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Ohno repeats Taylor. Examine every element of operation/process to increase productivity.
"We have eliminated waste by examining available resources, rearranging machines, improving machining processes, installing autonomous systems, improving tools, analyzing transportation methods and optimizing the materials at hand for manufacturing. High production efficiency has also been maintained by preventing the recurrence of defective products, operational mistakes, and accidents, and by incorporating workers' ideas." Taiichi Ohno (P. 21)
CV-JOINT Machining
Material: Carbon Steel (SMG 4)
Coolant: Water soluble oil (coolant pressure = 80 bar)
1 - Roughing the outer diameter
Your Challenge:
Maintaining efficiency through effective chipbreaking when roughing the outer diameter.
Solution:Jetstream Tooling delivers a high-pressure jet of coolant to the optimum position close to the cutting edge. In addition to eliminating heat build up, this lifts the chip away from the rake face to increase chip control and maximize tool life. Cutting parameters can also be further increased by using ISO/ANSI Duratomic® inserts. Benefits delivered include increased process reliability and productivity
Aly, Ahmed Hassan, MSc; Ferrell, William, PhD. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2009): 585-590.
Solving the forward-reserve allocation problem in warehouse order picking systems
Gu, J; Goetschalckx, M; Mcginnis, L F. The Journal of the Operational Research Society, suppl. Part Special Issue: Operational Research in Project61.6 (Jun 2010): 1013-1021.
Right pick: applying order fulfillment basics can help companies generate picking efficiencies on the warehouse floor
Materials Management and Distribution40.4 (Apr 1995): 59-60.
An order batching algorithm for wave picking in a parallel-aisle warehouse
A J R M Gademann; Jeroen P Van Den Berg; Hassan H Van Der Hoff. IIE Transactions 33.5 (May 2001): 385-398.
Order Picking Sequence Algorithms for a Gantry-Picking Warehouse
Kim, Byung-In; Heragu, Sunderesh S; Graves, Robert J; St Onge, Art. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2003): 1-6.
Warehouse Order Picking Process at Pelco Products, Inc.
Nash, Mark A; Evans, Chris. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2011): 1-8.
Predicting Order Picking Times at a Warehouse
Hulett, Maria; Damodaran, Purushothaman. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2013): 3041-3049.
Improving Order-Picking Response Time at Ankor's Warehouse
Dekker, R; M B M de Koster; Roodbergen, K J; H van Kalleveen. Interfaces34.4 (Jul/Aug 2004): 303-313.
Metaheuristic scheduling of multiple picking agents for warehouse management
J.I.U. Rubrico; Ota, J; Higashi, T; Tamura, H. The Industrial Robot35.1 (2008): 58-68.
An Exploratory Agent-Based Model of Warehouse Picking Operations with Congestion
Heath, Brian L; Ciarallo, Frank W; Hill, Raymond R. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2010): 1-6.
A High-Throughput Pick Line for Split-Case Order Picking
Kong, Chenying; Masel, Dale T. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2007): 860-865.
New warehouse designs may reduce picking costs 20%
Kator, Corinne. Modern Materials Handling, [Warehousing Management Edition]61.9 (Sep 2006): 9-10.
Research and Markets: The Guide to Voice Solutions in Warehouse Environments Will Help You Learn of Market Sizing and Forecasts for Spending in Voice Picking Solutions from 2008 to 2014
Replenishment and Order Picking in Short Cycle Time Environments
Kim, Byung-In; Graves, Robert J; Heragu, Sunderesh S; St Onge, Art. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2002): 1-6.
The use of bucket brigades in zone order picking systems
Koo, Pyung-hoi. OR Spectrum31.4 (Oct 2009): 759-774.
Design and control of warehouse order picking: A literature review
de Koster, René; Le-Duc, Tho; Roodbergen, Kees Jan. European Journal of Operational Research182.2 (Oct 16, 2007): 481.
Order-batching methods for an order-picking warehouse with two cross aisles
Ho, Ying-Chin; Su, Teng-Sheng; Shi, Zhi-Bin. Computers & Industrial Engineering 55.2 (Sep 2008): 321.
Metaheuristics for the Order Batching Problem in Manual Order Picking Systems
Henn, Sebastian; Koch, Sören; Doerner, Karl F; Strauss, Christine; Wäscher, Gerhard. Business Research3.1 (May 2010): 82-105.
Optimal Product Layout in an Order Picking Warehouse
Jarvis, Jay M; McDowell, Edward D. IIE Transactions 23.1 (Mar 1991): 93.
Improving order-picking performance through the implementation of class-based storage
Petersen, Chales G; Aase, Gerald R; Heiser, Daniel R. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management34.7/8 (2004): 534-544.
Shop or warehouse? That's the question: E-FULFILMENT by Penelope Ody: Store-based picking is very different from bulk warehouse operations, leading many e-tailers to opt for outsourced services: [Surveys edition]
Ody, Penelope. Financial Times [London (UK)] 20 June 2001: 02.
Supply chain organization and e-commerce: a model to analyze store-picking, warehouse-picking and drop-shipping
Hovelaque, V; Soler, L G; Hafsa, S. 4OR5.2 (Jul 2007): 143-155.
A model for warehouse order picking
Daniels, Richard L; Rummel, Jeffrey L; Schantz, Robert. European Journal of Operational Research105.1 (Feb 16, 1998): 1-17.
A performance evaluation model for order picking warehouse design
Hwang, Heung Suk; Gyu Sung Cho. Computers & Industrial Engineering 51.2 (Oct 2006): 335.
