News - Information for Maintenance Operation Analysis
University of Reims Champagne Ardenne
Maintenance system industrial engineering is the study of resource use in various maintenance activities with a view to increasing the efficiency or eliminating the waste wherever possible. While the maintenance is carried out to keep the machines and equipment in good condition to perform, resources are used the activity. This resource use is carefully investigated by the industrial engineering to identify and remove waste. Industrial engineering succeeded in reducing the cost of many processes designed in the first iteration by the managers by significant percentage and hence it is a very important activity in systems design or systems engineering.
Famous example of manufacturing industrial engineering, is Henry Ford's production system redesign, that reduced the price of the automobile by half. Taylor reduced cost of many manufacturing activities. Gilbreth and Harrigton Emerson also achieved similar cost reduction in construction activity and rail road operations.
Industrial engineering has two components - System efficiency engineering and Human effort industrial engineering.
In another explanation, we can say industrial engineering consists of productivity science, productivity engineering and productivity management.
System Industrial Engineering - System Human Effort Engineering - System Efficiency Engineering
Human Effort Engineering - Techniques
1. Principles of Motion Economy
2. Motion Study
3. Workstation Design
4. Application of Ergonomics and Biomechanics
5. Fatigue Studies
6. Productivity/Safety/Comfort Device Design
7. Standardization of Methods
8. Operator training
9. Incentive Systems
10. Job Evaluation
11. Learning effect capture
12. Work Measurement
1. Process Analysis
2. Operation Analysis
3. Layout Efficiency Analysis
4. Value engineering
5. Statistical quality control
6. Statistical inventory control and ABC Classification Based Inventory Systems
7. Six sigma
8. Operations research
9. Variety reduction
10. Standardization
11. Incentive schemes
12. Waste reduction or elimination
13. Activity based management
14. Business process improvement
15. Fatigue analysis and reduction
16. Engineering economy analysis
17. Learning effect capture and continuous improvement (Kaizen, Quality circles and suggestion schemes)
18. Standard costing
Industrial Engineering in Different Functions of an Industrial Organization
Industrial Engineering in Data Center Design and Processes
Logistics System Industrial Engineering
Maintenance System Industrial Engineering
Product Industrial Engineering
Quality - Inspection System Industrial Engineering
Supply Chain Industrial Engineering - Bibliography
Industrial Engineering Techniques Specially Applied in Maintenance IE
Replacement analysis
Group replacement analysis
Total productive maintenance
Predictive maintenance - IIoT Support
Spare parts inventory decisions
Spare parts storage
Maintenance activities ergonomics
Maintenance work measurement
Lean Maintenance - Lean Smart Maintenance
Poka Yoke design for maintenance
Reduction of maintenance time (using 5S and SMED techniques)
New techniques - 2017
Smart Maintenance
Maintenance 4.0
Advanced predictive maintenance (PdM), enabled by extensive sensor integration and machine-learning techniques, is one of the most widely-heralded benefits of the fourth industrial revolution. The idea is certainly a compelling one, and many companies in asset-intensive sectors are pursuing investments in digital maintenance and reliability. Many companies are offering summer internships to students in this area and are getting pilot projects done.
1961 The Japan Management Association (JMA) establishes a Plant Maintenance Committee. JMA is the body responsible for promotion of scientific management in Japan.
1964 A system for awarding PM Awards is established.
1969 The Plant Maintenance Department is dissolved and the Japan Institute of Plant Engineers is established.
1971 The concept of plant maintenance with total participation (Total Productive Maintenance) is proclaimed.
1981 The Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance is launched, following approval from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry as charitable corporation.
1989 The definition of TPM is revised. The Society of Plant Engineers Japan is established.
1990 The Japan Association of Maintenance and Service Contractors is launched.
2005 JIPM Solutions company limited is separated and transferred from JIPM as a profit-seeking corporation.
2012 JIPM was approved as a public interest incorporated association by the prime minister.
We contribute to promoting safe, secure and reliable production and maintenance activities, as well as stabilizing and improving quality, in the world of industry through supporting problem-solving related to the enhancement of productivity, equipment-management technologies, and maintenance technologies and skills.
