Thursday, September 26, 2019

Milling - Method Study - Process Industrial Engineering Exercises

Use Operation Analysis Method after preparing process chart - Operation Process Chart and Flow Process Chart.

See how a milling operation was analyzed using operation analysis sheet - Using Operation Analysis Sheet for Milling Operation

Cutting Keyways - 1941
Museum of Our Industrial Heritage
Published on 11 Apr 2018



Milling slots on the Bridgeport
TJS Welding and Fabrication
Published on 16 Jun 2013



Cnc Router cutting aluminium - Test high speed
6,355,306 views•28 Jul 2017


Updated on 27 September 2019, 10 July 2019.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fundamentals of Supply Chain Theory - Snyder and Shen - Book Information

Fundamentals of Supply Chain Theory

Lawrence V. Snyder, Zuo-Jun Max Shen
John Wiley & Sons, 11-Jul-2019 - Business & Economics - 784 pages

Comprehensively teaches the fundamentals of supply chain theory

This book presents the methodology and foundations of supply chain management and also demonstrates how recent developments build upon classic models. The authors focus on strategic, tactical, and operational aspects of supply chain management and cover a broad range of topics from forecasting, inventory management, and facility location to transportation, process flexibility, and auctions. Key mathematical models and quantitative approaches for optimizing the design, operation, and evaluation of supply chains are presented as well as models currently emerging from the research frontier.

Fundamentals of Supply Chain Theory, Second Edition contains new chapters on transportation, integrated supply chain models, and applications of supply chain theory. New sections have also been added throughout, on topics including machine learning models for forecasting, conic optimization for facility location, a multi-supplier model for supply uncertainty, and a game-theoretic analysis of auctions. The second edition also contains case studies for each chapter that illustrate the real-world implementation of the models presented. This edition also contains nearly 200 new homework problems, over 60 new worked examples, and over 140 new illustrative figures.

Plentiful teaching supplements are available, including an Instructor’s Manual and PowerPoint slides, as well as MATLAB programming assignments that require students to code algorithms in an effort to provide a deeper understanding of the material.

Ideal as a textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses in supply chain management in engineering and business schools.