...model for the order picking facility for warehouse design in a supply center
...of warehouse design and operational parameters such as warehouse size, rack
Centeno, Martha A; Sundaram, Ramakrishnan. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (2004): 1-6.
Algorithms for on-line order batching in an order picking warehouse
Henn, Sebastian. Computers & Operations Research39.11 (Nov 2012): 2549.
Order picking basics
Order picking basics
Master order picking and improve how you get product out of your building and into your customer's hands.
By MMH Staff · March 8, 2011
From the archives: This article originally appeared in the October 2008 issue of Modern Materials Handling
Considerations in order picking zone configuration
Petersen, Charles G. International Journal of Operations & Production Management22.7/8 (2002): 793-805.
Order-Picking in a Rectangular Warehouse: A Solvable Case of the Traveling Salesman Problem
Ratliff, H Donald; Rosenthal, Arnon S. Operations Research31.3 (May/Jun 1983): 507.
An experimental investigation of learning effects in order picking systems
Grosse, Eric H; Glock, Christoph H. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management24.6(2013): 850-872.
Designing an efficient warehouse layout to facilitate the order-filling process: An industrial distributor's experience
Zeng, Amy Z; Mahan, Michael; Fluet, Nicholas. Production and Inventory Management Journal 43.3/4 (Third Quarter 2002): 83-88.
Improving order picking performance utilizing slotting and golden zone storage
Petersen, Charles G; Siu, Charles; Heiser, Daniel R. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 25.9/10 (2005): 997-1012.
A decision support system to facilitate warehouse order fulfillment in cross-border supply chain
Cathy H.Y. Lam; Choy, K L; Chung, S H. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management22.8 (2011): 972-983.
Getting your warehouse in order
Richardson, Helen L. Logistics Today44.10 (Oct 2003): 38-42.
A warehouse management system with sequential picking for multi-container deliveries
Shiau, Jiun-Yan; Lee, Ming-Chang. Computers & Industrial Engineering 58.3 (Apr 2010): 382.
Vocollect Unveils Talkman QuickPick; New System Easily Voice-Enables Any Warehouse Picking Operation
Business Editors & High Tech Writers. Business Wire [New York] 26 Nov 2001: 1.
SAM, short for Semi-Automated Mason, is a brick laying robot designed and engineered by Construction Robotics. SAM100 is the first commercially available bricklaying robot for onsite masonry construction.
Designed to work collaboratively with the mason
Consistent production and lower installed cost (50%+ labor savings)
Increase masons productivity by 3-5x while reducing lifting by 80%+
Lower health and safety impact on the workforce
Improved ability to plan and quote jobs
Production data helps with continuous improvements
In early 2011, Volkswagen Vrchlabi plant into one that assembles the innovative DQ 200 direct-shift-gearbox automatic transmission. This seven-speed transmission is used in Škoda vehicles, as well as models from other group brands.
The plant adopted a collaborative robot—the LBR IIWA 7 R800 robot from KUKA Robotics Corp.—to work alongside assemblers and insert the gear actuator piston into the transmission. Piston insertion is a delicate process that requires pinpoint accuracy. With the redesign of the operation using a cobot, a complicated production step for our employees was made significantly easier and safer.
Sensors on each of the robot’s seven axes register all contact with co-workers to ensure their safety when working together and doing rapid motions. The robot has lightweight (23.9 kilograms) and has a 7-kilogram payload and 800-millimeter maximum reach. Repeatability is ±0.1 millimeter. It is IP54 rated, features a Sunrise Cabinet controller, and can be floor-, ceiling- or wall-mounted.
KUKA also has a larger model, the 14 R820, with 14-kilogram payload and 820-millimeter maximum reach. Repeatability is ±0.15 millimeter.
10. 10. 2019
ŠKODA AUTO in Vrchlabí: high-tech site
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The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable to its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 230-5:2000, Test code for machine tools — Part 5: Determination of the noise emission
ISO 447:1984, Machine tools — Direction of operation of controls
ISO 702 (all parts), Machine tools — Connecting dimensions of spindle noses and work holding chucks
ISO 841:2001, Industrial automation systems and integration — Numerical control of machines — Coordinate system and motion nomenclature
ISO 3744:2010, Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure — Engineering methods for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane
ISO 3746:2010, Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure — Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane
ISO 4413:2010, Hydraulic fluid power — General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components
ISO 4414:2010, Pneumatic fluid power — General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components
ISO 4871:1996, Acoustics — Declaration and verification of noise emission values of machinery and equipment
ISO 6385:2004, Ergonomic principles in the design of work systems
ISO 8525:2008, Airborne noise emitted by machine tools — Operating conditions for metal-cutting machines
ISO 9241 (all parts), Ergonomics of human-system interaction
ISO 9355-1, Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control actuators — Part 1: Human interactions with displays and control actuators
ISO 9355-2, Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control actuators — Part 2: Displays
ISO 9355-3, Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control actuators — Part 3: Control actuators
ISO 10218-2:2011, Robots and robotic devices — Safety requirements for industrial robots — Part 2: Robot systems and integration
ISO 11161:2007+Amd.1:2010, Safety of machinery — Integrated manufacturing systems — Basic requirements
ISO 11202:2010, Acoustics — Noise emitted by machinery and equipment — Determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions applying approximate environmental corrections
ISO 11204:2010, Acoustics — Noise emitted by machinery and equipment — Determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions applying accurate environmental corrections
ISO 11228 (all parts), Ergonomics — Manual handling
ISO/TR 11688-1:1995, Acoustics — Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment — Part 1: Planning
ISO 12100:2010, Safety of machinery — General principles for design — Risk assessment and risk reduction
ISO 13849-1:2006, Safety of machinery — Safety-related parts of control systems — Part 1: General principles for design
