Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Machine Shop Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering. - Productivity Science  - Engineering - Management

Productivity Science for Machine Shop Industrial Engineering.

Productivity Science of Machining -F.W. Taylor -Experiments and Results.

Do it. It is Real Engineering. Industrial Engineering is Engineering Primarily.

Find 5 new engineering developments every day in elements related to facilities, products and processes in your organization and assess their use for industrial engineering. 

Best Practices in Industrial Engineering

Machine Shop Product Industrial Engineering

Value engineering

DFMA for Machining

Machine Shop Facilities and Resources Industrial Engineering

Review of Selection of Equipment - Replacement Analysis

Improvement of Machines and Addition of Accessories

Layout Analysis

5S Analysis -  Every item in a planned and designated place. Highly visible work place reducing search time for any item.

Workstation Design

Selection of Machinists and Other Operators


OEE based maintenance - TPM

New  22.1.2025

How can the best practices outlined for CNC machining help manufacturers in the machining world overcome the challenges of high-mix, low-volume production and batch orders while ensuring efficiency, flexibility, and high-quality output?

The requirements on industrial manufacturers are growing, leading to high-mix-low-volume production. Connections between factories also become more transparent: Increasing customization and variants. Industrial products are getting more complicated and tailored per need. 

In high-mix, low-volume and batch order production environments, CNC machining operations face significant challenges due to the complexity and variability of parts. However, by applying the best practices outlined above, manufacturers can successfully address these challenges while maintaining high efficiency, flexibility, and quality.

 Chapter VI. 


TWO fundamental principles of cheap production.

1. — The determination of "standard time" for each job and its tabulation, introduction, and enforcement. 

2. — The absolute elimination from the workman's routine of every duty but that of running his machine continuously and efficiently; the bringing to him of tools and stock for his next job before he is ready for it. 

The first and possibly the more vital of the two is the determination of standard time upon each job — that is, the shortest space of time in which each job should be completed (including setting up), under normal conditions and with due regard to the fullest possibilities and capacity of the machine tool, the cutting tool, and the stock. 

In most shops, under existing conditions; there is lack of knowledge of the best shapes for cutting tools, of the best methods of hardening and grinding, of the results to be secured from the use of high-speed steel cutting tools, of the best methods that can and should be adopted by a skilled workman, of the capacity of the machine tools in the shop  There is also lack of men skilled in the best methods for handling these cutting tools — men capable of doing the work and of seeing that the workmen do it. 

In many manufacturing firms,  the question of the rapidity of production is determined by e foreman's judgment and skill alone. The average foreman does not know the best results that can be secured in machining today, unless he has been afforded and has accepted exceptional opportunities for making thorough tests of a really scientific character — something that rarely happens. 

The use of high-speed steel for cutting tools is a development of recent years. Comparatively few shop foremen really know what the fullest possibilities of its use are, and fewer still ever force their departments to use it to its fullest efficiency even after its value has been recognized. There have been comparatively few tables ever published that show in a practical manner just what can be done with it. The machine-tool builders themselves, singularly enough, seem to be unable to give any positive, accurate advice as to the actual conditions of cutting speeds, feeds, and depth of cut under which their own tools can best operate, and even the makers of the tool steels do not provide tables of much practical use. 

Nevertheless the work of such a man as F. W. Taylor, in his remarkably thorough and extremely valuable publication, " The Art of Cutting Metals," clearly shows the possibilities that lie in the use of these modem cutting tools — Messrs. Taylor and White being the discoverers of these possibilities and Mr. Taylor himself leading the van in the application to practical use of these principles. This one work makes clear not only the great possibilities but also the great difficulties that originally lay in the path of the investigator. With all of these points in mind, it is simply "rot" to give heed for a moment to any claim of any shop man that his knowledge of this subject is at all exhaustive. 

Experiments and experience show that the present practices of foremen  gives results 40 to 60 per cent short of maximum efficiency. Inasmuch as your entire business is built upon and depends upon the cost of production — or, in its last analysis, simply "the time it takes each man to do his job of work," it is of fundamental importance that that standard time be first determined by methods that will ensure accuracy. 