List of Figures xxi

List of Tables xxvii

List of Algorithms xxix

Preface xxxi

1 Introduction 1

1.1 The Evolution of Supply Chain Theory 1

1.2 Definitions and Scope 2

1.3 Levels of Decision Making in Supply Chain Management 4

2 Forecasting and Demand Modeling 5

2.1 Introduction 5

2.2 Classical Demand Forecasting Methods 6

2.3 Forecast Accuracy 15

2.4 Machine Learning in Demand Forecasting 17

2.5 Demand Modeling Techniques 23

2.6 Bass Diffusion Model 24

2.7 Leading Indicator Approach 30

2.8 Discrete Choice Models 33

Case Study: Semiconductor Demand Forecasting at Intel 38

Problems 39

3 Deterministic Inventory Models 45

3.1 Introduction to Inventory Modeling 45

3.2 Continuous Review: The Economic Order Quantity Problem 51

3.3 Power of Two Policies 57

3.4 The EOQ with Quantity Discounts 60

3.5 The EOQ with Planned Backorders 67

3.6 The Economic Production Quantity Model 70

3.7 Periodic Review: The Wagner–Whitin Model 72

Case Study: Ice Cream Production and Inventory at Scotsburn Dairy Group 76

Problems 77

4 Stochastic Inventory Models: Periodic Review 87

4.1 Inventory Policies 87

4.2 Demand Processes 89

4.3 Periodic Review with Zero Fixed Costs: Base-Stock Policies 89

4.4 Periodic Review with Nonzero Fixed Costs: (s; S) Policies 114

4.5 Policy Optimality 123

4.6 Lost Sales 136

Case Study: Optimization of Warranty Inventory at Hitachi 138

Problems 140

5 Stochastic Inventory Models: Continuous Review 155

5.1 (r; Q) Policies 155

5.2 Exact (r; Q) Problem with Continuous Demand Distribution 156

5.3 Approximations for (r; Q) Problem with Continuous Distribution 161

5.4 Exact (r; Q) Problem with Continuous Distribution: Properties of Optimal r and Q 170

5.5 Exact (r; Q) Problem with Discrete Distribution 177

Case Study: (r; Q) Inventory Optimization at Dell 180

Problems 182

6 Multiechelon Inventory Models 187

6.1 Introduction 187

6.2 Stochastic-Service Models 191

6.3 Guaranteed-Service Models 203

6.4 Closing Thoughts 217

Case Study: Multiechelon Inventory Optimization at Procter & Gamble 222

Problems 223

7 Pooling and Flexibility 229

7.1 Introduction 229

7.2 The Risk-Pooling Effect 230

7.3 Postponement 236

7.4 Transshipments 237

7.5 Process Flexibility 243

7.6 A Process Flexibility Optimization Model 253

Case Study: Risk Pooling and Inventory Management at Yedioth Group 257

Problems 259

8 Facility Location Models 267

8.1 Introduction 267

8.2 The Uncapacitated Fixed-Charge Location Problem 269

8.3 Other Minisum Models 295

8.4 Covering Models 305

8.5 Other Facility Location Problems 314

8.6 Stochastic and Robust Location Models 317

8.7 Supply Chain Network Design 321

Case Study: Locating Fire Stations in Istanbul 332

Problems 335

9 Supply Uncertainty 355

9.1 Introduction to Supply Uncertainty 355

9.2 Inventory Models with Disruptions 356

9.3 Inventory Models with Yield Uncertainty 365

9.4 A Multisupplier Model 372

9.5 The Risk-Diversification Effect 384

9.6 A Facility Location Model with Disruptions 387

Case Study: Disruption Management at Ford 395

Problems 396

10 The Traveling Salesman Problem 403

10.1 Supply Chain Transportation 403

10.2 Introduction to the TSP 404

10.3 Exact Algorithms for the TSP 408

10.4 Construction Heuristics for the TSP 416

10.5 Improvement Heuristics for the TSP 436

10.6 Bounds and Approximations for the TSP 442

10.7 World Records 452

Case Study: Routing Meals on Wheels Deliveries 453

Problems 455

11 The Vehicle Routing Problem 463

11.1 Introduction to the VRP 463

11.2 Exact Algorithms for the VRP 468

11.3 Heuristics for the VRP 475

11.4 Bounds and Approximations for the VRP 495

11.5 Extensions of the VRP 498

Case Study: ORION: Optimizing Delivery Routes at UPS 501

Problems 502

12 Integrated Supply Chain Models 511

12.1 Introduction 511

12.2 A Location–Inventory Model 512

12.3 A Location–Routing Model 529

12.4 An Inventory–Routing Model 531

Case Study: Inventory–Routing at Frito-Lay 534

Problems 535

13 The Bullwhip Effect 539

13.1 Introduction 539

13.2 Proving the Existence of the Bullwhip Effect 541

13.3 Reducing the Bullwhip Effect 552

13.4 Centralizing Demand Information 555

Case Study: Reducing the Bullwhip Effect at Philips Electronics 556

Problems 559

14 Supply Chain Contracts 563

14.1 Introduction 563

14.2 Introduction to Game Theory 564

14.3 Notation 565

14.4 Preliminary Analysis 566

14.5 The Wholesale Price Contract 568

14.6 The Buyback Contract 574

14.7 The Revenue Sharing Contract 578

14.8 The Quantity Flexibility Contract 581

Case Study: Designing a Shared-Savings Contract at McGriff Treading Company 584

Problems 586

15 Auctions 591

15.1 Introduction 591

15.2 The English Auction 593

15.3 Combinatorial Auctions 595

15.4 The Vickrey–Clarke–Groves Auction 599

Case Study: Procurement Auctions for Mars 608

Problems 610

16 Applications of Supply Chain Theory 615

16.1 Introduction 615

16.2 Electricity Systems 615

16.3 Health Care 625

16.4 Public Sector Operations 632

Case Study: Optimization of the Natural Gas Supply Chain in China 639

Problems 641

Appendix A: Multiple-Chapter Problems 643

Problems 643

Appendix B: How to Write Proofs: A Short Guide 651

B.1 How to Prove Anything 651

B.2 Types of Things You May Be Asked to Prove 653

B.3 Proof Techniques 655

B.4 Other Advice 657

Appendix C: Helpful Formulas 661

C.1 Positive and Negative Parts 661

C.2 Standard Normal Random Variables 662

C.3 Loss Functions 662

C.4 Differentiation of Integrals 665

C.5 Geometric Series 666

C.6 Normal Distributions in Excel and MATLAB 666

C.7 Partial Expectations 667

Appendix D: Integer Optimization Techniques 669

D.1 Lagrangian Relaxation 669

D.2 Column Generation 675

References 681

Subject Index 712

Author Index 725

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Supply Chain and Sales Engineering Technology - Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Institute

Supply Chain and Sales Engineering Technology
A major in the Industrial Engineering Technology Program
in the School of Engineering Technology

Virtually all corporations are dependent upon their supply chains to manage the flow of goods, services and information to help customers. You will study the entire supply chain enterprise, yet have the flexibility to select courses for your chosen career path.

The top ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software in the industry, SAP ERP, is embedded throughout the curriculum. The latest technology and software is also used to help graduates become career-ready.

Core courses
ENGT 18000 - Engineering Technology Foundations
ENGT 18100 - Engineering Technology Applications
TLI 21400 - Introduction To Supply Chain Management Technology
TLI 31300 - Technology Innovation And Integration: Bar Codes To Biometrics
TLI 31600 - Statistical Quality Control
TLI 34200 - Warehouse And Inventory Management
TLI 34300 - Technical And Service Selling
TLI 34350 - Business To Business Sales Management
TLI 41400 - Financial Analysis For Technology Systems
TLI 43530 - Operations Planning And Management
TLI 43630 - Design Of Experiments
TLI 43640 - Lean Six Sigma
TLI 44275 - Global Transportation And Logistics Management
IET 44500 - Strategic Supply Chain Management
TLI 48390 - Industrial Engineering Technology Capstone I: Problem Identification And Analysis
TLI 48395 - Industrial Engineering Technology Capstone II: Project Design

