Industrial Engineering is System Efficiency Engineering. It is Machine Effort and Human Effort Industrial Engineering. 2.67+ Million Page View Blog. 200,000+ visitors. (36,500+ page views and 21,000+ visitors in 2024.)
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Industrial engineering directs the efficient conduct of manufacturing, construction, transportation, or even commercial enterprises of any undertaking, indeed in which human labor is directed to accomplishing any kind of work . Industrial engineering has drawn upon mechanical engineering, upon economics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, accountancy, to fuse from these older sciences a distinct body of science of its own . It is the inclusion of the economic and the human elements especially that differentiates industrial engineering from the older established branches of the profession (Going, 1911) [1].
Going is the first person to give a full definition of industrial engineering. Diemer explained IE as the meaning given by F.W. Taylor.
L.W. Wallace (1920)
The Industrial Engineer is a creator of plans and standards to govern the use of human labor for productive purposes.
The term use of human labor includes use of machines and tools by humans. Using machine by an operator is human labor still. [12]
“Industrial engineering is the engineering approach applied to all factors, including the human factor, involved in the production and distribution of products or services.” (Maynard, 1953) [2]
“Industrial engineering is the design of situations for the useful coordination of men, materials and machines in order to achieve desired results in an optimum manner. The unique characteristics of Industrial Engineering center about the consideration of the human factor as it is related to the technical aspects of a situation, and the integration of all factors that influence the overall situation.” (Lehrer, 1954) [3]
Industrial Engineering: The art and science of utilizing and coordinating men, equipment, and materials to attain a desired quantity and quality of output at a specified time and at an optimum cost. This may include gathering, analyzing, and acting upon facts pertaining to building and facilities layouts, personnel organization, operating procedures, methods, processes, schedules, time standards, wage rates, wage payment plans, costs, and systems for controlling the quality and quantity of goods and services. (ASME Standard 'INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING TERMINOLOGY, 1955.)
“Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of men, materials, and equipment. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.” (AIIE, 1955). [4]
"Industrial engineering may be defined as the art of utilizing scientific principles, psychological data, and physiological information for designing, improving, and integrating industrial, management, and human operating procedures." (Nadler, 1955) [5]
Lyndal Urwick
“Industrial engineering is that branch of engineering knowledge and practice which
1. Analyzes, measures, and improves the method of performing the tasks assigned to individuals,
2. Designs and installs better systems of integrating tasks assigned to a group,
3. Specifies, predicts, and evaluates the results obtained.
It does so by applying to materials, equipment and work specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical and physical sciences and the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design. Since, however, work has to be carried out by people; engineering knowledge needs to be supplemented by knowledge derived from the biological and social sciences.” (Lyndall Urwick, 1963) [6]
ASME - Maynard
Maynard reported in his second edition of the IE Handbook, the Concept developed by the Committee of the Management Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers as:
"The art and science of utilizing and coordinating men, equipment, and materials to attain a desired quantity and quality of output at a specified time and at an optimum cost. This may include gathering, analyzing, and acting upon facts pertaining to building and facilities, layouts, personnel organization, operating procedures, methods, processes, schedules, time standards, wage rates, wage payment plans, costs and systems for controlling the quality and quantity of goods and services." (Maynard, 1963) [6b]
AIIE (Revised)
"Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems." [7]
"Industrial engineering is an art for creating the most efficient system composed of people, matters, energy, and information, by which a specific goal in industrial, economic, or social activities will be achieved within predetermined probabilities and accuracy. The system may be for a small single work station, a group, a section, a department, an institution or for a whole business enterprise. It may be also be of a regional, national, international, or inter-planetary scope."(Sawada, 1977) [8]
Narayana Rao
“Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering. It is an engineering discipline that deals with the design of human effort in all occupations: agricultural, manufacturing and service. The objectives of Industrial Engineering are optimization of productivity of work-systems and occupational comfort, health, safety and income of persons involved.” (Narayana Rao, 2006) [9]
Narayana Rao (2009)
"Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering and System Efficiency Engineering. It is an engineering discipline that deals with the design of human effort and system efficiency in all occupations: agricultural, manufacturing and service. The objectives of Industrial Engineering are optimization of productivity of work-systems and occupational comfort, health, safety and income of persons involved."(Narayana Rao, 2009) [10]
Total Industrial Engineering is "a system of methods where the performance of labor is maximized by reducing Muri (unnatural operation), Mura (irregular operation) and Muda (non-value added operation), and then separating labor from machinery through the use of sensor techniques." (Yamashina)
"Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering and System Efficiency Engineering. It is an engineering-based management staff-service discipline that deals with the design of human effort and system efficiency in all occupations: agricultural, manufacturing and service. The objectives of Industrial Engineering are optimization of productivity of work-systems and occupational comfort, health, safety and income of persons involved."(Narayana Rao, 2011) [Added to this knol on 14.9.2011]
Narayana Rao (2017)
Industrial engineering defined as system efficiency engineering has application in all branches of engineering. Productivity improvement is needed in engineering systems of all branches and therefore industrial engineering needs to be used in all branches of engineering. It needs to be taught in all engineering branches. (Principles of Industrial Engineering, Narayana Rao, K.V.S.S., 2017) [11].
Principles of Industrial Engineering
Very Popular and Well Appreciated Video with 9075+ views.
