CIS - Computers & Information Systems

CIS Best Student Paper Competition

CIS Best Track Paper Competition

CIS-01 - Algorithms for Data Analytics

CIS-02 - Applications of Predictive Analytics

CIS-04 - Transportation Systems

CIS-05 - Technology Management

CIS-08 - Smart Sensing

CIS-09 - Smart Logistics Systems

CIS-10 - Quantitative Analysis of Medical Imaging Data for Disease Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment

CIS-11 - Predictive Analytics in Healthcare Systems

CIS-15 - Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems

CIS-19 - Data Driven Optimization and Decision Making

CIS-22 - Data Analytics and System Informatics in Healthcare Applications

CIS-23 - Data Analytics and Information Systems


CON-1 - Construction Education

CON-3 - Construction Tools and Simulation

CON-4 - Construction Analytics

CON-5 - Resilient Infrastucture

Energy Systems
ESY-01 - Energy Systems Best Student Paper Award

ESY-02 - Advanced Method for Energy Systems

ESY-03 - Electric Vehicles

ESY-04 - Energy & Buildings

ESY-07 - Microgrids

ESY-10 - Renewable Energy 1

ESY-11 - Renewable Energy 2

ESY-12 - Resilient Energy Systems

ESY-13 - Solar Energy

Engineering Economy

ECC-5 - Engineering Economy Applications in Energy Systems

EEC-01 - Engineering Economy 1

Engineering Education

EED-01 - Application of Virtual Simulation for Learning

EED-02 - Competency and Professional Skills Development

EED-03 - Curriculum

EED-06 - Engineering Design and Capstone Projects

EED-07 - Engineering Management

EED-08 - Experiential and Project-Based Learning

EED-09 - Graduate Program Considerations

EED-11 - I&SE and the University

EED-14 - Lifecycle Considerations

EED-15 - Teaming

EED-16 - Transitions, Admissions, and Scholarships

Engineering Management

EM- 06 - Industry 4.0

EM- 11 - Production Planning and Operations Management

EM- 12 - Production Planning and Operations Management

EM- 13 - Project Management

EM-01 - Engineering Management Skills

EM-02 - Engineering Management Skills

EM-03 - Engineering Management Skills

EM-04 - Engineering Management Skills

EM-05 - Industry 4.0

EM-07 - Inventory, Transportation, and Logistics Management

EM-10 - Performance Management Systems

EM-14 - Project Management

EM-15 - Project Management

EM-16 - Quality Management

EM-18 - Strategic Tools: Decision Making

EM-19 - System Optimization & Scheduling

Facilities Design & Planning

FDP-2 - Asset Management

FDP-3 - Distribution Facilities

FDP-5 - Non-Manufacturing Facilities

FDP-6 - Order Fulfillment

Healthcare Systems
Healthcare Systems: Best Student Track Paper Finalist Presentations

HS-01 - Healthcare Systems: Care Delivery

HS-02 - Healthcare Systems: Costs and Sustainability I

HS-03 - Healthcare Systems: Costs and Sustainability II

HS-08 - Healthcare Systems: Disease Treatment and Medical Interventions II

HS-09 - Healthcare Systems: Disease Treatment and Medical Interventions III

HS-12 - Healthcare Systems: Emergency Medicine II

HS-14 - Healthcare Systems: Operating Room I

HS-16 - Healthcare Systems: Patient Centered Care I

HS-18 - Healthcare Systems: Population Health I

HS-20 - Healthcare Systems: Population Health III

HS-21 - Healthcare Systems: Inventory Management

HS-22 - Healthcare Systems: Population Health IV

HS-23 - Healthcare Systems: Potpourri I

HS-24 - Healthcare Systems: Potpourri II

HS-26 - Healthcare Systems: Predictive Models I

HS-27 - Healthcare Systems: Predictive Models II

HS-29 - Healthcare Systems: Predictive Models IV

HS-30 - Healthcare Systems: Predictive Models V

HS-32 - Healthcare Systems: Predictive Models VII

HS-33 - Healthcare Systems: Process Improvement I

HS-34 - Healthcare Systems: Process Improvement II

HS-35 - Healthcare Systems: Quality and Safety

HS-36 - Healthcare Systems: Resource Planning and Scheduling I

HS-37 - Healthcare Systems: Resource Planning and Scheduling II

HS-39 - Healthcare Systems: Resource Planning and Scheduling IV

HS-40 - Healthcare Systems: Resource Planning and Scheduling V

HS-42 Invited Session - Healthcare Logistics and Supply Chain

HS-43 Invited Session - Logistics Planning for Public Health Emergencies and Natural Disasters

