Industrial Engineering 4.0 - Productivity Science
What dimensions, characteristics, parameters or variables of Industry 4.0 (IIoT) increase productivity. Industrial engineers have to identify these antecedents of productivity in their research studies. Then, in the productivity engineering activity, they can use the knowledge to create components, products, systems, machining, fabrication, forming, assembly, and maintenance processes to make them more productive.
An attempt is being in this note to collect propositions and hypotheses so far presented in various papers and articles.
Search for: productivity "industry 4.0"
Factors of Lean Systems and Enhancing Industry 4.0 Technologies - Industry 4.0 - Industrial Engineering 4.0 - Productivity Science
Towards ‘Lean Industry 4.0ʹ – Current trends and future perspectives
Krzysztof Ejsmont,Bartlomiej Gladysz,Donatella Corti,Fernando Castaño,Wael M. Mohammed &Jose L. Martinez Lastra
Cogent Business & Management
Volume 7, 2020 - Issue 1
Currently, the Lean concept is seen as “a set of management principles and techniques aimed at eliminating waste in the production process and increasing the flow of activities that, from the point of view of customers, increase the value of the product” (Taj, 2008; Womack & Jones, 1996b).
The main idea of Lean is to eliminate all kinds of wastes (muda). Eight main types of waste have been identified in the literature (Liker, 2004; Ohno, 1988): (1) transport (2) inventory (JIT) (3) motion (Jidoka) (4) waiting (5) over-processing (Jidoka) (6) overproduction (JIT) (7) defects (8) skills.
Sony, 2018 argues for including the other two waste-generating elements: mura and muri. Mura refers to process variability and processes should be standardized to reduce it. Muri means excessive work load that can be prevented by creating ergonomic and safe working conditions. The three main LM activities are (1) evaluation, (2) improvement, and (3) performance monitoring.
The most popular LM methods, tools and techniques include, among others (Chiarini, 2011): J ust-in-time (JIT), Jidoka, Single Minutes Exchange of Die (SMED), 5 S, Kanban, Poka-Yoke, Hoshin Kanri, Takt time, Heijunka, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Value Stream Mapping (VSM).
Industrial engineering is the discipline that was started in 1908 to eliminate waste, increase productivity and reduce costs. Lean is only a sub-discipline of industrial engineering. TPS which is the system described as lean by MIT group is a system with the focus of cost reduction and used industrial engineering (Ohno, Shingo)
Shah and Ward (2007) proposed ten factors of lean systems, divided into 4 categories:
Supplier factors: supplier feedback, JIT delivery by suppliers, supplier development;
Customer factor: customer involvement;
Process factors: pull production, continuous flow, setup time reduction;
Control and human factors: TPM, statistical process control, employee involvement.
The advantages of Industry 4.0 technologies can be identified in the above categories of factors (Pereira et al., 2019; Sanders et al., 2016):
A. Supplier factors
RFID, cloud computing and IoT allow better adaptation to production needs,
CPS, RFID, IoT support the exchange of information between customers, manufacturers and suppliers (shortening lead times and response to customer complaints), digital performance tables to speed up response times.
B. Customer factor
Customer involvement at the product development stage due to IoT, cloud computing or platforms cooperating with I4.0 technologies.
C. Process factors
access to operational data in real time due to the use of CPS and RFID speeds up and facilitates production management (e.g., automatic order processing, level control using e-kanban or kanban 4.0),
CPS and RFID makes it possible to monitor the status of details (finished products or work in progress) and to track the quantity and location in real time, as well as communication with machines,
CPS provide simplified use of andon and e-kanban systems as well as other production flow control techniques, additive manufacturing technology for the production of customized spare parts and ensuring one-piece flow, sensors, embedded devices and software facilitate more efficient changes, IoT and IIoT facilitate JIT implementation.
D. Control and human factors
CPS are able to collect real-time data on maintenance needs and automatically send signals to the service (e.g., automatic notifications from machines when errors or failures are detected), predictive algorithms streamline automatic maintenance,
quality control based on real data supports self-control (e.g., intelligent Jidoka), the use of smart devices, CPS, Big Data, Data Analytics for registration and monitoring of KPI in real time, a combination of digital standard operating procedures with cloud technology and augmented reality (AR) to improve operator performance, sensors and training in virtual reality (VR) to improve working conditions,
AR and VR enable testing of dangerous situations, hybrid jobs with collaborative robots,
Big Data and Data Analytics streamline VSM procedures and facilitate employee problem solving.
