Monday, March 24, 2025

Taylor - Narayana Rao Principles of Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering for Society Prosperity through Productivity Improvement satisfying all constraints and limits. 

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Industrial Engineers, Display Industrial Engineering Principles in Your Department. 
Practice them and Provide Value to the organization.

Taylor - Narayana Rao Principles of Industrial Engineering were developed Prof. Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. in two stages. In the first Stage, Taylor's principles of scientific management were converted into basic principles of industrial engineering.

Principles of Scientific Management - Taylor

The managers following scientific management thought do the following things.

First. They develop a science for each element of a man's work, which replaces the old rule-of.-thumb method.

Second. They scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the workman, whereas in the past he chose his own work and trained himself as best he could.

Third. They heartily cooperate with the men so as to insure all of the work being done in accordance with the principles of the science which has been developed.

Fourth. There is an almost equal division of the work and the responsibility between the management and the workmen. The management take over all work for which they are better fitted than the workmen, while in the past almost all of the work and the greater part of the responsibility were thrown upon the men.

The principles explain the question what is industrial engineering (IE)?

Basic Principles of Industrial Engineering - Narayana Rao

1. Develop science for each element of a man - machine system's work related to efficiency and productivity.
2. Engineer methods, processes and operations to use the laws related to the work of machines, man, materials and other resources.
3. Select or assign workmen based on predefined aptitudes for various types of man - machine work.
4. Train workmen, supervisors, and engineers in the new methods, install various modifications related to the machines that include productivity improvement devices and ensure that the expected productivity is realized.
5. Incorporate suggestions of operators, supervisors and engineers in the methods redesign on a continuous basis.
6. Plan and manage productivity at system level.
(The principles were developed on 4 June 2016 (During Birthday break of 2016 - 30 June 2016 to 7 July 2016).

The principles were developed by Narayana Rao based on principles of scientific management by F.W. Taylor)

Principles of Industrial Engineering - Narayana Rao - Detailed List

Clicking on the link will take you to more detailed content on the principle

The full paper on the principles by Prof. K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao is now available for downloading from IISE 2017 Annual Conference Proceedings in Proquest Journal Base.

Presentation on Principles of Industrial Engineering First made by Dr. Narayana Rao on 23 May 2017 in IISE Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, USA.



John Heap

Managing Director at Institute of Productivity

Principles of Productivity Science

Stimulated by recent exchanges in this group, on behalf of the World Confederation of Productivity Science, I have drafted the following principles of productivity science .... the principles that productivity leaders and practitioners should adopt to ensure their work is technically and ethically valid. Comments welcome!

Undertake a structured and systematic review of the social, environmental and economic value created by human endeavour;

Measure, at macro and micro levels, the value created - and the resources consumed to produce it;

Design products in ways which facilitate efficient manufacturing, distribution and subsequent disposal; Design services that are user-focused and scalable whilst remaining efficient in terms of their requirements for physical infrastructure and administrative support. 

Strive to identify and eliminate or minimize waste across the lifecycle of services and products (including throughout manufacturing and delivery processes);

Ensure all working environments and working practices are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of the workforce;

Minimise the consumption of energy and natural resources;

Minimise harmful effects on the natural environment;

Establish working systems, processes and methods that reduce inherent variability; 

Treat all members of the workforce with respect and, wherever possible, engage them in decision-making processes that affect their work roles or working conditions;

Ensure that all staff have the tools, equipment and skills necessary to maximize their performance;

Engage individuals and teams in productivity and performance enhancing reviews and investigations.

Posted on linked on 27 June 2018

Industrial Engineers, Display Industrial Engineering Principles

 in Your Department. 

Practice them and Provide Value to the organization.

Principles of Industrial Engineering

1. Productivity Science Principle of Industrial Engineering.
2. Productivity Engineering Principle of Industrial Engineering.
3. Ubiquity of Industrial Engineering Principle.
4. Machine Utilization Economy Principle of Industrial Engineering.
5. Optimization Principle of Industrial Engineering.
6. Return on Investment Principle of Industrial Engineering.
7. Implementation Principle of Industrial Engineering.
8. Human Effort Engineering Principle of Industrial Engineering.
9. Motion Economy Principle of Industrial Engineering.
10. Operator Comfort and Health Principle of Industrial Engineering.
11. Work Measurement Principle of Industrial Engineering
12. Operator Selection Principle of Industrial Engineering
13. Process Training Principle of Industrial Engineering
14. Productivity training Principle of Industrial Engineering
15. Employee Involvement Principle of Industrial Engineering
16. Productivity Incentives Principle of Industrial Engineering
17. Hearty Cooperation Principle of Industrial Engineering
18. Productivity Management Principle of Industrial Engineering
19. System Level Focus   Principle of Industrial Engineering
20. Productivity Measurement Principle of Industrial Engineering
21. Cost Measurement Principle of Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering - More Principles

Industrial Engineering Principle of Respect for People.
Taylor wrote, "The writer has a profound respect for the working men of this country. "

Quality Principle of Industrial Engineering

Effectiveness First - Efficiency Next Principle of Industrial Engineering.

Updated on 4.8.2024,  29.6.2024,  13.10.2023, 6.4.2023,  27.1.2023,  13 Jan 2023,  4 August 2021, 29 June 2021,  5 July 2017, 28 June 2017


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