Monday, December 21, 2020

Difference Between Industrial Systems Engineering and System Industrial Engineering

Industrial Systems Engineering focuses on design of new engineering systems and major redesign of existing engineering systems. The systems have to be designed for effectiveness. The design of the product and process have to give output that have customer acceptance and customer willingness to pay reasonable price. Engineering is now spread over number of branches and industrial systems designers have to specialize in particular branches and acquire sufficient knowledge to design the systems and their components. The systems engineering is a major and complex activity involving hundreds and thousands of persons. In addition to the technical skill of visualizing the system and designing certain components, the systems engineer needs the managerial skills to build teams, plan, direct and control their activities at various levels.

System Industrial Engineering is concerned with being with the process during operation of the system and doing continuous improvement. The continuous improvement is triggered by problems experience by the operators, creativity of the operators and engineers to suggest improvements, new developments in engineering and technology, and productivity science developments. System industrial engineers also have to stay abreast of technological developments related to operations in the processes of their organizations.

THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA - College of Engineering View

Engineering is a vital profession not only for keeping our technology and infrastructure running, but for exploring and designing new systems and ideas. As the pace of technological evolution accelerates, so do the opportunities for engineers to make inventions and build remarkable innovations. 

This article will discuss two branches of engineering that rely on a systems point of view: systems engineering and industrial engineering.


The Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineer (IISE) describes the focus of systems and industrial engineering as follows: “Industrial and systems engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment and energy.”

Systems engineers design and optimize complex systems. They work with an array of other technology professionals, including software engineers, hardware engineers, and programmers.

Industrial engineers manage and improve manufacturing processes and service operations. An industrial engineer is primarily concerned with finding ways to better utilize machinery, employees, and additional assets that impact operations.

Our systems engineering courses focus on both technical proficiency with engineering concepts and principles, and project management.

Systems engineers use expert knowledge of engineering, computer science, and mathematics to design computing technology, software, and other systems.

In addition to their everyday responsibilities, systems engineers are expected to keep their technology skills up-to-date.

The University of Arizona Master of Science in Industrial Engineering program helps students develop key skills in industrial engineering, including how to supervise high-tech production processes and optimize manufacturing operations. The program provides students with an in-depth exploration of technical skills including automation, traffic modeling, and computer-integrated manufacturing.

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