Lean Systems

LEAN-2 - Healthcare Lean Application

LEAN-6 - Manufacturing Lean Applications

Logistics & Supply Chain

LSC-03 - Coordination and Collaboration in Supply Chains

LSC-05 - Facility Location Problems

LSC-07 - Forecasting and Predictive Modeling in Supply Chains

LSC-08 - Healthcare Logistics Systems

LSC-10 - Inventory Management I

LSC-11 - Inventory Management II

LSC-12 - Logistics in Additive Manufacturing

LSC-13 - Ports and Waterways

LSC-15 - Risk and Disruption Management

LSC-16 - Scheduling and Capacity Management

LSC-20 - Supplier Selection and Purchasing in Supply Chains

LSC-21 - Supply Chain Performance

LSC-23 - Sustainability and Resilience in Supply Chains II

LSC-24 - Sustainability and Resilience in Supply Chains III

LSC-26 - Vehicle Routing I

LSC-27 - Vehicle Routing II

Manufacturing & Design

MD-01 - Additive Manufacturing 1

MD-02 - Additive Manufacturing 2

MD-03 - Additive Manufacturing 3

MD-04 - Additive Manufacturing 4

MD-05 - Additive Manufacturing 5

MD-06 - Optimization in Manufacturing

MD-07 - Biomedical Manufacturing 1

MD-09 - Biomedical Manufacturing 3

MD-11 - Design for Manufacturing

MD-14 - Materials Processing & Manufacturing 1

MD-15 - Materials Processing & Manufacturing 2

MD-18 - Product/Process Design & Planning 1

MD-19 - Product/Process Design & Planning 2

MD-20 - Robotics & Automation

Modeling & Simulation

M&S-02 - Simulation Applications 3

M&S-03 - Healthcare-related Applications of Agent-based Simulation

M&S-07 - Logistics and Warehouse Applications of Simulation

M&S-08 - Robotics and Manufacturing

M&S-09 - Simulation Applications 1

M&S-11 - Simulation Applications 2

M&S-13 - Simulation Applications in Disaster and Vulnerability Studies

M&S-14 - Simulation Applications in Transportation and Traffic

M&S-15 - Simulation in Healthcare 1

M&S-16 - Simulation in Healthcare 2

M&S-18 - Visualization and GIS Applications

Operations Research
OR-01 - Advanced Algorithm Design

OR-02 - Advanced Optimization Techniques

OR-03 - Analytics in the US and Mexico

OR-04 - Applications of Stochastic Optimization

OR-05 - Catastrophe and Disaster Event Management

OR-06 - Energy storage

OR-07 - Decision Under Uncertainty

OR-08 - Discrete Optimization and Applications

OR-12 - Games and Game Theory

OR-13 - Integer Programming and Applications

OR-14 - Linear Programming and Applications

OR-15 - Machine Learning Applications

OR-16 - Mathematical Model and Applications

OR-17 - Network Optimization and Facility Location Problems

OR-20 - OR Applications in Humanitarian Logistics

OR-21 - OR Undergraduate Student Research Competition

OR-22 - Queuing Theory and Applications

OR-24 - Routing and Scheduling

OR-26 - Transportation Problems

OR-27 - Transportation, distribution, and food networks


PKT-1 - PechaKucha Session

Production Planning & Scheduling
PPS-01 - Batch Scheduling

PPS-02 - Facility Design

PPS-03 - Production Planning and Project Management

PPS-04 - Manufacturing System Performance Evaluation

PPS-05 - Mixed Model Assembly

PPS-09 - Shop Scheduling and Vehicle Routing

Quality Control & Reliability

QCR-M1: - Quality and Reliability Applications - II

QCR-M4: - Maintenance and Logistics - II

QCR-M6: - Reliability Analysis and Design Optimization

QCR-S1: - Quality and Reliability Applications - I

QCR-S2: - Reliability Analysis - I

QCR-S4: - Maintenance and Logistics - I

QCR-S6: - QCR & ES Joint Session on Reliability of Battery Systems - I

QCR-S7: - Resilience Analysis of Complex Systems

QCR-S8: - Reliability Analysis - II

QCR-T2: - Reliability Growth

QCR-T3: - Quality and Reliability Applications - III

QCR-T4: - Process Monitoring and Control - I

QCR-T6: - Process Monitoring and Control - II

QCR-T7: - Process Monitoring and Control - IV

