Monday, October 28, 2024

Part 3 - The Practice of Motion Study - Gilbreth

INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING,  at the core is redesign (engineering) of Products, Facilities and Processes for Productivity increase.

Productivity Management - Important for USA

Productivity Management Imperative for USA - McKinsey. Returning US productivity to its long-term trend of 2.2 percent annual growth would add $10 trillion in cumulative GDP over the next ten years (2023 - 2030).


Lesson 206 of Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course.

The Practice of Motion Study - Gilbreth - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

Motion study is an important method of industrial engineering. It is a task within process improvement that has primarily improvement of machine effort and human effort. Motion study is method of human effort or work improvement. Two handed process or work chart is an important chart that facilitates motion study.


(Presented by Gilbreth at the International Engineering Congress. ) 

The greatest waste in the world comes from needless, ill-directed, and ineffective motions. These motions are unnecessary and preventable. Now the methods and devices of waste elimination are known and are being constantly used. But the knowledge of how to make these great world-wide economies is being disseminated at an astonishingly slow pace. This paper is for the purpose of disseminating such knowledge, particularly as to the devices that are used for making the measurements  (*remember: industrial engineering measurements) that enable us to eliminate waste. 

In the science of management, as in all other sciences, progress that is to be definite and lasting depends upon the accuracy of the measurements that are made. There are three elements to every measurement : 

1. The unit measured. 

2. The method of measurement. 

3. The device by which the measurement is made. 

It is here our aim to show the development of the devices of measurement, that is, of instruments of precision that apply to one branch of the new type of management, namely, to motion study and its related time study. 

The fundamental idea of the new type of management that has been variously called "Scientific Management," or "Measured Functional Management," is that it is based upon the results of accurate measurement. This fundamental idea has been derived as follows : Each operation to be studied is analysed into the most elementary units possible. These units are accurately measured, and, as the results of the measurement, the efficient units only are combined into a new method of performing the work that is worthy to become a standard. 

(Dr. Taylor, the great pioneer in time study, and his co-worker, Mr. S. E. Thompson, have clearly defined their conception of time study as "the process of analysing an operation into its elementary operations, and observing the time required to perform them." Time study has to do, then, fundamentally, with the measurement of units of time. Additional comments by me: The purpose of time study is to understand the drivers of time and to reduce the time and then validate it with another time study. So time study before improvement and time study after improvement.)

Now motion study has to do with the selection, invention, and substitution of the motions and their variables that are to be measured. Both accurate time study and motion study require instruments of precision that will record mechanically, with the least possible interference from the human element, in permanent form, exactly what motions and results occur. For permanent use the records must be so definite, distinct, and simple that they may be easily and immediately used, and lose none of their value or helpfulness when old, forgotten, or not personally experienced by their user. 

It was not, however, until Dr. Taylor suggested timing the work periods separately from the rest periods that the managers tried to find accurate time-measuring devices. 

It is not always recognised that some preliminary motion study and time study can be done without the aid of any accurate devices. It is even less often recognised that such work, when most successful, is usually done by one thoroughly conversant with, and skilled in, the use of the most accurate devices. In other words, it is usually advisable in studying an operation to make all possible improvements in the motions used and to comply broadly with the laws of motion study before recording the operation, except for the preliminary record that serves to show the state of the art from which the investigation started. However, in order to make a great and lasting success of this work, one must have studied motions and measured them until his eye can follow paths of motions and judge lengths of motions, and his timing sense, aided by silent rhythmic counting, can estimate times of motion with surprising accuracy. Sight, hearing, touch, and kinesthetic sensations must all be keenly developed. With this training and equipment, a motion- and time-study expert can obtain preliminary results without devices, that, to the untrained or the uninformed, seem little short of astounding. When the operation has received its preliminary revision and is ready for the accurate measurements that lead to actual standardisation and the teaching that follows, devices of precise measurement become imperative for methods of least waste that will stand the test of time. Early workers in time study made use of such well-known devices as the clock, the watch, the stop-watch, and various types of stop-watches attached to a specially constructed board or imitation book. Through the use of these it became possible to record short intervals of time, subject, of course, always to the personal error. The objection to the use of these methods and devices is their variation from accuracy, due to the human element. This is especially true of the use of the stop-watch, where the reaction time of the observer is an element constantly affecting the accuracy of the records. But the greatest loss and defect of personally observed and recorded times is that they do not show the attending conditions of the varying surroundings, equipment and tools that cause the differences in the time records, and give no clue to causes of shortest or quickest times. 

Being unable to find any devices anywhere such as the work of our motion study required, the problem that presented itself, then, to us who needed and desired instruments of precision, applicable to our motion study and to our time study, was to invent, design and construct devices that would overcome lacks in the early and existing methods. It was necessary to dispense with the human element and its attending errors and limitations. We needed devices to record the direction as well as the path or orbits of motions, and to reduce the cost of obtaining all time study and motion study data. These were needed not only from the scientific standpoint, but also from the standpoint of obtaining full co-operation of the mechanics and other workers. 

Through our earliest work in making progress records we recognised the necessity of recording time and conditions accurately and simultaneously, the records being made by dated photographs. This method was particularly applicable in construction work,  where progress pictures taken at frequent intervals present accurate records of the surroundings, equipment and tools that affect records of output of various stages of development. 

In making more intensive studies of certain trades, such as shovelling, concrete work, and bricklaying, we found it advantageous to photograph the various positions in which the hands, arms, feet, and other parts of the body involved in the operations were placed, and to record the time taken in moving from one position to another by one method, as related to the time taken in moving from the same first to the same second position by another method.  Our intensive study of bricklaying, which grew out of an appreciation of the unique history, present practice and doubtful future of this trade, led us to a more intensive study of the problems of motion and time study in general.  Bricklaying will always be the most interesting of all examples to  us, for one reason, among others, that it was the first trade to use the principle of duplicate, interchangeable parts system of construction; had had six thousand known years of practice in all countries; and was, therefore, a comparatively finished art, but not a science, when we undertook to change it by means of motion study. 

Fortunately, we are now able to use the motion picture camera with our speed clock, and other accessories, as a device for recording elements of motion and their corresponding times, simultaneously. Our latest microchronometer records intervals of time down to any degree of accuracy required. We have made, and used, in our work of motion study investigations of hospital practice and surgery, one that records times to the millionth of an hour. This is designed for extremely accurate work, but can be adjusted to intervals of any length desired, as proves most economical or desirable for the type of work to be investigated. 

Having completed our microchronometer, we proceeded as follows: The microchronometer was placed in the photographic field near the operator and his working equipment, and against a cross-sectioned background or in a cross-sectioned field, and at a cross-sectioned work bench or table. The operator then performed the operation according to the prescribed method, while the motion-picture camera recorded the various stages of the operation and the position of the hand on the microchronometer simultaneously. Thus, on the motion picture film we obtain intermittent records of the paths, the lengths, The directions, and the speeds of the motions, or the times accompanying the motions, these records all being simultaneous; and the details of the conditions of the surroundings that are visible to the eye are recorded without the failings of memory. This was a distinct step in advance, but we realised that there was a lack in the records. It was difficult, even for one especially trained and experienced to visualise the exact path of a motion, and it was not possible to measure the length with precision from the observations of the motion picture film alone, as there is no summary or recapitulation of all the motions of a cycle or operation in any one picture. To overcome this lack we invented the cyclegraph method of recording motions. This consists of attaching a small electric light to the hand or other moving part of the person or machine under observation. The motion is recorded on an ordinary photographic film or plate. Upon observing our very first cyclegraph records, we found that we had attained our desire, and that the accurate path taken by the motion stood before us in two dimensions. By taking the photographic record stereoscopically, we were able to see this path in three dimensions, and to obtain what we have called the stereocyclegraph. This showed us the path of the motion in all three dimensions ; that is, length, breadth, and depth. It did not, however, contain the time element. This time element is of great importance not only for comparative or " relative " time, but also for exact times. This time element is obtained by putting an interrupter in the light circuit, that causes the light to flash at an even rate at a known number of times per second. This gives a line of time spots in the picture instead of a continuous cyclegraph light line. Counting the light spots tells the time consumed. 

The next step was to show the direction of the motions. To do this it was necessary to find the right combination of volts and amperes for the light circuit and the thickness of filament for the lamp, to cause quick lighting and slow extinguishing of the lamp. This right combination makes the light spots pointed on their latest, or forward, ends. .The points, thus, like the usual symbol of arrow heads, show the direction. The result was, then, of course, finally, stereochronocyclegraphs showing direction. These act not only as accurate records of the motions and times, but also serve as admirable teaching devices. 

Wire models of cyclegraphs and chronocyclegraphs of the paths and the times of motions are now constructed that have a practical educational value besides their importance as scientific records. These models are particularly useful as a step in teaching visualisation of paths by photographs alone, later. 

