Thursday, January 23, 2025

Systematic Innovation - Introduction - Explanation


 Systematic innovation can be understood as a concept that includes the inventive instruments  necessary to invent the right things that need to be invented, and incorporate them into new  products and processes.

Systematic innovation is crucial for increasing design effectiveness, enhancing competitiveness and profitability.  Innovation can no longer be seen as the product of occasional inspiration. Innovation has to be learned and managed. Innovation has to be transformed into a  capability. .

 The TRIZ methodology is based on the following grounds:

 • Technical systems.

 • Levels of innovation.

 • Law of ideality.

 • Contradictions.

 Every system that performs a technical function is a technical system. Any technical system

 can contain one or more subsystems. The hierarchy of technical systems can be complex with

 many interactions.

Altshuller systematized the solutions described in patent applications

 dividing them into five levels [3]:

 • Level 1: routine solutions using methods well known in their area of specialty. The Level 1

 is not really innovative. This category is about 30% of the total.

 • Level 2: small corrections in existing systems using methods known in the industry. About

 45% of the total.

 • Level 3: major improvements that solve contradictions in typical systems of a particular

 branch of industry. About 20% of the total. This is where creative design solutions appear.

 • Level 4: solutions based on application of new scientific principles. It solves the problem by

 replacing the original technology with a new technology. About 4% of the total.

 • Level 5: innovative solutions based on scientific discoveries not previously explored. Less

 than 1% of the total.

 The TRIZ aims to assist the development of design tasks at levels 3 and 4 (about a quarter of

 the total), where the simple application of traditional engineering techniques does not produce

 notable results

The Law of Ideality states that any technical system tends to reduce costs, to reduce energy

 wastes, to reduce space and dimensional requirements, to become more effective, more

 reliable, and simpler. Any technical system, during its lifetime, tends to become more ideal.

 We can evaluate an inventive level of a technical system by its degree of Ideality.

 There are several ways to increase an ideality of a technical system.

 The TRIZ axiom of evolution reveals that, during the evolution of a technical system, im

provement of any part of that system can lead to conflict with another part.

A system conflict or contradiction occurs when the improvement of certain attributes results

 in the deterioration of others. The typical conflicts are: reliability/complexity; productivity/

 precision; strength/ductility, etc.


 Traditional engineering and design practices can become insuffi

 principles or for radical improvements of existing systems. Trad

 through search of possible compromise between contradicting fact

 aims to remove contradictions and to remove compromises. 

Traditional engineering and design practices can become insufficient and inefficient for the

 implementation of new scientific principles or for radical improvements of existing systems.

 Traditional way of technical and design contradictions’ solving is through search of possible

 compromise between contradicting factors, whereas the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

 (TRIZ) aims to remove contradictions and to remove compromises.

The inconsistencies are eliminated by modification of the entire system or by modification of

 one or more subsystems. TRIZ systematizes solutions that can be used for different technical

 fields and activities.

 In TRIZ, the problems are divided into local and global problems [1]. The problem is considered

 as local when it can be mitigated or eliminated by modifying of a subsystem, keeping the

 remaining unchanged. The problem is classified as global when it can be solved only by the

 development of a new system based on a different principle of operation.

 Over the past decades, TRIZ has developed into a set of different practical tools that can be

 used together or apart for technical problem solving and design failure analysis.

 Generally, the TRIZ’s problem solving process is to define a specific problem, formalize it,

 identify the contradictions, find examples of how others have solved the contradiction or

 utilized the principles, and finally, apply those general solutions to the particular problem.

The integral development of TRIZ consists of a set of concepts [5]:

 •Problem formulation system.

 •Physical and technical contradictions solving.

 •Concept of the ideal state of a design.

 •Analysis "Substance-Field".

 •Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving (ARIZ).

 Altshuller found that, despite the great technological diversity, there is only 1250 typical

 system conflicts. He also identified 39 engineering parameters or product attributes that

 engineers usually try to improve.

 39 engineering parameters or product attributes that

 engineers usually try to improve.

 1. Weight of moving object

 2. Weight of nonmoving object

 3. Length of moving object

 4. Length of nonmoving object

 5. Area of moving object

 6. Area of nonmoving object

 7. Volume of moving object

 8. Volume of nonmoving object

 9. Speed

 10. Force

 11. Tension, pressure

 12. Shape

 13. Stability of object

 14. Strength

 15. Durability of moving object

 16. Durability of nonmoving object

 17. Temperature

 18. Brightness

 19. Energy spent by moving object

 20. Energy spent by nonmoving object

 21. Power

 22. Waste of energy

 23. Waste of substance

 24. Loss of information

 25. Waste of time

 26. Amount of substance

 27. Reliability

 28. Accuracy of measurement

 29. Accuracy of manufacturing

 30. Harmful factors acting on object

 31. Harmful side effects

 32. Manufacturability

 33. Convenience of use

 34. Repairability

 35. Adaptability

 36. Complexity of device

 37. Complexity of control

 38. Level of automation

 39. Productivity

Engineering of Creativity: Introduction to TRIZ Methodology of Inventive Problem Solving

Semyon D. Savransky
CRC Press, 29 Aug 2000 - Technology & Engineering - 408 pages
A comprehensive, comprehensible treatment of TRIZ, Engineering of Creativity provides a valuable opportunity for engineers, R&D managers, and consultants to learn and apply innovative concepts and techniques. The author covers every aspect of TRIZ, from the basic concepts to research and developments. He provides step-by-step guidelines, case studies from a variety of engineering disciplines, and first-hand experience in using the methodology. The book addresses both the theoretical and the practical aspects of each concept, heuristic, and tool, giving readers the ability to formulate the best possible solutions for technical systems problems and predict future developments.

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