Saturday, January 22, 2022

Work Sampling - Introduction

Work measurement professionals have to focus on machine time estimation also. Also, they have to focus on developing productivity science based on measurements that they are taking.   My comment in work measurement Linkedin group.

1. Tippett L.H.C.,   "The Ratio Delay Technique‟, Time and Motion Study, May, 1953.
2. Morrow R.L.,   "Time Study and Motion Economy‟, Ronald Press, New York, PP.175.
3. Barnes R.M.,   "Work Sampling‟, John Wiley, New York, 1956.
Tippett (1) who first introduced the snap reading technique, later known as the ratio delay (2) or activity ratio technique and more recently as work sampling (3) has given an account of the circumstances in round 1927‟ in which its use first occurred. Faced with the task to maintain service in weaving sheds to discover the causes and durations of loom stoppages with a view to establish how much productive capacity was lost for various causes. He sought a method of observation that would be less informative than timing with a stop watch or recording stoppages electromechanically.

In work sampling,  random samples of the observations are taken and the observations will be of the type that whether the worker is working or he is idle whether the machine is working or the machine is idle.

In the first phase there is preparation for work sampling, and in the  second phase observations are taken  and evaluated to find idle times.

The time study analyst is not going to continuously observe the worker but he is going to randomly observe the worker and machine. So, a detailed plan for taking the observation has to be worked out in the very beginning itself with the random times decided based on random numbers generated.

The work to be observed needs to be describing and  the elements to be studied are identified. When the observer goes to the work place one of the elements has to take place.  A from has to be for observation which contains the list of  all the elements. 

Then  calculate statistically how many observations are required for doing the statistics or for a
significantly establishing that  are correct. The number of observations has  to be found out based on statistical formula.

From the observations, the percentage of time, the worker is idle and machine is idle and both are idle can be determined.

Activity sampling is an empirical data collection technique attributed to Tippet (1935). It can be used to determine the proportion of time: an activity is being conducted by an operator; an operator is doing productive, value adding work; a machine or operator being delayed, or whether an entity (customer, supplier, product) possesses a particular (quality) characteristic or not.

Activity sampling has been defined by British Standard 3138 (1992) as “A technique in which a large number of observations are made over a period of time of one group of machines, processes or workers. Each observation records what is happening at that instant and the percentage of observations recorded for a particular activity or delay is a measure of the percentage of time during which that activity or delay occurs”.

Work Measurement: Research Studies  (Interesting content)
N.A. Dudley
Macmillan International Higher Education, 18-Jun-1968 - Business & Economics - 139 pages

Ud  22 Jan 2022
Pub 29.10.2019

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