Sunday, June 30, 2024

Industrial Engineering - Morgan State University

Fall 2024 classes start on 19 August

Morgan State University 

1700 East Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251

Our students study and research the most effective and efficient ways of making products and delivering goods and services using an integrated system of people, machines, materials, information and energy resources. 

Hence, our graduates are prepared to address, impact, and solve today's complex problems in industry, government, and society as they manage the "business" of engineering operations, processes and services. The faculty and staff are committed to quality instruction while integrating research developments in management of production systems, human engineering, and information systems in both the undergraduate and graduate curriculum.

Dr. Richard A. Pitts, Jr.
Chairperson, Industrial and Systems Engineering

richard.pitts at @


TRIDIP BARDHAN Associate Professor tridip.bardhan@
LEEROY BRONNER Associate Professor Leeroy.bronner@
GUANGMING CHEN Professor guangming.chen@
BHEEM KATTEL Assistant Professor bheem.kattel@
DEOGRATIS KIBIRA Research Faculty deogratis.kibira@
SEONG LEE Professor
YASEEN MAHMUD Technical Associate yaseen.mahmud@
BABATUNDE OLUBANDO Researcher babatunde.olubando@
KAREN PEACE Administrative Assistant II karen.peace@
MASUD SALIMIAN Lecturer masud.salimian@
JESSYE TALLEY Lecturer jessye.bemleytalley@

#IndustrialEngineering for #SocietyProsperity.
For the Academic Year 2024-25 -  Bachelor in Industrial Engineering  #BSIE. 9480+ Downloads for 2023-24. 
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Master of Engineering
Master of Engineering | School of Graduates Studies

General Requirements for Master of Engineering

All candidates who seek to earn the Master of Engineering degree will be required to complete a total of 33 acceptable credit hours of coursework inclusive of 2 credit hours of seminar and 4 credit hours of Project Reports.

Core Requirements for Master of Engineering

A core requirement of three interdisciplinary courses (9 credits hours) will be required of all students entering at master's level and students entering at the doctoral level who did not take these courses. These courses are carefully designed and coordinated to stress the interdisciplinary nature of the subject matter. The content serves as the philosophical foundation on which all other materials tailored for a specific student are based. The courses are as follows:

CEGR 514 Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment - 3 credits
EEGR 505 Advanced Engineering Mathematics with Computational Methods - 3 credits
IEGR 512 Advanced Project Management - 3 credits
Total Credits 9 credits

The following Seminar and Project Report courses are also required of all master's level student:
IEGR 788/789 Seminar I-II 2 creditsI
EGR 798/799 Project Report I-II 4 credits
Total Credits 6 credits

The remaining 18 credits will be taken as electives from the students approved program of study. For individuals admitted with deficiencies, additional courses may be required.

Course Offerings
Course Offerings

IEGR.500 Mathematical Programming (3 credits)

Introduction to construction of deterministic mathematical models. Mathematical techniques such as linear programming, dynamic programming, integer programming, and game theory. Applications are made to production, transportation, assignment, and resource allocation problems.

IEGR.510 Production Sequencing and Scheduling (3 credits)

Analysis of sequencing and scheduling activities. Static and dynamic scheduling problems applied to single and multimachine models, heuristic models, rule-based models and simulation studies of priority dispatching rules, priority queuing models.

IEGR.511 Advanced Engineering Economy (3 credits)

Topics include measuring economic worth, economic optimization under constraints, analysis of economic risk and uncertainty, foundations of utility theory, and econometric models.

IEGR.512 Advanced Project Management (3 credits)

This is a study of project management theory and practices, emphasizing the strategic management for engineering activities. The concept of project planning and organization project life cycle project scheduling, organizational forms and conflict resolution will be addressed. The use of cost and time value of money, schedule and technical planning and control methods such as WBS, and network models as AOA, AON, CPM/PERT will be stretched. Proposal writing and the use of project management software tools for creating a typical project plan will be explored.

IEGR.515 Engineering Optimization (3 credits)

Introducing and developing the practical aspects of optimization methods focusing on techniques and strategies useful in engineering design, operations and analysis. Survey of the important families of optimization methods. Topics include functions of single and several variables, constrained optimality criteria, transformation methods, constrained direct search, linearization methods for constrained problems, direction generation methods, quadratic approximation methods, structured problems, comparison of constrained optimization methods, strategies for optimization studies. Case studies include optimal design of a compressed air energy storage system, design of natural gas pipeline, and optimization of ethylene glycol-ethylene oxide process.

