Monday, April 25, 2022

Quality - Inspection System and Operations Industrial Engineering

Process Industrial Engineering

Inspection operations in the part production (final assembly) processes are studied and redesigned to improve productivity or reduce costs under the focus of industrial engineering: Process Industrial Engineering

To improve operations, industrial engineers have to develop production science for basic inspection processes used. Examples of basic inspection processes: using vernier calipers, micrometer, slip gauge, go - no-go gauge etc. Inspection stations with these various instruments in fixed designated positions can be set up to reduce motion distances and time.

Inspection Activities - Operation Analysis - Process Improvement


Quality - Inspection System Industrial Engineering 

Quality system industrial engineering is the study of resource use in various quality, inspection engineering and management activities with a view to increasing the efficiency or eliminating the waste wherever possible. While the quality activities are carried out to ensure that product designs and process designs produce products and services that meet the needs of the targeted customers and delight them by giving more, there is possibility of excessive use of organization's resources. Industrial engineering is concerned with the management of resource use and in this function, the quality system design is carefully investigated by the industrial engineering to identify and remove waste. Industrial engineering succeeded in reducing the cost of many processes designed in the first iteration by the managers up to 50% and hence it is a very important activity in systems design or systems engineering.

Famous example of industrial engineering, is Henry Ford's production system redesign, that reduced the price of the automobile by half. Frederick Taylor, the founder of IE discipline has improved the productivity of some of the inspection processes.

System Industrial Engineering - System Human Effort Engineering - System Efficiency Engineering

Quality related activities are undertaken by marketing professions, product design professionals, process design professions, production persons, inspection persons in the case of products or services marketing by an organization. Apart from the various activities done by the company also need to have quality and hence all the persons in the organization are connected to quality. Statisticians contributed to quality field. Statistical quality control helped in increasing the efficiency of quality system by reducing inspection effort. Industrial engineers promoted SQC as a part of quality system industrial engineering.

To do industrial engineering of inspection methods to reduce the cost of inspection operation or cost, a redesign of the operation or process has to be done. To redesign the engineering elements, industrial engineers have to know the engineering alternatives in  terms different inspection methods, equipment and tools like gauges etc.

In the evolving Industry 4.0 environment, inspection systems industrial engineering has to follow the applied industrial steps framework created by Narayana Rao (2018).

Quality - Inspection System Industrial Engineering  - Productivity Management

Quality boss of the shop must be able to produce quality products at specified productivity - Taylor. Functional Foremanship - F.W. Taylor

Applied Industrial Engineering - Process Steps

Monitor - Explore - Analyze - Develop - Optimize - Participate - Install - Improve

Brief explanation of the Applied Industrial Engineering - Process Steps

Monitor - Technology Monitoring - Applied Industrial Engineering

Explore - Technology Exploration - Applied Industrial Engineering

Analysis - Productivity Analysis of New Technology - Applied Industrial Engineering

Develop - Develop Productivity Knowledge of New Technology - Applied Industrial Engineering

Optimize - Optimize Productivity Engineering Ideas - Applied Industrial Engineering

Participate - Participate in New Technology Implementation Projects - Applied Industrial Engineering

Install - Be An Active Member of the Project Execution and Management Team - Applied Industrial Engineering

Improve - Continuous and Periodic Improvement of Productivity - Applied Industrial Engineering

The first IE analysis of any new technology is engineering economic analysis. The investment outlay, operating cost and operating revenues are to be estimated for the new technology by industrial engineers.  Based on the estimates of these cash flows, return on investment can be calculated. If ROI is positive, industrial engineers can immediately inform management as well as their colleagues about the opportunity to adopt the new technology as early as possible to derive the benefit (ROI) from it.

Smart Inspection - Inspection Developments in Industry 4.0 Engineering/Production Environment

Smart Inspection prevents Downtime
Inspection across a production line also plays a key role in effective quality control. Our systems combine sensors like vision systems with smart data to ensure any issues have minimal impact on the line.

Smart inspection solution for printed coding and marking
07 June 2019
A collaboration between SICK and AutoCoding Systems has resulted in the launch of what is believed to be the first fully-automatic smart vision inspection system for printed coding and marking on food and beverage packaging.


Inspection in the age of smart manufacturing
Written by: Tom Austin-Morgan | Published: 05 November 2018
Metrology is often an overlooked process in manufacturing, when it actually plays an essential role. In particular, inspection helps ensure that component parts fit together accurately and ensures that final products work and operate safely. Even for relatively simple manufactured products, there is more to inspection than meets the eye.

Applying Smart Manufacturing Technology to Conduct Smart Inspections
How a company used visual inspection software to improve its manufacturing and inspection process

NOVEMBER 2, 2017
Epicor Introduces ‘Smart Inspection’ Tool
Innovative mobile “Smart Inspection” tool that guides automotive service professionals through detailed vehicle inspections and generates custom-branded inspection reports that can be delivered to the customer.


Smart Inspection Systems
Techniques and Applications of Intelligent Vision
Book • 2003
D.T. Pham and R.J. Alcock

Ultrasonic Bearing Inspection

An Analysis of Modern Bridge Inspection Technologies

In-Line Inspection using Combined Technologies – Magnetic ...

What’s the optimal assembly verification method for tough inspection tasks?
Comparing traditional machine vision, human inspection, photometric, and machine learning approaches for solving the hardest inspection challenges.
Oct 1st, 2018

Cost-effective approach to pier inspection and maintenance
Authors: G. B. Bakun,  2015
A Maintenance Management Methodology for Dealing with Marine Pier Deterioration
Preliminary Inspection - Detailed Inspection
Structural Analysis - Repair/Preventive Maintenance
Two Examples of Savings Achieved Through Analysis

G. R. Tang and M. Jiang, "Analysis and Research on Inspection Methods of Drilling Holes in Power Transmission Line Foundation", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 799-800, pp. 1268-1271, 2015

Why New Inspection Methods Can Cost Less? - Medical device inspection

Method improves ultrasonic inspection of complex parts

Method for optical inspection of nanoscale objects based upon analysis of their defocused images and features of its practical implementation
M.V. Ryabko, S.N. Koptyaev, A.V. Shcherbakov, A.D. Lantsov, and S.Y. Oh
Optics Express Vol. 21, Issue 21, pp. 24483-24489 (2013)

The Technology of Inspection


MS Thesis submitted to the Department of Industrial Engineering

Five Steps to Cutting Inspection Costs

Modern Methods for Quality Control and Improvement
Harrison M. Wadsworth, Kenneth S. Stephens, A. Blanton Godfrey
John Wiley & Sons, 2002 - Quality control - 683 pages

This is a revision of a classic! This text provides a single source for information on both the structure and management of quality systems and the use of statistics to control and improve quality. It incorporates an international flavor and a good balance of services and manufacturing coverage. The goal of the second edition remains the same as the first edition - to promote learning by means of practical, effective applications intended to develop, control, and improve quality systems and processes

Updated on 25.4.2022, 5.10.2021,  13 September 2019, 11 December 2013


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