The second cardinal principle of cheap production stated at the outset was " the absolute elimination from the workman's routine of every duty but that of running  his machine continuously and efficiently; the bringing to him of tools and stock for his next job before he is ready for it." 

The machine hand, assembler, or other worker must be forced to concentrate his skill and attention upon his own work and that work alone, making it impossible for him to waste his time (and thus the employer's money) upon work he should not do. Consider for a moment the many things that a machine hand, for example, will ordinarily do other than operate his particular tool, and then give a moment's thought to analyzing the result. The worst "time wasters" can be classified somewhat as follows: 

a. Running to the supply room for stock for a new job. Result, the machine tool is shut down. 

b. Getting tools, clamps, etc., from the tool room for a new job. Result, the machine tool is shut down. 

c. Grinding his own tools (and very badly at that). Result, the machine is shut down. 

d. Excessive time in "setting up" a job, due to lack of proper instruction, or to a tendency to "soldier" because of lack of supervision. Result, the machine is shut down. 

e. To these add the further tremendous loss of output because the workman fails to use the proper — the very best — cutting speeds, feeds, and depth of cuts, through either lack of knowledge or lack of supervision, and you have a combination that cuts the output of the ordinary shop far below what it should be. 

If your shop is running under ordinary foremanship supervision, with no thorough method for bringing to the workman his stock; for providing him with tools for the next job before he is ready for it; with no method of instructing him what to do and how to do it, and no thorough way of comparing his output with what it should be according to the best standards of today,  — then you can make up your mind that your output is far too low according to the best standards of production. 

You may imagine that "carefully calculated" piece-work rates will protect you; but if your piece-work rates have to allow for the conditions stated just above, you are deceiving yourself grossly as to the possibilities of your output. 

The important consideration is time! time!  Every minute counts for profit if the machine  tool is operating continuously and efficiently; for loss if it operates under the nullifying influences detailed above. 

Consider for a moment! Your entire factory investment — building, power plant, transmission plant, all probably built and selected with great care and expenditure of money — is simply to care for and operate the separate units of machine tools, or to house properly your assembling spaces. Your investment in machine tools repre sents large sums. This vast expenditure is made with but one object  in view — that of producing work and producing it as cheaply as possible. Calculate accurately your indirect charges of every character; proportion the total against each machine tool according to the "machine-rate" method of apportionment, and note carefully how large must be the rate per hour for each machine. This  will prove a good index of the great cost of lost time in the shop by not running the machine. 

Is it not clear, then, that each machine tool should be, nay must be, brought to as high a factor of operating efficiency as possible? Is not your entire investment made with that one end in view? Does it pay to have the efficiency of any collection of these units reduced 15 per cent to 25 per cent by the existence of such shop methods as those detailed, by which the men operating the machines are actually compelled to shut them down to hunt up their next job, to collect their tools, to grind their tools, and to do many things that should be done for them? Can you afford to suffer an even heavier reduction in efficiency due to lack of knowledge of the " best time for each job?" 

The importance of these points can be further emphasized by considering that all such delays, which in their total represent a large amount, directly affect cost and profits, output, indirect expense of every description, quick movement of stock, and hence ultimately the amount of working capital needed in the business, and the possibilities of quicker deliveries, with a resultant direct effect upon the sales department and customers. Indeed, aside from the question of costs and profits, nothing is more important to the separate members of a company— from the executives with their financial problems, through the sales department  with their selling problems, to the harassed factory manager— than the quick movement of stock. 

The reason for the continual absorption of working capital into machinery or stock that worries many a financial officer, or for deliveries so delayed as to affect seriously the efficiency of the selling organization, or for excessive and unreasonable and possibly unexpected costs that seem and, in fact, are out of reason — the reason for all lies hidden away back in the shop processes and methods. It crops out at the individual lathe, planer, shaper or assembling bench, and then only to the keen experienced eye. The workmen busy?  But where?— see that group around the tool-supply window waiting for tools? How many are waiting at the tool grinders to grind their own tools each in his own "individual" manner? There is a mechanic who has taken twenty minutes to " set up" his job instead of ten. Then pause and wonder how in the world anyone or two or more foremen can be sure that the men now operating the machines are using proper speeds and feeds and getting the most out of the machine and the tool. 

