Saturday, September 10, 2022

Industrial Engineering is Redesign of Products and Processes in Different Technologies

Industrial engineering is productivity redesign of engineering products and processes to improve them further based on industry generated data. The main data is cost of production data. Data of defects is also important industry generated data. Data related to operator comfort, safety and health is another dimension. The important areas of industrial engineering are reduction of time of machines and men for doing various elements of an operation and reduction of inputs - materials, energy and information. As the redesign is in response to industry data and has the potential to reduce cost and give increased profit, the redesigns have to be implemented as fast as possible and industrial engineers have to act as advisers to managers and executives to facilitate evaluation and execution.

Redesign Products and Processes. Implement. IE Redesign Principle of Industrial Engineering.

My advocacy now is IEs must first concentrate on improving engineering elements and then move into productivity managerial elements and non-engineering areas. Machine work study or machine effort improvement, value engineering and design for manufacturing and assembly are major engineering based IE methods. All are available as existing methods.

Focus Areas of Industrial Engineering

Productivity Science

Product Industrial Engineering

Process Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering Optimization

Industrial Engineering Statistics

Industrial Engineering Economics

Human Effort Industrial Engineering

Productivity Measurement

Productivity Management

Applied Industrial Engineering

Cost reduction and productivity improvement has become the main focus areas of industrial engineering. Both product industrial engineering (value engineering) and process industrial engineering (methods engineering) aim at maintaining the quality or performance and improve productivity or reduce cost of production. Waste and inefficiency elimination is the objective. Notes are prepared for all the above areas and the modules and links are given below under the industrial engineering online course notes.

Industrial engineering is applicable to all engineering technologies. The collection of articles illustrates the application of industrial engineering various engineering technologies.

Engineering in Industrial Engineering -  Machine work study or machine effort improvement, value engineering and design for manufacturing and assembly are major engineering based IE methods. All are available as existing methods.

Industrial Engineering Application & Practice in Different Technologies

Applied Industrial Engineering - Process Steps and Applications in Various New Technologies. In each new technology IE has to be applied. Productivity science of technology has to be developed. The potential of the technology to increase productivity in various processes also has to be investigated.

For More Technologies

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