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Professor K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao

Father of Industrial Engineering
Frederick Taylor
Picture Source:
Taylor - Narayana Rao Principles of Engineering were presented in the 2017 Annual Conference of IISE
Industrial Engineering is a Management Discipline
Industrial Engineering is a Management Discipline with the foundation subject being Engineering. Its prime focus is engineering activity. Management two prime dimensions of performance are Effectiveness and Efficiency. Industrial Engineering is concerned with Efficiency, also referred to as Productivity, Cost Reduction, Cost Optimization, Cost Effectiveness, and Resource Efficiency.
IE knowledge revision plan was started in 2014. In the revision essential subjects and chapters from management will also be included along with industrial engineering techniques. Knowledge of management techniques should help industrial engineering professionals to know the importance of industrial engineering in management practice as a basic discipline and functional areas of management, to manage implementation of IE projects and IE departments and to take up line management careers at some point in their career on the way to become CEOs of the organizations.
The basic plan of the revision is that 40 articles at the rate of 2 articles per working day are to be read. That gives the flexibility to read them during the week end also it on any working day reading is skipped. The article may take around 10 minutes. Therefore on article in the morning session and one article in the evening session can be read. The basic purpose is to refresh the already known knowledge. New knowledge is provided as subject updates in different articles one for each subject included in the revision.
In the month of January 2019, the revision is planned to start from 15 January providing for a good year end break.
Management theory clearly states that effectiveness and efficiency are two important or prime dimensions of management performance. Industrial engineering has its prime focus on efficiency and thus it provides managers with efficiency related services and makes sure that efficiency or productivity is high in organizations. In the course of pursing industrial engineering practice, some IEs may shift to full management roles if they make efforts in the meanwhile to learn additional knowledge and skills. Becoming a full manager can be a natural career progression for industrial engineers apart from becoming senior industrial engineers and growing up in the industrial engineering department up to chief industrial engineering officer of the company (CIEO).
A New Initiative started in May 2019
Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course
- Introduction to Industrial Engineering
- Contribution of Taylor, Gilbreth, Emerson, Maynard, Barnes, Shigeo Shingo
- Productivity Science
- Productivity Engineering -
- IE Economic Analysis
- IE Statistics - Six Sigma Optimization
- Human Effort Industrial Engineering
- IE Measurements
- Productivity Management
- Applied Industrial Engineering
- Industrial Engineering 4.0
- Industrial Engineering Case Studies
January 3rd Week 15th to 19th,
Development of Management Subject. Theory of Management developed over a long a period of time with periodic quantum jumps in thinking.
Scientific Management/Shop Management - F.W. Taylor Introduction
Industrial Management and General Management - Henri Fayol
Importance of Human Relations in Management - Elton Mayo and Rothelisberger (Insights from Psychology)
Organization as a Social Group (Insights of Sociologists)
Mathematical Models and Their Optimization
Control of Variation in Inputs and Outputs (Insights from Statistics)
Systems Approach in Management
Business Conceptualization (Insights from Economics, Engineering Economics, Managerial Economics, Industrial Economics)
Peter Drucker - Business Organization - Economic Function - Social Responsibility
January 4th Week 22 to 25,
Global and Comparative ManagementManagement: Definition and Process
Process of Management
Planning: A Management Process
The Nature and Purpose of Planning - Review Notes
Objectives and Goals - Review Notes
Strategies, Policies, and Planning Premises - Review Notes
Business Firm and Society - The External Environment, Social Responsibility and Ethics - Review Notes
Decision Making - Review Notes
Summary - Principles of Planning
February - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
One Year Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
January - February - March - April - May - June
July - August - September - October - November - December
Updated on 14 Jan 2022, 5 January 2020, 15 January 2019, 6 January 2018, 18 January 2017, 18 Jan 2016, Jan 2015
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