Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Productivity Management - Research

Pradip K. Ray, S. Sahu, (1990) "Productivity Management in India: A Delphi Study", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 10 Issue: 5, pp.25-51,

Productivity and Competitiveness:A Model for Developing Economies
C Bhaktavatsala Rao
Manager, (Corporate Planning), Ashok Leyland, Madras
ASCI Journal of Management
Volume 23, 1994
Paper with lot details about Indian Industry and some productivity improvement models.

Evolution of Scientific Management Towards Performance Measurement and Managing Systems for Sustainable Performance in Industrial Assets: Philosophical Point of View
R.M. Chandima Ratnayake
Vol 4, No 1 (2009)

Improvement of Manpower and Equipment Productivity in Indian Construction Projects
Venkatesh M.P. & Saravana Natarajan
IJAER, 2019, Vol.14(2), pp. 404.409
Paper downloaded

2017 IISE Annual Conference Pittsburgh
Productivity management is an important function in industrial engineering. Productivity science and productivity engineering are the other two important functions. Productivity training and productivity measurement can also be indicated as important activities of industrial engineering.

Principles of Industrial Engineering

Prof. Narayana Rao published the paper "Principles of Industrial Engineering" in the proceedings of IISE 2017 Annual Conference and presented the paper in the conference on 23 May 2017.

You can download the full paper.

Presentation Video on YouTube

Presentation in the IISE 2017 Pittsburgh, USA Annual Conference

IISE 2017 Annual Conference Papers

IISE 2017  conference papers are available in pre-publication format in the site

Productivity management sessions are indicated below. Go to the day and session and you can download the papers.

Productivity Management

...(22 May 11.00  - 12.20 am; 22 May  2 - 3.20 pm; 23 May 12.30 to 1.50; )

22 May 11.00  - 12.20 am

Chair: Mario Beruvides, Texas Tech University

An analysis on the prevention, appraisal and failure model in COQ: Convergences and contradictions.
Armando Elizondo-Noriega, Texas Tech University; David Güemes-Castorena, Tecnológico de Monterrey; Mario Beruvides, Texas Tech University

System dynamics modeling of cost of quality: An initial review of the literature
 Armando Elizondo-Noriega, Texas Tech University; David Güemes-Castorena, Tecnológico de Monterrey; Mario Beruvides, Texas Tech University

An Examination of Behavioral Economic Nudges in Technical Management
Richard Burgess, Texas Tech University - Whitacre College of Engineering ; Mario Beruvides, Texas Tech University

The Dynamics between Working Capital Management and Total Productivity Management
Naveen Tiruvengadam, Texas Tech University; Mario Beruvides, Texas Tech University

Productivity Management 2

Day:Monday, May 22, 2017
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM

Chair: Brian Mitchell, Szent Istvan University

Labor Productivity and Optimal Team Size in an Inspection Process
Alireza Namdari, Western New England University ; Julie Drzymalski, Drexel University; Hamid Tohidi, South Tehran Branch, Azad University

Improving Fleet Readiness: A Case Study Utilizing the AirSpeed Methodology
David Englehart, Navy; Daniel Zalewski, University of Dayton; Kellie Schneider, University of Dayton

ICTS’ Use in Customer-supplier Relationship on Collaborative NPD: Literature Review
Daisy Valle, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Mateus Lima, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Alejandro Germán Frank, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

A new dispersion model for decision making under risk
Behnam Malakooti, Case Western Reserve University

Productivity Management 3

Day:Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Time: 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM

Chair: Gary Gress, University of Calgary

A Multi-Objective Stochastic Programming Model for Team Formation Problems under Uncertainty in Time Requirements
Fahimeh Rahmanniya, The University of Tennessee Knoxville; Andrew Yu, The University of Tennessee

Principles of Industrial Engineering
12:50 PM - 1:10 PM
Venkata Satya Surya Narayana Rao Kambhampati, National Institute of Industrial Engineering

Presentation Video


Program Performance Impact of Integrating Program Management and Systems Engineering
Eric Rebentisch, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Thomas Reiner, RWTH Aachen; Edivandro Conforto, Independent Consultant; Stefan Breunig, RWTH Aachen University

Updated on 30 May 2019, 17 June 2017