Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Productivity and Industrial Engineering (IE) in Battery Manufacturing

Industrial Engineering = Productivity - Efficiency - Cost Reduction

Productivity Science - Productivity Engineering - Productivity Management

Monitoring of New Technology

In new technology industrial engineering, industrial engineers have to first learn the new technology. They have to monitor developments in it. Then they have to monitor industrial engineering interventions in the technology reported so far in popular press, trade magazines, professional association publications, patents and research papers.

How Electric Vehicle Battery Packs are Manufactured


Battery Manufacturing Basics from CATL’s Cell Production Line (Part 1)
Jun 14, 2021

Battery Raw Materials - Where from and Where to?
Richard Backhauscorresponding author
ATZ Worldw. 2021; 123(9): 8–13. Published online 2021 Aug 27.

Rechargeable Battery for Electric Cars: Cost Reduction Estimates

The MIT Technology Review estimated the cost of automotive battery packs to be between US$225 to US$500 per kilowatt-hour by 2020.[MIT] A 2013 study by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy reported that battery costs came down from US$1,300 per kWh in 2007 to US$500 per kWh in 2012. The U.S. Department of Energy has set cost targets for its sponsored battery research of US$300 per kWh in 2015 and US$125 per kWh by 2022..[ACEEE]

In October 2015, car maker GM revealed at their annual Global Business Conference that they expected a price of US$145 per-kilowatt-hour for Li-ion cells entering 2016 and a cost of US$100 per kwh by the end of 2021.[GM]

According to a study published in February 2016 by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), battery prices fell 65% since 2010, and 35% just in 2015, reaching US$350 per kWh.  BNEF projects that by 2040, long-range electric cars will cost less than US$22,000 expressed in 2016 dollars. BNEF expects electric car battery costs to be well below US$120 per kWh by 2030, and to fall further thereafter due technology developments.[BNEF]

Required Battery Capacities

Tesla Model S: 60–100 kWh
Tesla Model X: 60–100 kWh
Tesla Model 3: 50–70 kWh
Tesla Model Y: 50–70 kWh

MIT: Tommy McCall (2011-06-25). "THE PRICE OF BATTERIES" (PDF). MIT Technology Review.
ACEEE:Siddiq Khan and Martin Kushler (June 2013). "Plug-in Electric Vehicles: Challenges and Opportunities" (PDF). American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. Retrieved 2013-07-09. ACEEE Report Number T133.
GM: Cobb, Jeff (2015-10-02). "Chevy Bolt Production Confirmed For 2016". Hybrid cars.
BNEF: Bloomberg New Energy Finance (2016-02-25). "Here's How Electric Cars Will Cause the Next Oil Crisis" (Press release). London and New York: PR Newswire.


Battery capacity requirements and adoption rates of four types of EVs by 2030 - BCG Estimates (2018)

Mild hybrid electric vehicles (MHEVs) have an internal combustion engine (ICE) plus a low-power electric engine with battery capacity of approximately 5 kWh. 2030 Estimate:  will be  15% of the global automotive market in 2030.
Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) combine an ICE and a medium-power electric engine with battery capacity of approximately 10 kWh. 2030  estimate 13%.
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) have an ICE and a high-power electric engine with battery capacity of approximately 18 kWh.  2030 market share estimate: 6%.
Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) have an electric motor powered by a large-capacity battery. Depending on the vehicle class, the battery capacity may be as much as 110 kWh. 2030 estimate:  14% of the automotive market in 2030.

Automotive Batteries 101 - Production Process and Research Goals at University of Warwick

The Supply Chain for Electric Vehicle Batteries
David Coffin and Jeff Horowitz
United States International Trade Commission
Journal of International Commerce and Economics
December 2018

Year-Wise News and Information Productivity and Industrial Engineering (IE)  in EV Battery Manufacturing

Electric Car Battery Replacement Cost in India?
1 Feb 2022

Breaking Down the Cost of an EV Battery Cell
February 22, 2022


Lithium-ion battery pack prices averaged $132 per kwh in 2021—down from $140 per kwh in 2020—and $101 per kwh on a cell basis, the report said


August 28, 2019
Indian Oil to build EV Battery Facility
It’s a GW scale facility to be built in phases beginning with 25 MW or 50 MW and ramped up.