In fact, the causes for all these serious troubles are located so far back toward the fundamentals of production — the individual units affording the causes are so seemingly unimportant, and such is the difficulty of recognizing these conditions, buried as they are in a busy shop — that they are overlooked or ignored. 

As a general proposition, the greater the difficulty of solving such problems the more important and necessary becomes that solution, simply for the reason that in this you are dealing with humane elements to whom is given the opportunity of slowing up in production solely because of that very difficulty that lies within the problem itself and its solution. And yet so fundamental and vital is their importance that they cannot be ignored. 

The Starting Point for Minimizing Operation Costs. - Investigation of Existing Machinery

Any plan for the introduction of proper methods for the determination of standard time and the elimination of wasted time must begin by an investigation of the existing shop machinery — an individual report upon each machine tool, especially touching upon the defects, and a recommendation as to what types should be purchased in the future to meet modem production requirements. This is a matter of great importance, but machinery, designed to stand up under the latest high-production requirements, are recognized and listed up at the beginning of the introduction of any new plans, this important matter is liable to be lost sight of later, with the consequence that when the time for purchases of new machinery does come, the older inefficient types are citing to and the shop is further encumbered with old-style tools. 

Nor is the question of securing a more rigid and efficient tool such a simple question as at first appears. Few machine-tool manufacturers are making an earnest attempt to place upon the market tools strong enough to meet the more severe requirements of today. Why? First, because comparatively few have made tests of sufficient scientific worth to determine where the points of greatest weakness really are and how to strengthen them properly. Second — there is the money tied up in old patterns, old stock in the factory bins, in ma- chines going through the process of manufacturing, and finally in finished machine tools carried in the sales rooms. Changes of a radical character would prove a serious matter under such conditions. And, again, the demand of the manufacturer for better and heavier tools has not been urgent enough to force the machine-tool builder into the tremendous trouble that a thorough redesigning of the older types would surely cause. Therefore the latest product of a machine- tool manufacturer is not necessarily adapted to the methods of production that I am advocating. 

Greater driving power is usually the first requirement. Accurate tests have shown that modern lathes, for instance, should have fully double the driving power usually contemplated in their design. This is a point that must be considered carefully. Of course a proper increase in driving power of a lathe, for example, means wider cones, heavier bearings, and stronger heads. Immediately there follows the question of the rigidity of the bed. It is at once apparent that this is a very important point, and yet too little attention has been paid to the design of bed best suited for withstanding the strains and stresses due to the use of new high-speed cutting tools. Solidity is very necessary. The consideration of the need of strength and rigidity should certainly be applied to the tail stock. Slide rests and tool holders should be simple and strong. The tool must be held rigidly under all conditions. The tool posts should be set down lower than is customary in everyday practice. Under modem conditions much greater feeding power is needed. 

But however certain we may be that defects in machine tools have a direct effect upon the rate of production and the cost of the product, existing conditions may prevent purchase of new tools. Inasmuch as I have been through the mill several times with nm-down concerns, I appreciate fully the fact that most manufacturers are obliged, through sheer financial stress, to ignore any scheme, no matter how promising, that involves at the outset a thorough replacement of the existing machinery with the most modern types, even though it can be demonstrated that the latter are 50 per cent more efficient. 

Granting, however, the hard fact that many concerns are obliged first to dig out the problem, using their existing facilities, it is of all the greater importance that two reports relative to machine tools be made out: — 

First, a report showing what heavier, stiffer, and more efficient types of machines should be substituted for existing types when the proper time comes. 

Second, a full report upon each and every machine tool in the shop, showing its points of weakness and its limitations in cutting speeds, feeds, and depth of cuts ; how it can be strengthened ; a description of the kind of work that should be done on it ; a record of best times on jobs ; a full statement of the best machine tool to substitute for it, and a clear-cut comparison of possible production by the use of the latter machines. 