Progress of Industrial Engineering of Maintenance in Japan.
1961 The Japan Management Association (JMA) establishes a Plant Maintenance Committee. JMA is the body responsible for promotion of scientific management in Japan.
1964 A system for awarding PM Awards is established.
1969 The Plant Maintenance Department is dissolved and the Japan Institute of Plant Engineers is established.
1971 The concept of plant maintenance with total participation (Total Productive Maintenance) is proclaimed.
1981 The Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance is launched, following approval from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry as charitable corporation.
1989 The definition of TPM is revised. The Society of Plant Engineers Japan is established.
1990 The Japan Association of Maintenance and Service Contractors is launched.
2005 JIPM Solutions company limited is separated and transferred from JIPM as a profit-seeking corporation.
2012 JIPM was approved as a public interest incorporated association by the prime minister.
Mission Statement JIPM 2017
We contribute to promoting safe, secure and reliable production and maintenance activities, as well as stabilizing and improving quality, in the world of industry through supporting problem-solving related to the enhancement of productivity, equipment-management technologies, and maintenance technologies and skills.
Total productive maintenance - Evolution in Industrial Engineering/Scientific Management
In a message in a 2013 JIPM video, Seiichi Nakajima mentions the foundation of industrial engineering in the development of total productivity maintenance.
Total productive maintenance is planned maintenance is for increasing productivity and reducing defects. It is a zero defect, zero loss approach to equipment engineering and management involving design, manufacturing, operation, and maintenance.
To capture everything digital can offer in increasing reliability and reducing costs, companies should boost their digital-maintenance ambitions.
Advanced predictive maintenance (PdM), enabled by extensive sensor integration and machine-learning techniques, is one of the most widely-heralded benefits of the fourth industrial revolution. The idea is certainly a compelling one, and it is encouraging companies in asset-intensive sectors to pursue investments in digital maintenance and reliability.
However, treating PdM as panacea for maintenance and reliability challenges may prove to be short-sighted. Today's advanced predictive techniques can only be practically applied to a subset of use cases. An over-emphasis on one approach means companies won’t position themselves to capture all the potential benefits of a fully digitized maintenance and reliability function. Companies focused on increased uptime and improved maintenance efficiency have to use all the techniques available.
Articles and Papers
Digital-Maintenance - McKinsey
To capture everything digital can offer in increasing reliability and reducing costs, companies should boost their digital-maintenance ambitions.
Advanced predictive maintenance (PdM), enabled by extensive sensor integration and machine-learning techniques, is one of the most widely-heralded benefits of the fourth industrial revolution. The idea is certainly a compelling one, and it is encouraging companies in asset-intensive sectors to pursue investments in digital maintenance and reliability.
However, treating PdM as panacea for maintenance and reliability challenges may prove to be short-sighted. Today's advanced predictive techniques can only be practically applied to a subset of use cases. An over-emphasis on one approach means companies won’t position themselves to capture all the potential benefits of a fully digitized maintenance and reliability function. Companies focused on increased uptime and improved maintenance efficiency have to use all the techniques available.
Lean Smart Maintenance (LSM)
Maintenance is a strategic factor and key enabler for smart factories. Therefore, it needs to be intelligent – SMART – and cost-efficient – LEAN. The Lean Smart Maintenance (LSM) concept combines these two perspectives and enables a dynamic, smart and value-oriented maintenance/asset management for smart factories. This paper introduces LSM and explains its major components. It consists of efficiency drivers, e.g. maintenance processes and planning, outsourcing, and effectiveness factors, e.g. data and knowledge management, qualification and maintenance strategy. Besides that, an LSM implementation model is introduced. The four-step LSM implementation model is described with a maintenance strategy example.
Articles and Papers
Emerson Process Management on Maintenance Cost Reduction, Time Reduction, Productivity Improvement
Reducing operations & maintenance costs - Emerson
Emerson Process Management 2003. Reducing operations & maintenance costs with PlantWeb® digital plant architecture.
