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Industrial Engineering Principles, Methods Tools and Techniques

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by Narayana Rao Kvss. 

1. Industrial Engineering - Introduction and History
2. Definition and Explanation
3. Contribution of Taylor, Gilbreth and Harrington Emerson
4. Principles of Industrial Engineering
5. Functions of Industrial Engineering
6. Focus Areas of Industrial Engineering

Principles, Methods Tools and Techniques of Industrial Engineering

An explanation says principles are scientific theories or cause and effect relationships. They are of permanent nature until revised due to empirical studies and identification of new facts.

Methods are general approaches that use the scientific principle or principles for beneficial use. They are also of permanent nature.

Tools are contemporaneous ways of implementing methods.

Basic Principles of Industrial Engineering - Narayana Rao

1. Develop science for each element of a man - machine system's work related to efficiency and productivity.
2. Engineer methods, processes and operations to use the laws related to the work of machines, man, materials and other resources.
3. Select or assign workmen based on predefined aptitudes for various types of man - machine work.
4. Train workmen, supervisors, and engineers in the new methods.
5. Incorporate suggestions of operators, supervisors and engineers in the methods redesign on a continuous basis.
6. Plan and manage productivity at system level.

(The above subsection is added on 4 July 2016. Principles developed by Narayana Rao based on principles of scientific management by F.W. Taylor)

Principles of Industrial Engineering - Narayana Rao

The full paper by Prof. K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao is now in proceedings of IISE 2017 Annual Conference. The proceedings in Proquest journal database.

Detailed List of Principles - Presented at IISE 2017 Annual Conference at Pittsburgh on 23 May 2017.


NRao making the presentation

Principles of Industrial Engineering - Narayana Rao - Detailed List

Clicking on the link will take you to more detailed content on the principle

4. Principles of (machine) utilization economy to be developed for all resources used in engineering systems.  (Principles of machine productivity now developed out of Taylor's piece rate paper)

21. Cost measurement

Additional Principles of Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering Principle of Respect for People.
Taylor wrote, "The writer has a profound respect for the working men of this country. "

Industrial Engineers  have to be pioneers in New Technology Adoption.
New Technology Industrial Engineering

I would say Toyota production system uses all the principles of industrial engineering. The JIT and Jidoka principles can be added as special cases. (8.12.2024. On LinkedIn)

Principles of industrial engineering - Presented at IISE 2017 Annual Conference at Pittsburgh on 23 May 2017 - Presentation Video

Reaching 10,000 views. Record for a conference presentation video of IISE.


Two important components of industrial engineering are System Efficiency Engineering and Human Effort Engineering. 

We can say System Industrial Engineering and Human Effort Industrial Engineering.

Even though human effort is a part of system, it is specially highlighted as human comfort, health, safety and satisfaction are special concern of industrial engineers apart from productivity subject to quality/specification/customer satisfaction maintenance.

Also, we can say two important analyses in process improvement studies of industrial engineering are machine effort (work) study and operator effort (work) study. In process flow charts, for each step machine effort analysis sheet and operator effort analysis sheet are to be made. In the case of operator work, two handed process chart is available. In the case of machine effort, process plan sheet format can be used.

Principles of Industrial Engineering related to various methods of industrial engineering are being assembled in these two articles

Principles of Human Effort Engineering

Principles of System Efficiency Engineering

Levels of Industrial Engineering in an Organization

Industrial Engineering Strategy - Enterprise Level Industrial Engineering

Policy Decisions by Top Management: Starting and Expanding IE Department, Approval of Productivity Improvement Project Portfolio as part of Capital Budgeting of the Company, Approving Productivity Policy, Setting Productivity and Cost Reduction Goals. Setting Employee related comfort, health and safety goals. Incentive income policy making.

Facilities Industrial Engineering

Facilities are used by processes. Facilities are common to processes. Taylor clearly mentioned in his "Piece Rates - Elementary Rate Fixing System" paper that he has to make modifications to all machines to increase productivity of his machine shop. Toyota even today carries out gradual improvements to the machines in the direction of autonomation. Machines are continuously improved. Period layout studies and readjustments are another example of facilities industrial engineering. 5S that demands upkeep of facilities is another example of facilities IE when it is implemented for the first time and proposed and initiated by the IE department. Thereafter it becomes the activity of operations management.

Process Industrial Engineering - Process Machine Effort Industrial Engineering - Process Human Effort Industrial Engineering. Product Industrial Engineering.

Process industrial engineering is the popular method of industrial engineering. But, the process chart method was promoted by Motion Study books. It will be if industrial engineers identify that process industrial engineering is a higher levels activity and machine work study and human work study, that is motion study are part of process studies.

Like processes, multiple products are produced using common facilities.

Product Industrial Engineering

Operation Industrial Engineering.

