Sunday, July 16, 2023

Productivity Science Module - Lessons

Productivity Science of Machining - F.W. Taylor - Experiments and Results.

Productivity Science: Foundation of Industrial Engineering.

PDF File. Free Download.

#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction

Module  of Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course


 “Productivity science is scientific effort, that in any specific work situation, identifies the appropriate philosophy, culture, systems, processes, technology, methods and human physical action and behavior and elements of each of them,  that will maximize positive (social, environmental and economic) outcomes relative to the resources consumed.”

in Frameworks for Productivity Science of Machine Effort and Human Effort (Proceedings of the 2020 IISE Annual Conference, L. Cromarty, R. Shirwaiker, P. Wang, eds.)

Development of productivity science requires application of scientific method.

It involves the following steps.

1. Observing the phenomenon or the event occurrence for number of repetitions and measuring observable inputs and outputs.

2. Doing correlations between various measurements.

3. Logically connecting measurements with causal effect. Does a measurement has an effect on other measurements?

4. Developing propositions for measurements have causal connections. Now we call the measurements as concepts used in the proposition.

5. From the proposition developed, we try to foretell what will happen if a new repetition is made controlling the input concept. The anticipated result is called hypothesis. The concepts are now termed variables as these are context specific and the values can be controlled, varied as per desire of the experimenter.

6. A test of hypothesis is done to check whether the result is as per our forecast or not.

7. If the result is as per our forecast, the proposition can be used in future to get desired results.

Productivity science is concerned with developing propositions that indicate concepts that positively or negatively affect productivity.

Taylor's research on machine tool productivity is the most important productivity science development study. All industrial engineers have to read it to understand the effort made by F.W. Taylor to increase productivity of machine tool. Initially, he felt much more output is possible from a machine and an operator combination. How will it come? Machines can be operated at higher speeds. He used that reasoning to carry out experiments and collect data that supported his guess.

Productivity Science - Principle of Industrial Engineering

Productivity Science of Machine Effort

Productivity Science - Taylor's Research on Machining Productivity Improvement


IE Research by Taylor Part 1 - Productivity of Machining

News - Information for Inspection Operation Analysis


Part 2 - IE Research by Taylor - Productivity of Machining

News - Information for Material Handling and Transport Operation Analysis


Part 3 - IE Research by Taylor - Productivity of Machining.

News - Information for Analysis of Delays in Processes


Part 4 - IE Research by Taylor - Productivity of Machining

News - Information for Storage/Warehousing Operation Analysis


Part 5 - IE Research by Taylor - Productivity of Machining

News - Information for Information Generation & Transmission - Operation Analysis

Productivity Science - Other Machine Work Areas

Productivity Science of Machining - Stephenson - Agapiou

Productivity Science - Foundry - Metal Casting

Abrasive Waterjet Machining - Productivity Science

Process Parameters of Drawframe - Productivity and Quality Science

Productivity Science of Human Effort

Productivity Science of Human Effort - F.W. Gilbreth

Productivity Science of Human Effort - Variables of Importance - Frank B. Gilbreth

Lesson 21: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

People Productivity Factors - Model by R.A. Sutermeister

Ud 7.5.2022, 24.11.2021

Pub. 30.5.2021

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