ISO 13849-2:2003, Safety of machinery — Safety-related parts of control systems — Part 2: Validation
ISO 13850:2006, Safety of machinery — Emergency stop — Principles for design
ISO 13851:2002, Safety of machinery — Two-hand control devices — Functional aspects and design principles
ISO 13854:1996, Safety of machinery — Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body
ISO 13855:2010, Safety of machinery — Positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach speeds of parts of the human body
ISO 13856-2:2005, Safety of machinery — Pressure-sensitive protective devices — Part 2: General principles for the design and testing of pressure-sensitive edges and pressure-sensitive bars
ISO 13856-3:2013, Safety of machinery — Pressure-sensitive protective devices — Part 3: General principles for design and testing of pressure-sensitive bumpers, plates, wires and similar devices
ISO 13857:2008, Safety of machinery — Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs
ISO 14118:2000, Safety of machinery — Prevention of unexpected start-up
ISO 14119:2013, Safety of machinery — Interlocking devices associated with guards — Principles for design and selection
ISO 14120:2002, Safety of machinery — Guards — General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
ISO 14122-1:2001, Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 1: Choice of fixed means of access between two levels
ISO 14122-2:2001, Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 2: Working platforms and walkways
ISO 14122-3:2001, Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails
ISO 14122-4:2004, Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 4: Fixed ladders
ISO 14159:2002, Safety of machinery — Hygiene requirements for the design of machinery
ISO 15534-1:2000, Ergonomic design for the safety of machinery — Part 1: Principles for determining the dimensions required for openings for whole-body access into machinery
ISO 15534-2:2000, Ergonomic design for the safety of machinery — Part 2: Principles for determining the dimensions required for access openings
ISO 16156:2004, Machine-tools safety — Safety requirements for the design and construction of work holding chucks
IEC 60204-1:2009, Safety of machinery — Electrical equipment of machines — Part 1: General requirements
IEC 60529, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
IEC 60825-1:2007, Safety of laser products — Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements
IEC 61000-6-2:2005, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 6-2: Generic standards — Immunity for industrial environments
IEC 61000-6-4:2011, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 6-4: Generic standards — Emission standard for industrial environments
IEC 61800-5-2:2007, Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems — Part 5-2: Safety requirements — Functional
EN 954-1:1996, Safety of machinery — Safety-related parts of control systems — Part 1: General principles for design
EN 1837:1999+A1:2009, Safety of machinery — Integral lighting of machines
20 Apr 2020
Seco Tools has announced the expansion of its Jetstream Tooling® Integrated (JETI) technology with a complete range of holders for General ISO turning. This easy-to-use internal coolant technology increases tool life dramatically while also shortening setup and indexing times thanks to a new single-screw insert clamp design and the absence of external hoses.
Metal cutting leader, Sandvik Coromant has developed a new 3D modelling technique that can 3D print up to 200 plastic face shields in a 3D printer in one print cycle. Using stacked model data, the technique can dramatically increase 3D printing output.
Sandvik Coromant's industrial facilities in Sweden are usually reserved for manufacturing metal powders into intricately engineered components. In the covide crisis period, the organization's 3D printing expertise and capacity was redeployed to produce personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers with some of the organization's plastic 3D printers.
Because 3D printers are usually restricted to printing one CAD file at a time, production output of plastic shields has been slow. To solve this problem, engineers at Sandvik Coromant's Press Tools department have developed a new modelling progress to allow machines to recognize a stack of multiple face shields as one solid CAD file.
Duplicating the 3D image data of a single face shield, engineers at Sandvik Coromant are able to stack multiple shields on top of each other. Using a dual extruder, the 3D printer can then be instructed to create structural support between each product — essentially printing a thin string of plastic between each shield. Printing this support in water-soluble material allows the shields to be easily separated once printed.
Sandvik Coromant's Press Tools division is now able to manufacture 42 plastic face shields per 3D printer during each production batch — a process which previously took 48 hours to manufacture just one face shield. Larger 3D printers could use this same technique to print up to 200 face shields in a single production batch.
Sandvik Coromant hopes that this technique will be adopted by other businesses with access to a 3D printer as the most efficient method for producing face shields and the company has already shared 3D model data required with Protech, the leading Nordic supplier of 3D printers from Stratasys. A distributor of 3D printers for the hobbyist market, has also shared the data with its network.
“Printing several parts at a time is the optimal method for producing a high volume of face shields when using a 3D printer," explained Christian Dingfors, Production Engineer at Sandvik Coromant Press Tools. “In the ongoing effort to support healthcare workers against COVID-19, we need to contribute to the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) as effectively as possible. That is why Sandvik Coromant wants to share this technique and the necessary imaging data with as many businesses as possible. We want every facility with 3D printing capacity to get involved.
“We encourage any business that has access to a 3D printer to contact us for guidance on how to deploy this printing technique. We are happy to share the 3D imaging data with anyone, including small businesses and hobbyists, that want to contribute to this essential cause," concluded Dingfors.
Sandvik Coromant's Press Tools Division has halted all non-critical production runs for the 3D printers it has on site, with 75 per cent of printing capacity now dedicated to producing face shields.
The shields will be donated to hospitals in the Sandviken-Gävle, Gävleborg and Stockholm regions of Sweden, but Sandvik Coromant anticipates the initiative will be replicated globally — not just within Sandvik, but among the larger business community.
