Saturday, June 29, 2019

SAP Digital and Predictive Engineering

SAP Leonardo  IoT Platform

SAP Leonardo is an IoT platform and it is very much embedded in SAP’s plans for enterprise information management and enterprise asset management.

Machine Learning - SAP Leonardo

SAP offers a machine learning framework through its Leonardo platform. The tools are the best fit with existing SAP customers. The solution is designed to address complex AI and machine learning challenges and  connect to specific SAP business processes and tools.

The framework includes deep learning and AI neural nets and advanced predictive modeling and capabilities. The machine learning tools also support  SAP Leonardo Machine Learning Foundation. Leonardo Machine Learning Foundation includes extensive APIs for image and video, audio and speech, natural language and tabular and time data. The platform works with TensorFlow and includes ready to use services.

SAP users are likely to find Leonardo Machine Learning a good fit for their enterprise. That’s because it seamlessly integrates with data from other SAP systems and data repositories and  delivers practical intelligent applications with a real-world business focus.

Development of Digital Twins 

Digital twins are a method for building data-rich models of physical devices, machines, machine tools and robots etc., everything from airplane turbines to escalators and electronic door handles.

Digital twins, the  software-based representations of real-world objects (and their procedural system) are designed to model the exact behavior of their real-world twins to provide a platform for analysis. That analysis allows us to perform operations,  predictive maintenance tests, experiment with new tasks, and try out  new levels and types of artificial intelligence (AI) to the way we execute operations in the real-world system.

Gartner estimates that by 2020 there will be more than 20 billion connected sensors and endpoints.

In the road maps of implementing  Industry 4.0 engineering and production systems,  digital twins allow us to predict and improve asset performance and reliability.

Industry-specific and task-specific packages of software that will develop digital twins for assets specific to particular industries will be developed that will make creation of digital twins more easy and efficient. In this area, SAP Leonardo IoT Accelerator Packages already exist.  As these packages develop and offer a wider range of preconfigured, ready-to-use functionality delivered as a service, we can expect more specific digital twin flavors to emerge from the mix.

If SAP offers a specific package for your industry, it may be a good to start evaluating how it could offer shortcuts for bringing advanced technologies like digital twin into your digital transformation plans.

SAP Predictive Engineering Insights

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