Friday, September 22, 2017

Productivity Machine Tool Engineering

Productivity machine tool engineering has two aspects. One is improving the productivity of a manufacturing process by selecting more efficient machine tools. It also involves developing special purpose machine tools that increase productivity in a process.

The second aspect is redesign of machine tools to make them more productive in manufacturing processes. The role of industrial engineers in this activity is to identify the performance features of machine tools that give increased productivity in manufacturing processes.

Advances in Machine Tool Design and Research 1967: Proceedings

Design Optimization of Machine-Tool Structures Considering Manufacturing Cost, Accuracy, and Productivity
M. Yoshimura, Y. Takeuchi and K. Hitomi
J. Mech., Trans., and Automation 106(4), 531-537 (Dec 01, 1984)

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Lean Management - Lean Industrial Engineering

The further development in lean has to provide more scientific insight into how product and service attributes contribute to customer value; what matters most for improving classic lean variables, such as lead time, cost, quality, responsiveness, flexibility, and reliability; and new opportunities for cross-functional problem solving to eliminate anything that strays from customer-defined value.

The lean approach conceptualized by MIT team lead Jim Womack based on Toyota Production system has  management component and industrial engineering component. The above statement of McKinsey consultants brings out the point clearly.

The management component is the  scientific insight into how product and service attributes contribute to customer value.  Managers have to understand what provides the value to customers. Customers idea of value keeps changing. Managers have to track and find out the changes and redesign the systems accordingly.

Industrial engineers have to the productivity focus. Each redesign of the system by managers to improve effectiveness has to be followed by IE redesign to improve efficiency. Apart from this IE discoveries and inventions provide the scope for increasing efficiency of systems.

From industrial engineering point of view, the development of lean approach is focus on reduction of inventories.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan with Promotion Links

September 1st Week

Industrial Engineering Optimization

Mathematical optimization was used by F.W. Taylor. As operations research was developed and more optimization techniques were developed, industrial engineers advocated the use of them in companies to improve productivity, reduce costs, and increase profits. All industrial engineering redesigns are to be optimized and industrial engineers use various optimization techniques to optimize their engineering redesigns to increase productivity.

1 September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

Operations Research - An Efficiency Improvement Tool for Industrial Engineers

(from the perspective of an industrial engineer)
(From Maynard's Industrial Engineering Handbook, 5th Edition, pp. 11.27-11.44)
Jayant Rajgopal (From Rajgopal's website)

2 September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

What is mathematical programming?
Examples of Mathematical Programming.

3 September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

Simplex Method

4. September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

 Transportation Problem

5. September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
Queing Models

September 2nd  Week

8. September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

9. September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
An Overview of Optimization Techniques for CNC Milling Machine

10. September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
 New Technology and Optimization of Mobile Phone Battery

11. September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
Combustion Optimization in PF Boilers

12. September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
 Application of Optimization Techniques in the Power System Control

September Third Week

Industrial Engineering Statistics

F.W. Taylor himself advocated maintaining of records and data for decision making. The other industrial engineering pioneers also promoted record keeping and data analysis. As sampling based  decision making became more robust, industrial engineers promoted it as a productivity improvement initiative and imperative. One of the prominent areas of application is statistical quality control. Now six sigma, a statistics based technique is being promoted by the IE profession.

15  September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
Basics of Statistics

16 September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
Statistical Process Control

Evaluation Improvement of Production Productivity Performance using Statistical Process Control, Overall Equipment Efficiency, and Autonomous Maintenance,
Amir Azizi
Procedia Manufacturing
Volume 2, 2015, Pages 186-190
open access

17 September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
Statistical Quality Control

18 September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
Calculation of Sample Sizes in Work Measurement and Work Sampling  (WorK measurement full chapter - Includes sample size calculation for time study and work sampling)

19 September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

Test of Hypothesis

Test of hypothesis is to be used by industrial engineers to confirm or validate that their redesign or a process has resulted in the increase of productivity. This becomes useful when there is variation in the output from various workstations or persons.  We can also visualize activities in different places. In such case we test the hypothesis that productivity has improved in the workstations where redesign is is implemented.

HYPOTHESIS TESTING FOR THE PROCESS CAPABILITY RATIO - 2002 MS Thesis!etd.send_file%3Faccession%3Dohiou1040054409%26disposition%3Dinline

One More presentation

September Fourth Week

22 September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
Design of Experiments

23 September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
Six Sigma

24 September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
Application of Six Sigma

25 September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
Application of Six Sigma

26  September Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan
Application of Six Sigma


One Year Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

January - February - March - April - May - June

July - August - September - October - November - December

In months after June the articles prescribed have to be modified as a new scheme is started in 2015.

Updated  23 August 2017, 11 September 2016,  30 September 2014