What are the processes under your productivity management?
Have? you prepared process charts for them?
Have you made IE measurements for them?
What is the total cost of the process for unit time period?
What is the cost of unit?
What is productivity for each resource?
Do you have time measures for each element?
Value Creation Target for IE Department.
The IE department's expenditure per month is $60,000 ((1 MSIE + 5 BSIEs + Staff)). They have to find savings of $300,000 per month. $3,600,000 per year on $100,000,000 cost of production per year.
3.6% of the process production cost per year.
Breakup of Productivity Benefit - Sharing Scheme
Savings of $300,000 per month
Benefit break up:
IE department staff: $60,000
Investment in projects: $60,000 If this is taken as interest paid on capital investment can be in multiples of this amount.
Increase in benefits to other employees:$60,000
Benefit to customers: $60,000
Increase in profits of the company: $60,000
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A Model
Identify elements (products, equipment, people, facilities, services, software, etc.), variables (qualitative and quantitative), situations, and scenarios to be analyzed.
Establish with management, based on the information obtained in the audit and historical statistics, defining the scope, objectives, goals, deadlines, resources, technology, and restrictions of the productivity improvement project,.
The technology must be selected considering management requirements in terms of budget, information security, access, and features for efficient communication. This definition must be agreed upon with management.
Based on the statistical information, the organization chart, the information generated by the audit, and the researcher’s criteria in action, the groups must be defined. In our case, the model pre-establishes the quality, maintenance, and supervision groups, but they can establish groups such as human resources, logistics, purchasing, sales, etc. depending on the specific case.
Before deciding who will participate in the groups, it is important to carry out an evaluation of the human resource that helps us determine if it has any incompatibility with the project. After this, a meeting must be held with the operations management to define who will participate in the groups.
The objectives, goals, and deadlines for the implementation of the productivity improvement project must be transmitted to the staff, improving coordination with a communication tool in the processes. Communication norms must be established and taught to participants, establishing schedules, type of information to be transmitted, language to be used, confidentiality rules, etc.
The objectives of the productivity improvement action plan must be reviewed. In these meetings, the statistics of the previous cycle or period will be presented, the progress made regarding the goals. and the individual situations of each group will be analyzed where they will be shared with the participants of other groups to increase their level of group situational awareness.
Management of the Process Productivity
Process Improvement and Organizational Learning: The Role of Collaboration Technologies
Ned F. Kock
Idea Group Inc (IGI), 01-Jan-1999 - 157 pages
Process improvement can itself be considerably improved by the use of information technology. Distributed and a synchronous group support systems, such as e-mail, computer conferencing and the World Wide Web are likely to play a major role in this improvement. Process Improvement and Organizational Learning: The Role of Collaboration Technologies analyzes the relationship between collaborative technologies, process improvement and organizational learning. It is based on the author's experiences in numerous process-focused organizational development projects where process improvement groups were aided by the support of collaborative technologies.
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