Our latest apparatus in the field of recording devices apparently fulfils all present requirements of the time- and motion-study experts and their assistants and the teachers who are now devoting their lives to the transference of skill and experience from those who have it to those who have not. 

We have also devised and used many special kinds of apparatus ; for example, devices for recording absolute continuity of motion paths and times, doing away with the slight gaps in the record that occur between one picture and the next on the cinematograph film, due to the interval of time when the film is moving, to get in place for the next exposure. To overcome this objection we have a double cinematograph) that ! one part may record while the other moves from one exposure to the next. In this way we get a continuous record of the operation. There have been occasional objections to all methods of making time and motion studies that involve the presence of an observer. Some of these have come from those working on what they consider their own secret processes, who object to having any observer record what they are doing, believing that the time study man is obtaining knowledge of their skill and giving them no information in return. Others have come from those who have seen or heard " secret time study " and " watch- book time study," and who regard all observers as spies because of general lack of understanding ! and co-operation; and there are some instances where they are right. For such cases we have designed an automicromotion study, which consists of an instantaneous modification of the standard micromotion apparatus, and also the autostereochronocyclegraph apparatus. This enables the operator to take accurate time study of himself. He can start the apparatus going and stop it from where he works, with one motion of his finger or foot. This invention supplies every possible requirement and feature for time and motion study processes, except the help and advice of a properly qualified observer, or the annoyance of having one not fitted by training, experience, or natural qualities to co-operate. 

There is not space in this paper for a discussion of the educational features of observations made with these devices, or of their influence upon the new and much needed science of fatigue study, or of their general psychological significance. 1 It is only necessary to emphasise their adaptability, flexibility, and relation to economy. We have here a complete set of inexpensive, light, durable apparatus, adaptable to any type of work and to any type of observer or self -observation. 

It consists of systematically assembled units that may be so combined as to meet any possible working condition. Through a specially devised method of using the same motion picture film over and over again, up to sixteen times, and through a careful study of electrical equipment and of various types of time spot interrupters, we have been enabled to cut down the cost of making time and motion study, until now the most accurate type of studies, involving no human equation in the record, can be made at less cost than the far less accurate stop-watch study. This time study and motion study data can be used when it is " cold." No specially gifted observer, combined with the most willing and efficient recorder, can compete with it for observing and recording facts. 

It does not depend upon a human memory to "give up" its facts. It is usable at any time and forever, after it is once taken. Naturally, the requirements for refinement and the special set-ups to be used in any case must be determined after some study of the case in hand. 

There are now available, therefore, instruments of precision fitted to make measurements as fine as the most exact science demands, economical enough to make both immediate and ultimate savings, and that meet the demands of the most exacting industrial progressive. When the time and motion study is taken with such instruments of precision, there are still other by-products that are of more value than the entire cost of the time and motion studies. 


i.  See " Fatigue Study," Sturgis & Walton, New York. 

ii.  See " Primer of Scientific Management," D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. 

iii.  See " Concrete System," Engineering News Publishing Co., New York. 

Requires some more revision to make it more brief. May be the brief will be published separately.

Ud. 27.10.2024
Pub. 27.10.2021

Sunday, October 27, 2024

ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence - Examination Syllabus and Pattern


Exam Name ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence

Exam Code CMQ/OE

Exam Duration Total appointment time - 270 Minutes

Exam time - 258 Minutes

Number of Questions 180

Passing Score 550/750

Format Multiple Choice Questions

Books / Trainings CMQ/OE Handbook

Sample Questions ASQ Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Exam Sample Questions and Answers

Practice Exam ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) Practice Test

ASQ Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details

I. Leadership (28 Questions)

A. Organizational Structures - Define and describe organizational designs (e.g., matrix, flat, and parallel) and the effect that a hierarchical management structure can have on an organization. (Apply)

B. Leadership Challenges 1. Roles and responsibilities of leaders

- Describe typical roles, responsibilities, and competencies of people in leadership positions and how those attributes influence an organization’s direction and purpose. (Analyze)

2. Roles and responsibilities of managers

- Describe typical roles, responsibilities, and competencies of people in management positions and how those attributes contribute to an organization’s success. (Analyze)

3. Change management

- Use various change management strategies to overcome organizational roadblocks, assess impacts of global changes, achieve desired change levels, and review outcomes for effectiveness. Define and describe factors that contribute to an organization’s culture. (Evaluate)

4. Leadership techniques

- Develop and implement techniques that motivate employees and sustain their enthusiasm. Use negotiation techniques to enable parties with different or opposing outlooks to recognize common goals and work together to achieve them. Determine when and how to use influence, critical thinking skills, or Socratic questioning to resolve a problem or move a project forward. (Create)

5. Empowerment

- Apply various techniques to empower individuals and teams. Identify typical obstacles to empowerment and appropriate strategies for overcoming them. Describe and distinguish between job enrichment and job enlargement, job design, and job tasks. (Analyze)

C. Teams and Team Processes 1. Types of teams

- Identify and describe different types of teams and their purpose, including process improvement, self-managed, temporary or ad hoc (special project), virtual, and work groups. (Understand)

2. Stages of team development

- Describe how the stages of team development (forming, storming, norming, performing) affect leadership style. (Apply)

3. Team-building techniques

- Apply basic team-building steps such as using ice-breaker activities to enhance team introductions and membership, developing a common vision and agreement on team objectives, and identifying and assigning specific roles on the team. (Apply)

4. Team roles and responsibilities

- Define and describe typical roles related to team support and effectiveness such as facilitator, leader, process owner, champion, project manager, and contributor. Describe member and leader responsibilities with regard to group dynamics, including keeping the team on task, recognizing hidden agendas, handling disruptive behavior, and resolving conflict. (Analyze)

5. Team performance and evaluation

- Evaluate team performance in relation to established metrics to meet goals and objectives. Determine when and how to reward teams and celebrate their success. (Evaluate)

D. ASQ Code of Ethics - Identify and apply behaviors and actions that comply with this code. (Apply)

II. Strategic Plan Development and Deployment (22 Questions)

A. Strategic Planning Models - Define, describe, and use basic elements of strategic planning models, including how the guiding principles of mission, vision, and values relate to the plan. (Apply)

B. Business Environment Analysis 1. Risk analysis

- Analyze an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and risks, using tools such as SWOT. Identify and analyze risk factors that can influence strategic plans. (Analyze)

2. Market forces

- Define and describe various forces that drive strategic plans, including existing competition, the entry of new competitors, rivalry among competitors, the threat of substitutes, bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, current economic conditions, global market changes, and how well the organization is positioned for growth and changing customer expectations. (Apply)

3. Stakeholder analysis

- Identify and differentiate the perspectives, needs, and objectives of various internal and external stakeholders. Ensure that the organization’s strategic objectives are aligned with those of the stakeholders. (Analyze)

4. Technology

- Describe how changes in technology can have long-term and short-term influences on strategic planning. Identify new and upcoming technologies that may impact business strategy and quality, such as automation, autonomation, Quality 4.0, cloud computing, or machine learning. (Understand)

5. Internal capability analysis

- Identify and describe the effects that influence an organization’s internal capabilities: human resources, facilities capacity, and operational capabilities. Analyze these factors in relation to strategy formation. (Analyze)

6. Legal and regulatory factors

- Define and describe how legal and regulatory factors can influence strategic plans. (Understand)

C. Strategic Plan Deployment 1. Tactical plans

- Identify basic characteristics of tactics: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timespecific, and how these are linked to strategic objectives. Evaluate proposed plans to determine whether they meet these criteria. (Evaluate)

2. Resource allocation and deployment

- Evaluate current resources to ensure they are available and deployed in support of strategic initiatives. Identify and eliminate administrative barriers to new initiatives. Ensure that all internal stakeholders understand the strategic plan and have the competencies and resources to carry out their responsibilities. (Evaluate)

3. Organizational performance measurement

- Develop measurements and ensure that they are aligned with strategic goals, and use the measures to evaluate the organization against the strategic plan. (Evaluate)

4. Quality in strategic deployment

- Support strategic plan deployment by applying continuous improvement and other quality initiatives to drive performance outcomes throughout the organization. (Create)

III. Management Elements and Methods (31 Questions)

A. Management Skills and Abilities 1. Principles of management

- Evaluate and use basic management principles such as planning, leading, delegating, controlling, organizing, and allocating resources. (Evaluate)

2. Management theories and styles

- Define and describe management theories such as scientific, organizational, behavioral, learning, systems thinking, and situational complexity. Define and describe management styles such as autocratic, participative, transactional, transformational, management by fact, coaching, and contingency approach. Describe how management styles are influenced by an organization’s size, industry sector, culture, and competitors. (Apply)

3. Interdependence of functional areas

- Describe the interdependence of an organization’s areas (human resources, engineering, sales, marketing, finance, research and development, purchasing, information technology, logistics, production, and service) and how those dependencies and relationships influence processes and outputs. (Understand)