Elsewhere, in the US, when Wally Calayag, a Sandvik Coromant Sales Territory Engineer in California, saw the pain that surgical masks were causing medical professionals at a nearby hospital where his wife works as a nurse and made an innovation. Armed with a 3D printer and open source files, he started printing surgical mask extension straps, otherwise known as ear savers straps. And it wasn't long before he was making deliveries of these straps to the hospital to help those on the front lines, and in doing so, encouraging others to join the cause.
More information on Sandvik Coromant's efforts to support the battle against COVID-19 can be found on the Sandvik Coromant website at For guidance on deploying the 3D modelling technique, please contact Christian Dingfors, Production Engineer at Sandvik Coromant on christian.dingfors @
Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course
Cutting tools are important engineering elements. Industrial engineers need to have very good knowledge of cutting tools to do machine tool industrial engineering (Machine Work Study)
PrimeTurning™ demo – Turning of pinion in 40 seconds
27 Apr 2017
Sandvik Coromant
In this demo of PrimeTurning™ you will see the complete turning operation of a pinion done in 40 seconds. From roughing to finishing using CoroTurn® Prime B-type and CoroTurn® Prime A-type. The all new turning method allows turning in all directions enabling higher speed, feed and tool life resulting in an immense productivity increase.
PrimeTurning™ triples productivity in turning at Godrej Aerospace
21 May 2018
Sandvik Coromant
When faced with a large order and a difficult-to-machine steel grade, Godrej Aerospace, an Indian aerospace component manufacturer found their answer in PrimeTurning™. Find out how PrimeTurning™ helped increase productivity and reduce cycle time.
Mastercam Prime Turning
Manufacturing challenges of composite materials.
18 MARCH 2011
Mike Richardson talks to a panel of experts to discover how the latest cutting tool innovations are shaping up to meet the manufacturing challenges of ever-evolving composite materials.
Aerospace Composites: A look at how they relate
October 2010
Francis Richt, project manager, composites and advanced materials for Sandvik Coromant discusses composites and their place in today's aerospace industry.
Composites are dramatically changing the aerospace industry, especially since the introduction of new models such as the A350XWB (coming soon) and the B787. They are utilizing a high content of composites due to such benefits as weight reduction effecting carrying load and reduced emissions.
The hole is the goal
With aerospace making more use of composite structures and stacked materials with metal alloys, Sandvik Coromant’s product specialist for composites, Francis Richt explains how the company’s latest cutting tools can help boost composites hole machining.
PrimeTurning™ triples productivity in turning at Godrej Aerospace
21 May 2018
Sandvik Coromant
When faced with a large order and a difficult-to-machine steel grade, Godrej Aerospace, an Indian aerospace component manufacturer found their answer in PrimeTurning™. Find out how PrimeTurning™ helped increase productivity and reduce cycle time.
PrimeTurning™ delivers a huge cost saving for Riedl
29 Mar 2019
Sandvik Coromant
Passionate about cutting-edge technology, fast-growing Slovenian metal company Riedl CNC introduced Sandvik Coromant’s new Prime Turning solution in 2018. When the company applied it to KTM motorcycle components, the cycle time and production costs have never been better. Find out how PrimeTurning™ helped increase productivity and reduce production costs substantially.
Slovenian metal company Riedl CNC introduced Sandvik Coromant’s new PrimeTurning™ solution in 2018. When the company applied it to KTM motorcycle components, productivity increased 40 percent and costs declined by more than 50,000 euros a year.
Read the full story in text
Collet for CoroChuck® 930 maximizes pull-out prevention
The new collet features mechanical locking interface
Cutting tool and tooling system specialist Sandvik Coromant has introduced a new collet for its CoroChuck® 930 high-precision hydraulic chuck. Designed to suit Weldon shanks, the new collet features a mechanical locking interface to prevent tool pull-out or movement when producing expensive components and/or machining with challenging cutting data
“Being 100% assured of zero pull-out for Weldon shanks when producing high value-added parts, such as aerospace frame and engine components, is paramount in the highly competitive manufacturing arena,” says Mats Backman Global Product Manager at Sandvik Coromant. “Production engineers and managers are under constant pressure to minimize scrap and maximize bottom-line profitability. These thoughts were the driver for developing the new collet.”
The mechanical locking interface acts between the collet and chuck, and between the collet and shank. Having confidence in no pull-out when both collet and chuck are locked enables increased productivity in heavy-duty applications. Further benefits include easy assembly into CoroChuck 930 chucks, both slender and HD versions, while high run-out accuracy is assured with cylindrical clamping of Weldon shanks. In addition, coolant supply through the collet provides secure and reliable coolant delivery to the tool.
Ultimately, this new solution will benefit any machine shop seeking trouble-free machining in heavy applications. No pull-out or tool movement protects against the potentially sizable cost of reworking or scrapping an expensive component. Pull-out effectively changes the gauge length of the tool mid-cut, leading to the generation of features with incorrect dimensions or crash marks.
Example of the potential gains on offer - Customer Use Case
A customer case trial saw CoroChuck 930 (featuring the new collet) used for a milling operation on a CNC turn-mill machine. The objective was to produce a twin-screw from 42CrMo4 alloy steel. At cutting data of 3220 rpm spindle speed, 1500 mm/min (590 in/min) feed speed, 10 mm (0.394 inch) axial depth of cut (nominal), and 20 mm (0.787 inch) radial depth of cut, the mechanical locking interface generated a stable process with no pull-out. In addition, productivity increased due to longer tool life.
Collets are available to suit an assortment of common Weldon shank sizes. Accessories include assembly tools and anchor screws.