Pereira, A. C., Dinis-Carvalho, J., Alves, A. C., & Arezes, P. (2019). How Industry 4.0 can enhance lean practices. FME Transactions, 47(4), 810–822.
Sanders, A., Elangeswaran, C., & Wulfsberg, J. (2016). Industry 4.0 implies lean manufacturing: research activities in Industry 4.0 function as enablers for lean manufacturing. JIEM, 9(3), 811–833.
Shah, R., & Ward, P. T. (2007). Defining and developing measures of lean production. Journal of Operations Management, 25(4), 785–805.
Taj, S. (2008). Lean manufacturing performance in China: Assessment of 65 manufacturing plants. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 19(2), 217–234.
Search Productivity 4.0 for last year articles.
Krishnan, S., Gupta, S., Kaliyan, M., Kumar, V. and Garza-Reyes, J.A. (2021), "Assessing the key enablers for Industry 4.0 adoption using MICMAC analysis: a case study", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 70 No. 5, pp. 1049-1071.
European Conference on IE and Mgmt in Ind 4.0
19 April 2021
28 October 2018
Industrial Engineering 4.0 - IE in the Era of Industry 4.0
20 Jan 2018
Honda Car India adopted 3D Printing in its welding shop. The 2018 Honda Amaze is the first Honda to use 3D printing.
3D Printing has reduced the weight of the components used in assembling of Honda cars by 70 per cent and has also lowered the cost of welding by an impressive 60 per cent.
Mechanisms of Increasing Productivity in Industry 4.0 Systems
1. Radically short product development processes
2. Virtual engineering of complete value chain
3. Revolutionary short value chains
4. Better performing than engineered.
Industry 4.0 as Factor of Productivity increase
Mine Excavator assistance systems based on sensors and IoT such as “Swing to Truck / Return to Tuck” could avoid delays and carry out movement patterns more quickly. The case study by Siemens showed that about four seconds could be saved per cycle. This would mean that the number of trucks each excavator could fill in a day would increase by 12 percent, thus raising productivity and reducing costs.
Reduction of Product Development Cost by 20% - Cap Gemini Client Story
To facilitate external partner collaboration in product development, a cloud based, digitally enabled agile collaboration network that provided 'Single Source of Truth' to all involved in product development was developed. This shortened time to market for an aerospace engine company and reduced product development cost by 20%.
Source: Industry 4.0 - Cap Gemini Consulting View: Sharpening the Picture beyond the Hype.
2014 Report
Supply Chain Productivity Improvement/Cost Reduction Opportunity - 20%
Connected supply chain has cost reduction potential of 20% due to increased visibility and process automation possibilities.
Source: Industry 4.0 - Cap Gemini Consulting View: Sharpening the Picture beyond the Hype.
2014 Report. Also 2011 report on Digital Transformation of Supply Chains.
External Supply Defect Rate Reduced to 1 ppm through 3D Xray inspection coupled to IoT based Cloud Computing/Edge Computing.
In piston production, each item is controlled through a data matrix code and subjected to 3D X ray inspection that is compared with a 3D model using computer and defectives segregated. The delivered defect rate came down to 1 ppm.
Source: Industry 4.0 - Cap Gemini Consulting View: Sharpening the Picture beyond the Hype.
2014 Report.and Automobil Produktion, Issue 5, 2013, p.74,
Industrial internet - connection between machines
Consumer internet - connection between people.
IoT approaches allow firms to fundamentally integrate, sensing, analytics and data control into engineering (manufacturing) and business processes.
In the ongoing decade, productivity will be driven by internet of things.
IoT technology reduces cost of customization. Hence custom made products can be manufactured at lower cost.
Whether you interests are motivated by cost savings or improved revenue, the IoT is uniquely positioned to help with both.
80 billion euros spent on IoT solutions will create a benefit of one trillion for the EU28 economy.
The value will come from three sources:
Increased productivity of business organizations (430 billion euros)
Savings in power etc. by consumers (300 billion euros)
Increase in health of people will provide more working time (210 billion euros)
Every euro spent can produce up to 12 euros benefit.
