Saturday, January 15, 2022

F.W. Taylor's Time Study - 1912 - Taylor's Process Time Reduction Study

Time Study was first mentioned in Taylor's Elementary Rate Fixing System explained in Piece Rate System Paper.   Part 1 -  Part 2   -  Part 3 -  Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6

Work measurement professionals have to focus on machine time estimation also. Also, they have to focus on developing productivity science based on measurements that they are taking.   My comment in work measurement Linkedin group.

Time Study for Taylor is the Effort to Reduce the Time Taken for Doing a Job.

Time study involves measuring time for both machine elements as well as human effort elements and examining opportunities to reduce times of both elements so that total process time is reduced.

Measurement of the current time taken for doing a job is the starting point. Measurement after all industrial engineering improvements are done is validation of the improvement developed and designed by industrial engineer.  Therefore time taken for doing work is an important industrial engineering measurement.

In 1912, Taylor had occasion to outline and define time study, and he said: "Time study" consists of two broad divisions, first, analytical work, and second, constructive work.

The analytical work of time study is as follows:

(a) Divide the work of a man performing any job into simple elementary movements.
(b) Pick out all useless movements and discard them.
(c) Study, one after another, just how each of several skilled workmen makes each elementary movement, and with the aid of a stop watch select the quickest and best method of making each elementary movement known in the trade.
(d) Describe, record and index each elementary movement, with its proper time, so that it can be quickly found.
(e) Study and record the percentage which must be added to the actual working time of a good workman to cover unavoidable delays, interruptions, and minor accidents, etc.
 (f) Study and record the percentage which must be added to cover the newness of a good workman to a job, the first few times that he does it.
(g) Study and record the percentage of time that must be allowed for rest, and the intervals at which the rest must be taken, in order to offset physical fatigue.

The constructive work of time study is as follows:

(h) Add together into various groups such combinations of elementary movements as are frequently used in the same sequence in the trade, and record and index these groups so that they can be readily found.
(i) From these several records, it is comparatively easy to select the proper series of motions which should be used by a workman in making any particular article, and by summing the times of these movements, and adding proper percentage allowances, to find the proper time for doing almost any class of work.
(j) The analysis of a piece of work into its elements almost always reveals the fact that many of the conditions surrounding and accompanying the work are defective; for instance, that improper tools are used, that the machines used in connection with it need perfecting, that the sanitary conditions are bad, etc. And knowledge so obtained leads frequently to constructive work of a high order, to the standardization of tools and conditions, to the invention of superior methods (processes) and machines.


Important Point to Note.

The constructive work of time study.

The analysis of a piece of work into its elements almost always reveals the fact that many of the conditions surrounding and accompanying the work are defective; for instance, that improper tools are used, that the machines used in connection with it need perfecting, that the sanitary conditions are bad, etc. And knowledge so obtained leads frequently to constructive work of a high order, to the standardization of tools and conditions, to the invention of superior methods (processes) and machines.

More Detailed Description

Time Study - 1903 Explanation by F.W. Taylor - Process Time Reduction Study

Updated on  15.1.2022,  8 November 2019, 25 September 2019