IEGR.516 Applied Decision Analysis (3 credits)

Bayes Theorem, Bayesian estimators, utility functions, loss functions, risk analysis, minimax strategies, game theory, multiple criteria decision making. Problems in social and public decision making, values and preferences, subjectivity measurement, and Pareto optimality, group decision analysis, social decision processes and strategy of conflicts -

IEGR.530 Advance Simulation (3 credits)

An up-to-date treatment of all the important aspects of simulation study, including modeling, simulation languages, validation, and output data analysis. Topics include selecting input probability distribution, random number generators, generating random variables, output data analysis, statistical techniques for comparing alternative systems, validation of simulation models, variance reduction techniques, and experimental design and optimization.

IEGR.534 Engineering Statistics&Modeling

Sampling distributions, estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, confidence intervals, regression, goodness of fit, correlation, tests of hypotheses, nonparametric statistics, introduction to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and design of experiments.

IEGR.535 Engineering Experimental Design (3 credits)

Analysis and application of standard experimental design, including factorials, randomized block, latin square, confounding and fractional replication multiple comparisons. Fractional factorials, analysis of unbalanced data, and covariance models. Introduction to response surface methodology.

IEGR.539 Robust Design by Quality Engineering (3 credits)

System design, parameter design, and tolerance design. Quality loss function, orthogonal arrays. Quality improvement by design. Making products insensitive to manufacturing variations, environmental variations and deterioration over time. Introduction to TQM, QFD, JIT.

IEGR.550 Human Performance Engineering (3 credits)

Engineering acceptable performance, human limits and differences, sensing, cognitive processing and performance, perception, problem solving and decision-making, memory, motivation. Basic design and human factors, human-machine interface, human-human interface, human-computer interfaces. Supporting human performance and evaluating performances and preferences.

IEGR.555 Artificial Intelligence Programming (3 credits)

Introduction to Lisp programming, early AI programs that use rule-based pattern matching techniques advance AI programs. Topics include building software tools, symbolic mathematics, logic programming, object-oriented programming, knowledge representation and reasoning, expert systems, and natural languages.

IEGR.560 Assembly Automation and Product Design (3 credits)

Analysis of the product design for ease of automatic assembly, automatic assembly transfer systems, automatic feeding and orienting-vibratory feeders, automatic feeding and orienting-mechanical feeders, feed tracks, escapements, parts-placement mechanisms, performance and economics of assembly systems, design for manual assembly, product design for high-speed automatic assembly and robot assembly, printed circuit board assembly, and feasibility study for assembly

IEGR.562 Rapid Prototyping (3 credits)

Fundamental concepts in the development of computational algorithms for the design of machine components and assemblies, and other engineering systems. Methodologies of ideageneration and refinement; Computer-assisted Rapid Sketching methods; general purpose computer programs for engineering analysis and design; Solid modeling techniques and parametric modeling for manufacturing; Analysis of trajectory from idea-generation to prototype production; representation of the design process as a network of decision tables and logical flags; introduction to stereolithography.

IEGR 563 Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes (3 credits)

This course is designed to provide an assessment of the state of the art in the design tools and techniques in the area of non-traditional manufacturing. The students will be exposed to practical applications of non-traditional manufacturing, including use of wire electro-discharge machining and computer-assisted numerical control programming.

IEGR.570 Advanced Instrumentation Techniques (3 credits)

Pressure and sensors; laser holography; laser doppler velocimetry; anemometry signal conditioning, use of amplifiers with shielding and grounding techniques; digital techniques; signal multiplexing, use of microcomputers; sampling techniques, error analysis and data handling; data acquisition methods; hardware and software review.

IEGR.571 Advanced Internal Combustion Engine (3 credits)

Main phases of Otto cycle, Spark-ignition internal-combustion engine, Combustion and detonation; Carburetion and fuel injection, application of reciprocating piston engine, optimal design of triangular rotor (or rotary piston), optimal arrangement of intake, exhaust, and ignition mechanisms, exhaust emissions, fuel economy, and reliability.

IEGR.572 Design & Analysis of Energy Systems (3 credits)

Elements in design analysis of energy systems, system designs involving heat reservoirs and work reservoirs, selection of fluid flow equipment, heat exchanges designs options, availability analysis, system flowsheeting, economic evaluation/cost estimation, optimal design techniques, and energy systems simulation.

IEGR.573 Applied Thermodynamics & combustion (3 credits)In-depth analysis of power and refrigeration cycles. Flow through nozzles and blade passages. Impulse and reaction turbines. Blade diagrams and efficiency. Production of thermal energy. Chemical reactions and reactive mixtures. Combustion process and analysis of the products for the fossil-fuel systems.

IEGR.574 Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning (HVAC), and Energy Conservation Systems (3 credits)

Air conditioning and environmental control, heat transmission in building structure, space heat load and cooling load, room and building air distribution, Principal of psychometrics, mass transfer and measurement of humidity, direct contact heat/mass transfer, refrigeration, renewable/inexhaustible energy sources, energy conservation/legislation, cogeneration/heat reclamation, Design, installation and operation computer controlled Energy Management Systems Automation.