Electric car research boosted by cobalt-free battery.
UT Austin Engineer Arumugam Manthiram aims to eliminate costly, finite cobalt from batteries. He has demonstrated a cathode composition requiring only 6 percent of cobalt in a lithium-ion battery.

APRIL 11, 2019
Tesla, Panasonic to seek productivity gains before new battery investments
Makiko Yamazaki, Arjun Panchadar


BCG - The Future of Battery Production for Electric Vehicles - Cost Reduction and Productivity Management Imperative
SEPTEMBER 11, 2018

Batteries for Electric Cars - BCG
Outlook for 2020  (2010 report)

Current status and challenges for automotive battery production technologies
Arno Kwade, Wolfgang Haselrieder, Ruben Leithoff, Armin Modlinger, Franz Dietrich & Klaus Droeder
Nature Energy volume 3, pages 290–300 (2018)
Published: 12 April 2018

India - NITI - Ayog Report on EVs and Battery Policies - 2018


Further Cost Reduction of Battery Manufacturing - MDPI
Jun 1, 2017 - achieve further performance improvement and cost reduction for Li-ion and solid-state batteries ... By incorporating these practices in the manufacturing process.

11 Jan 2016


14 April 2015
Research published recently in Nature Climate Change Letters shows battery pack costs may in some cases be as low as US$300 per kilowatt-hour today, and could reach US$200 by 2020. The  cost is decreasing at a faster rate.

The battery in a typical mid-range electric car stores around 25 kilowatt hours of energy. The analysis therefore suggests that the cost of electric car batteries may be as low as $7,500 today and is likely to reduce  to $5,000 by 2020.

Galaxy Power’s QuickForm algorithms for newly assembled batteries save battery manufacturers time, energy, and floor space, producing higher-quality batteries and yields.

An Integer Programming Model to Maximize Battery Manufacturing Productivity
Hesham K. Alfares (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia)
Copyright © 2014. 12 pages.
Alfares, Hesham K. "An Integer Programming Model to Maximize Battery Manufacturing Productivity." Management Science, Logistics, and Operations Research. IGI Global, 2014. 26-37. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-4506-6.ch002

Your partner for
battery manufacturing


Best Practice Deployment using Power Steering (CI Trac) at Johnson's Controls

Emission Estimation for Lead Acid Battery Manufacturing Processes, 1999

Learning, Reducing Cost and Increasing Productivity at Exide Technologies, Vernon Recycling Facility
Lean Manufacturing Implementation - Training Initiatives
Kaizen Events:

Reduction in length of the line from 51 ft to 17 ft.
WIP down to 4 units from 44 units.
Productivity improved by 11%.
Manhours per ton of lead produced improved by 42%
Vernon's OEE improved to 86.4%  -  1.4% more than world standard
Profitability increased by 42%.

U.S. Battery Manufacturing Company

Deep Cycle Battery 101 Manufacturing - YouTube Video



Top Manufacturers of Lead Acid Batteries

In USA, Johnson Controls took the highest market share for a single vendor in lead-acid market in 2010, with over a quarter of the market share. Other vendors, such as Exide Technologies, GS YUASA, Enersys, and East Penn, took less than a 10% market share each. Other than GS YUASA, all of the top five vendors belong to the United States. GS Yuasa is market leader in Japan and also in Global sales.

World wide battery manufacturers and Brands

About Lead Acid Batteries

Updated 22 December 2019,  21 October 2019,  14 October 2019,   21 April 2015,
8 Nov 2014


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