For more information please visit:
Fermer Precision (Ilion, New York) machines a variety of precision parts from aluminum, cast iron, powdered metal, carbon steel and low-carbon steel for automobiles, firearms, medical products and train brake systems. The company uses a Mori Seiki SV-500 and two OKK KVC 600 vertical machining centers for drilling, reaming and chamfering operations. A typical drilling operation requires drilling nine holes in six workpieces mounted in a single fixture.
The powdered-metal core drills presently used were supposed to last 200 parts per drill, but they were only averaging 120. Operators were at risk of burning their hands when removing the tooling from the shrink-fit toolholders. If tools with steel shanks were used instead of solid carbide, the coefficient of expansion of the toolholder and the tool's steel shank are too close to the same and hence there was difficulty in removing the tool. In most cases, you need to use a mallet and a drive punch to remove the tool. After removal of the drill, the toolholder still could not be used for another 1.5 hours till it . cools down enough for handling and then retooling. During the reheating and cooling of the shrink-fit toolholder, operators ran the risk of injury.
The long retooling times are forcing the firm to keep on hand three times the number of toolholders actually needed for drilling. One is cooling, one is working and the third one is ready for the next change. The company was looking for alternatives and DoAll and Sandvik Coromant (Fair Lawn, New Jersey) team came out with a suggestion. The solution suggested was a hydromechanical clamping toolholder and a dual-grade drill with high toughness and good wear resistance—Sandvik's Delta C GC1020 drill and the Sandvik CoroGrip toolholder.
The key to the new drill's performance is the sintering of two substrate materials together at the drill tip. The grade at the tool center provides toughness and withstands tension and pressure on the drill point. The grade at the tool periphery provides wear resistance at high surface speed. This combination results in high speeds and feeds without sacrificing edge security. The CoroGrip high precision chuck for high speed machining offers twice the clamping force of shrink-fit chucks and three times that of ordinary hydraulic chucks.
The tooling combination demonstrated dramatically longer tool life. The average number of parts each drill handled increased from 120 to 300. The increase in tool life varied from 50 to 200 percent on tool life in different applications.
The runout on the CoroGrip is 0.002 mm and is another benefit.
Feeds and speeds on the machines remain unchanged with the new drill and toolholder. A typical operation is drilling several 0.4313-inch diameter holes, 1 ¾ inch deep at 250 sfm in low-carbon steel workpieces.
Fermer technicians were happy with the safe, easy and quick tooling setup with the CoroGrip chucks. The toolholders are fitted with a tool and ready for insertion into the machines in just 15 seconds which is 360 times faster than the setup time required for the shrink-fit toolholders.
Fermer no longer needs to inventory more toolholders. The gloves and mallet are no longer necessary to change drills. During tool setup there are no forces exerted on the clamp or the tool pot, since only shop air is applied to move internal toolholder components.
The design of the CoroGrip toolholder optimizes balance and torque transmission. The combination has increased overall productivity and the quality of our products according to executives of Fermer.
The Affordable, Easy-to-Use & Reliable Sawmill You've Been Looking for - The Frontier OS27
22 Nov 2017
A real solution when it comes to affordable entry-level portable sawmills.
A sawmill that offers powerful, reliable, and safe sawmilling to sawyers looking for an ultra-affordable answer to their wood processing needs.
And you can trust Frontier's pedigree because it has been designed and developed by Norwood Sawmills, the world's leader in portable sawmill innovation with a quarter century' of experience focusing exclusively on engineering portable sawmills to be easier, faster and safer to use for woodworkers, farmers and resourceful people around the world.
The Frontier OS27 is designed by Norwood using high standards of innovative engineering, and it’s built to rigorous international safety standards. Our quality assurance team inspects all Frontier sawmills, and we back it up with our one-year warranty.
Productivity-boosting boring heads
Kip Hanson
Published April 1, 2015
Boring can be done at higher speeds. With the growth of high-speed spindles, boring heads are spinning faster. Yet the often nonsymmetrical construction of boring heads can make them wobble and vibrate when run beyond a few thousand rpm—especially single-edge finishing heads.
BIG Kaiser Precision Tooling Inc., Hoffman Estates, Ill., provides auto-balancing heads are a must-have for these situations. They use a pinion gear to move a counterweight—as the cutting edge slides in one direction along with the cartridge (the insert holder), the weight moves opposite to it, keeping the head balanced for whatever diameter bored.
For deep-hole finishing, Smart Damper tools are to be used in conjunction with auto-balance heads. The Smart Damper is BIG Kaiser’s solution for chatter, a common occurrence as boring depth increases. Damping often becomes necessary at length-to-diameter ratios of 8:1 and higher. Damping allows for a heavier DOC and feed rate, sometimes two to three times that of an undamped boring head. Thus higher spindle speeds can be used, feed rate and depth of cut are also increased giving higher productivity.
The Smart Damper series covers hole diameters from 1.625 " to 4 ", and up to 16 " deep.
Asymmetric boring increases productivity, reduces costs
May 14, 2015
A geometric leap forward, asymmetric line boring accentuates the advantages of reaming and line boring of items such as engine blocks, while eliminating disadvantages.
Industrial engineering is the applied science of management. It directs the efficient conduct of manufacturing, construction, transportation, or even commercial enterprises of any undertaking, indeed, in which human labor is directed to accomplishing any kind of work.
It is of very recent origin. It is only just emerging from the formative period. Its elements have been proposed during the past one or two decades. The conditions that have brought into being this new applied science, this new branch of engineering, grew out of the rise and enormous expansion of the manufacturing system.
Industrial engineering has drawn upon mechanical engineering, upon economics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, accountancy, to fuse from these older sciences a distinct body of science of its own. It provides guidelines or direction to the work of operatives, using the equipment provided by the engineer, machinery builder, and architect.