4. Human resources (HR) management

- Apply HR elements in support of ongoing professional development and role in quality system: setting goals and objectives, conducting performance evaluations, developing recognition programs, and ensuring that succession plans are in place where appropriate. (Apply)

5. Financial management

- Read, interpret, and use various financial tools including income statements, balance sheets, and product/service cost structures. Manage budgets and use the language of cost and profitability to communicate with senior management. Use potential return on investment (ROI), estimated return on assets (ROA), net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and portfolio analysis to analyze project risk, feasibility, and priority. (Analyze)

6. Risk management

- Identify the kinds of risk that can occur throughout the organization, from such diverse processes as scheduling, shipping/receiving, financials, production and operations, employee and user safety, regulatory compliance and changes. (Apply)

7. Knowledge management (KM)

- Use KM techniques in identifying core competencies that create a culture and system for collecting and sharing implicit and explicit knowledge among workers, stakeholders, competitors, and suppliers. Capture lessons learned and apply them across the organization to promote best practices. Identify typical knowledge-sharing barriers and how to overcome them. (Apply)

B. Communication Skills and Abilities 1. Communication techniques

- Define and apply various modes of communication used within organizations, such as verbal, non-verbal, written, and visual. Identify factors that can inhibit clear communication and describe ways of overcoming them. (Apply)

2. Interpersonal skills

- Use skills in empathy, tact, friendliness, and objectivity. Use open-minded and non-judgmental communication methods. Develop and use a clear writing style, active listening, and questioning and dialog techniques that support effective communication. (Apply)

3. Communications in a global economy

- Identify key challenges of communicating across different time zones, cultures, languages, terminology, and business practices, and present ways of overcoming them. (Apply)

4. Communications and technology

- Identify how technology affects communications, including improved information availability, its influence on interpersonal communications, and etiquette for e-communications. Deploy appropriate communication methods within virtual teams. (Apply)

C. Project Management 1. Project management basics

- Use project management methodology and ensure that each project is aligned with strategic objectives. Plan the different phases of a project: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closure. Ensure the project is on-time and within budget. Consider alternate project management methodologies (linear, evolutionary, or iterative) as they apply to the project. (Evaluate)

2. Project planning and estimation tools

- Use tools such as risk assessment matrix, benefit-cost analysis, critical path method (CPM), Gantt chart, PERT, and work breakdown structure (WBS) to plan projects and estimate related costs. (Apply)

3. Measure and monitor project activity

- Use tools such as cost variance analysis, milestones, and actual vs. planned budgets to monitor project activity against project plan. (Evaluate)

4. Project documentation

- Use written procedures and project summaries to document projects. (Apply)

D. Quality System 1. Quality mission and policy

- Develop and monitor the quality mission and policy and ensure that it is aligned with the organization’s broader mission. (Create)

2. Quality planning, deployment, and documentation

- Develop and deploy the quality plan and ensure that it is documented and accessible throughout the organization. (Create)

3. Quality system effectiveness

- Evaluate the effectiveness of the quality system using various tools: balanced scorecard, internal audits, feedback from internal and external stakeholders (including stakeholder complaints), warranty/ return data analytics, product traceability and recall reports, and management reviews. (Evaluate)

E. Quality Models and Theories 1. Quality management standards

- Describe and apply the requirements and basic principles of ISO 9000-based standards used to support quality management systems. (Apply)

2. Performance excellence models

- Define and describe common elements and criteria of performance excellence models such as the European Excellence Award (EFQM), Excellence Canada, ASQ International Team Excellence Award (ITEA), or Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA). Describe how their criteria are used as management models to improve processes at an organization level. (Understand)

3. Other quality methodologies

- Describe and differentiate methods such as total quality management (TQM), continuous improvement, and benchmarking. (Apply)

4. Quality philosophies

- Describe and apply basic methodologies and theories proposed by quality leaders such as Shewhart, Deming, Juran, Crosby, Feigenbaum, and Ishikawa. (Apply)

IV. Quality Management Tools (30 Questions)

A. Problem-Solving Tools 1. The seven classic quality tools

- Select, interpret, and evaluate output from these tools: Pareto charts, cause and effect diagrams, flowcharts, control charts, check sheets, scatter diagrams, and histograms. (Evaluate)

2. Basic management and planning tools

- Select, interpret, and evaluate output from these tools: affinity diagrams, tree diagrams, process decision program charts (PDPCs), matrix diagrams, prioritization matrices, interrelationship digraphs, and activity network diagrams. (Evaluate)

3. Process improvement tools

- Select, interpret and evaluate tools such as root cause analysis, KepnerTregoe, PDCA, six sigma DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control), and failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA). (Evaluate)

4. Innovation and creativity tools

- Use various techniques and exercises for creative decisionmaking and problem-solving, including brainstorming, mind mapping, lateral thinking, critical thinking, the 5 whys, and design for six sigma (DFSS). (Apply)

5. Cost of quality (COQ)

- Define and distinguish between prevention, appraisal, internal, and external failure cost categories and evaluate the impact that changes in one category will have on the others. (Evaluate)

B. Process Management 1. Process goals

- Describe how process goals are established, monitored, and measured and evaluate their impact on product or service quality. (Evaluate)

2. Process analysis

- Use various tools to analyze a process and evaluate its effectiveness on the basis of procedures, work instructions, and other documents. Evaluate the process to identify and relieve bottlenecks, increase capacity, improve throughput, reduce cycle time, and eliminate waste. (Evaluate)

3. Lean tools

- Identify and use lean tools such as 5S, just-in-time (JIT), kanban, value stream mapping (VSM), quick-changeover (single-minute exchange of die), poke-yoke, kaizen, standard work (training within industry), and productivity (OEE). (Apply)

4. Theory of constraints (TOC)

- Define key concepts of TOC: systems as chains, local vs. system optimization, physical vs. policy constraints, undesirable effects vs. core problems, and solution deterioration. Classify constraints in terms of resources and expectations as defined by measures of inventory and operating expense. (Understand)

C. Measurement: Assessment and Metrics 1. Basic statistical use

- Use statistical techniques to identify when, what, and how to measure projects and processes. Describe how metrics and data gathering methods affect resources and viceversa. (Apply)

2. Sampling

- Define and describe basic sampling techniques such as random and stratified. Identify when and why sampling is an appropriate technique to use. (Understand)

3. Statistical analysis

- Calculate basic statistics: measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and measures of dispersion (range, standard deviation, and variance). Identify basic distribution types (normal, bimodal, skewed) and evaluate run charts, statistical process control (SPC) reports, and other control charts to make databased decisions. (Evaluate)

4. Measurement systems analysis

- Understand basic measurement terms such as accuracy, precision, bias, and linearity. Understand the difference between repeatability and reproducibility in gauge R&R studies. (Understand)

5. Trend and pattern analysis

- Interpret graphs and charts to identify cyclical, seasonal, and environmental data trends. Evaluate control chart patterns to determine shifts and other trend indicators in a process. (Evaluate)

6. Process variation

- Analyze data to distinguish between common and special cause variation. (Analyze)

7. Process capability

- Recognize process capability (Cp and Cpk,) and performance indices (Pp and Ppk). (Understand)

8. Reliability terminology

- Define and describe basic reliability measures such as infant mortality, end of life (e.g. bathtub curve), mean time between failures (MTBF), and mean time to repair (MTTR). Understand the value of estimating reliability to meet requirements or specifications. NOTE: Reliability calculations will not be tested. (Understand)

V. Customer-Focused Organizations (21 Questions)

A. Customer Identification and Segmentation 1. Internal customers

- Define internal customers and describe the impact an organization’s treatment of internal customers will have on external customers. Evaluate methods for influencing internal customers to improve products, processes, and services and evaluate the results. (Evaluate)

2. External customers

- Define external customers and describe their impact on products and services. Evaluate strategies for working with them and integrating their requirements and needs to improve products, services, and processes. (Evaluate)

3. Customer segmentation

- Describe and assess the process of customer segmentation and its impact on aligning service and delivery to meet customer needs. (Evaluate)

4. Qualitative assessment

- Identify subjective information such as verbatim comments from customers, observation records, and focus group output. Describe how the subjective information differs from objective measures and determine when data should be captured in categories rather than numeric value. (Analyze)

B. Customer Relationship Management 1. Customer needs

- Use quality function deployment (QFD) to capture the voice of the customer (VOC) and examine customer needs in relation to products and services offered. Analyze the results to prioritize future development in anticipation of changing customer needs. (Analyze)

2. Customer satisfaction and loyalty

- Develop systems to capture positive and negative customer feedback and experiences, using tools such as listening posts, focus groups, complaints and warranty data, surveys, and interviews. Use customer value analysis to calculate the financial impact of existing customers and the potential results of losing those customers. Develop corrective actions and proactive methods to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention levels. (Create)