PlantWebís predictive intelligence increases maintenance productivity by detecting and diagnosing potential equipment problems before they grow ñ reducing the frequency, severity, and cost of repairs while enabling your team to avoid unnecessary and unproductive tasks.
%RAV. One frequent benchmark of maintenance productivity is annual maintenance cost as a percentage of replacement asset value (RAV). For example, a plant spending $5,000,000 annually to maintain assets that could be replaced for $100,000,000 has a 5% RAV.
The worst plants are operating with 20% RAV. The best are operating with 2% RAV. Typical plants operate at 6 to 7% RAV.
For a plant with $250,000,000 in assets to maintain, moving from typical to best-in-class status could mean over $10,000,000 in annual savings.
Recent data shows that 86% of maintenance is reactive (too late) or preventive (unnecessary).
Span of control. For operations, one measure of productivity is the number of loops each operator manages.
A typical plant might have 125 loops per operator, so managing 1500 loops would require 48 operators to staff four shifts. In a best-in-class plant, on the other hand, each operator might handle 250 loops ñ requiring only 24 operators over the same number of shifts. At a fully burdened cost of $80,000 per year for each operator, the savings would approach $2,000,000 annually. Even greater productivity and economic benefits are possible when operators also have the tools and information to continuously optimize energy use, feedstocks, and other economic factors for the loops they control, as well as to reduce costs in related areas such as safety, health, and environment; utilities; and waste and rework.
Waste in Maintenance Activities
Too much of the work done by maintenance teams is unnecessary, unproductive, or even counterproductive.
Unnecessary work. Over half of typical maintenance activities are unnecessary. This includes routine equipment checks as well as preventive maintenance on equipment that doesnít need it.
• One analysis showed that 63% of all instrument work orders did not result in corrective action, because there was nothing wrong with the equipment.
• A study of 230 valves scheduled for rebuilding during a shutdown found than only 31% needed such extensive service.
Unproductive work. In a typical plant, the maintenance department averages about 30% is wrench time. The rest of the time they are doing data entry and retrieval, work-order reporting, and other paperwork. Best-practices plants use automated tools to manage this information more efficiently, increasing wrench time to 50% or more.
Counterproductive work. Some maintenance actually reduces equipment reliability. Problems can result from incorrect re-assembly, incorrect tightening, misalignment, or other errors. In fact, as many as
70% of equipment failures happen shortly after initial installation or major preventive maintenance.
Inefficient maintenance strategies
Many of these problems could be reduced by adjusting the mix of reactive, preventive, predictive, and proactive maintenance strategies so maintenance workers can focus on doing the right things at the right time.
1. Reactive maintenance. Fixing equipment when it breaks. This is the most basic maintenance strategy. Its major drawback is obvious: the cost to repair (or replace) equipment that ís run to failure is typically
much higher than if the problem were detected and fixed earlier. Also there is additional cost of lost production during extended downtime.
2. Preventive maintenance. A preventive strategy assumes equipment is relatively reliable until, after some period of time, it enters a wear-out zone where failures increase. To postpone this wear-out, equipment is serviced on a calendar- or run-time basis. It may or may not require the maintenance. On
average, preventive maintenance is about 30% less expensive than reactive maintenance. Hence development of preventive maintenance method gave higher productivity and lower costs.
But about 30% of preventive maintenance effort is wasted, and another 30% turns out to be harmful because of errors committed in disassembly and reassembly and calibration.
3. Predictive maintenance. The third strategy overcomes these drawbacks by constantly monitoring actual equipment condition and using the information to predict when a problem is likely to occur. With
that insight, you can schedule maintenance for the equipment that needs it ñ and only what needs it − before the problem affects process or equipment performance. That ís a great way to improve maintenance productivity, as well as reduce costs for repairs and unexpected downtime.
A best-practices plant uses predictive maintenance for most equipment where condition-monitoring is practical, limiting reactive and preventive strategies to equipment that ís not process-critical and will cause little or no collateral damage if run to failure.
