Thursday, September 14, 2023

Engineering for a Sustainable Future - Essays for 56th India Engineers’ Day - 15 September 2023


Popular E-Book on IE,

Introduction to Modern Industrial Engineering.  #FREE #Download.

In 0.1% on 3600+ Downloads so far.

Theme 2023 Engineers’ Day

Engineering for a Sustainable Future

Sustainability for Planet, People, Production Systems

Planet is in danger - It is having higher and higher temperatures. Less Water. Atmosphere is getting polluted.

What can engineers understand and do?

People - the objective of engineering is to create machines, instruments, structures etc. to help people to live better and happier.  Still many are denied basic necessities.

What can engineers understand and do?

Production Systems - Nature has given us some. We developed them further. We created new structures, machines, instruments and forms of energy.  Production systems require repairs, renewals and new additions.  We have to sustain them through resource allocations, new research, inventions and designs.

What can engineers understand and do?

Industrial Engineering Philosophy. Industrial Engineering is System Efficiency Engineering.


by Narayana Rao Kvss. (1670+ Downloads so far)

IE should always seek opportunities for improvement (Productivity and Reduce Cost), cut the waste out.

How effectively are they doing it?

Industrial engineering (IE) is system efficiency engineering. It focuses on the efficiency/productivity of machines, materials, energy and men in engineering systems and processes. 

LIGHTHOUSE for Industrial Engineers. 9040+ Views.
#IISE Conference YouTube Video - Principles of Industrial Engineering - Productivity - #Quality - #Comfort - #Reward.

100 Years - Industrial Engineering @ #Lehigh University. 
"In today’s competitive marketplace in which cost efficiency and resource efficiency are paramount, industrial and systems engineers play a critical role." 

Principles of Sustainable Engineering  Detailed Note.

Technologies for Sustainability Systems
Lesson 1: Principles of Sustainable Systems

Sustainability In Engineering: Role Of Engineers In Sustainable Development

Sustainable Engineering: Why It’s Important and How It Can Help
Written By:
Carlos Melgarejo
8/11/2022 Read Time : 2:30 min

Today’s engineering innovation and solutions cannot become someone else’s problem tomorrow.

Michael Johnson

There are lots of ways to define what engineers do, but ultimately, they all boil down to this: engineers are problem-solvers. In a world where resources are finite and the temperature is rising, engineers have to innovate in ways that help address our global problems—and not inadvertently worsen them.

Inevitably, mechanical engineers must also be sustainability engineers.

The Role of Civil Engineers in Building a Sustainable Future

Sustainable Development in India, a Brief Presentation, JL Narayan , Executive Director, Engineering Council of India.

Engineering for sustainable development: delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals
04/03/2021  UNESCO

ENGN6001 Engineering for a Sustainable Future (2023)

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