Stanford University CA - Management Science and Engineering

Emeriti: (Professors) James L. Adams, Stephen R. Barley, Richard W. Cottle, B. Curtis Eaves, Warren H. Hausman, Frederick S. Hillier, Ronald A. Howard, Donald L. Iglehart, David G. Luenberger, Michael M. May, William J. Perry, David A. Thompson; (Associate Professor) Samuel S. Chiu; (Professors, Research) Siegfried S. Hecker, Walter Murray, Michael A. Saunders; (Professor, Teaching) Robert E. McGinn

Chair: Nicholas Bambos

Director of Graduate Studies: Kay Giesecke

Director of Undergraduate Studies: Ross D. Shachter

Professors: Nicholas Bambos, Margaret L. Brandeau, Kathleen M. Eisenhardt, Kay Giesecke, Peter W. Glynn, Ashish Goel, Pamela J. Hinds, Ramesh Johari, Riitta Katila, M. Elisabeth Paté-Cornell, Robert I. Sutton, James L. Sweeney, Benjamin Van Roy, Yinyu Ye

Associate Professors: Itai Ashlagi, Jose Blanchet, Charles E. Eesley, Amin Saberi, Ross D. Shachter, Edison T. S. Tse

Assistant Professors: Guillaume W. Basse, Sharad Goel, Irene Y. Lo, Markus Pelger, Aaron Sidford, Johan Ugander, Melissa A. Valentine

Professor (Research): John P. Weyant

Professor (Teaching): Thomas H. Byers

Professor of the Practice: Tina L. Seelig

Courtesy Professors: Stephen P. Boyd, Paul Milgrom, Douglas K. Owens, Alvin Roth

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Industrial Engineering - NITIE Fellow Program Course Page

1. Industrial Engineering - Introduction

2. Taylor's Industrial Engineering

3. Taylor's Industrial Engineering in New Framework - Narayana Rao

4. Productivity Science of Machine - Machining - F.W. Taylor

5. Productivity Science of Human Effort - F.W. Gilbreth

6. Product Industrial Engineering

8. Operations Research - An Efficiency Improvement Tool for Industrial Engineers

9. Industrial Engineering Statistics - Application of Statistics in Industrial Engineering Practice

10. Industrial Engineering Economic Analysis: Engineering Economy or Engineering Economics: Economic Decision Making by Engineers

11. Human Effort Industrial Engineering

12. Industrial Engineering Measurements
Cost Measurement - Essential Activity of Industrial Engineering

Productivity Science of Human Effort - F.W. Gilbreth

Productivity Science - Principle of Industrial Engineering

F.W. Taylor is the pioneer of scientific management. He advocated strongly that science in management of work in production shops did not exist and there is an immediate need to develop science for every element of production work. He himself conducted studies and experiments to develop science of machine tool work/effort and human effort. He contributed to the development of science in both the areas. But in the area of human effort, Frank Gilbreth followed Taylor with a more elaborate framework for productivity science of human effort.

Productivity Science of Human Effort - F.W. Gilbreth


Published in 1911 by D Van Nostrand Company, New York


The aim of motion study is to find and perpetuate the scheme of perfection. There are three stages in this study:

1. Discovering and classifying the best practice.
2. Deducing the laws.
3. Applying the laws to standardize practice, either for the purpose of increasing output or decreasing hours of  labor, or both.


There is no waste of any kind in the world that equals the waste from needless, ill-directed, and ineffective motions. When one realizes that in such a trade as brick-laying alone, the motions now adopted after careful study have already cut down the bricklayer's work more than two-thirds, it is possible to realize the amount of energy that is wasted by the workers of this country.

The census of 1900 showed 29,287,070 persons, ten years of age and over, as engaged in gainful occupations. Taking the case of the nearly thirty million workers cited above, it would be a conservative estimate that would call half their motions utterly wasted.

By motion study the earning capacity of the workman can surely be more than doubled. Wherever motion study has been applied, the workman's output has been doubled. This will mean for every worker either more wages or more leisure.

But the most advisable way to utilize this gain is not a question which concerns us now. We have not yet reached the stage where the solving of that problem becomes a necessity far from it! Our duty is to study the motions and to reduce them as rapidly as possible to standard sets of least in number, least in fatigue, yet most effective motions. This has not been done perfectly as yet for any branch of the industries. In fact, so far as we know, it has not, before this time, been scientifically attempted. It is this work, and the method of attack for undertaking it, which it is the aim of this book to explain.


Motion study as herein shown has a definite place in the evolution of scientific management not wholly appreciated by the casual reader.

Its value in cost reducing cannot be overestimated, and its usefulness in all three types of  management Military, or driver; Interim, or transitory; and Ultimate, or functional is constant.

In increasing output by selecting and teaching each workman the best known method of performing his work, motion economy is all important. Through it, alone, when applied to unsystematized work, the output can be more than doubled, with no increase in cost.

When the Interim system takes up the work of standardizing the operations performed, motion study enables the time-study men to limit their work to the study of correct methods only. This is an immense saving in time, labor, and costs, as the methods studied comply, as nearly as is at that stage possible, with the standard methods that will be synthetically constructed after the time study has
taken place.

Even when Ultimate system has finally been installed, and the scientifically timed elements are ready and at hand to be used by the instruction card man in determining the tasks, or schedules, the results of motion study serve as a collection of best methods of performing work that can be quickly and economically incorporated into instruction cards.

