Interesting articles in the areas related to human effort engineering and systems efficiency engineering are highlighted in this knol.
Industrial Engineering Definitions
Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems. (IIE)
"Industrial Engineering is Human Effort Engineering and System Efficiency Engineeering. It is an engineering discipline that deals with the design of human effort and system efficiency in all occupations: agricultural, manufacturing and service. The objectives of Industrial Engineering are optimization of productivity of work-systems and occupational comfort, health, safety and income of persons involved." (Narayana Rao, Industrial Engineering)
System Efficiency Engineering Methods, Techniques and Tools of IE
Process Study, Operation Study, Standarization of Work Methods, Value engineering, Study and Improvement of Planning and Control Systems, Statistical quality control, Statistical inventory control, Six sigma, Operations research, Variety reduction, Incentive Schemes, Waste Reduction or Elimination, Activity Based Management, Office Process Study, Office Operation Study, Business process improvement, Fatigue analysis and reduction, Engineering economy analysis, Learning Effect Capture and Continuous Improvement (Kaizen, Quality circles and suggestion schemes), Standard costing
Articles and Information
Industrial Engineering, January 1980, pp. 14-19.
IE Principles Applied to Forest Conservation
Donald L. Gochenur, Jr., Edward L. Fisher, and Harry Gibson
What is Timber Harvesting?
The process of timber harvesting industry can be divided into the following subprocesses.
Felling: consists of cutting, limbing and topping a tree.
Bucking: Converts a tree-length log to sawlog or pulpwood segments of specific lengths.
Prebunching: It is an optional activity. Transports logs from the stump to a skidroad to await skidding.
Skidding: Involves transportation of a log from the skidroad or stump to the landing.
Loading: Transfers the log from a log pile to a truck or trailer.
Hauling: Transports the log from the landing to a processing point.
Of the six operations, felling and bucking make up the production functions of logging, and the other four can be considered material handling operations.
IEs can do process studies, operation studies and motion studies in the overall process and subprocesses.
Industrial Engineering, January 1980, pp. 32-35
Videotapes Expand IE Ability
Randy E. Stafford and Michael J. Riley
The installation of videotape system at Pullman Trailmobile reduced IE man-time required to set standards by 30%. Sony b&w Betamax system, Sony SLO-340 with a rechargeable battery-operated system was used in the company. The three plants and the corporate office have separate systems to record as well as to view the tapes. The approximate cost of each system was $3000. The recording provides the complete backup data for the standard and the management and line employees’ acceptance levels of standards went to higher percentages. The videos tapes were used for methods improvements also. Training of staff and line workers was a natural side benefit. New workers can see the method on the video and hence use right methods from the very beginning. Rerun of models that have not been run for some time is done more efficiently now as memories are instantly jogged by watching the videotape and the time spent on covering the ground is minimized. Videotapes also facilitate communication of practices from plant to plant. The authors concluded the article with the statement that at Pullman Trailmobile, it was proved that a picture was truly worth a thousand words.
Industrial Engineering, March 1980, pp. 15.
IE bachelor's degrees in 1969: 2826
IE bachelor's degrees in 1979: 2433
IE Masters and Professional degrees in 1969: 1362
IE Masters and Professional degrees in 1979: 1369
Industrial Engineering, March 1980, pp. 50-51
Managing the IE Function: Set a goal and then go for it!
Roger L. Kirkham
Industrial Engineering, April 1980, pp. 29-35
IEs in Utility Company Prove Their Value
Jay W. Spechler
The Florida Power & Light Co. is a privately owned electric utility that operates as a regulated monopoly. A management services department ws created in 1972. This department provides full range IE function. Traditional IE techniques were utilized in setting measured day work standards and establishing staffing levels. The department is organized into five functional areas and industrial engineeris account 32% of professionals in the department.
As a part of the systems development screening function, a total of 19 projects proposals to improve efficiency amounting to $25 million were submitted to the committee.
Industrial Engineering, April 1980, pp. 37-39
Standards for Radiology Are Made Easier
T.R. McGuire
8 selected procedures were measured in a radiology department and then combining technician time with support time, an average variable time standard is established for each of 300 procedures of radioloyg department at LDS Hospital, Salt Lake City UT.
A delay allowance of 20% was used in setting standard times. The high delay was used to allow for a wide variation in the condition of patients, waiting for radiologists, retakes and unexpected equipment downtime.
Industrial Engineering, May 1980, pp. 54-70
A Roundtable on the State of the IE Profession
The IE graduates that we're getting seemingly are much more heavily into business systems adn less involved with conventional engineering; so they are losing ground in their ability to be an offesetting balance on the design engineers, the EEs and MEs." Michael J. Mulroy, Motorola Inc.
Industrial Engineering, August 1980, pp. 44-47
Sampling, Using Self-Reporting Methods, Establishes Standards for Federal Bureau and Saves Millions
Marvin E. Mundel
Federal Express Corpn. Develops Performance Measurement Index for Indirect Labor Sector, pp. 48-53.
New Software Program Aids work Measurment of Clerical Operations 64-69.
Multi Dimenional Work Sampling at the Executive Level 70-73.
Industrial Engineering, October 1980
Comuter Assures Incentive Opportunities for Multiple Tasks pp. 40-46.
IE Management Programs
AIIE's third offering of the IE Manager's Seminar, March 16-18 1991
Corporate-wide Productivity Improvement
Managing the IE Function
Creative Approaches in IE
Material Handling Management
Indirect Labor Measurement
Computer Applications in IE
Improving Productivity in Work Measurement
The Automated Office
Original knol - interesting-articles-and-information-from-industrial-engineering-iie-magazine - Knol Number 1927
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Pub. 10.4.2012
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