Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Jidoka - Automation and Mechanization - Process Engineering, Facilities and Industrial Engineering in Toyota Production System

Industrial engineering has two important components - Machine Effort Industrial Engineering and Human Effort Industrial Engineering. 

Jidoka - Human Effort Engineering and Industrial Engineering in Toyota Production System  

Jidoka refers to Process Design and Process Improvement in Toyota Production System. It also includes operator work design and training. Jidoka is development of full process involving machines and operators.

"The deeper meaning of Jidoka is improving production process and machines so they can always do work that adds value instead of just spinning their gears. Ohno’s choice of spelling for Jidōka (See image below) emphasizes that if we remove non-value added work and improve value-added work the defects will ultimately be eliminated." - Jun Nakamuro, Fully Endorsed Expert for Organizational Transformation Based on the Ohno Method and TPS

Re-Translating Lean from Its Origin, January 5, 2017

"The concept of jidoka originated in the early 1900s when Sakichi Toyoda, founder of the Toyota Group, invented a textile loom that stopped automatically when any thread broke. Previously, if a thread broke the loom would churn out mounds of defective fabric, so each machine needed to be watched by an operator. Toyoda’s innovation let one operator control many machines. In Japanese, jidoka is a Toyota-created word pronounced exactly the same (and written in kanji almost the same) as the Japanese word for automation, but with the added connotations of humanistic and creating value."



The word below in the picture is used in Toyota for Jidoka. It indicates machines with human touch or intelligence. It is automatic machines with human touch. It can be interpreted as a system having machines and people with appropriate roles that provides quality and productivity (lack of waste of resources).

Mr. Michel Baudin described some aspects of machine effort engineering and machine  effort industrial engineering in Toyota Production System in his "Working with Machines: The Nuts and Bolts of Lean Operations with Jidoka." Baudin also discussed human effort engineering and industrial engineering in the book.

A Toyota Leader on Misunderstandings About the Toyota Production System

It's a talk given by Nampachi Hayashi at the “Building on Success 2018 Conference.”

Mr. Hayashi says the name “should have been TPS = Toyota Process Development System.”

Jidoka = Toyota Process Development System.

Built-in quality and improved flow leading to lower cost… as a result. Cost reduction isn't the primary lever that's pulled (as we see attempted in so many Western companies)… it's a result. Simple cost-cutting might not lead to better quality and flow (it's often quite the opposite that happens). But better flow and better quality always leads to lower cost, in my experience. Productivity is also a forward activity. It focuses on fully utilizing the machine and man to do a job with less resources. This it results in lower cost.

Autonomation describes a feature of machine design to effect the principle of jidoka (自働化)(じどうか jidouka), used in the Toyota Production System (TPS) .

The word "autonomation" 自働化, a loan word from the Sino-Japanese vocabulary, is a portmanteau of "autonomous" and "automation" 自動化, which is written using three kanji characters: 自(じ ji) "self", 動(どう dou)movement, and 化(か ka)"-ization". In the Toyota Production System, the second character is replaced with 働(どう dou) "work", which is a character derived by adding a radical representing "human" to the original 動.

Two Pillars of TPS - Jidoka and JIT

Jidoka - Process designs (Process engineering, Process Planning and Process Industrial Engineering) that eliminate waste


JIT - Material procurement and flow system that eliminates waste.

Jidoka is based on engineering - Product engineering, process engineering, facilities engineering. product industrial engineering, process industrial engineering, facilities industrial engineering,  human effort industrial engineering.

Toyota Production System - Vision & Philosophy (From Company's Website)

Toyota Production System is a production system based on the philosophy of achieving the complete elimination of all waste in pursuit of the most efficient methods.

This production control system was established  with the objective of making the vehicles ordered by customers in the quickest and most efficient way, in order to deliver the vehicles as swiftly as possible. The Toyota Production System (TPS) was established based on two concepts: "jidoka" (which can be loosely translated as "automation with a human touch"),  and the "Just-in-Time" concept, in which each process produces only what is needed for the next process in a continuous flow.