Motion study, as a means of increasing output under the military type of management, has consciously proved  its usefulness on the work for the past twenty-five years. Its value as a permanent element for standardizing work and its important place in scientific management have been appreciated only since observing its standing among the laws of management given to the world by Mr. Frederick W. Taylor, that great conservator of scientific investigation, who has done more than all others toward reducing the problem of management to an exact science.

Now tremendous savings are possible in the work of  everybody, they are not for one class, they are not for the trades only; they are for the offices, the schools, the colleges, the stores, the households, and the farms.  But the possibilities of benefits from motion study in the trades are particularly striking, because all trades, even at  their present best, are badly bungled.


We stand at present in the first stage of motion study, i.e., the stage of discovering and classifying the best practice. This is the stage of analysis.

The following are the steps to be taken in the analysis:

1. Reduce present practice to writing.

2. Enumerate motions used.

3. Enumerate variables which affect each motion.

4. Reduce best practice to writing.

5. Enumerate motions used.

6. Enumerate variables which affect each motion.

Gilbreth started with a list of variable that are of help in developing science of human effort (motion).


Every element that makes up or affects the amount of work that the worker is able to turn out must be considered separately; but the variables which must be studied in analyzing any motion, group themselves naturally into some such divisions as the following:

I. Variables of the Worker.

1 . Anatomy.

2. Brawn.

3. Contentment.

4. Creed.

5. Earning Power.

6. Experience.

7. Fatigue.

8. Habits.

9. Health.

10. Mode of living.

11 . Nutrition.

12. Size.

13. Skill.

14. Temperament.

15. Training.

II. Variables of the Surroundings, Equipment, and Tools.

1. Appliances.

2. Clothes.

3. Colors.

4. Entertainment, music, reading, etc.

5. Heating, Cooling, Ventilating.

6. Lighting.

7. Quality of material.

8. Reward and punishment.

9. Size of unit moved.

10. Special fatigue-eliminating devices.

11. Surroundings.

12. Tools.

13. Union rules.

14. Weight of unit moved.

III. Variables of the Motion.

1. Acceleration.

2. Automaticity.

3. Combination with other motions and sequence.

4. Cost.

5. Direction.

6. Effectiveness.

7. Foot-pounds of work accomplished.

8. Inertia and momentum overcome.

9. Length.

10. Necessity,

11. Path.

12. "Play for position."

13. Speed.

In taking up the analysis of any problem of motion reduction we first consider each variable on the list separately, to see if it is an element of our problem.

Our discussion of these variables must of necessity be incomplete, as the subject is too large to be investigated thoroughly by any one student. Moreover, the nature of our work is such that only investigations can be made as show immediate results for increasing outputs or reducing unit costs.

The nature of any variable can be most clearly shown by citing a case where it appears and is of importance. But it is obviously impossible in a discussion such as this to attempt fully to illustrate each separate variable even of our incomplete list.

Since first writing these articles for Industrial Engineering it has been of great interest to the writer to learn of the conscious and successful application of the principles involved to the particular fields of work that have interested various readers. It was thought that unity might be lent to the argument by choosing the illustrations given from one field. The reader will probably find himself more successful in estimating the value of the underlying laws by translating the illustrations into his own vocabulary, by thinking in his own chosen material.

The practical value of a study such as this aims to be will be increased many fold by cooperation in application and illustration. The variables, at best an incomplete framework, take on form and personality when so considered.

Please Give Your Comments.

What is the relevance of Gilbreth's initial writing on Motion Study today?
What are new developments in this area?
What are new scientific discoveries related to human effort productivity?
What are new developments in human effort productivity engineering?
What are new development in human effort productivity management?

Gilbreth's Motion Study - Chapters

Lessons 204 to 208  of Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course.

The Practice of Motion Study - Gilbreth - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

Fair Use Explanation

Copyright has expired for all works published in the United States before 1923. In other words, if the work was published in the U.S. before January 1, 1923, you are free to use it in the U.S. without permission.

Because of legislation passed in 1998, no new works will fall into the public domain until 2019, when works published in 1923 will expire. In 2020, works published in 1924 will expire, and so on. For works published after 1977, if the work was written by a single author, the copyright will not expire until 70 years after the author’s death. If a work was written by several authors and published after 1977, it will not expire until 70 years after the last surviving author dies.

Industrial Engineering Statistics - Application of Statistics in Industrial Engineering Practice

Industrial Engineering Statistics - Application of Statistics in Industrial Engineering Practice

Industrial engineering is productivity improvement. Industrial engineering is cost reduction. Industrial engineering efficiency improvement.

Industrial engineering is improving the productivity of every resource used in production using engineering processes. It can also be said that is improving the productivity of every process or operation of the process.

What is the role of the statistics subject in industrial engineering?

Have industrial engineers spent time on this question? Or have they taken some methods or tools developed by statisticians and simply added to their toolkit to apply them as they have the potential increase the productivity of processes.

Statistical Process Control and Statistics Quality Control were developed by statisticians and inspection and testing department people. Industrial engineers promoted them as they increased productivity by reducing time spent by people on these activities. When time spent by people goes down, time spent by equipment and tools also go down. Hence many times productivity improvement of one resource can mean productivity improvement of other resources also.
Statistical Quality Control – Industrial Engineering

Sampling was used in industrial engineering in work sampling to reduce the effort involved in time study or production study.