IEGR.575 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (3 credits)
Overview of the functions, processes, and disciplines of computer-integrated manufacturing. Topic include automation and computer integrated manufacturing, computer aided process planning, group technologies, hierarchical computer control, information systems and processing, computer communications systems and software, computer networks, design, assembly, machining and control nodes. Current issues, emerging technologies, and future developments in computer integrated manufacturing.

IEGR.576 Principles of Manufacturing Information System (3 credits)

Introduction to the theory and concepts of information for manufacturing organization and management of information within a manufacturing enterprise, database systems, information-based planning and management tools, electronic data interchanges. Design of manufacturing systems such as MRP, SFRS, CAD/CAM, etc. Concerns of integration and man-machine interface in manufacturing systems.

IEGR.577 Computational Heat and Fluid Engineering (3 credits)

Engineering applications of computational heat and fluid engineering, computational methodology for the closed/open systems, heat balance and loss in circular pipes, variation of atmospheric by inviscid flows are outlined and the relevant numerical methods are introduced.

IEGR.585 Occupational Safety Engineering (3 credits)

Design and modification of machinery and products to eliminate or control hazards arising out of mechanical, electrical, thermal, chemical, and motion energy sources. Application of retrospective and prospective hazard analysis, systems safety performance and measurement, accident prevention philosophies, expert systems and accident reconstruction methodologies. Case studies include industrial machinery and trucks, construction and agriculture equipment, and automated manufacturing systems and processes.

IEGR.595 Entrepreneurship for Engineers (3 credits)

This is an interdisciplinary course in the development and application of tools, methods, and resources to provide engineering students with an entrepreneurial look at the business side of the engineering profession.

IEGR.603 Supply Chain & Logistics Management (3 credits)

In-depth study on the discipline and philosophy of logistics and supply chain management with high-level strategic design, and concepts utilizing the analytical and mathematical tools to solve simultaneous cost reduction and service enhancement problems. Contemporary issues in the flow of goods and services will be discussed and studied within a framework of logistics management and specific applications in modeling and simulation.

IEGR 605 Integer Programming and Network Models (3 credits)

Network flow models and applications. Algorithms for the shortest path, minimum cost f low and maximum f low problems. Integer programming models and formulation. Computational complexity of integer programming problems. Lagrangean duality theory, branch and bound techniques, cutting planes and hybrid algorithms. Application of these methods to facility location and traveling salesman problems. Study of special techniques for selected topics such as vehicle routing, set covering and network design problems.

IEGR 620 Nonlinear Programming (3 credits)

Theoretical development of solution methods in nonlinear programming including manifold suboptimization, convex simplex, reduced gradient, gradient projection, feasible direction, cutting plane, and penalty function methods. Investigation of convergence of algorithms. Methods of solution for integer programming problems including cutting plane methods, enumerative techniques, and dynamic programming methods.

IEGR 625 Stochastic Processes (3 credits)

A survey course of stochastic processes with an emphasis on applications in engineering, management science, and physical sciences. Topics covered include radome walk, Markov and Poisson processes, renewal theory, and stationary processes, illustrated with examples in queuing theory, inventory control, time series and random noise.

IEGR 635 Advanced Robust Design (3 credits)

This course will provide useful techniques for product and manufacturing process deign. It has three basic steps: system design, parameter design, and tolerance design. Quality can be built into product into products through design. The methodology is based upon quality loss function, experimental design and orthogonal arrays, etc. Prerequisite: IEGR 535 or equivalent.

IEGR 636 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Systems (3 credits)

Time and frequency domain aspects of time series are developed in a mutually reinforcing fashion. Behavior patterns of time series are examined with a view toward model identification and forecasting. The statistical procedures for model estimation are presented and employed. Multiple time series concepts and problems are introduced. The Box-Jenkins approach is emphasized.

IEGR 640 Fundamental Reliability (3 credits)

Probabilistic models underlying reliability and life testing analysis. Structural and reliability properties of coherent systems, exact system reliability and approximation, parametric families of life distribution and their characterizing models, homogeneous and nonhomogeneous Poisson processes, mixtures of distributions, competing risk and multiple failure mode models, accelerated life testing models, regression and partial likelihood models, types of censoring, multiple failure mode analysis. Inference procedures, including graphical analysis for various parametric models and for complete and censored samples. Applications in engineering, biometry, and actuarial science.