QCR-T9: - Process Monitoring and Control - III

Safety, Human Factors & Ergonomics

CHFE-2 - Innovative Interface Research

CHFE-3 - Human Sensing and Adaptive Systems

CHFE-5 - HFE in the Home and Local Industry

CHFE-6 - Eyetracking and Eyemetrics

CHFE-7 - Supporting training and decision-making

HFET-1 - HF Education and Training

PE-2 - Physical Ergonomics

PE-3 - Physical Ergonomics

SHP-1 - Safety Health and Productivity

SHP-2 - Safety Health and Productivity

SHP-3 - Safety Health and Productivity

Security Engineering
SEC-01 - Adversarial and Interdiction Modeling for System Resiliency

SEC-03 - Crime Prediction, Prevention, and Control

SEC-04 - Cyber Resilient Defense Systems

SEC-05 - Military Preparedness, Cybersecurity and Cyber-Physical Systems

SEC-06 - Disaster Preparedness and Post-Disaster Logistics

SEC-10 - Models and Methods for Disaster Preparedness and Management

SEC-14 - Resilient Interdependent Infrastructures: Concepts and Modeling

SEC-15 - Resilient Interdependent Infrastructures: Data Driven Approaches

Sustainable Development
SD-01 - Sustainability Education and ISE

SD-03 - Green Buildings, Sustainability and Society

SD-05 - Sustainable Transportation Systems I

SD-06 - Sustainable Transportation Systems II

SD-08 - Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production I

SD-09 - Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production II, Sustainable Water and Waste Management

SD-10 - Remanufacturing, Recycling and Reusing

SD-11 - Sustainability and Business Strategy

SD-12 - Sustainable Manufacturing I

SD-13 - Sustainable Manufacturing II

SD-14 - Sustainable Supply Chain & Logistics

Systems Engineering & Design

SED-1 - Aerospace Applications

SED-3 - Big Data in Systems Engineering

SED-4 - Manufacturing Applications

SED-5 - Reliability and Sustainability Applications

SED-7 - Systems Modeling

SED-8 - Topics in Systems Engineering 1

SED-9 - Topics in Systems Engineering 2

Transforming the Profession
TTP-16 - An Operations Science to Transform The IISE Profession

TTP-31 - IE's Industry Impact / Industry-University Collaboration

Work Systems & Services
WSS-1 - Structure Work For Success: Align Engineering Skills, Analytics for Inpatient Care

WSS-5 - Designing Productive Processes: CNC Mulit-axis Milling; Power Generator Assembly
Designing Productive Processes: CNC Mulit-axis Milling; Power Generator Assembly

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Total Efficiency Framework - Industrial Engineering Research and Development Project in Sustainability Movement

Total Efficiency Framework - Productivity Science, Productivity Engineering and Productivity Management 

The Total Efficiency Framework will be based on four main pillars to overcome the current barriers and promote sustainable improvements:

a) an effective management system targeted at process and continuous improvement;

b) efficiency assessment tools to define improvement and optimisation strategies and support decision-making processes;

c) integration with a toolkit for Industrial Symbiosis focusing on material and energy exchange;

d) a software Platform, based on the Internet of Things (IoT), to simplify the concept implementation and ensure an integrated control of improvement process.


Over a period of 4 years, the project will deliver exploitable results clustered into technological outputs (including eco-innovative products, processes and services tailored to industrial end-users) and management solutions (involving  economical, legislative and policy solutions synergistically combined).

Read Chapter 9 in the Book
Efficient and Sustainable Manufacturing - Total Efficiency Framework
Technological Solution in Industry 4.0 for Business Applications