Saturday, February 23, 2013

Vital Three - Operations, Innovation, and Industrial Engineering

Operations - Producing and selling existing products using existing technologies at profit to the organization.

Innovation: Development of new products, features and processes

Industrial Engineering:  Cost reduction of existing products and existing  processes. Industrial engineering also examines new products and processes for cost reduction possibilities. But its role is long term - cost reduction over the life cycle of the product using learning curve effect,  cost reduction technologies developed by outside agencies and focused periodic attempts to evaluate the products and processes for cost reduction opportunities.

George A. Taylor in his book "Managerial and Engineering Economy" expressed similar view when he said every executive has basically two roles. First role is maintaining standards and second role is improving standards.  Improvement is reflected in innovation and industrial engineering. Maintaining standards is operations. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Process Planning

Manufacturing is making of products from raw materials using various processes , equipment, operations, and manpower according to a plan.

Prcess planning comprises the selection and sequencing of processes and operatiosn to transform a chosen raw material into the required product.

Process Planning - Design - Manufacturing Interface - Peter Scallen - 2003

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
May 1991, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp 205-215
Development of a product manufacturing analysis and costing system
A. J. Allen, M. S. Bielby, K. G. Swift

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Industrial Engineering Charts - Computer Software

Man Machine Charts

Yamazumi charts

Gantt Chart

Pareto  Chart

TimerPro Professional

Leader in Time and Motion Study Tools

Questions About Industrial Engineering - Participants - February 2013

1. How to calculate allowances for "machine shop" and "Foundry"? What are the usual percentages?

2. Definition for Ergonomics

3. What is MOST and What are its applications

4. What is the use and outcome of motion study?

5. Give some practical examples of ergonomics and motion study.

6. What is the major role of Industrial engineering?

7. In India public sector industries are not giving importance to IE. Why?

8. How to educate the workers about the importance of IE?

9. What are new techniques of IE?

10. Share experience of faculty.

11. Management does not accept innovative ideas or schemes for productivity enhancement. How to tackle the situation?

12. What is the scenario of industrial engineering in other organizations?

13. Broad idea about incentive schemes?

14. What is the role of IE in chemical process plant or mining companies?

15. How to improve productivity with more participation of workmen?

16. What is the importance of IE department in light engineering industry?

17. How to minimize the wastage like excess inventory pile up?

18. How to implement the tools (already programmed answers) which are available to deal with day-to-day functions.

19. How to justify IE techniques?

20. How PPC can be done properly?

21. Allowances for operators considering the working conditions.

22. Ergonomically defining the work content for operators of a cell and maximum part weight that can be handled by operators?

23. Basic facilities required to operate a cell?

24. Material handling facility for parts above 15 kg

25. Working environment - Heat, luminance, etc.

26. Operator utilization - how much?

27. What are the modern productivity improvement techniques?

28. How to benchmark productivity/production parameters?

29. Latest procedures adopted for work measurement

30. Types of incentive schemes suggested to improve productivity