1. Going, Charles Buxton, Principles of Industrial Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1911, Pages 1,2,3
2. Maynard, H.B., “Industrial Engineering”, Encyclopedia Americana, Americana Corporation, Vol. 15, 1953
3. Lehrer, Robert N., “The Nature of Industrial Engineering,” The Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol.5, No.1, January 1954, Page 4
4. Maynard, H.B., Handbook of Industrial Engineering, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1963.
5. Nadler, Gerald, Motion and Time Study", McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1955
6. Urwick, Lyndall, F., “Development of Industrial Engineering”, Chapter 1 in Handbook of Industrial Engineering, H.B. Maynard (Ed.), 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1963.
6b. Maynard H.B., (Editor), Industrial Engineering Handbook,Second Edition, Sec. 1, pp.115, 116, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1963. Quoted in Harold E. Smalley and John R. Freeman, Hospital Industrial Engineering, New York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1966, pp.10-11.
Process - Operation - Element - Method - Motion - Machine Effort - Human Effort - Industrial Engineering Terms
Process describes the steps or operations involved producing a part or a product (Operation Process Chart and Flow Process Chart of Parts)
In the process chart, material transformation operations, inspection operations, material handling operations and storage operations take place. To facilitate the operations, we need production planning and communications.
We all know process plans. Process plan is the term used to describe the steps undertaken in material transformation operation to convert raw material into part especially using machine tools. We can extend the idea and say that process is described through process plan, inspection plan, material handling plan, storage plan, production plan (quantity plan) and communications plan.
Also in each operation there is machine effort and human effort. To describe human effort, we use the term motion. We study motions and improve human effort to make it more productive, comfortable and safe.
Method is another popular term. Method is basically the arrangement of raw material (input), machine, machine controls, cutting tools and hand tools, jigs & fixtures, finished parts disposal channels and bins and man at the work station. The method that is arrangement of the work station as well as the facilities design (if operator has to go fetch some inputs) determines the motions to be made by the operators. The selection of tools etc. also became part of method. But they are basically specified as part of the process. Hence motion study was extended as method study. Method and motion have to be studies together.
IISE Terminology
PROCESS. (1) A planned series of actions or operations (e.g., mechanical, electrical, chemical, inspection, test) which advances a material or procedure from one stage of completion to another. (2) A planned and controlled treatment that subjects materials or procedures to the influence of one or more types of energy (e.g., human, mechanical, electrical, chemical, thermal) for the time required to bring about the desired reactions or results.
PROCESS CHART SYMBOLS. Graphical symbols or signs used on process charts to depict the type of events that occur during a process.
PROCESS DESIGN. The act of prescribing the production process to produce a product as designed. This may include specifying the equipment, tools, fixtures, machines, and the like required: the methods to be used: the personnel necessary; and the estimated or allowed times.
PROCESS ENGINEER. An individual qualified by education, training, and/or experience to prescribe efficient production processes to safely produce a product as designed and who specializes in this work. This work includes specifying all the equipment, tools, fixtures, human job elements, and the like that are to be used and, often, the estimated cost of producing the product by the prescribed process.
PROCESSING. The carrying out of a production process.
PROCESS PLANNING. A procedure for determining the operations or actions necessary to transform material from one state to another.
PROCESS SHEET. A sketch, diagram or listing of the operations in the sequential order necessary to accomplish the desired result (such as transforming material from one state to another).
PROCESS TIME. (1) Time required to complete the machine or process-controlled portion of a work cycle. (2) Time required to complete an entire process.
METHOD. (1) The procedure or sequence of motions by workers and/or machines used to accomplish a given operation or work task. (2) The sequence of operations and/or processes used to produce a given product or accomplish a given job. (3) A specific combination of layout and working conditions; materials, equipment, and tools; and motion patterns involved in accomplishing a given operation or task.
METHODS ANALYSIS. That part of methods engineering normally involving an examination and analysis of an operation or a work cycle broken down into its constituent parts for the purpose of improvement, elimination of unnecessary steps, and/or establishing and recording in detail a proposed method of performance.
METHODS ENGINEERING. That aspect of industrial engineering concerned with the analysis and design of work methods and systems, including technological selection of operations or processes, specification of equipment type and location, design of manual and worker-machine tasks. May include the design of controls to insure proper levels of output, inventory, quality, and cost. (WORK DESIGN)
METHODS STUDY. A systematic examination of existing methods with the purpose of developing new or improved methods, tooling, or procedures.
METHODS TIME MEASUREMENT (MTM). A proprietary predetermined time standards system.
MOTION ANALYSIS. The study of the basic divisions of work involved in the performance of a given operation for the purpose of eliminating all useless motions and arranging the remaining motions in the best sequence for performing the operation. (PRINCIPLES OF MOTION ECONOMY.)
MOTION CYCLE. The complete sequence of motions and activities required to do one unit of work or to perform an operation once.
PRINCIPLES OF MOTION ECONOMY. A general listing of common sense steps and procedures to simplify and improve the effectiveness of manual work.
WORK DESIGN. The design of work systems. System components include people, machines, materials, sequence, and the appropriate working facilities. The process technology and the human characteristics are considered. Individual areas of study may include analysis and simplification of manual motion components: design of jigs, fixtures, and tooling; human-machine analysis and design; or the analysis of gang or crew work. (Synonyms: ergonomics, job design, methods engineering, methods study, motion study, operation analysis, work simplification, motion economy.)
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