Six sigma is an application of statistics that reduces defects and thus contributes to increase of productivity. Six sigma can also be used to find the highest speed at which a machine can be run to produce acceptable quality. Thus it can be directly employed in productivity improvement. Six sigma now part of tool kit of industrial engineers.
Six Sigma in Machining Processes - Six Sigma Simple Explanation

Engineering Statistics - Text Books

Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Lean Sigma: Statistical Quality Control and Design of Experiments and Systems

Theodore T. Allen
Springer Science & Business Media, Apr 23, 2010 - 600 pages
Lean production, has long been regarded as critical to business success in many industries. Over the last ten years, instruction in six sigma has been increasingly linked with learning about the elements of lean production. Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Lean Sigma builds on the success of its first edition (Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Six Sigma) to reflect the growing importance of the 'lean sigma' hybrid. As well as providing detailed definitions and case studies of all six sigma methods, Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Lean Sigma forms one of few sources on the relationship between operations research techniques and lean sigma. Readers will be given the information necessary to determine which sigma methods to apply in which situation, and to predict why and when a particular method may not be effective. Methods covered include: • control charts and advanced control charts, • failure mode and effects analysis, • Taguchi methods, • gauge R&R, and • genetic algorithms. The second edition also greatly expands the discussion of Design For Six Sigma (DFSS), which is critical for many organizations that seek to deliver desirable products that work first time. It incorporates recently emerging formulations of DFSS from industry leaders and offers more introductory material on the design of experiments, and on two level and full factorial experiments, to help improve student intuition-building and retention. The emphasis on lean production, combined with recent methods relating to Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), makes Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Lean Sigma a practical, up-to-date resource for advanced students, educators, and practitioners.

Modern Engineering Statistics
Thomas P. Ryan
John Wiley & Sons, Jun 22, 2007 - 736 pages
An introductory perspective on statistical applications in the field of engineering
"Modern Engineering Statistics" presents state-of-the-art statistical methodology germane to engineering applications. With a nice blend of methodology and applications, this book provides and carefully explains the concepts necessary for students to fully grasp and appreciate contemporary statistical techniques in the context of engineering.

With almost thirty years of teaching experience, many of which were spent teaching engineering statistics courses, the author has successfully developed a book that displays modern statistical techniques and provides effective tools for student use. This book features:

Examples demonstrating the use of statistical thinking and methodology for practicing engineers

A large number of chapter exercises that provide the opportunity for readers to solve engineering-related problems, often using real data sets

Clear illustrations of the relationship between hypothesis tests and confidence intervals

Extensive use of Minitab and JMP to illustrate statistical analyses

The book is written in an engaging style that interconnects and builds on discussions, examples, and methods as readers progress from chapter to chapter. The assumptions on which the methodology is based are stated and tested in applications. Each chapter concludes with a summary highlighting the key points that are needed in order to advance in the text, as well as a list of references for further reading. Certain chapters that contain more than a few methods also provide end-of-chapter guidelines on the proper selection and use of those methods. Bridging the gap between statistics education and real-world applications, Modern Engineering Statistics is ideal for either a one- or two-semester course in engineering statistics.

Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics
Editors: Hoang Pham Prof.
ISBN: 978-1-85233-806-0 (Print) 978-1-84628-288-1 (Online)

Engineering Statistics Journals


Volume 1 No.1
Condensed Calculations for Evolutionary Operation Programs
G. E. P. Box & J. S. Hunter
pages 77-95

Volume 2 No. 1
Statistical Estimation of the Gasoline Octane Number Requirement of New Model Automobiles

Claude S. Brinegar & Ronald R. Miller
pages 5-18

Updated on 21 September 2019, 17 June 2015

Friday, September 20, 2019

Lathe - Method Study - Process Industrial Engineering Exercises

Use Operation Analysis

How to make KEYWAY on the LATHE
Made in Poland
Published on 27 Feb 2019



Machining a Cube on a Lathe
Published on 31 Jan 2018


Primitive worm gear hobbing in a lathe
6,714,929 views•Published on 10 Oct 2012


Updated on 21 September 2019,  10 July 2019

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dream and Do Tendulkar Way - Convocation Advice to Graduates of NITIE 2019

At the convocation held on 14 September 2019, graduates of NITIE were appreciated for joining the prestigious institute and completing the course and becoming eligible for receiving the diploma.

The guest of honour told achievement, extraordinary achievement is possible and every body should aim for it and it is a five step process.


Sachin Tendulkar did not only dream when he was told by a coach that he had talent. He practiced till the last day to keep fit and keep his skill up-to-date. Even engineering, industrial engineering and management graduates have to keep their knowledge fresh and practice of that knowledge has to be done every day to perfect it  to face the challenges bowled to them  by the environment successfully in Tendulkar Way

One Year Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

One Year MBA Knowledge Revision Plan

New Technology Industrial Engineering   #IndustrialEngineering
Understanding the New Technology - Engineering Economic Analysis - Productivity Assessment and Improvement

Industrial Engineering - Introduction  #IndustrialEngineering

Tuesday, September 10, 2019




CONSIDERED in relation to the time during which it has been applied to the trades, scientific motion study can show most satisfactory results.

The workers in the field as well as in the office have been quick to appreciate and adopt the new methods suggested by motion economy.