The cycle of operations which the industrial engineer directs starts with money which is converted into raw materials and labor; raw materials and labor are converted into finished product or services of some kind; finished product, or service, is converted back into money. The difference between the first money and the last money is (in a very broad sense) the gross profit of the operation. The starting level (that is, the cost of raw materials and labor) and the final level (the price obtainable for finished product) these two levels are generally fixed by competition and market conditions. Profit of the operating cycle varies with the volume passing from level, to level. Higher volumes lead to greater profits. But with the efficiency of the conversions between these levels also determines the profits. In the case of a hydroelectric power-plant, there are conversion losses like hydraulic, mechanical and electrical. In industrial enterprises the conversion losses are in commercial, manufacturing, administrative and human operations. It is with the efficiency of these latter conversions that industrial engineering is concerned.
The central purpose of industrial engineer is efficient and economical production. He is concerned not only with the direction of the great sources of power in nature, but with the direction of these forces as exerted by machinery, working upon materials, and operated by men. It is the inclusion of the economic and the human elements especially that differentiates industrial engineering from the older established branches of the profession. To put it in another way : The work of the industrial engineer not only covers technical counsel and superintendence of the technical elements of large enterprises, but extends also over the management of men and the definition and direction of policies in fields that the financial or commercial man has always considered exclusively his own.
Basic Principles of Industrial Engineering
developed by Dr. K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao in 2016
1. Develop science for each element of a man - machine system's work related to efficiency and productivity.
2. Engineer methods, processes and operations to use the laws related to the work of machines, man, materials and other resources.
3. Select or assign workmen based on predefined aptitudes for various types of man - machine work.
4. Train workmen, supervisors, and engineers in the new methods, install various modifications related to the machines that include productivity improvement devices and ensure that the expected productivity is realized.
5. Incorporate suggestions of operators, supervisors and engineers in the methods redesign on a continuous basis.
6. Plan and manage productivity at system level.
(The principles were developed on 4 June 2016 (During Birthday break of 2016 - 30 June 2016 to 7 July 2016).
The principles were developed by Narayana Rao based on principles of scientific management by F.W. Taylor)
Video - Presentation - Taylor - Narayana Rao Principles of Industrial Engineering
Going's Concept Continued.
Two Phases of Industrial Engineering
In general, the work of the industrial engineer, or, to use a yet more inclusive term which is coming into general use, the efficiency engineer, has two phases. The first of these is analytical we might almost call it passive to distinguish it from the second phase, which is synthetic, creative, and most emphatically active.
The analytical phase
The analytical phase of industrial or efficiency engineering deals merely with the things that already exist. It examines into facts and conditions, dissects them, analyzes them, weighs them, and shows them in a form that increases our useful working knowledge of the industry with which we have to deal. To this province of industrial engineering belong the collection and tabulation of statistics about a business, the accurate determination and analysis of costs, and the comparison of these costs with established standards so as to determine whether or not they are normal. To this sort of work Harrington Emerson applies the term “assays," speaking of labor assays, expense assays, etc., and maintaining (with good reason) that the expert efficiency engineer can make determinations of this sort as accurately, and compare them with standards as intelligently, as an assayer can separate and weigh the metal in an ore. To this province belong also such matters as systematic inquiry into the means and methods used for receiving, handling, and issuing materials, routing and transporting these materials in process of manufacture, the general arrangement of the plant, and the effect of this arrangement upon economy of operation. To this province belongs, also, the reduction of these data and other data to graphic form as well as summary measures, by which their influence and bearing upon total result are often made surprisingly and effectively manifest.
The purpose of the analytical function of industrial engineering is that the out helps to visualize the operations of the business and enable IEs to pick out the weak spots and the bad spots so that the right remedies can be applied where they are needed. They make us apprehend the presence and the relative importance of elements which would otherwise remain lost in the mass, undetected by our unaided senses.
The active, creative and synthetic phase
The second phase of industrial engineering the active, creative and synthetic phase, goes on from this point and effects improvements in existing methods, devises new methods and processes, introduces economies, develops new ideas. It makes us do the things we are doing now more economically or shows us how to do a new thing that is better than the old. To this part of works management belongs, for example, the re-arrangement of manufacturing plants, of departments, or of operations so as to simplify the process of manufacture; the correction of inefficiencies, whether of power, transmission, equipment or labor; the invention and application of new policies in management which make the ideals and purposes of the head operate more directly upon the conduct of the hands; the devising of new wage systems by which, for example, stimulus of individual reward proportioned to output makes the individual employee more productive.
Importance of Technincal Knowledge
The exercise of these functions, whether analytical or creative, by the industrial engineer or the efficiency engineer, requires that he shall have technical knowledge and scientific training, but in somewhat different form from the equipment of the mechanical engineer and somewhat differently exercised.
Machinery, Materials, Methods and Men
Industrial engineering deals with machinery; but not so much with its design, construction, or abstract economy, which are strictly mechanical considerations, as with selection, arrangement, installation, operation and maintenance, and the influence which each of these points or all of them together may exert upon the total cost of the product which that machinery turns out.
It deals with materials, but not so much with their mechanical and physical constants, which are strictly technical considerations, as with their proper selection, their standardization, their custody, transportation, and manipulation.
It deals very largely with methods ; but the methods with which it is particularly concerned are methods of performing work; methods of securing high efficiency in the output of machinery and of men; methods of handling materials, and establishing the exact connection between each unit handled and the cost of handling; methods of keeping track of work in progress and visualizing the result so that the manager of the works may have a controlling view of everything that is going on; methods of recording times and costs so that the efficiency of the performance may be compared with known standards; methods of detecting causes of low efficiency or poor economy and applying the necessary remedies.