I warn you again that unless this be done systematically at the start, it probably never will be done ; then as time goes on you will find yourself burdened with many a newly purchased machine tool just as weak and inefficient as the older one it replaces. 

In considering the problems of increasing production in any particular shop, we find therefore that they become problems of devising methods and making tests upon the supposition that existing machines and facilities must be used in regular production — that, however advantageous the latter types of tools, the important question of lowering costs must be considered on the basis of developing to the uttermost the efficiency of the present machinery. We must there- fore keep in mind these points in the building up of our system. The great importance of gathering all our data systematically and of using them scientifically cannot be too strongly insisted upon. 






Copyright, 1908 By JOHN R. DUNLAP

Machine Shop Processes Industrial Engineering

Process charting for parts made - Operation Process Chart - Flow Process Chart - Operation Information Sheets

Periodic process chart analysis - Operation Analysis

Determination of Optimal Cutting Parameters.

Management of Productivity Improvement by Shop Operations Team

Regarding machine oriented work improvement.  

OEE accepted as a metric and now we are going ahead with a pilot area of three horizontal milling machines.

Once we get a good baseline of where all machines stand, I aim to run a DOE to have optimal process parameters.

Focusing on production operation,  Would you recommend any more specific strategies/tools to deal with the machine oriented manufacturing?

Message from

Machine Shop Industrial Engineering - An Agenda for 2022 by DR. SHAHRUKH A. IRANI, LEAN & FLEXIBLE LLC

Check part routings - correct errors. Revise misfit operations.

Identify the additional transport due to current layout.

Make small changes to the layout.

Make radical changes to the layout.

Purchase FMC (flexible manufacturing cell) to do lightout manufacturing in the night shift.

Ensure JIT Material Handling and Logistics for cells

Implement phased automation

Rationalize product mix and reject unprofitable parts.

Make efforts to expand parts that are profitable and done in cells in flow method.

You can download the detailed noted from this LinkedIn post.   

Industrial Engineering Strategy for Machine Shop.

Strategic decisions related to industrial engineering function?

1. What is your productivity/Efficiency Improvement - Cost Reduction goal?

2. Are you planning to realize experience curve effect benefits?

3. How much of the cost reduction - productivity improvement should come from specialist industrial engineers and other engineers and managers?

4. What will be the ratio of industrial engineers to other engineers and managers?

5. What bottlenecks or limiting factors have you identified in the machine shop?

6. What techniques are going to receive special emphasis?

7. What is your training plan for specialist industrial engineers and other engineers and managers?

8. What is the top management attention to industrial engineering - productivity improvement - cost reduction activity? - Planning and Review Meetings

9. What is the research and development budget for IE activity?

10. What is the total budget for productivity improvement? What is the budget for productivity projects to be initiated by industrial engineering department? What is the budget for productivity projects to be initiated by operating departments?

Machine Shop Facilities and Resources Industrial Engineering

Review of Selection of Equipment

Improvement of Machines and Addition of Accessories

Replacement Analysis

Layout Analysis

5S Analysis

Workstation Design

Selection of Machinists and Other Operators


Machine Shop Processes Industrial Engineering

Process charting for parts made

Periodic process chart analysis

Management of Productivity Improvement by Shop Operations Team

Machine Shop Products Industrial Engineering

Value engineering


Productivity Science

Productivity Engineering

Productivity Management

Knowledge Base and Lessons for Machine Shop Industrial Engineering - Productivity Improvement and Cost Reduction

How to Make a Machine Shop Lean - Dr. Shahrukh Irani - Chapter Summary

Published 8/1/2018 

10 Lean Manufacturing Ideas for Machine Shops

In addition to the right mix of traditional strategies, a new lean manufacturing toolkit can make high-mix, low-volume machining faster, more predictable and less expensive.


Ud. 22.1.2025, 29.12.2024,  22.9.2024, 29.12.2023, 25.8.022

Pub. 1.7.2022

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