This has been especially the case in the crafts. Nearly every proficient workman loves his trade. He loves the joy of achievement. He can achieve most when useless motions have been eliminated for him, and he welcomes improvements, as the bricklayers have welcomed the brick coming right side up on the packet.


To the casual reader it may seem that the task of evolving standard practice from usual present practice, and from the best practice, is simply a case of observing, recording, and eliminating. The student will see that it requires the closest concentration to do even the necessary scientific observing and recording, while to deduce and systematize standard motions for any one trade would furnish a life work for several trained scientists.

It is a difficult task for an inexperienced or untrained observer to divide an operation correctly into its motions.  Enumerating the variables that affect each motion is a task big enough to satisfy the most ambitious student of waste elimination.


We have found it helpful in recording our observations to use charts. Some such form as that shown on pages 88 and 89 is used.

This chart is one made during an observation of bricklaying before the invention of the packet, the packet scaffold, and the fountain trowel.

The operation of laying a brick was divided into the motions of which it consisted (column i). The usual (present) practice of the time (given as "the wrong way," column 2) showed the units into which the operation was divided. The best practice of the time ("the right way," column 3, now obsolete) was charted in such a way that its relation from a motion standpoint to the usual practice was clearly shown.

Column 4 shows how the usual practice may be transformed into the best practice. It would serve as an instruction card to the workman, showing him not only where his method needed to be improved but also exactly how to improve it.

This chart, together with a plan showing the workman where he should put the stock and where he should place his feet (Fig. 14), and with pictures showing how he should lay the brick, etc., proved most successful for instruction as well as for recording.

At first glance this chart, and the others like it, which we used at that time, seem very crude. In fact, compared to what has since been done to standardize operations, they are crude. But they mark a distinct phase of motion study. They show plainly, as careful reading will prove, that an earnest study of motions will automatically promote the growth of the study.

For example, study of column 4 in the sample chart given led to the invention of the packet scaffold, the packet, the fountain trowel, and several other of the best devices, and the u packet-on- the- wall" method now used in brickwork.

These inventions in their turn necessitated an entirely new set of motions to perform the operation of laying a brick.

So, likewise, the progression also went on before the days of conscious motion study: observation, explanation, invention, elimination, and again observation, in an upward helix of progress.

The great point to be observed is this: Once the variables of motions are determined, and the laws of underlying motions and their efficiency deduced, conformity to these laws will result in standard motions, standard tools, standard conditions, and standard methods of performing the operations of the trades.

Conformity to these laws allows standard practice to be attained and used. If the standard methods are deduced before the equipment, tools, surroundings, etc., are standardized, the invention of these standard means is as sure as the appearance of a celestial body at the time and place where mathematics predicts that it will appear.

It is as well to recognize first as last that real progress from the best present method to the standard method can never be made solely by elimination. The sooner this is recognized the better. Elimination is often an admirable makeshift. But the only real progress comes through a reconstruction of the operation, building it up of standardized units, or elements.

It is also well to recognize the absolute necessity of the trained scientific investigator. The worker cannot, by himself, arrange to do his work in the most economical manner in accordance with the laws of motion study. Oftentimes, in fact nearly always, the worker will believe that the new method takes longer than the old method. At least he will be positive that many parts, or elements, of the process when done under the new method take longer than under the old style, and will not be in sympathy with the scheme because he is sure that the new way is not so efficient as his old way. All of which shows that the worker himself cannot tell which are the most advantageous motions. He must judge by the fatigue that he feels, or else by the quantity of output accomplished in a given time. To judge by the quantity of output accomplished in a given time is more of a test of effort than a test of motion study, and oftentimes that element that will produce the most output is the one that will cause the least fatigue.

The difference in amount of merit between any two methods can perhaps be best determined by timing the elements of the motions used in each. This is the method of attack usually accepted as best, because it separates each motion into its variables and analyzes them one at a time. It is out of the question to expect a workman to do such timing and to do his work at the same time. Furthermore, it is an art in itself to take time-study observations, an art that probably takes longer to master than does shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, or drafting.

Few workers have had an opportunity to learn the art of making and using time-study observations, because our school educators have not had any mental grasp of the subject themselves. Add to the difficulties to be overcome in acquiring the knowledge of observing, recording, and analyzing the time-study records, the knowledge necessary to build up synthetically the correct method with each element strictly in accordance with the laws of motion economy each by itself and when used together in the particular determined sequence, and you will see the reason why the worker by himself has not devised, cannot, and never will be expected to devise, the ultimate method of output. It does not then, after all, seem so queer that the workman's output can always be doubled and oftentimes more than tripled by scientific motion study. Again, scientifically attained methods only can become Ultimate methods.

Any method which seems after careful study to have attained perfection, using absolutely the least number of most effective, shortest motions, may be thrown aside when a new way of transporting or placing material or men is introduced. It is pitiful to think of the time, money, strength, and brains that have been wasted on devising and using wonderfully clever but not fundamentally derived methods of doing work, which must inevitably be discarded for the latter.

The standardizing of the trades will utilize every atom of such heretofore wasted energy.

The standardizing of the trades affords a definite best method of doing each element.

Having but one standard method of doing each element divides the amount of time-study data necessary to take by a number equal to the number of different equally good methods that could be used.

The greatest step forward can be made only when time-study data can be made by one and used by all. A system of interchange and cooperation in the use of the data of scientific management can then be used by all persons interested.