3. Customer service principles

- Demonstrate strategies that support customer service principles: courtesy, politeness, smiles, cheerfulness, attention to detail, active listening, empathy, rapid response, and easy access for information and service. (Apply)

4. Multiple and diverse customer management

- Establish and monitor priorities to avoid or resolve conflicting customer requirements and demands. Develop methods and systems for managing capacity and resources to meet the needs of multiple customers. Describe the impact that diverse customer groups can have on all aspects of product and service development and delivery. (Evaluate)

VI. Supply Chain Management (17 Questions)

A. Supplier Selection and Approval - Define and outline criteria for selecting, approving, and classifying suppliers, including internal rating programs and external certification standards. (Analyze)

B. Supplier Risk Management - Assess and manage supplier risk and the impact it may have on various internal processes of the organization. (Evaluate)

C. Supplier Communications - Prepare and implement specific communication methods with suppliers, including regularly scheduled meetings and routine and emergency reporting procedures. Direct, communicate, and confirm explicit expectations so that the supplier is aware of critical product and delivery requirements. (Apply)

D. Supplier Performance - Define, assess, and monitor supplier performance in terms of quality, cost, delivery, and service levels, and establish associated metrics for defect rates, product reliability, functional performance, timeliness, responsiveness, and availability of technical support. (Evaluate)

E. Supplier Improvement - Define and conduct supplier audits, evaluate corrective and preventive action plans, provide feedback, and monitor process improvements. (Evaluate)

F. Supplier Certification, Partnerships, and Alliances - Define, appraise, and implement supplier certification programs that include process reviews and performance evaluations. Outline strategies for developing customersupplier partnerships and alliances. (Evaluate)

G. Supplier Logistics and Material Acceptance - Describe the impact purchased products and services can have on final product assembly or total service package, including ship-to-stock and just-in-time (JIT). Describe the incoming material inspections process. (Understand)

VII. Training and Development (16 Questions)

A. Training Plans - Develop and implement training plans that are aligned with the organization’s strategic plan and general business needs, including leadership training and alignment of personal development plans. (Create)

B. Training Needs Analysis - Use various tools and techniques such as surveys, performance reviews, regulatory guidances, and gap analyses to identify and assess training needs. (Evaluate)

C. Training Materials, Development, and Delivery - Use various tools, resources, and methodologies to develop training materials and curriculum that address adult learning principles and the learning needs of an increasingly diverse workforce. Describe various methods of training delivery: classroom, workbooks, simulations, computerdelivered, on-the-job, and self-directed. Use mentoring and coaching to support training outcomes. (Apply)

D. Training Effectiveness and Evaluation - Assess training effectiveness and make improvements based on feedback from training sessions, end-of-course test results, on-the-job behavior or performance changes, and departmental or area performance improvements. (Evaluate)

Both ASQ and veterans who’ve earned multiple certifications maintain that the best preparation for a ASQ CMQ/OE professional certification exam is practical experience, hands-on training and practice exam. This is the most effective way to gain in-depth understanding of ASQ Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence concepts. When you understand techniques, it helps you retain ASQ Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence knowledge and recall that when needed.

Design Thinking for Operational Excellence - Differentiating Design Thinking and Systems Thinking By Joseph Paris


Popular E-Book on IE,

Introduction to Modern Industrial Engineering.  #FREE #Download.

In 0.1% on 10,800+ Downloads so far.

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My Comment on the LinkedIn Post by Joseph Paris 

Narayana Rao KVSS

Professor (Retired), NITIE - Now IIM Mumbai - Offering FREE IE ONLINE Course Notes

Very interesting to read. I think you need design thinking to create a product or service for users. But if the user complains about the product's performance, how do you debug? System's thinking is needed. You do not take something as a cause and modify. You try to understand the root cause or systemic cause and modify it to really improve the system before presenting the modified solution to the customer. So as you said, design thinking is understanding customer point of view, systems thinking is understanding the intricacies in your product. Thank you for the detailed article.

Ud. 27.10.2024

Pub. 11.9.2023

People Side of Operational Excellence - Joseph Paris


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Joseph Paris describes people side of operational excellence in a LinkedIn Article.

Regarding technology side of operational excellence, which is important aspect of industrial engineering, we have to say, involve people in technology decisions. Get the concurrence of existing people in the organization for technology decisions.

I tried to discuss the issue with Joseph Paris through comments some time back. He was not willing to discuss any other view except that of saying people are first. 

Ud. 27.10.2024

Pub. 29.4.2023

Part 2 - The Practice of Motion Study - Gilbreth

INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING is redesign (engineering) of Products, Facilities and Processes for Productivity increase.

Productivity Management Imperative for USA - McKinsey. Returning US productivity to its long-term trend of 2.2 percent annual growth would add $10 trillion in cumulative GDP over the next ten years (2023 - 2030).


The Practice of Motion Study - Gilbreth - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

Lesson 205 of Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course.  

The Practice of Motion Study - Gilbreth -  Part 2 


Motion Study for Waste Elimination in Industry and Trades.

There is no waste of any kind in the world that equals the waste from needless, ill-directed, and ineffective motions, and their resulting unnecessary fatigue. Because this is true, there is no industrial opportunity that offers a richer return than the elimination of needless motions, and the transformation of ill-directed and ineffective motions into efficient activity. 

In this country  it is only recently that the importance of waste elimination has come to be realised. The material element received the first consideration, and in the comparatively few years during which the subject has received attention, an enormous amount has been done to conserve natural resources, to economise in the use of materials, and to utilise the by-products of industrial processes. 

The human element is now receiving long-delayed attention. Vocational training, vocational guidance, better placement, and better working conditions have become subjects for serious consideration in all parts of this country and of the worlds. Savings in human energy are resulting from these investigations, but the greatest saving in time, in money, and in energy will result when the motions of every individual, no matter what his work may be, have been studied and standardised. 

Such studies have already been made in many trades, and have resulted in actual savings that prove that the results of the practice confirm the theory. In laying brick, the motions used in laying a single brick were reduced from eighteen to five, with an increase in output of from one hundred and twenty brick an hour to three hun-dred and fifty an hour and with a reduction in the resulting fatigue. In folding cotton cloth, twenty to thirty motions were reduced to ten or twelve, with the result that instead of one hun- dred and fifty dozen pieces of cloth, four hundred dozen were folded, with no added fatigue. The motions of a girl putting paper on boxes of shoe polish were studied. Her methods were changed only slightly, and where she had been doing twenty-four boxes in forty seconds, she did twenty-four in twenty seconds, with less effort. Similar studies hare cut down the motions not only of men and women in other trades but also of surgeons, of nurses, of office workers ; in fact, of workers in every type of work studied. 

Motion study consists of dividing work into the most fundamental elements possible; studying these elements separately and in relation to one another; and from these studied elements, when timed, building methods of least waste. 

To cite a specific example : The assembly of a machine is the piece of work under consideration. The existing method of assembling the machine is recorded in the minutest detail. Each element of the assembly is then tested, the method used in handling the element being com- pared with other possible methods. In this way, the most efficient elements of an assembly are determined ; and these elements are combined into a method of assembly that, because it is the result of actual measurement, is worthy to become a standard. Such an assembly is that of the braider, manufactured by the New England Butt Company. As a result of motion studies made upon this, where eighteen braiders had been assembled by one man in a day, it now becomes possible to assemble sixty-six braiders per man per day, with no increase in fatigue. 

The accurate measurement involved in getting results like this includes three elements. We must determine, first, the units to be measured ; second, the methods to be used; and, third, the devices to be used. 

The unit of measurement must be one that of itself will reduce cost, and should be as small as the time and money that can be devoted to the investigation warrants. The smaller the unit, the more intensive the study required. The methods and devices to be used are also determined largely by the question of cost. Naturally, those methods and devices are preferable which provide least possibility of errors of observation. Such errors have been classified as of two kinds: First, errors due to instruments; and, second, errors due to the personal bias of the observer. The newer methods of making motion studies and time studies by the use of the micro- motion method and the chronocyclegraph method exclude such errors. Fortunately, through an improvement and cheapening of the devices, it is now possible to make accurate records of motions, even when no great outlay for the study can be afforded. 

The micro-motion method of making motion studies consists of recording motions by means of a motion picture camera, a clock that will record different times of day in each picture of a motion picture film, a cross-sectioned background, and other devices for assisting in measuring the relative efficiency and wastefulness of motions. Suppose the process of assembly before cited is being micro-motion studied : The assembler is placed before the cross-sectioned background ; the micro-motion clock is placed where it will record in the picture, yet not disturb the worker; near it is another clock which serves as a check on the accuracy of the special clock. The assembler, who has been rated a skilled worker under the old method, naturally does the best work possible, since a permanent record is being made of his performance. The observer operates the motion picture camera, which, however, allows him freedom to observe the assembly process continually, and to note possibilities for improvement. 

