Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Kaizen - The Japanese Style Productivity Improvement Methodology

An interesting article on Kaizen

The idea Kaizen - The Japanese Style Productivity Improvement Methodology was used in the report PART I of Reports on the immediate impact of the classroom training program based on the baseline survey and the first post-training survey , January 15, 2011, Funded by Japan PHRD Trust Fund No. TF096317 and  the study was conducted by Tetsushi Sonobe, Aya Suzuki, and Keijiro Otsuka of National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies.

Taichi Ohno, it seems tried to downplay the best method idea of Industrial engineering and argued that the current method can be improved continuously. That is how Kaizen as the Japanese Style Productivity differs from the productivity movement led by Industrial engineering of Taylor and Gilbreth.

Part 2 of the report focuses on Kaizen training.

Both reports are available as one in the following link


Kaizen - A Presentation - BCIS - Pretty Detailed one

Six Sigma and Kaizen Compared

Full List of Articles on Kaizen

Kaizen eno Yon Dankai - Improvement in 4 Steps - History of Kaizen in Japan

Rules for Successful Kaizen Management

Kaizen - Engaging Front-Line Staff in Continuous Improvements - Industrial Engineering

Leading and Managing Kaizen Events

Agile Kaizen

Kaizen - The Japanese Style Productivity Improvement Methodology

Industrial Engineering is Kaizen in Engineering

Kobetsu Kaizen - Focused Improvement of Machine and Machine Work in TPM

Front Line Kaizen for Product and Process Industrial Engineering

Gadget-based improvement is widespread as improvement activities that can not only eliminate losses but also inspire the workplace.

Karakuri Kaizen - Introduction

Industrial Engineering is Kaizen Engineering

Toyota Kaizen Methods: Six Steps to Improvement - 2010 - Book Information

Kaizens - Production Improvement Ideas Implemented - India - Kaizen Eye

Kaizen Assembly: Designing, Constructing, and Managing a Lean Assembly Line - Book Information

Kaikaku: The Power and Magic of Lean : a Study in Knowledge Transfer - 2004 - Norman Bodek - Book Information

Kaizen Costing and Kaizen Cost Management

Ud. 22.7.2022
Pub 22.9.2012

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