This reduction and simplification of taking time study is the real reason for insistence upon making and maintaining standards for the largest down to the smallest insignificant tool or device used.

Much toward standardizing the trades has already been done. In this, as in almost countless other lines of activity, the investigator turns oftenest with admiration to the work of Frederick W. Taylor. It is the never-ceasing marvel concerning this man that age cannot wither nor custom stale his work. After many a weary day's study the investigator awakes from a dream of greatness to find that he has only worked out a new proof for a problem that Taylor has already solved.

Time study, the instruction card, functional foreman-ship, the differential rate piece method of compensation, and numerous other scientifically derived methods of decreasing costs and increasing output and wages these are by no means his only contributions toward standardizing the trades whose value it would be difficult to overestimate; they are but a few of the means toward attaining standards which have been placed by Taylor, their discoverer, within the hands of any man willing to use them.


The great need to-day in standardizing the trades is for cooperation. In other times all excellent methods or means were held as "trade secrets," sometimes lost to the world for generations until rediscovered. The day for this is past. Thinkers of to-day recognize that the work to be done is so great that, given all that every one has accomplished and is accomplishing, there is room and to spare for every worker who cares to enter the field. Cooperation and team work is the crying need.

Conservation and comparison of knowledge, experiments, data and conclusions are what we need. The various engineering journals are to be commended for recognizing the importance of this, and for furnishing an excellent means for recording and spreading much needed information.

The ideal conservator of knowledge in this, as in all other branches, would be the United States government. The government should maintain a permanent bureau, with experiment stations, as is done with the Department of Agriculture.

Individual investigators, corporations, and colleges, all would be willing to turn over the results of their work to such a government bureau. The colleges would cooperate with such a bureau, as do the agricultural colleges with the Department of Agriculture. The bulletins of such a bureau would be invaluable to the men in the trades, as are the agricultural bulletins to the farmers.

The Department of Agriculture is an excellent model. The form for a department or bureau of trades is all at hand. It is only necessary to translate the language of agriculture into the language of labor. It is only through such a bureau that the trades can formally be standardized.

Such a bureau would have two main tasks: (i) To subclassify the trades; (2) To standardize the trades.
The first task should be successfully completed before the second is undertaken.

We have spoken briefly, in considering cost of motions, o the necessity of separating those motions that require skill from those that require nothing but strength and endurance.

This sub-classifying of the trades according to the types or grades of motions that they use, or according to the brawn, brain, training, and skill required to make the motions, will cut down production costs. It will raise the standards of all classes. It will do away with differences between employers and employees. It will eliminate unnecessary waste. It will raise the wages of all workers.
It will reduce the cost of living.

We might call such a sub-classification as desired a " functional" classification of the trades.

For example, for brickwork we recommend five classes:

Class A. Ornamental and exterior face brick and molded terra cotta.

Class B. Interior face tiers that do not show at completion, where strong, plumb, and straight work only is needed.

Class C. Filling tiers where only strength is needed.

Class D. Putting fountain trowels and brick packs on the wall near the place, and in the manner where the other three classes can reach them with greatest economy of motion.

Class E. Pack loaders, brick cullers, and stage builders.

The pay of the A and B classes should be considerably higher than is customary for bricklayers. The pay of the C, D, and E classes should be lower than is customary for bricklayers, but much higher than the pay of laborers. This classification will raise the pay of all five classes higher than they could ever obtain in the classes that they would ordinarily work in under the present system, yet the resulting cost of the labor on brickwork would be much less, and each class would be raised in its standing and educated for better work and higher wages.

In the case of brickwork this new classification is a crying necessity, as the cost of brickwork must be reduced to a point where it can compete with concrete. Improvements in making, methods of mixing, transporting, and densifying concrete in the metal molds of to-day have put the entire brickwork proposition where it can be used for looks only, because for strength, imperviousness, quickness of construction, lack of union labor troubles, and low cost, brickwork cannot compete with concrete
under present conditions.

Having sub-classified the trades, the second step is to standardize them.

And both classification and standardization demand motion study.

The United States government has already spent millions and used many of the best of minds on the subject of motion study as applied to war; the motions of the sword, gun, and bayonet drill are wonderfully perfect from the standpoint of the requirements of their use. This same study should be applied to the arts of peace.

It is obvious that this work must and will be done in time. But there is inestimable loss in every hour of delay. The waste of energy of the workers in the industries to-day is pitiful. But it is far more important that the coming generation of workers should be scientifically trained.

The science of management of the future will demand that the trades be taught in accordance with the motion standards of a United States Bureau of Standardization of Mechanical Trades. The present method of teaching an apprentice is the most unbusinesslike event that takes place in any of our industrial institutions.

We have never heard of a trades school, manual training school, or technical school that makes any attempt to solve questions of motion study. The usual process is to teach a student or apprentice to do his work well first, and after he has finally accomplished the art of making or doing the thing in question, then to expect him to learn to do it quickly. This process is a relic of the dark ages. A novice should be taught to do what he is trying to do with certain definite motions, and to repeat the operation until he is able automatically to use the standard motions and do good work.