From the data on the film and the observations of the observer, can be formulated an improved method. The standard method is seldom derived from the work of one observed worker only. It has been noted that the ideal method seldom lies in the consecutive acts of any one individual; therefore, many workers are observed before the final standard is deduced. 

These micro-motion records give all the data required except the continuous path of a cycle of motions. This lack is supplied by the chronocyclegraph method. The chronocyclegraph method of making motion study consists of fastening tiny electric-light bulbs to the fingers of the operator, or to any part of the operator or of the material whose motion path it is desired to study. If it is merely the orbit of the motion that is to be observed, a photograph is made of the moving part to which the light is attached, during the time that this part is performing the operation. 

If the direction, relative time, and relative speed are to be noted, the path of light, through controlled interruption of the circuit, is made to consist of dots or dashes, or a combination of the two, with single pointed ends, the point showing the direction. Through the micro-motion studies and the chronocyclegraph studies, then, the expert formulates the standard method. It is important to note the changes which the installation of a standard method implies. This method consists of improved motions, and implies, first, changes in surroundings, equipment, and tools; and, second, changes in the type of worker assigned to do the work. 

During the motion study of the assembly, it was found that more efficient motions could be made if the machine assembled was placed on a special table, which could be turned on its side and transformed into a lower table, after the base group of the machine had been assembled. It was also found that speed was gained and fatigue eliminated, when the parts of the machine were arranged in an obvious sequence on a vertical packet.  These devices were immediately supplied at little cost and with great result in saving. Through these devices, and the other changes made by motion study, it became possible to accomplish nearly three and one-half times as much assembly as had previously been done. Such changes are typical, and it is typical that the inventions result from the motion study. 

As for the type of individual suited to the work, the simplification of the process and the reduction of the motions to habits often make it possible to utilise workers with less initiative and  skill, assigning the more skilled workers to a ) higher type of work. In the case cited of the assembly, the original assemblers were retained and . enabled to do much more work with less fatigue. It has also been possible to train inexperienced men to assemble in much less time and with less effort than was formerly the case. 

The result of the introduction of motion standards is an increase in output and wages, and an accompanying decrease in cost and fatigue. The decreased cost and the increased wages both depend, of course, on the increased output. The output is increased, because the motions used to make any one unit of the output are less in number and more efficient in results. The average cost of output increase is sufficient not only to / provide for the higher wages necessary to induce I the workers to do the work in the manner pre- scribed, and to enjoy doing it, but, also, to allow of at least enough profit to the management to cover the cost of the investigations that resulted in the standard. 

The quality of the output is maintained through a new type of inspection, which considers not only the output itself, but the elements, material and human, which result in that output. Nothing is a higher guarantee of quality than insistence on a standard method. 

Along with the laboratory investigations from which motion study standards are derived, goes a general campaign to arouse every individual in motions. Such simple office equipment as pencil holders are motion studied, and every member of the organisation is encouraged to observe and record his own motions in performing the most elementary of operations. Motion study may be carried on with no devices, and every one is expected to know how to make at least the preliminary investigations. In this way, the spirit of motion economy grows throughout the entire plant, with a consequent elimination of waste motions and a growing interest in the more scientific methods of motion study. 

What, now, are the results of this motion study upon the individual men doing the work, upon the factory group, upon the industrial world, and upon society at large? The men themselves become more efficient. They become specialists, skilled workers. They learn the motion-study method of attack, and are thus more fit to under-take any type of work. They learn to think in elementary motions, and to eliminate waste in every activity of their lives. 

The increased output of each individual worker does not result in the employment of less men in the plant. The transference of skill that maintenance of standards implies, means that many teachers are needed. These come, naturally, from the ranks of the skilled workers. The planning that is necessary is also usually done by workers promoted to the planning department. 

At present, at least, the demand for men trained under motion study is far larger than the supply ; it will be for years to come, certainly until the increased output results in the increased demand which is its inevitable consequence. 

The industrial situation is bettered through the general spread of the ideas of waste elimination, and through the practical application of its principles in whatever relations those trained under it may enter. How far this influence upon the industries will extend will depend entirely upon the amount of work done by individuals, and upon their co-operation. At present, many individuals are engaged in, or are at least interested in, motion study and waste elimination. But there is not the proper degree of cooperation. Such co-operation can only come as motion study becomes a matter of interest to society at large. The whole social group is already being affected by the results of motion study. One typical result is the gradual filling in of the gap between the school and the plant. An intensive study of motions is proving that there are far greater likenesses in trades, and even professions, on the mechanical side, than we have ever believed possible. The demand of the industrial world will be more and more for young workers trained to be finger-wise, with a knowledge of the fundamentals of motion economy, and with an understanding of the relationship between efficient motions and success in the industries. 

Ud. 27.10.2024

Pub. 26.10,2021

Operational Excellence - AMETEK


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Designed to excel

The AMETEK Growth Model integrates Operational Excellence, New Product Development, Global and Market Expansion, and Strategic Acquisitions with a focus on cash flow generation and disciplined capital deployment.

Corporate Headquarters
1100 Cassatt Road
Berwyn, PA 19312

A toolkit for success
We combine Kaizen methodologies with an ethos of continuous improvement to enable our business units to operate consistently and manufacture equipment more efficiently.

Operational Excellence
Operational Excellence is a systematic approach to deliver the highest quality, the lowest cost product or services with the shortest lead time through the relentless elimination of waste. 

Operational Excellence is about doing more with less. At COINING, we view every problem as an opportunity to change for the better through problem-solving, teamwork, and continuous improvement. 
COINING’s OpEx initiatives positively impact our employees by engaging everyone, every day. OpEx enables collaborative leadership, a united company culture, and an increase in employee engagement. 

COINING follows the AMETEK Growth Model, a key component of the company’s well ingrained culture: 


Must be a self-starter; open minded, team player with excellent communication and collaboration skills. Must be able to multitask in a fast-paced environment. Position requires the ability to work in cross functional groups to problem solve and continuously improve the processes. Must be a strong negotiator and have excellent interpersonal skills. Working experience in a Lean Industrial environment is preferred
Industrial Manufacturing Engineer
AMETEK · Richmond, CA (On-site) Reposted  2 days ago  · 119 applicants
Full-time · Entry level
10,001+ employees · Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing


Salary Minimum: Market

About the job

Zygo’s World-class Instruments are a combination of Mechanical, Electrical and Optical Components. We are seeking an Industrial Manufacturing Engineer who will analyze and optimize capacity and processes required to support existing and new product introductions to increase productivity, capacity and quality standards. Primary main duties include assembly routing optimization, work center upkeep, capacity modeling, throughput analysis and product flow improvement. The job requires reviewing current production schedules and processes to find potential improvements, designing the layouts of the facilities, and estimating production costs. This position will also require working with production staff to provide manufacturing engineering support with respect to product, process & documentation.

 Essential Functions  (reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions)

 Focus on production improvements via routing optimization, identification of bottlenecks and engagement of Engineering resources to resolve production issues 
 Utilize tools and methods, to optimize or create processes and capacity plans to support existing and new product introductions 
 Performs short and long term rough and finite capacity analysis to estimate labor and capital. 
 Generates current and future state process models to eliminate waste and increase throughput 
 Drive design and process improvements based on production flow analysis & help improve production rates, efficiencies, yields and costs 
 Evaluate current manufacturing practices and identify those needing improvement or additional resources in machines, labor, and methodology. 
 Creates and maintains new routings, work centers, machine centers, to accurately create and maintain standard costs 
 Supports over and under job and WIP variance issues to reconcile routings and resource profiles 
 Reduce product costs by improved efficiency and optimization of each production process 
 Identify & implement procedures or tools to improve productivity 
 Review production schedules and coordinate services to maximize productivity 
 Participate in and/or lead Continuous Improvement Projects 
 Communicate with Engineering while new projects are in the design phase and identify facilities & work cell requirements for the new product’s assembly & test 
 Implement process controls based on risk assessment to either mitigate risk or to ensure the point of generation detection of quality defects/concerns. 
 Evaluate and improve upon existing monitoring and measuring capability for manufacturing processes in a manner that is both practical and statistically effective. 
 Support continuous improvement activity within the facility. Launch multi-disciplinary Kaizen events as needed to enhance productivity and/or quality performance within the facility. 
 Evaluate and improve upon existing optics handling practices to mitigate the associated risk inherent to handling in our manufacturing processes. 