Process chart is a condensed version that show the entire process of producing a full product and the production of each part. The process chart is composed by symbols representing 5 operations. Operation - Inspection - Transport - Temporary Delay (WIP) - Permanent Storage (controlled store). Using process chart, the sequence of operations can be investigated and changed for more benefit. But each operation needs to be improved. It is termed simplification in process chart analysis. To do simplification information on each operation has to be collected in operation information sheets and they have to be analyzed in operation analysis sheets (Stegemerten and Maynard)

Element Level Analysis in Industrial Engineering

Elements are in Operations - We can understand the term "element" from the subject "Design of Machine Elements". Each engineering product has elements. Similarly each operation, that is part of a process has elements. Some are related to machines and tools used in the process. Some are related to human operators. Some are related to working conditions. Some are related to the work being done. Taylor first named the productivity department as "Elementary Rate Fixing Department." It has to improve each and every element in task and determine the output possible for unit time in the work element. The time allowed for that element for a piece or batch is determined through these elementary standard times or allowed times.

Focus Areas of Industrial Engineering

Productivity Science - Determinants of Productivity

Product Industrial Engineering

Process Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering Optimization

Industrial Engineering Statistics

Industrial Engineering Economics

Human Effort Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering Data and Measurements

Productivity Management

Applied Industrial Engineering



Presently the following are given as techniques of industrial engineering (Industrial Engineering). 



Methods and Techniques of Industrial Engineering

Human Effort Engineering - Techniques

4. Application of Ergonomics and Biomechanics
5. Fatigue Studies
6. Productivity/Safety/Comfort Device Design
7. Standardization of Operator Methods
8. Operator training
9. Incentive Systems
10. Job Evaluation
11. Learning effect capture
12.  Work Measurement - Time Study, PMTS

Efficiency Improvement Techniques of Industrial engineering 

2. Operation Analysis
3. Machine Work Study
4. Method Study - Work Methods Design
7. Statistical quality control , Statistical Process Control, Process Improvement using Statistical data
8. Statistical inventory control and ABC Classification Based Inventory Sytems
9. Six sigma
10. Industrial Engineering Operations research
11. Variety reduction
12. Standardization
14. Activity based management
17. Learning effect capture and continuous improvement (Kaizen, Quality circles and suggestion schemes)
18. Standard costing and Kaizen Costing
19. 5S
20. SMED
21. Lean systems - JIT

Principles of Machine Productivity - F.W. Taylor

1. A careful study is to made of the time required to do each of the many elementary operations of machining of components manufactured in the establishment.
2.These elementary operations are then classified, recorded, and indexed, and when work is to be done,  the job is first divided into its elementary operations, the time required to do each elementary operation is found from the records, and the total time for the job is summed up from these data.
3. This method is more effective than the method of estimating the time based on time taken to do whole jobs of similar components.
4. To implement the principles, in the case of work done by metal-cutting tools, such as lathes, planers, boring mills, etc., F.W. Taylor undertook a long and expensive series of experiments  to determine, formulate, and finally practically apply to each machine the law governing the proper cutting speed of tools, namely, the effect on the cutting speed of altering any one of the following variables : the shape of the tool (i.e., lip angle, clearance angle, and the line of the cutting edge), the duration of the cut, the quality or hardness of the metal being cut, the depth of the cut, and the thickness of the feed or shaving.
5. The careful study of the capabilities of the machines and the analysis of the speeds at which they must run is to be made.
6. Defects or shortcoming in machines will be realized when the best methods of cutting metals are determined and the necessary modifications have to be made, if possible. Otherwise, replacement needs to be done at the earliest economic opportunity.
7. Systematization of many small details in the running of the machine shop, such as the care of belting, the proper shape for cutting tools, and the dressing, grinding, and issuing tools, oiling machines, issuing orders for work,  and a host of other minor methods and processes which may waste a machinist's time or machine time.
8. The care of the equipment is to be improved.

Method to be used: Machine Work Study

Tools: Metal cutting formulas for various machining processes, Measuring tools for cutting forces, cutting temperatures

Principle of Fair Day's Work

Developing an estimate of  fair day's work makes planning, directing and control of the work of a person systematic.

Work Measurement: Various tasks are to be measured for the time taken to complete them by an average skilled or trained worker.

Stop watch time study, MTM, Standard data methods

Principles of Motion Economy

List of Principles of Motion Economy

Motion analysis

Videotaping of work

Principles of Industrial Engineering - Various Subjects

Principles of Machine Productivity - F.W. Taylor

1. A careful study is to made of the time required to do each of the many elementary operations of machining of components manufactured in the establishment.
2.These elementary operations are then classified, recorded, and indexed, and when work is to be done,  the job is first divided into its elementary operations, the time required to do each elementary operation is found from the records, and the total time for the job is summed up from these data.
3. This method is more effective than the method of estimating the time based on time taken to do whole jobs of similar components.
4. To implement the principles, in the case of work done by metal-cutting tools, such as lathes, planers, boring mills, etc., F.W. Taylor undertook a long and expensive series of experiments  to determine, formulate, and finally practically apply to each machine the law governing the proper cutting speed of tools, namely, the effect on the cutting speed of altering any one of the following variables : the shape of the tool (i.e., lip angle, clearance angle, and the line of the cutting edge), the duration of the cut, the quality or hardness of the metal being cut, the depth of the cut, and the thickness of the feed or shaving.
5. The careful study of the capabilities of the machines and the analysis of the speeds at which they must run is to be made.
6. Defects or shortcoming in machines will be realized when the best methods of cutting metals are determined and the necessary modifications have to be made, if possible. Otherwise, replacement needs to be done at the earliest economic opportunity.
7. Systematization of many small details in the running of the machine shop, such as the care of belting, the proper shape for cutting tools, and the dressing, grinding, and issuing tools, oiling machines, issuing orders for work,  and a host of other minor methods and processes which may waste a machinist's time or machine time.
8. The care of the equipment is to be improved.