It deals with management that is, with the executive and administrative direction of the whole dynamic organization, including machinery, equipment and men.
It deals with men themselves and with the influences which stimulate their ambition, enlist their co-operation and insure their most effective work.
It deals with markets, with the economic principles or laws affecting them and the mode of creating, enlarging, or controlling them.
The most important elements of industrial engineering are summed up in this alliterative list machinery, materials, methods, management, men and markets. And these six elements are interpreted and construed by the aid of another factor whose name also begins with Money. Money supplies the gauge and the limit by which the other factors are all measured and adjusted.
Return on Expenditure
It is the ever-present duty of the industrial engineer, of the efficiency engineer, to study constantly, and to study constantly harder and harder, so long as the smallest opportunity remains for getting more in return for what he spends, or for spending less in payment for what he gets. The function of the industrial engineer is to determine with the utmost possible wisdom and insight whether and where any disproportion (waste) between expenditure and return exists, to find the amount of the disproportion, the causes of such disproportion, and to apply effective remedies.
Competition and Efficiency and Cost Reduction
Competition forces manufacturers to reduce costs. But the effort toward efficiency being promoted by industrial engineering and industrial engineers is giving to rise to more competition and to more cost reduction.
Competition took on a new meaning and new activity when the things began to be made first and sold after (as they are under the new mass manufacturing systems) instead of being sold first and made afterward, as they were under the older order. When you sell things already made, like lathes or high-speed engines or dynamos, off the sales-room floor, the prospective buyer can make the most absolute and intimate comparison between the things and their prices. He can compare accurately design, quality, cost before a word or a dollar passes. The necessity for offering the best goods for the least money and yet making a fair profit becomes vital and insistent, and so the knowledge of actual costs and the ability to reduce costs become fundamental.
The new and ethically fine ideal, promoted by industrial engineering is efficiency, the reduction of costs and the elimination of waste for the primary purpose of doing the thing as well as it can be done, and the distribution of the increased profits thus secured among producer, consumer, and employee.
Efficiency is a concept as much finer than competition as creation, conservation, is finer than warfare. It is a philosophy an interpretation of the relations of things that may be applied not only to industry but to all life. An interesting quote by Harrington Emerson's in “Efficiency as a Basis for Operation and Wages " is quiet apt here. “If we could eliminate all the wastes due to evil, all men would be good; if we could eliminate all the wastes due to ignorance, all men would have the benefit of supreme wisdom; if we could eliminate all the wastes due to laziness and misdirected efforts, all men would be reasonably and health-fully industrious. It is not impossible that through efficiency standards, with efficiency rewards and penalties, we could in the course of a few generations crowd off the sphere the inefficient and develop the efficient, thus producing a nation of men good, wise and industrious, thus giving to God what is His, to Caesar what is his, and to the individual what is his. The attainable standard becomes very high, the attainment itself becomes very high. . . . Efficiency is to be attained not by individual striving, but solely by establishing, from all the accumulated and available wisdom of the world, staff-knowledge standards for each act by carrying staff standards into effect through directing line organization, through rewards for individual excellence; persuading the individual to accept staff standards, to accept line direction and control, and under this double guidance to do his own uttermost best."
Importance of Technical, Economic and Human Skills for Industrial Progress
Efficiency, then, and in consequence industrial engineering, which is the prosecution of efficiency in manufacturing, involves much more than mere technical considerations or technical knowledge. The point is very important, because true and stable industrial progress, whether for the individual, the manufacturing plant or corporation, or the nation at large, depends upon a wise co-ordination and balance between technical, commercial, and human considerations. Every great industrial organization and every great step in industrial progress to-day includes all three elements, but they will perhaps appear more distinct if we look at the origin and source of the manufacturing system, out of which this new science of industry has sprung. The origin of the manufacturing system was clearly enough the introduction of a group of inventions that came in close sequence about the end of the eighteenth century and be- ginning of the nineteenth. These were the steam engine, mechanical spinning and weaving machinery, the steamboat, the locomotive, and the machine-tool.
But the readiness of people to buy the products and services that these inventions could offer was due to economic or commercial conditions, not merely to the technical invention. In its larger relations, then, technical success depends upon commercial opportunity. There must be a potential market for the success of a technical invention for any entrepreneur to commercialize it. But it does not follow from this that technical progress is wholly subordinate to economic conditions. The inventor or the engineer is not of necessity merely a follower of progress in commerce or industry. Many of the great advances in branches of industrial achievement have been made by man who foresaw not only technical possibilities but commercial possibilities and who undertook not only to perfect the invention but to show the world the advantage of using it. I think this was substantially the case with wireless telegraphy, with the cash register and typewriter. No body had demanded these things because nobody had thought of them, and the productive act in each instance included not only technical insight into the possibilities of doing the thing, but human insight into the fact that people would appreciate these things and use them if they could be furnished at or below a certain cost. Modern industrial methods have shown us that in many cases there is no such thing as a fixed demand beyond which supply can not be absorbed, but that demand is a function of cost of production. The economic theory also states the same thing. There may be no demand at all for an article costing a dollar, but an almost unlimited demand for the same article if it can be sold at five cents. A large part of the work of the production engineer lies in the creation of methods by which the cost of production is decreased and the volume of production is thereby increased, with advantages to both the producer and the consumer.
The third factor in industrial progress is the psychological factor, the element contributed by the mental attitude, emotions, or passions of men. I might suggest its possible importance by reminding you that there were centuries in which the inventor of the steam engine, far from being rewarded, would have been burned at the stake as a magician. This would not have been because the extraordinary character of the achievement was unrecognized, but because its nature was misinterpreted.