Based on the basic philosophies of jidoka and Just-in-Time, TPS can efficiently and quickly produce vehicles of sound quality, one at a time, that fully satisfy customer requirements.

TPS and its approach to cost reduction are the wellsprings of competitive strength and unique advantages for Toyota. 

The TPS concept

For Toyota, jidoka means that  machines come to a safe stop whenever an abnormality occurs.  

To develop such intelligent machines and processes incorporating these machines, engineers meticulously build each new line component to exacting standards and further improve them  through incremental kaizen (industrial engineering - continuous improvement). Engineers simplify the operations. They create instruction sheets so that the skills of engineers are transferred to operators. The process instruction sheet and the training associated with it enables any operator to use the line to produce the same result.

Once the line is producing the required quality production, the jidoka mechanism is incorporated into actual production lines. Through the engineering repetition of this process by engineers, machinery becomes simpler and less expensive, while maintenance becomes less time consuming and less costly, enabling the creation of simple, slim, flexible lines that are adaptable to fluctuations in production volume.

The work done by engineers by their own hands in this process is the bedrock of engineering skill. Machines and robots do not think for themselves or evolve on their own. Rather, they evolve as we transfer our skills and craftsmanship to them. In other words, craftsmanship is achieved by learning the basic principles of manufacturing through actual work, then applying them on the factory floor to steadily make improvements. This cycle of improvement in both human skills and technologies is the essence of Toyota's jidoka. Advancing jidoka in this way helps to increase machine capabilities and human resource capabilities.

Human wisdom and ingenuity are indispensable to delivering ever-better cars to customers. Going forward, we will maintain our steadfast dedication to constantly developing human resources who can think independently and implement kaizen.


―Improving productivity―

Making only "what is needed, when it is needed, and in the amount needed"

Producing quality products efficiently through the complete elimination of waste, inconsistencies, and unreasonable requirements on the production line (known respectively in Japanese as muda, mura, muri).

In order to fulfill an order from a customer as quickly as possible, the vehicle is efficiently built within the shortest possible period of time by adhering to the following:

When a vehicle order is received, production instructions must be issued to the beginning of the vehicle production line as soon as possible.

The assembly line must be stocked with the required number of all necessary parts so that any kind of ordered vehicle can be assembled.

The assembly line must replace the parts used by retrieving the same number of parts from the parts-producing process (the preceding process).

The preceding process must be stocked with small numbers of all types of parts and produce only the numbers of parts that were retrieved by an operator from the next process.

"Sakichi Toyoda worked with the problem and resolved it. Now the machine no longer has to stop. Hence, it is the ultimate form of jidoka: Make a machine that can run without stops!"   Christoph Roger in   https://www.allaboutlean.com/jidoka-3/

My comment on Rogers' post in Linkedin

Jidoka is to be interpreted as better and better machines and processes. It is better and better engineering. The interpretation of lean theory has distorted the meaning. Its interpretation has to better and better combination of machines and people (process).

Jidoka - Excellent Machines - Excellent Operators - Process Engineering and Industrial Engineering in Toyota Production System


How to implement Jidoka in Lean Manufacturing ? Autonomation

Knowledge Factory-Lean Six Sigma
"Jidoka, also known as automation with a human touch, comes from the Japanese word for 'autonomation'. It's about creating a system where machines, not humans, identify and resolve errors."

Shigeo Shingo on  Toyota Production System Industrial Engineering

Shigeo Shingo - Toyota Production System Industrial Engineering (TPS IE) Part 1


Shigeo Shingo - Toyota Production System Industrial Engineering (TPS IE) Part 2


Shigeo Shingo - Introducing and Implementing the Toyota Production System Industrial Engineering - Part 3


Michel Baudin - "Working with Machines: The Nuts and Bolts of Lean Operations with Jidoka."