Taylor's Principles of Scientific Management

Principles of Scientific Management - Taylor

These principles are expressed in terms of human effort engineering. The managers following scientific management thought do the following things.

First. They develop a science for each element of a man's work, which replaces the old rule-of.-thumb method.

Second. They scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the workman, whereas in the past he chose his own work and trained himself as best he could.

Third. They heartily cooperate with the men so as to insure all of the work being done in accordance with the principles of the science which has been developed.

Fourth. There is an almost equal division of the work and the responsibility between the management and the workmen. The management take over all work for which they are better fitted than the workmen, while in the past almost all of the work and the greater part of the responsibility were thrown upon the men.

First. The development of a true science (of work or operation or task).
Second. The scientific selection of the workman.  His scientific education and development.
Third. Intimate friendly cooperation between the management and the men.
Fourth: Both management and workmen have equal responsibility for effectiveness and efficiency of various tasks.

Harrington Emerson's Principles of Efficiency

1. Clearly defined ideals.
2. Common sense
3. Competent counsel
4. Discipline
5. The fair deal
6. Reliable, immediate and adequate records
7. Despatching
8. Standards and schedules
9. Standardized conditions
10. Standardized operations
11. Written standard-practice instructions
12. Efficiency-reward

Gilbreth's Principles of Motion Economy

        Principles of Motion Economy - Some More Details
        Principles of Motion Economy - YouTube Videos

Principle: There should be a definite and fixed place for all tools and materials
Principle:  Layout must facilitate efficiency

Method: Motion Study,  5S

Tools: 5S audit

Principle: The hands should be relieved of all work that can be done more advantageously by a jig, a fixture, or a foot-operated device.

Method: Jig and Fixture design

ECRS Method

        Eliminate, Combine, Rearrange, Simplify - ECRS Method - Barnes

Miles' Principles of Value Engineering

Avoid generalities
Get all available costs
Use information from the best source
Blast create and refine
Use real creativity
Identify and overcome roadblocks
Use industry experts to extend specialized knowledge
Get a dollar sign on key tolerances
Utilize vendors’ available functional products
Utilize and pay for vendors’ skills and knowledge
Utilize specialty processes
Utilize applicable standards
Use the criterion, “would I spend my money this way?”

Principles of Ergonomics

1. Work in neutral postures
2. Reduce excessive forces
3. Keep everything in easy reach
4. Work at proper heights
5. Reduce excessive motions
6. Minimize fatigue and static load
7. Minimize pressure points
8. Provide clearance
9. Move exercise and stretch
10. Maintain a comfortable environment

     Good explanation with illustrations is available in

Principle of Difference in Productivity
    In group of workers, there can be a difference of 100% between the least productive worker and the most productive worker.

Principles relating Wage differentials (incentives - efficiency reward)  and Motivation
    The productive workers have to be recognized and compensated through higher wages in the form of incentives for the extra production. Otherwise, they lose the motivation and produce only an amount equal to low productive workers.

Principles of Engineering Economics
    Every investment or expenditure proposal of an industrial engineer must contribute to profits or return on the investment or expenditure exceeding the cost of capital.

Principles of System Optimization
     There are mathematical methods that help industrial engineers to set system parameters that result in minimum costs or maximum profits with the given data (cost and return figures and alternative values for variables)

Principles Statistics
      The mass of data can be understood by converting it into probability distribution. Important conclusions can be made from the data by converting it into bar diagram, histogram and other graphical aids.

Principles of Mathematical Modeling
       System parameter design problems can be solved by first converting the system description into mathematical expressions and equations.

Principle of Cooperation

It should be stated here emphatically that there is nothing that can permanently bring about results from scientific management, and the economies that it is possible to effect by it, unless the organisation is supported by the hearty co-operation of the men. Without this there is no scientific management. - Gilbreth in Applied Motion Study, Book. Page No. 29-30

An Interesting Book published in 1921
What industrial engineering includes; for industrial executives; 101 things to do, 1001 results others secured
Author: Knoeppel, C.E., & co. (New York). Full book can be downloaded from Archive.Org

Functions of Industrial Engineering   25 July 2017

The Purpose, Philosophy, Principles and Methods of Industrial Engineering - Video Presentation by Prof. Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.



Related Article

Basic Concepts, Principles and Methods of Industrial Engineering

Original Knol - 2utb2lsm2k7a/ 2056 

Updated 27.9.2024,   31.8.2023,,  5 June 2021,  23 May 2020,  25 May 2019,  23 May 2017 (Detailed principles of engineering added) 15 June 2016


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