Required Competencies

 Experience in managing and analyzing processes and flow in a high mix, low volume, fast-paced production environment. 
 Experience managing routings & work centers in production lines 
 Preferred experience in mechanical, optical & opto-mechanical assembly process development 
 Working knowledge of best-in-class assembly practices 
 Working knowledge of component & assembly test methodologies 
 Ability to conduct root cause & corrective action analysis for process control and variation 
 Ability to read blueprints 
 Working knowledge of Six Sigma DMAIC process 
 Ability to write detailed assembly and test procedures using Microsoft Office Products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) 
 Excellent verbal & written skills 
 Excellent and timely communication and collaboration skills 
 Some conceptual understanding of the principle and operations of ERP/MRP systems – NAV a plus 

 Position Type/Expected Hours of Work 

This is a full-time position. Days and hours of work are Monday through Friday, hours depend upon shift assignment. Occasional overtime may be required as job duties demand.

 Required Education and Experience  (Indicate education based on job-related requirements consistent with business necessity)

 4 Year Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial/Mechanical/Materials or Optical Engineering (Required) 
 1 to 3 years’ experience in manufacturing high mix, electro-mechanical environment 

 Preferred Education and Experience  (Indicate education based on job-related requirements consistent with business necessity)

 4 Year Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial/Mechanical/Materials or Optical Engineering (Required) 
 Strong working knowledge of flow, Kanban, move, queue, efficiency, utilization, setup, SMED. 
 Experience with Microsoft NAV Advance Manufacturing is a critical plus and differentiator 
 Six Sigma Green Belt or Lean certification is a plus 

 Additional Eligibility Qualifications  (Indicate qualifications based on job-related requirements and consistent with business necessity)

Salary Maximum: Market

Incentive: No

Disclaimer: Where a specific pay range is noted, it is a good faith estimate at the time of this posting. The actual salary offered will be based on experience, skills, qualifications, market / business considerations, and geographic location.

AMETEK is committed to making a safer, sustainable, and more productive world a reality. We use differentiated technology solutions to solve our customers’ most complex challenges. We employ 18,500 colleagues, in 30 countries, that are grounded by our core values: Ethics and Integrity, Respect for the Individual, Diversity and Inclusion, Teamwork, and Social Responsibility. AMETEK (NYSE:AME) is a component of the S&P 500. Visit for more information.

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and do not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, status as a veteran, and basis of disability or any other federal, state or local protected class. Individuals who need a reasonable accommodation because of a disability for any part of the employment process should call 1 (866) 263-8359.

Division Vice President, OPEX
AMETEK · Chicago, IL (On-site) Reposted  5 days ago
Full-time · Executive
10,001+ employees · Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
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About the job
Division VP OPEX 

Job Summary

We are seeking a Division Vice President, OEX for the MCT Division who will work closely with the Business Units (BU) and the Division General Manager to facilitate success within the operations and logistics functions of the MCT Division. As the Division Vice President, OPEX, you will develop and coordinate Divisional Operation Strategies and Policies, working with BU Management on initiatives that will facilitate improved operational performance. You will play a critical role in annual strategic planning, operations reviews, and budget presentations to executive management, and will lead the operations due diligence and integration activities for acquisitions made by the MCT Division.

 Key Responsibilities: 

 Interface with Regional Business Unit Mgrs / Plant Directors, Engineering Groups, Strategic Purchasing groups and all Production areas and HR on all OPEX module initiatives. 
 Responsible for creating an environment of continuous improvement via OPEX tools and techniques modules. 
 Coordinate and execute all Cost Reduction Projects identified and committed in Productivity budget. 
 Co-Ordinate OPEX training roll - out activities across all P&AI sites. 
 Co-Ordinate Six Sigma Projects across the sites 
 Provide resolute focus on supporting the Plant Directors in delivering the Plant OPEX targets in relation to the OPEX Assessment criteria. 
 Ensure all sites have credible monthly Production schedules and backlog visibility to enable successful shipments that meet the budgeted and forecasted requirements as published on the 5th day reports. 
 Develop Current/ future Value Stream Process maps and plan improvement activities that will deliver future Productivity savings as per budget. 
 Work closely with Plant Directors to compile Capital projects that will secure the viability and continuity of production. 
 Ensure Inventory levels & Working Capital targets by each category (Product Family) are in line with Budget targets in terms of $Value & inventory turns. 
 Value Steam Map the current Inputs & Outputs to the Inventory movements. 
 Introduce a Sales & Operational Planning Process or equivalent process in a joint project with IT that will retrieve Business Intelligence from Sales & Marketing and result in the Infinite Capacity Planning for the group. 
 Develop Purchasing forecasts from the S&OP process to share with vendors to drive MOQ, Lead Time & Inventory reductions from Key Suppliers 
 Focus the Supply Chain Function on achieving the Business Metrics on OTD in full to Promise & Request at >95% 
 Ensure adequate skills are developed within your team to support current and future requirements and promote good employment practices – you and your staff adhere to laws, policies, etc.. 
 Work closely with the purchasing community & suppliers to move towards consignment stock and vendor performance rating. Ensuring that supplier contracts put in place support Inventory reduction goals. 
 Establish Divisional structure required to drive OPEX results & culture 
 Create an effective visual communication process. 
 Deal with any issue relating to the OPEX roll-out that isn’t documented above. 

 Main Purpose of the Position: 

 Improve Working Capital metric in line with Divisional Budget expectations. 
 Improve product profile, cost, profit, availability, and standards 
 Drive continuous improvement culture through all processes and products 
 Develop and maintain Value Stream Map process 
 Develop, motivate and train people and facilitate team working 
 Co-Ordinate OPEX & Six Sigma Kaizen event activities across the Division 

 Key Accountabilities/ Success Factors: 

 Maintain and monitor Cost Reduction Productivity Deck 
 Liaise with Plant Directors to generate any required recovery projects 
 Deliver factory commitment to OPEX targets against assessment criteria 
 Deliver OPEX training plan with Plant resources 
 Establish effective communication process 
 Implementation of OPEX initiatives in line with VSM process 
 Create a safe working environment which recognises Health, Safety and Environmental issues 

 Professional Qualifications/ Education: 

 Bachelor’s degree in engineering, supply chain, operations/manufacturing/industrial management, manufacturing technology or related; MBA preferred 
 10 years of experience, with at least 5 years in a leadership role, within operations in an Electronics or Electro-mechanical manufacturing or similar environment. 
 Demonstrated success in relocation of operations to global, low-cost areas is preferred. 
 Strong executive presence with the ability to set vision and strategy for Operations. 
 Ability to effectively communicate information to executives and managers. 
 Strong knowledge of Business System processes. 
 Strong knowledge of inventory control systems. 
 History of hiring, developing, growing, motivating, and mentoring operations talent. 
 Strong Microsoft Office Suite skills especially Excel, and experience working with ERP and internal software programs. 
 Ability to travel up to 30%, domestic and international. 


Salary Minimum: Market

Salary Maximum: Market

Incentive: No

Disclaimer: Where a specific pay range is noted, it is a good faith estimate at the time of this posting. The actual salary offered will be based on experience, skills, qualifications, market / business considerations, and geographic location.

AMETEK is committed to making a safer, sustainable, and more productive world a reality. We use differentiated technology solutions to solve our customers’ most complex challenges. We employ 18,500 colleagues, in 30 countries, that are grounded by our core values: Ethics and Integrity, Respect for the Individual, Diversity and Inclusion, Teamwork, and Social Responsibility. AMETEK (NYSE:AME) is a component of the S&P 500. Visit for more information.

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and do not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, status as a veteran, and basis of disability or any other federal, state or local protected class. Individuals who need a reasonable accommodation because of a disability for any part of the employment process should call 1 (866) 263-8359.

Ud. 27.10.2024
Pub. 9.8.2023

Operational Excellence - Quality/OE Manager Course - OE Definition and Explanation


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The Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence is a professional who leads and champions process-improvement initiatives - everywhere from small businesses to multinational corporations - that can have regional or global focus in a variety of service and industrial settings.

A Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence facilitates and leads team efforts to establish and monitor customer/supplier relations, supports strategic planning and deployment initiatives, and helps develop measurement systems to determine organizational improvement.

The Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence should be able to motivate and evaluate staff, manage projects and human resources, analyze financial situations, determine and evaluate risk, and employ knowledge management tools and techniques in resolving organizational challenges.

The Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence evolved from the certified quality manager as a way to broaden the scope of the examination. The Quality Management Division surveyed certified quality managers and other recognized subject matter experts.

The survey results indicated that not only had the Body of Knowledge for quality managers changed, but the name of the program itself must be updated to reflect the broader scope of this position. With the approval of the ASQ Certification Board, the Certified Quality Manager program became the Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence program.

Download the Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Brochure (PDF, 340 KB).

Download the Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Fact Sheet (PDF, 61 KB).

This certification program is accredited by ANSI under the ISO 17024 standard, demonstrating impartial, third-party validation that the certification program has met recognized national and international credentialing industry standards for a program’s development, implementation, and maintenance. Learn more.

The ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Operational Excellence Handbook, Fifth Edition

Sandra L Furterer, Douglas C Wood

Quality Press, 25-Jan-2021 - Business & Economics - 720 pages

This handbook is a comprehensive reference designed to help professionals address organizational issues from the application of the basic principles of management to the development of strategies needed to deal with today’s technological and societal concerns. The fifth edition of the ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Handbook (CMQ/OE) has undergone some significant content changes in order to provide more clarity regarding the items in the body of knowledge (BoK). Examples have been updated to reflect more current perspectives, and new topics introduced in the most recent BoK are included as well.   

Interesting Presentation on OE

This handbook addresses: 

• Historical perspectives relating to the continued improvement of specific aspects of quality management 

• Key principles, concepts, and terminology 

• Benefits associated with the application of key concepts and quality management principles 

• Best practices describing recognized approaches for good quality management 

• Barriers to success, common problems you may encounter, and reasons why some quality initiatives fail 

• Guidance for preparation to take the CMQ/OE examination 

A well-organized reference, this handbook will certainly help individuals prepare for the ASQ CMQ/OE exam. It also serves as a practical, day-to-day guide for any professional facing various quality management challenges. 

Ud. 27.10.2024

Pub. 1.7.2022

Develop Enthusiastic Employee Engagement and Achieve Rapid Operational Excellence Implementation

Paul Vragel.

"You don't need new equipment, a new computer system, or months of training for your people. You can achieve breakthrough operating capability by focusing on implementation, and building on the knowledge that already exists in the organization."

Paul Vragel, president of 4aBetterBusiness, Inc., challenges manufacturing CEOs to take immediate action to improve their ability to compete - and promises to lay  a path to accomplish that objective within weeks.

Vragel provided multiple examples of the breakthrough results achieved through following the path outlined by him by various organizations in a seminar.

Rapid Operational Excellence Implementation Program Provides Transformational Increase in Execution and Change Capability

It cuts Core Costs
It improves Productivity
It increases Profits

By Developing Enthusiastic Employee Engagement

Ud. 27.10.2024
Pub. 9.11.2014

INTRODUCTION TO MODERN INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING - Chapter 2 - Industrial Engineering - Definitions and Explanation

You can download pdf version.


Maximum Customer Value (Effectiveness). 

Minimum Cost Value. Minimum Facilities and Minimum Use of Facilities. Minimum Human Effort, Minimum Inventory (Lean). Minimum Energy Consumption (Efficiency)

Effectiveness First. Efficiency Next.


Industrial Engineering - Definitions, Explanation

Industrial Engineering at Various Levels in an Organization

Industrial engineering is carried out at various levels in an organization. The following are the important levels of IE.

Industrial Engineering Strategy - Enterprise Level Industrial Engineering

Policy Decisions by Top Management: Starting and Expanding IE Department, Approval of Productivity Improvement Project Portfolio as part of Capital Budgeting of the Company, Approving Productivity Policy, Setting Productivity and Cost Reduction Goals. Setting Employee related comfort, health and safety goals. Incentive income policy making.

Facilities Industrial Engineering

Facilities are used by processes. Facilities are common to processes. Taylor clearly mentioned in his "Piece Rates - Elementary Rate Fixing System" paper that he has to make modifications to all machines to increase productivity of his machine shop. Toyota even today carries out gradual improvements to the machines in the direction of autonomation. Machines are continuously improved. Period layout studies and readjustments are another example of facilities industrial engineering. 5S that demands upkeep of facilities is another example of facilities IE. It may be  the activity of operations management but industrial engineers evaluate the facilities and their upkeep as part of their facilities studies and suggest improvements.

Product Industrial Engineering

Product designs are studies by industrial engineers to redesign mechanisms and  machine elements to reduce cost and increase cost value. Value engineering is the earliest method in this area. Design for Machining and Assembly is a later development.

Process Industrial Engineering - Process Machine Effort Industrial Engineering - Process Human Effort Industrial Engineering.


Process industrial engineering is the popular method of industrial engineering. But, the process chart method,developed by Gilbreths was promoted by Motion Study books. Thus, it gave the impression that motion study is the prime method. Process improvement is to be prime method. As motion study books are primarily for human motions improvement, the machine effort industrial engineering, that is improvement of machine effort, that was done by Taylor primarily to increase productivity got neglected in the evolution of industrial engineering. There is no other subject in industrial engineering curricula  that discussed machine effort industrial engineering. It is a weakness to be corrected to make IE a strong discipline. Process improvement and process studies have to be made the primary method in industrial engineering. Operation study, method study, motion study and work measurement are methods used in productivity studies. Such a hierarchy will make things clear to industrial engineering students. Process approach got more importance in quality management literature compared to industrial engineering books.

Operation Industrial Engineering.

Process chart is a condensed version that show the entire process of producing a full product and the production of each part. The process chart is composed by symbols representing 5 operations. Operation - Inspection - Transport - Temporary Delay (WIP) - Permanent Storage (controlled store). Using process chart, the sequence of operations can be investigated and changed for more benefit. But each operation needs to be improved. It is termed simplification in process chart analysis. To do simplification, data and information on each operation has to be collected in operation information sheets and they have to be analyzed in operation analysis sheets (Stegemerten and Maynard).

Element Level Analysis in Industrial Engineering

Elements are in Operations - We can understand the term "element" from the subject "Design of Machine Elements". Each engineering product has elements. Similarly each operation, that is part of a process has elements. Some are related to machines and tools used in the process. Some are related to human operators. Some are related to working conditions. Some are related to the work being done. Taylor first named the productivity department as "Elementary Rate Fixing Department." It has to improve each and every element in task and determine the output possible for unit time in the work element. The time allowed for that element for a piece or batch is determined through these elementary standard times or allowed times. Elements are common to many processes and operations. Hence, more instances of elements can be observed being done by various operators and the best method giving the least time and cost can be identified. Scientific studies are further done on these best methods to develop science of the element. Standard method to be followed in many processes are developed for each element. These element level standard methods are then made available to all engineers to use in process designs and product designs.


Industrial Engineering - Definitions, Explanation

"Industrial Engineering is System Efficiency Engineering.

It is done through Machine Effort and Human Effort Engineering."

It is concerned with engineering products and engineering processes primarily. It continuously improves engineering elements of facilities, products and processes as the opportunity arises to increase efficiency and productivity. Various other activities that plan and control engineering products and processes are also improved by industrial engineers to assure the productivity of the engineering processes or the engineering system as a whole. Industrial engineers also focus on the study and improvement of human effort in engineering processes.

Japanese companies used industrial engineering extensively with various innovations. They  improved the understanding of industrial engineering methods among their workmen and achieved unprecedented increase in the productivity of their industrial enterprises in post-second world war period. The Japanese production systems got the distinction with the description of them as World Class Manufacturing Systems. Industrial engineering played an important role in the success of  the most famous Japanese company "Toyota Motors." Taiichi Ohno, the person credited with Toyota Production Systems appreciates Industrial Engineering as Profit Engineering, the engineering discipline that increases profits every year by decreasing cost, that leads to increased sales and more profits. 



Industrial engineering directs the efficient conduct of manufacturing, construction, transportation, or even commercial enterprises of any undertaking, indeed in which human labor is directed to accomplishing any kind of work . Industrial engineering has drawn upon mechanical engineering, upon economics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, accountancy, to fuse from these older sciences a distinct body of science of its own . It is the inclusion of the economic and the human elements especially that differentiates industrial engineering from the older established branches of the profession (Going, 1911) [1].

“Industrial engineering is the engineering approach applied to all factors, including the human factor, involved in the production and distribution of products or services.” (Maynard, 1953) [2]

What is engineering approach? It is design of components based scientific relations. A prior calculation determines the actual position of each component in the machine when force is applied on the machine and moving components have displacement. Similarly strength of materials calculations determine the sizes of the machine elements. Even the oils used for lubrication have calculations that assure that they reduce the friction to desired levels. In industrial engineering, the production capacity of the plant is calculated or predetermined based on specific operations with known standard operation times. The time taken by the operations is continuously analyzed and studies to find more opportunities to reduce them.

