Saturday, September 3, 2022

Productivity Analysis - Concept - Bibliography

Productivity Engineering =  Analyze - Identify - Engineer.

Productivity Analysis - Google Books

Managerial Issues in Productivity Analysis
Ali Dogramaci, Nabil R. Adam
Springer Science & Business Media, 30-Sept-1985 - Business & Economics - 246 pages

New Developments in Productivity Analysis
Charles R. Hulten, Edwin R. Dean, Michael Harper
University of Chicago Press, 01-Nov-2007 - Medical - 632 pages

Productivity Analysis: A Range of Perspectives
Ali Dogramaci
Springer Science & Business Media, 06-Dec-2012 - Business & Economics - 192 pages

Productivity Analysis at the Organizational Level
Nabil R. Adam, Ali Dogramaci
Springer Science & Business Media, 06-Dec-2012 - Business & Economics - 181 pages

Productivity Analysis - Concept

Productivity Analysis is conducted to identify areas for potential productivity improvement projects based on process data collected during the analysis. 

The first step in any process productivity improvement initiative is to understand the current state of the process/operations. Productivity analysis  identifies opportunities for productivity improvement and cost savings.

Journal of Productivity Analysis

International Society for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (ISEAPA)

Cybra - Productivity Analysis

Knowing your asset utilization rates and employee productivity can save time and money to help your business grow and succeed in a competitive environment.

Improve Asset Utilization Rates
Edgefinity IoT helps you right-size your assets saving the company time and money. Knowing the utilization rates of assets is extremely important if assets are highly utilized it can lead to others waiting for certain equipment thus wasting time to complete projects. Know what equipment is underutilized is just as important as it enables companies to save money on the purchase of new equipment as you may not need as many.

Inventory Management Metrics
Gaining insight into your inventory is crucially important to productivity, by knowing seasonal trends, order cycle times and inventory turnover you can direct your employees to focus on production of the key items to prevent out of stocks and enhance the customer experience. These insights will also give you the ability to house less extra inventory saving on capital, service, storage and risk costs.

Employee Productivity Monitoring
Edgefinity IoT can monitor your work forces productivity. With this knowledge you can make informed decisions about what environments are employees most productive in or if new incentives or policies are having the desired effect.

7 Examples of Productivity - Interesting

Productivity Analysis: A Search for Definition and Order
Jesse Burkhead and Patrick J. Hennigan
Public Administration Review
Vol. 38, No. 1 (Jan. - Feb., 1978), pp. 34-40 (7 pages)

Ud 3.9.2022
Pub 16.6.2020

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