The first two (IT) waves gave rise to huge productivity gains and growth across the economy. While the value chain was transformed, however, products themselves were largely unaffected. Now, in the third wave, IT is becoming an integral part of the product itself. Another leap in productivity in the economy will be unleashed by these new and better products.
The third wave of IT-driven transformation thus has the potential to be the biggest yet, triggering even more innovation, productivity gains, and economic growth than the previous two.
Smart, connected products have three core elements: physical components, “smart” components, and connectivity components.
How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition
Michael E. PorterJames E. Heppelmann
Harvard Business Review, NOVEMBER 2014 ISSUE
Accenture estimates the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) could add $14.2 trillion to the global economy by 2030.
Arguably the biggest driver of productivity and growth in the next decade, the Industrial Internet of Things will accelerate the reinvention of sectors that account for almost two-thirds of world output.
*Low cost monitoring of products, equipment and persons
*Low cost control through software embedded in the product or the cloud
*Low cost optimization.
Smart, connected products can apply algorithms and analytics to in-use or historical data to dramatically improve output, utilization, and efficiency. In wind turbines, for instance, a local microcontroller can adjust each blade on every revolution to capture maximum wind energy.
How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition
Michael E. PorterJames E. Heppelmann
*Enabling measurements in demanding conditions with low maintenance cost and without hindering production.
VTT has developed a solution for measuring temperature, inclination, humidity, strain and other characteristics from machines and inside structures (e.g. walls) at distances up to 10 m, without batteries in the sensor. The principle is based on powering the sensor with radio frequency energy waves and using the return transmission to read out the resulting data (see Link ‘Zero Power Sensor’). The IPR protected technology allows for several individually identifiable sensors to be operated in the same space.
*Energy-efficient communications
A platform has been developed for energy-efficient communications between mobile devices that identifies the most appropriate combination of technologies for different exchanges
*Maintenance when needed
The Internet of Things will help individual companies to limit the waste. Products which are connected to the web can communicate how they're being used or their current status. This data will be used to schedule maintenance when it's really needed, instead of the current set of relatively inefficient rules.
*Predictive analytics based on data collected on products will be used to reduce failures and improve product design. This will boost the efficiency of products and contribute to productivity in user organizations.
*The IoT will change how manufacturers and service companies interact with customers. Reliance on massive call centers and customer service departments will be greately reduced and IoT enabled products will be directly connected to a service assessing their condition and taking relevant action.
*Smart lighting
*Smart heating
*Smart cities
* Machine level information system
Each machine can be aggregated into a single information system that accelerates learning across the machine portfolio.
Source: Industrial Internet: Pusing the boundaries of Minds and Machines, Peter C Evans and Marco Annunziata, GE, 2012
The driver is the construct used for the assessment. Six drivers are used in the assessment,
Driver 1 -Technology & Innovation
Concepts of the Construct
Technology Platform
• Availability of ICT
• Use of ICT
• Digital Security & Data
Ability to Innovate
• Industry Activity
• Research Intensity
• Available Financing
Driver 2 - Human Capital
Concepts of the Construct
Current Labour Force
• Labour Force Capabilities
Future Labour Force
• Migration
• Education Outcomes
• Agility & Adaptability
Driver 3 - Global Trade & Investment
Concepts of the Construct
• Trade Openness
• Trade Facilitation and Market Access
• Investment and Financing
• Transportation and Electricity
Driver 4 - Institutional Framework
Concepts of the Construct
• Efficiency & Effectiveness
• Rule of Law
Driver 5 - Sustainable Resources
Concepts of the Construct
• Energy and Emissions
• Water
Driver 6 - Demand Environment
Concepts of the Construct
• Market Size
Consumer Base
• Consumer Sophistication
The Readiness for the Future of Production Assessment (Industry 4.0)
Key Hypotheses
The Readiness for the Future of Production Assessment (Industry 4.0) developed by WEF is
intended to stimulate discussion and advance further research.
There are two key hypotheses and working assumptions that are fundamental to the assessment’s framework that needs to be tested and researched over time.
1. The most important drivers of future readiness are Technology & Innovation, Human Capital, Institutional Framework and Global Trade & Investment.