If an apprentice bricklayer, blacksmith, or tool sharpener, for example, is not instructed to count his motions when doing a certain piece of work, he will surely get into the habit of making extra motions that cannot be omitted later without almost as much effort as that spent in learning the trade. There is little incentive for an old mechanic to teach a boy so that he will excel his teacher, and perhaps run him out of a job about the time that he, the apprentice, becomes expert.

One of the most common causes for neglecting the important subject of motion study is that the boss of the establishment is not himself really a master of the trade that is being taught, or, if he was master once, has forgotten it because there are no books or systems that have so described, charted, and illustrated his trade as to refresh his memory.

Again the teacher is often a mechanic who is not trained to impart what knowledge he has, has never studied pedagogy, and is expected to do a full day's work at the same time that he is teaching his apprentice.

The arts and trades of human beings should be studied, charted, photographed, and motion-pictured, and every employer, apprentice, and student should be able to receive bulletins of his trade for a sum equal to the cost to a farmer of a bulletin from the Department of Agriculture instructing how to increase the outputs of cows, hens, and bees.

One great aid toward cutting down the work of every one out of the trades as well as in, would be the standardizing of our written alphabet to conform to the laws of motion study. The most offhand analysis of our written alphabet shows that it is full of absolutely useless strokes, all ** f which require what are really wasted motions.

Consider the single example of the first stroke on the first letter of each word. Here is a motion that can be eliminated wholly. While its existence is necessary in type that represents handwriting or imitates engraved plate work, and in enameled separate letters of window signs, its adoption and use in handwriting is of no purpose and is wrong from the standpoint of motion economy.

Each letter of our written alphabet is a natural deviation from our printed alphabet that is the result of leaving the pencil on the paper.

Now the time has arrived for revising our written language by means of a new scientifically invented alphabet specially devised for the purpose of securing clearer writing, made of connected letters, each designed of itself and in connection with all the other letters, so that it conforms to the laws of motion economy. This is not a suggestion that we should adopt stenographic signs for words or sounds,
although a general knowledge of one standard stenographic system would also be a great benefit to a nation.

The suggestion is, that in as much as it is the aim of our nation that all citizens should be able to read and write, a new written alphabet should be devised for us that shall conform to the laws of motion study, that we all can increase either our outputs in writing or else that we all may be able to do such writing as we are obliged to do in less time.

It is to be hoped that an international society of highly trained educators, similar to those composing the Simplified Spelling Board, may be called together, as was the Simplified Spelling Board, to give this matter immediate attention. A written alphabet for all languages of the world should be determined and used not only by the users of each language, but also by the societies advocating and promulgating such world's second or international languages as Volapiik and Esperanto.

One great drawback to the more rapid progress of any artificial or second language has been the difficulty of reading the correspondence between enthusiasts who were proficient in speaking their thoroughly agreed upon international language.

It would not be desirable to abandon our present written alphabet. There are now literally hundreds of different styles of lettering that all can read, yet how few of them can any of us make with pen or pencil.

To add one more style of lettering to the now existing hundreds could scarcely be considered as confusing by even those who are constitutionally opposed to changes in anything.

Therefore, there should be devised one more style of lettering, specially adapted to cutting down the time of writing and adding to the general legibility when written quickly.

Let this be our second written language. Let us use the present system and the new one. Let the generations to come have the benefit of the application of science to their future writing, and let the present style be also used, provided it does not die the natural death in the combat of the survival of the fittest.

We may have to wait for international coinage, international postage stamps, international courts, international arbitration, and international weights and measures; but there can be no reason for not having an international system of written alphabetical characters, and while having it let us decide in favor of that system that fulfills the requirements of motion study, both of the hand in making, and of the eye in reading.


In the meantime, while we are waiting for the politicians and educators to realize the importance of this subject and to create the bureaus and societies to undertake and complete the work, we need not be idle. There is work in abundance to be done.

Motion study must be applied to all the industries. Our trade schools and colleges can:

1. Observe the best work of the best workers.

2. Photograph the methods used.

3. Record the methods used.

4. Record outputs.

5. Record costs.

6. Deduce laws.

7. Establish laboratories "for trying out laws."

8. Embody laws in instructions.

9. Publish bulletins.

10. Cooperate to spread results and to train the rising

This is the era now. We have a scientific method of attack, and we have also scientific methods of teaching.

The stereoscopic camera and stereoscope, the motion picture machines, and the stereopticon enable us to observe, record, and teach as one never could in the past.


The " pack-on-the-wall "method is the latest development and is an actual direct result of motion study. It has again  changed the entire method of laying brick by reducing the kind, number, sequence and length of motions. It reduces the fatigue of the bricklayer and he is therefore able to make more rapid motions.

The economic value of motion study has been proved by the fact that by means of it workmen's outputs have been more than tripled, production costs lowered, and wages increased simultaneously.

This book is written for the express purpose of calling to the attention of the nation that what has been done in a few trades can be done in each and every trade.

The most important matter before the public to-day is the creation and operation of a department at Washington for discovering, collecting, conserving and disseminating data relating to Taylor's method of Intensive Management commonly called Scientific Management.

Please Give Your Comments.

What is the relevance of Gilbreth's initial writing on Motion Study today?
What are new developments in this area?
What are new scientific discoveries related to human effort productivity?
What are new developments in human effort productivity engineering?
What are new developments in human effort productivity management?

Updated  11 September 2019.   8 October 2018, 30 September 2017, 19 August 2015