“Industrial engineering is the design of situations for the useful coordination of men, materials and machines in order to achieve desired results in an optimum manner. The unique characteristics of Industrial Engineering center about the consideration of the human factor as it is related to the technical aspects of a situation, and the integration of all factors that influence the overall situation.” (Lehrer, 1954) [3]

“Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of men, materials, and equipment. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.” (AIIE, 1955). [4]

"Industrial engineering may be defined as the art of utilizing scientific principles, psychological data, and physiological information for designing, improving, and integrating industrial, management, and human operating procedures." (Nadler, 1955) [5]

“Industrial engineering is that branch of engineering knowledge and practice which

1. Analyzes, measures, and improves the method of performing the tasks assigned to individuals,

2. Designs and installs better systems of integrating tasks assigned to a group,

3. Specifies, predicts, and evaluates the results obtained.

It does so by applying to materials, equipment and work specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical and physical sciences and the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design. Since, however, work has to be carried out by people; engineering knowledge needs to be supplemented by knowledge derived from the biological and social sciences.” (Lyndall Urwick, 1963) [6]

Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems. [7]

“Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering. It is an engineering discipline that deals with the design of human effort in all occupations: agricultural, manufacturing and service. The objectives of Industrial Engineering are optimization of productivity of work-systems and occupational comfort, health, safety and income of persons involved.” (Narayana Rao, 2006) [8]

"Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering and System Efficiency Engineering. It is an engineering discipline that deals with the design of human effort and system efficiency in all occupations: agricultural, manufacturing and service. The objectives of Industrial Engineering are optimization of productivity of work-systems and occupational comfort, health, safety and income of persons involved." Narayana Rao (2011)

"Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering and System Efficiency Engineering. It is an engineering-based management staff-service discipline that deals with the design of human effort and system efficiency in all occupations: agricultural, manufacturing and service. The objectives of Industrial Engineering are optimization of productivity of work-systems and occupational comfort, health, safety and income of persons involved."(Narayana Rao, 2011)

The definition can be further simplified to "Industrial Engineering is System Efficiency Engineering." 

Systems come into existence for a purpose, that is effectiveness. Effectiveness is first and next is adequate efficiency and its improvement.


1. Going, Charles Buxton, Principles of Industrial Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1911, Pages 1,2,3

2. Maynard, H.B., “Industrial Engineering”, Encyclopedia Americana, Americana Corporation, Vol. 15, 1953

3. Lehrer, Robert N., “The Nature of Industrial Engineering,” The Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol.5, No.1, January 1954, Page 4

4. Maynard, H.B.,  Handbook of Industrial Engineering, 2nd Edition,  McGraw Hill, New York, 1963.

5. Nadler, Gerald, Motion and Time Study", McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1955

6. Urwick, Lyndall, F., “Development of Industrial Engineering”, Chapter 1 in Handbook of Industrial Engineering, H.B. Maynard (Ed.), 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1963.


8. Narayana Rao, K.V.S.S., “Definition of Industrial Engineering: Suggested Modification.” Udyog Pragati, October-December 2006, Pp. 1-4.


What is Industrial Engineering?

Industrial engineering is engineering improvement done in engineering products and processes during the product life cycle based on the data generated during operations, studies done and engineering and technology developments. It is continuous development of engineering products and processes to increase efficiency or productivity of the process to reduce its cost of operation. Industrial engineering facilitates unit cost reduction and thereby provides the potential to reduce prices and increase demand. It is the effort of industrial engineers that enables lower and lower prices and increases volume of sales thus providing the popular engineering goods to a larger and larger sections of the society. 

Industrial engineering can be better explained with the statement that the two focus areas of industrial engineering are human effort engineering and system efficiency engineering. These two focus areas match with Urwick’s statement 1 and 2. Industrial engineering (i) analyzes, measures, and improves the method of performing the tasks assigned to individuals, and (ii) Designs and installs better systems of integrating tasks assigned to a group (Urwick, Lyndall, F., “Development of Industrial Engineering”, Chapter 1 in Handbook of Industrial Engineering, H.B. Maynard (Ed.), 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1963).

It is interesting to note that the first representation to the teachers and practitioners of industrial engineering was given in the name of Industrial and Efficiency Engineering Committee in 1912 in Society for Promotion of Engineering Education (S.P.E.E.). In this committee, there were three teachers and 8 practitioners and Frank Gilbreth was among practitioners (Gerald Thusesne, History of Development of Engineering Economic Representation in within A.S.E.E.).

System Efficiency Engineering - System Efficiency Design

System design and system efficiency design are to be distinguished by dividing system design into system functional design and system efficiency design. Engineers or managers with specialization in a function do the functional design part. An electrical power generation system is designed by electrical engineers and power plant engineers. Industrial engineers take up the functional design and do efficiency engineering work on it. Similarly a production planning system is designed by production managers, and industrial engineers may do efficiency engineering of it.

The explanation of industrial engineering as human effort engineering and system efficiency engineering brings out more clearly the scope of the IIE definition that industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems. The word engineering is associated with design and production, fabrication or construction according to designs.  As explained above, system design in entirety cannot be the sole preserve of industrial engineers.  The functional design of production systems in various branches of engineering can be done by engineers of that branch only. Similarly functional design of various management systems in a business organization can be done by managers of that function only. Industrial engineers'  role to play in systems design  is of designing efficiency into the functional systems designed by others on a continuous basis.

Maynard stated the scope of industrial engineering in his preface to the second edition of Hand Book of Industrial Engineering, edited by him in 1963. Industrial engineers have been traditionally concerned with the design of manufacturing plants, methods improvement, work measurement, the design and administration of wage payment systems, cost control, quality control, production control and the like. These procedures are all directed toward the reduction of cost. All the techniques of industrial engineering reflect the common denominator of all industrial engineering work – an intense interest in improving thing that is currently being done or planned to be done . Cost reduction or efficiency improvement is the focus of industrial engineering. Maynard also pointed out in his preface that developments in applied mathematics and statistics during the post world war years facilitated industrial engineer to tackle efficiency design of much larger systems with more predictive power.

In 1943, the Work Standardization Committee of the Management Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers identified the following areas as the purview of industrial engineer:  Manufacturing engineering, organization analysis, systems & procedures, budgets and cost control, and wage & salary administration. The traditional industrial engineering methods of operation analysis, motion study, work measurement, standardization of the method were included in manufacturing engineering and these techniques are relevant for hourly base wage rate determination, incentives and administration of wage payment.


The study of various functional areas in industrial engineering curriculum is for the purpose of understanding the functional designs in those areas and industrial engineering graduates should not claim expertise in those subjects to do functional design unless they really specialize in them through extra study and experience of efficiency design of many systems in the same functional area.

According to M.H. Mathewson, industrial engineering is distinguished from other engineering disciplines in that it:

1. Is concerned with the total system. (Productivity of the total system)

2. Predicts and interprets the economic results. (Provides cost estimates and standards and thus can predict the profit given the estimates of sales revenue. Also for each industrial engineering change proposed by it, it gives the expected reduction in cost.)

3. Places increased emphasis on the integration of human being into the system. (How the operator is going operate the machine, load and unload work pieces, move work pieces etc. are studied and redesigned by industrial engineers. the comfort, health and safety of operators is an area of focus for industrial engineering.)

4. Makes greater utilization of the contribution of the social sciences than do other engineering disciplines. (Industrial engineers have to persuade operators to learn the new methods or method changes and work according to them. In the activity of directing operators to learn new methods and work according to them, industrial engineers have to utilize social sciences.)

Industrial Engineering as practiced today can be explained by identifying three components.

1. System Efficiency Engineering (Product Industrial Engineering and Process Industrial Engineering)

2. Management of Systems Redesign, Installation and Improvement .

3. Human Effort Engineering

All methods and techniques of industrial engineering can be categorized under these three major components.

Industrial and Systems Engineering

IIE's name was changed to IISE to better reflect the definition  “Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of men, materials, and equipment. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.” (AIIE, 1955). 

The design function was clearly brought into focus with the term "systems engineering."

We can now see two major areas System Industrial Engineering and Industrial Systems Engineering.

Techniques of Industrial Engineering

Human Effort Engineering - Techniques

1. Principles of Motion Economy

2. Motion Study

3. Workstation Design

4. Application of Ergonomics and Biomechanics

5. Fatigue Studies

6. Productivity/Safety/Comfort Device Design

7. Standardization of  Methods - Methods Study

8. Time study of human effort or work elements - Work measurement of human work

9. Operator training

10. Incentive Systems

11. Job Evaluation

12. Learning effect capture

System Efficiency Improvement Techniques of Industrial engineering 

1. Process Analysis and Improvement

2. Operation Analysis and Improvement

3. Time estimates and time study of machine work

4. Value engineering

5. Statistical quality control

6. Statistical inventory control and ABC Classification Based Inventory Systems

7. Six sigma

8. Operations research

9. Variety reduction

10. Standardization

11. Waste reduction or elimination

12. Activity based management

13. Business process improvement

14. Engineering economy analysis

15. Learning effect capture and continuous improvement (Kaizen, Quality circles and suggestion schemes)

16. Standard costing

17. 5S - Work Place Orderliness or Plant Orderliness

18. SMED

19. Poka Yoke

Go to.

Chapter 3. Contribution of Taylor, Gilbreth and Harrington Emerson


2. Definition and Explanation

3. Contribution of Taylor, Gilbreth and Harrington Emerson

4. Principles of Industrial Engineering

5. Functions of Industrial Engineering

6. Focus Areas of Industrial Engineering

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