Steps of Automation for Machining

1. Introduction of power feed.

2. Automatic stop and return to start position at the end of a cut

3. Automatic unloading of the workpiece

4. Automatic loading of the workpiece

5. Automatic error diagnosis

6. Automatic transportation between operations

Chapter 12: The Lean Approach to Automation

Toyota uses machines and automation at all appropriate places. In this if follows the principle advocated by Barnes. For each step in a process/operation, the best of automation, mechanization or manual work is to be used.

Jidoka is machine - people (machine-man) system. Toyota added man to classical machine symbol and created the symbol for Toyota's Jidoka (Baudin).

Mechanization designates the replacement of human or animal muscle with machines to perform work.

After mechanization of many activities, automation was started by engineers. In automation, machines are told through mechanical means, electrical means, hydraulic means, electronic means or through computer instructions when to start and when to stop and what to do.

Automation reduces amount of human intervention in working of machines. Any change that results in fewer or shorter operator intervention in work of the machines is automation.

Seven Steps in Automating Machining Operations

In early days Toyota engineers had a list of tasks to be done in automating machining. Now all their machines are automated to a very large extent. But engineers of companies that are in the process of automating can learn from the Toyota's automation steps list.

1. Adding a power drive:  As we know, most of the machines now provide power to the work piece in case of lathe and to the rotary tool in case of milling machines.

2. Adding power feed: In case of lathe, tool feed is done through power. Still an operator is required to stop the cut.

3. Automatic stopping of the cut:  If the machine can stop the cut automatically as specified, the operator can start the cut and go and attend another machine. If the tool can come to the starting position after completing a cut, it will save some more time of the operator.

4. Automatic unloading: If the operation is completed, the machine can eject the completed part.

5. Automatic loading: If the machine can eject the completed part and pick and load the new blank, it is the next level of automation. The operator's role and required time further gets reduced.

6. Automatic problem detection: If the machine can detect problems in its functioning through sensors, operator is further relieved of some monitoring functions. If a problem is detected, machine will stop and announce the situation through alarms. Operator can come and take care of the problem.

7.Automatic transportation: In this automation step, the completed part of a machining operation is moved to the next machine automatically.

What Baudin emphasizes is that automation is done in steps so that labor productivity increase takes and operators do not lose the jobs all of a sudden. The system's output expands to provide work to all operators and share the productivity benefit. The automation exercise is carried out taking into consideration the stability of the employment.

Principles Underlying Automation in TPS

1. Productivity improvement must not lead to layoffs.

In USA, large automation projects are implemented, layoffs are implemented. Not so in Toyota.

2. Capability of in-house development

Toyota develops capability to do custom development of machines it buys from standard outside vendors.

3. Decentralized control

Two machines can communicate and manage work in between them. Centralized control is not needed for local events.

4. Automation levels and skill management

As automation proceeds step by step on various operators also upgrade themselves step by step. 

Chapter 13 Improving Legacy Automated Systems

In the chapter Baudin discussed the utility of automated production systems or facilities available like transferlines, FMS, rotary index machines and stacked conveyor loops in lean manufacturing systems.

Transfer lines

Transfer lines are arranged in a straight line for convenience of automatic material handling. The manufactured part moves in a fixed sequence through all the machines to become the machined part.

Transfer line is similar to automated machining cell for a group of a parts.

The machines in the transfer line are being replaced by high speed machining centers with pallet exchangers that can machine various features in a single piece production. 

Toyota Engineers

Kiyohide Motiki - Casting Engineer - https://toyotatimes.jp/en/feature/028.html

 GR Company GRZ Chief Engineer Yasunori Suezawa, who had served as Chief Engineer for the Yaris (Toyota Car Model) -  https://toyotatimes.jp/en/chief_editor/065.html

Jidoka - Kiyoshi Suzaki

In the Process of the Challenge, and the Use of the Jidoka Concept

Kiyoshi Suzaki in Target, Spring 1988, pp. 4-9.

What is the target?

Is it to produce required products, at the required time, in the quantity required with highest quality at lowest cost? 

Is it a challenge to continuous improvement? 

Or is it simply the elimination of waste?

