Sunday, August 27, 2023

Productivity Analysis of Toolholders in Operation Analysis

 Operator Work Study - Machine Work Study - Interaction Study

In ILO Work Study Book, in page 349-350, it is written, "When seeking to improve the method the work study person follows two main approaches."

First, he or she tries to "push the handle down into the pump" — that is, to arrange for some of the manual elements which are being performed outside the machine-controlled time to be carried out as inside work, thus shortening the work cycle. 

Second, close attention is given to "shrinking the pump" — making the machine-controlled time as short as possible by ensuring that the machine is being used to the best advantage, to the correct speeds and feeds, and using cutting tools which are correctly ground and made of the best type of cutting steel for the sort of work in hand, so that the machine-running time is minimum with the best conditions maintained always. (This is what Taylor said, favorable circumstances.)

The first one is interaction improvement. The second is machine work improvement. The third which is not mentioned in this paragraph is operator work improvement. All three need to be done to improve machine-man work systems.

Part of Main Topic: Analysis of Items in Operation Information Sheet

Tool holders now play an important role in facilitating best cutting conditions.

Toolholders - Introduction

The design and structural properties of toolholders have a strong influence on machining cost, accuracy, and stability.

Cutting tools may either be mounted directly to the spindle/turret, or may be connected through an adapter (arbor or toolholder).  The spindle connection for a toolholder (or integral cutting tool) is the foundation that supports the cutting edge in any rotating or stationary tool machining system, and may take a variety of forms.  The toolholder is often the weakest link in the machining system, which has even limited full utilization of the potential of advanced cutting tool materials in some applications. This means some effort can be devoted to improve tool holders further.

The basic question for the analysis is what alternative toolholders are available and what cutting conditions do they facilitate?

ud. 27.8.2023
First published 15 September 2020

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