IEGR 662 Rapid Prototyping II (3 credits)

Students, individually or in groups, develop a small-scale rapid prototyping team to address the need for a rapid prototype of a component or set of components relevant to an engineering subject. Students are given a fixed budget and a target time for completion of prototype. Problem identification, ideation and refinement; problem analysis; decision processes; advanced sketching and computer-aided design; applications of advanced solid-modeling, using a robust parametric modeler; introduction to graphical file transfer protocols for sharing design information among team members; advanced prototype production methods; production of prototypes using a stereolithography system;

IEGR 663 Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes (3 credits)

Analysis of the processes, sensors, machine tools, and control systems in nontraditional manufacturing processes. Processes include abrasive jet machining, water jet machining, abrasive water jet machining, abrasive flow machining, ultrasonic machining, ultrasonic welding, high energy rate forming, electrochemical machining, electrochemical grinding, electrochemical discharge machining, electrostream drilling, shaped-tube electrolytic machining, chemical machining, electrical discharge machining, electrical discharge wire cutting, electrical discharge grinding, electron beam welding, electron beam machining, laser processing, plasma arc cutting, and thermal energy (deburring) method.

IEGR 670 Advanced Product & Operations Management (3 credits)

An advanced study of production management techniques applied to control the operation of production and manufacturing systems. Advanced theories and practices of forecasting and inventory control including definitive, statistical and mixed behavior. The planning process will be approached at the aggregation of a master production schedule, and will be intensively explored including the unique approaches of MRP. Other topics include methods of operation sequencing and scheduling techniques under resource constraints including BHR&S. Contemporary and innovative models and applications of production analysis and control with the use of recent developments in FMS, AS/RS, AGVS theories and applications will also be examined.

IEGR 680 Advanced Product Issues (3 credits)

This course will provide determination of feasibility of design idea, and decision processes for choosing better design alternatives. Case studies will include the planning and creation of successfully engineered designs.

IEGR 686 Industrial Engineering Applications in Health Systems (3 credits)

Description of the health care system and its resource components, accessibility, availability, distribution, and cost. Health system inputs, processes, and outputs. Applications of industrial engineering to health care management problem. Hospital management, forecasting, managerial control, facility planning, resource allocation and information systems.IEGR 678 Engineering Design Process (3 credits)Definition of design, the design process and its considerations, managing design projects, modeling and simulation, design analysis for material selection, economic analysis in design, optimization in design, statistical decisions, design for reliability, safety and environmental protection, engineering ethics characterization.

IEGR 690 Enterprise Resource Planning (3 credits)

The various topics include MRP (Material Requirements Planning), MRP II (Manufacturing Resources Planning), and Flow Manufacturing, Time as a competitive weapon (TCW) Theory, Just-In-Time Principles, Inventory Management and Theory of Constrains (TOC) philosophy.

IEGR 788 Seminar I (1 credit)

The Course is designed to provide a multidisciplinary approach to the integration of engineering disciplines and technologies. The primary objective is to demonstrate to the students how important it is, in the professional world, to work together as a team in terms of solving practical engineering problems. The students will be exposed to practical applications that focus on their academic interests but tempered by ideas coming from other disciplines. This will be accomplished by having guest speakers, special assignments, project-oriented discussions, and self-study activities.

IEGR 789 Seminar II (1 credit)

The course is designed to provide a multidisciplinary approach to the integration of engineering disciplines and technologies. The primary objective is to demonstrate to the students how important it is, in the professional world, to work together as a team in terms of solving practical engineering problems. The students will be exposed to practical applications that focus on their academic interests but tempered by ideas coming from other disciplines. This will be accomplished by having guest speakers, special assignments, project-oriented discussions, and self-study activities.

IEGR 790 Research in Design and Manufacturing (3 credits)

Introduce the graduate students to the research topics in the important design and manufacturing area. Through this course, the students can conduct timely and topic engineering research, perform industrial design and analysis.

IEGR 797 Project Report Guidance (3 credits)

Project guidance provides students, who have not completed their project in the assigned semester, a mechanism for continuing their work under faculty supervision.

IEGR 798 Project Report I (2 credits)

Project report I is to let students learn how to prepare a real project. This course emphasizes the analysis and the design of a specific industrial engineering problem under the guidance of a faculty advisor.

IEGR 799 Project Report II (2 credits)

Project report II is to let students learn how to conduct a real project. This course emphasizes the analysis and the design of a specific industrial engineering problem under the guidance of a faculty advisor.

IEGR 997 Dissertation Guidance (3 credits)

Dissertation guidance provides students, who have not completed their dissertation in the assigned semester, a mechanism for continuing their work under faculty supervision. IEGR 998 Dissertation (12 credits)


Dajon Wiafe
Degreed Industrial & Systems Engineer @ Morgan State University | System Engineer @ Lockheed Martin | Skilled with Lean Six Sigma, & Process Improvement | Aspiring Operations/Process Improvement Analyst

Ud. 30.6.2024
Pub. 19.8.2019

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