Friday, January 21, 2022

F.W. Taylor - Shop Management - With Appropriate Sections

Shop Management - Themes

1. Definition of Management 

2. Difference in Production Quantity between a first class man and an average man

3. Developing and Employing First Class People in an Organization

4. Confronting Soldiering - Slow Pace of Work

5. Halsey Plan - F.W. Taylor's Comments

6. Task Management

7. Investment for Increasing Productivity or Efficiency

8. Importance of people - organization

9. Modern Engineering and Modern Shop Management

10. Task Management - Starting and Ending Times

11. Task Work - Some More Thoughts

12. Usefulness of Gantt's system

13. Time Study - Part 1- F.W. Taylor in Shop Management

14. Bicylcle Ball Inspection Case Study

15. Need for Functional Foremanship or Functional Organisation of Foremen

16. Functional Foremanship

17. Production Planning and Control

18. Role of Top Management in Managing Change to High Productive Shop

19. Train Operators in High Productivity One by One and Then in Small Batches

20. Organizing a Small Workshop for High Productivity

21. Introducing Functional Foremanship

Essential Reading for Industrial Engineers

First Industrial Engineering Department was started by Taylor in 1885.
Advantages: 1. Cost Reduction 2. Maximum productivity of each machine and man.

The principal point of view from which he considered the effect of every change in a variable was the length of time it took to perform an operation, quality of product according to specification being always a condition precedent to the recording of these time data.

Updated on 21.1.2022,  18.12.2021
Pub 21.3.2016

1 comment:

  1. March - F.W. Taylor Month of Industrial Engineering (Birthday - 20 March 1856).
    F.W. Taylor - Shop Management - With Appropriate Sections.
    #IndustrialEngineering #Productivity