4. Proactive maintenance. The next strategy is proactive maintenance, which analyzes why performance is degrading and then corrects the source of problems. The goal is not just to avoid a hard failure, but to
restore or even improve equipment performance. For example, a valve failure might be caused by excess packing wear, which in turn was caused by poor loop tuning that caused the valve to cycle continuously. Retuning the loop will prevent further failures while also improving process performance.
The best-practices plant of the future will actually spend more on maintenance to include this proactive approach in their arsenal ñ and more than regain the investment in increased plant efficiency.
Training Course from Emerson - 2003 - Operations & Maintenance 101 - Maintenance Strategies and Work Practices to Reduce Costs
Rosemount 5300 Guided Wave Radar with a Smart Wireless THUM™ Adapter.: Reduce Operations and Maintenance Costs with Guided Wave Radar Diagnostics and Wireless Communication
Potential Results
• Reduce operations costs
• Decrease maintenance costs
• Minimize risk of lost throughput
• Decrease safety risks
• Reduce project costs
Improve Reliability and Reduce Your Costs.
Up to 5 percent of production availability is lost annually due to unscheduled slowdowns and shutdowns.
Just nine asset classes account for the majority of this loss.
Emerson Provides Services to Alaska's Largest Wind Farm
Emerson announced the completion of a digital transformation project to increase the reliability of clean energy generation at Golden Valley Electric Association’s (GVEA) Eva Creek wind farm. The project improves the management of Alaska’s largest wind farm.
Emerson’s sustainable grid solutions have delivered fast results, increasing the reliability of GVEA’s wind turbines and contributing to a 65% reduction in operations and maintenance costs.
More Articles
22 July 2016
4.0 Context
Why You Should Try Smart Maintenance
What Is Lean Maintenance?
Six Sigma Keys to Lean Maintenance
Six Sigma in Maintenance
Plant maintenance management practices in automobile industries: A retrospective and literature review
Total Productive Maintenance Review and Overall Equipment Effectiveness Measurement
Osama Taisir R.Almeanazel
Department Of Industrial Engineering, Hashemite University, Zarqa, 13115 Jordan
VTT operation and maintenance solutions deliver trouble-free, predictable fleet operation. Our smart solutions optimize safe fleet operation and maintenance, and constitute new competitive service business models for your knowledge-intensive services. Thanks to our significant experience and deep knowledge in this area, we are able to optimize the total operating performance of your fleet. We can also minimize your maintenance time with fast failure identification and recovery.
Analysis and Scheduling of Maintenance Operations for a Chain of Gas Stations
Mehmet Savsar
Kuwait University, College of Engineering and Petroleum, P.O. Box 5969, 13060 Safat, Kuwait
Journal of Industrial Engineering
Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 278546
Received 6 November 2012; Revised 2 February 2013; Accepted 3 February 2013
Analysis on Costs for Aircraft Maintenance
U. PeriyarSelvam, T. Tamilselvan, S. Thilakan and M. Shanmugaraja
Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Park College of Technology,
Karumathampatti, Coimbatore – 641 659.
Advances in Aerospace Science and Applications.
ISSN 2277-3223 Volume 3, Number 3 (2013), pp. 177-182
© Research India Publications
An Assessment of Maintenance Practices and problems in Jordanian Industries
K. K. Tahboub. 2011
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Ilyas Mohammed Iyoob, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, Texas, USA
C. Richard Cassady, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Arkansas,
Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA
Edward A. Pohl, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,
Arkansas, USA
MSc thesis
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Iceland
Maintenance and Industrial Engineering (GIM)
University Technological Degree in Maintenance and Industrial Engineering (GIM),177,261.html
Book Engineering Maintenance - Modern Approach - B.S. Dhillon, 2002
Just-in-time Maintenance, Repair, & Overhaul (Presentation)
Anonymous. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2008): 1-34.
Updated 2022
2022 - 8.2.2022
2021 - 3.12.2021 18 Nov 2021, 4 August 2021, 24 May 2021
2019 - 24 August 2019
2018 - 12 June 2018,
21 August 2017, 21 April 2015
First published on 27 September 2012
2018 - 12 June 2018,
21 August 2017, 21 April 2015
First published on 27 September 2012
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