Saturday, January 30, 2016

February 2nd Week - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

February 1st Week - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

February 1st Week

The Nature of Organizing - Review Notes
Departmentation in Organizations - Review Notes

Line-Staff Authority and Decentralization - Review Notes
Effective Organizing and Organizational Culture - Review Notes

Summary - Principles - Organizing
Human Resource Management and Selection

Performance Appraisal and Career Strategy
Manager and Organization Development

Summary - Principles - Staffing
Resourcing; A Function of Management

The Revision started in 3rd Week of January

Industrial Engineering Techniques will be covered after covering the introductory management areas in the initial months

January 3rd Week - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

Every year the revision exercise starts in the third week of January

Father of Industrial Engineering

Frederick Taylor

                                                        Picture Source:

January 3rd Week  18th to 22rd 2015

Development of Management Subject. Theory of Management developed over a long a period of time with periodic quantum jumps in thinking.
Scientific Management/Shop Management - F.W. Taylor Introduction

Industrial Management and General Management - Henri Fayol
Importance of Human Relations in Management - Elton Mayo and Rothelisberger (Insights from Psychology)

Organization as a Social Group (Insights of Sociologists)
Mathematical Models and Their Optimization

Control of Variation in Inputs and Outputs (Insights from Statistics)
Systems Approach in Management

Business Conceptualization (Insights from Economics, Engineering Economics, Managerial Economics, Industrial Economics)
Peter Drucker - Business Organization - Economic Function - Social Responsibility

January 4th week Revision Plan