For any technical proof , you must add to it, second, proof of the commercial or economic argument, and third, that psychological force which convinces not the reason, but the emotions. In all industrial engineering, which involves dealing with men, this psychological or human element is of immense, even controlling importance. The principles of the science are absolute, scientific, eternal. But methods, when we are dealing with men, must recognize the personal equation (which is psychologic) or failure will follow.
To the technical man, it is an ever-present duty to keep in view absolute ideal of technical progress, to seek every chance for its advancement, and to mould conditions and men so as to obtain constantly nearer approach to these ideals; but in doing this he must never forget to attach full weight to economic conditions, and he must never allow himself to ignore human nature.
Success in handling men and women is one of the most important parts of the work of the industrial engineer, and it is founded on knowledge of human nature, which is psychology. Industrial engineers need to have technical skills, economic skills to understand the economic environment and economic justification for technical systems and understanding of behavioural science of men and women to make a success of his profession or career.
1. A systematic presentation of the field of industrial engineering from an entirely different point of view and by a very different method will be found in " Factory Organization and Administration," by Prof. Hugo Diemer; McGraw-Hill Book Co. Prof. Hugo Diemer - Taylor's Industrial Engineering
Burr Oak Tool in Sturgis, MI with 300+ employees and 420,000 ft2 in 3 production facilities, supplies special machines and tooling to virtually every user of air conditioner evaporator condenser coils in over 70 countries around the world.
Over the years the company sought to continuously refine their processes to reduce cost and increase productivity. In the mid 1980s they began using through tool high pressure coolant delivery on their high speed steel drills.
They purchased first LNS ChipBLASTER in 1994 to use higher pressures. They found that these units performed significantly better, lasted longer and required less maintenance. The LNS ChipBLASTERs allowed the company to run 1,000 PSI coolant on all machines with coolant filtration levels of one micron. This combination has cut down machining time to turn hours into minutes and minutes into seconds when machining steel and aluminum parts. They currently have 60 LNS ChipBLASTER high pressure systems in use.”
They built special flow gauges that mounted on the spindle or mill tool holder to measure precisely how many gallons per minute they needed to deliver to maintain the optimum cutting parameters.
They determined that their CAT 40 machines required 13 GPM and the CAT 50 machines needed 21 GPM to achieve more consistent pressure and cooling, so LNS ChipBLASTER changed the pumps accordingly. By delivering the precise amount of flow and pressure, Burr Oak Tool saw improved tool life and faster throughput.
One example of the benefits of through-tool high pressure coolant at Burr Oak Tool is a stripper plate for a die that requires 3,200 holes drilled into 34 RC 4140 steel The holes are 1mm in diameter and 6 mm deep. Originally, this process involved a solid drill – and typically produced a number of broken drills – and lots of pecking. Using the LNS ChipBLASTER to deliver high pressure coolant through a single drill enables machining all 3,200 holes with no pecking. This coolant method combined with using a speed head cut production time from 6 – 8 hours down to 40 minutes.
Because applications like this one require drilling very small holes, The LNS ChipBLASTER units are equipped with 1 micron filters that eliminate tiny particles that could clog the small tools.
“When people ask me about how through-tool high pressure coolant delivery helps our production, I tell them it’s as simple as this: With the right equipment, like the LNS ChipBLASTER systems, we can cut steel like it’s aluminum and aluminum like it’s wood.” Explains CEO Newell Franks II.
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In this section you find boring formulas and definitions needed for your boring operations, such as how to calculate correct boring cutting speed, feed per revolution and metal removal rate. When boring holes, correct values for different machining parameters are a crucial factor for good result.
Achieving large-scale designs using horizontal boring equipment is a time-consuming process, but that shouldn’t mean it should have to diminish productivity. Multi-tasking is achievable when using boring mill equipment especially when it comes to its many components. Boring, milling, drilling, and threading are all possible to achieve if your boring machine is well-equipped with the relevant machine components.
Mazak HCN-16000Q Horizontal Machining Center
What makes this machine so powerful and versatile is its double-column, quill-head design that combines the part processing advantages of both a horizontal machining center and those of a traditional boring machine. Now, we get the speed, accuracy, automatic tool and pallet change of a Mazak horizontal machine plus the quill for long reach milling and boring operations and have reduced part setups by performing both operations on the same machine.
MAG Giddings & Lewis offers the FT 3500 floor-type horizontal boring mill, which features 10 m (32.8 ft) of X travel and 3.6 m (11.8 ft) of Y travel, but standardized modules allow HBMs to be configured with travels from 4 to 16 m (13.1 and 52.5 ft) and Y axis headstock travel to 5 m (16.4 ft).
Ceruti Horizontal Boring Mill
CNC horizontal boring machines
CNC WHN 13.8 C
Work spindle diameter: 130 mm
Work spindle face displacement in Z axis: 800 mm (protrusion)
Work spindle face displacement in W axis: 1,250 mm
Spindle distance from table in Y axis: 2,000 mm
Cross table displacement in X axis: 3,500 mm
Gripping area: 1,800 x 1,600 mm
Maximum table loading: 5,000 kg
Controlled axes: 4
WHN 13_2
Work spindle diameter: 90 mm
Work spindle face displacement: 600 mm (protrusion)
Longitudinal table displacement in Z axis: 1,000 mm
Spindle distance from table in Y axis: 900 mm
Cross table displacement in X axis: 1 220 mm
Gripping area: 1,000 x 1,120 mm
Maximum table loading: 3,000 kg
Controlled axes 2 + 1