Jidoka is to manufacturing what disciplined exercise is to the nervous and muscle systems of our body. As we increase our athletic skills through training, our body eventually responds to necessary changes much more quickly and accurately than before. There is a similar need to train ourselves in manufacturing to compete and survive. But how we can effectively practice this Jidoka concept is clearly the challenge.

.In order to make changes effectively by incorporating people with the Jidoka concept, there are a few points worth summarizing:

1. Persons in charge of operations (operators) should satisfy their customer's needs (that is, the next process) in cost, quality, and delivery according to the prescribed standards. Naturally, this practice of following the standard procedure requires discipline.

2. Supervisors) should  solve problems exposed from the procedures currently in place. Without standards, we can see no abnormality. If standards are not practiced by subordinates, the supervisor is not fulfilling his role.

3. Production managers  should have an even broader knowledge, balanced perspective, a higher level of commitment to achieve goals, and the ability to lead the organization toward such goals. This person should be able to develop or introduce new standards on Jidoka mechanisms (Process and process improvement) into the organization and make sure each procedure, standard, and mechanism is well maintained.

Jidoka - More Online Resources

What Exactly Is Jidoka?

July 17, 2018 by Christoph Roser






Ohno's goals for Jidoka


https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3738342  41 page book

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405896319312844  Article in science direct.

Rethinking Jidoka Systems under Automation & Learning Perspectives in the Digital Lean Manufacturing World

DavidRomero1 PaoloGaiardelli2 DarylPowell3 ThorstenWuest4 MatthiasThürer5

IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 52, Issue 13, 2019, Pages 899-903

An Application of SMED and Jidoka in Lean Production

January 2019


In book: Proceedings of the International Symposium for Production Research 2018 (pp.530-545)


Mahmut Tekin et al.


Jidoka means “Intelligent people and machines." 
Masters Thesis


Recent References - Jidoka

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"A Problem-Solving Ontology for Human-Centered Cyber Physical Production Systems"

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Systematic combination of Lean Management with digitalization to improve production systems on the example of Jidoka 4.0

Jochen Deuse, Uwe Dombrowski, Fabian Nöhring, ...

International Journal of Engineering Business Management

First Published August 25, 2020 Research Article


https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1847979020951351   - Open Access

Meanings   自働化 - Jidoka or Jidouka - Japanese - English

jidoka (自働化)(じどうか jidouka),

Entry Details for 自働化

Definition and Synonyms for 自働化

1. 自動化 高度な技術を用いた手段

Automation the act of implementing the control of equipment with advanced technology

Synonyms: 機械化, 自動化

2. 自動化 自動にする、制御するまたは自動に作動する

Automate make automatic or control or operate automatically

Synonyms: 自動化

3. 自動化 自動制御または操作を達成させるのに使用される装置

Automation equipment used to achieve automatic control or operation

Synonyms: 自動化

4. 自動化 自動的に操作または制御される状態

Automation the condition of being automatically operated or controlled

Synonyms: 自動化

5. 自動化 通常電子ハードウェアを含むこと

Automation usually involving electronic hardware

Synonyms: 機械化, 自動化


kikai (Japanese)



Romaji transcription of きかい

This is the meaning of きかい:

きかい (Japanese)



機会: opportunity

機械, 器械: machine

奇怪: strange, mysterious

棋界: the shogi world


自動化, 自働化, じどうか


Definition:  automation

Related Kanji


move, motion, change, confusion, shift, shake

change, take the form of, influence, enchant, delude, -ization

work, (kokuji)



Meaning of 自働化 in Japanese

It seems that your search contains the follows:

自  働化

Definition of 自働化

じどうかjidouka  【 自動化 ·自働化 】自動化働 Kanji Details

(n, vs) automation


Automation of Operations in Flow Process Chart

Updated on 14.1.2025, 10.8.2023,  7.10.2021, 20 May 2021,  3 May 2021

Published on 24 April 2021


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    Jidoka - Excellent Machines - Excellent Operators - Process Engineering and Industrial Engineering in Toyota Production System

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