2. Scale is not a prerequisite for future readiness.
Verizon is saving more than 55 million kWh annually across its 26 data centers by deploying sensors and control points throughout the data center by connecting wirelessly.
IoT Primer - Making Sense of the next Mega Trend - Goldman Sachs
Sep 3, 2014
Smart street lights equipped with sensors are saving cities energy and money by detecting pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles so that lights brighten and dim when they sense movement
IoT to identify and keep track of repairs on city roads.
State of the Market: Internet of Things 2016
Verizon, 2016
In heavy machinery, Schindler’s PORT Technology reduces elevator wait times by as much as 50% by predicting elevator demand patterns, calculating the fastest time to destination, and assigning the appropriate elevator to move passengers quickly.
In the energy sector, ABB’s smart grid technology enables utilities to analyze huge amounts of real-time data across a wide range of generating, transforming, and distribution equipment (manufactured by ABB as well as others), such as changes in the temperature of transformers and secondary substations. This alerts utility control centers to possible overload conditions, allowing adjustments that can prevent blackouts before they occur.
In consumer goods, Big Ass ceiling fans sense and engage automatically when a person enters a room, regulate speed on the basis of temperature and humidity, and recognize individual user preferences and adjust accordingly.
How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition
Michael E. PorterJames E. Heppelmann
Harvard Business Review, NOVEMBER 2014 ISSUE
Automation of HR Processes - Productivity in HR department and also time saving of employees
The development of green IoT technologies (e.g., energy-efficient techniques or approaches that can reduce the consumed power by sensors).
Internet of Things: A Review of Surveys Based on Context Aware Intelligent Services
David Gil, Antonio Ferrández, Higinio Mora-Mora, and Jesús Peral
Sensors (Basel). 2016 Jul; 16(7): 1069.
Simon Elias Bibri
Springer, 05-Nov-2015 - Computers - 301 pages
Recent advances in ICT have given rise to new socially disruptive technologies: AmI and the IoT, marking a major technological change which may lead to a drastic transformation of the technological ecosystem in all its complexity, as well as to a major alteration in technology use and thus daily living. Yet no work has systematically explored AmI and the IoT as advances in science and technology (S&T) and sociotechnical visions in light of their nature, underpinning, and practices along with their implications for individual and social wellbeing and for environmental health. AmI and the IoT raise new sets of questions: In what way can we conceptualize such technologies? How can we evaluate their benefits and risks? How should science–based technology and society’s politics relate? Are science-based technology and society converging in new ways? It is with such questions that this book is concerned. Positioned within the research field of Science and Technology Studies (STS), which encourages analyses whose approaches are drawn from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, this book amalgamates an investigation of AmI and the IoT technologies based on a unique approach to cross–disciplinary integration; their ethical, social, cultural, political, and environmental effects; and a philosophical analysis and evaluation of the implications of such effects.
The Internet of Things: Seizing the Benefits and Addressing the Challenges -OECD Report, 24 May 2016 (Management issues included in the report)
The Digitalization Productivity Bonus - Siemens Financial Services Report - 2017
Updated on 25.1.2024, 2021 - 4.10.2021; 2018 - 28 October 2018, 18 January 2018,
12 December 2017
Honda Car India adopted 3D Printing in its welding shop. The 2018 Honda Amaze is the first Honda to use 3D printing.
3D Printing has reduced the weight of the components used in assembling of Honda cars by 70 per cent and has also lowered the cost of welding by an impressive 60 per cent.
Mechanisms of Increasing Productivity in Industry 4.0 Systems
1. Radically short product development processes
2. Virtual engineering of complete value chain
3. Revolutionary short value chains
4. Better performing than engineered.
Industry 4.0 as Factor of Productivity increase
Mine Excavator assistance systems based on sensors and IoT such as “Swing to Truck / Return to Tuck” could avoid delays and carry out movement patterns more quickly. The case study by Siemens showed that about four seconds could be saved per cycle. This would mean that the number of trucks each excavator could fill in a day would increase by 12 percent, thus raising productivity and reducing costs.
Reduction of Product Development Cost by 20% - Cap Gemini Client Story
To facilitate external partner collaboration in product development, a cloud based, digitally enabled agile collaboration network that provided 'Single Source of Truth' to all involved in product development was developed. This shortened time to market for an aerospace engine company and reduced product development cost by 20%.
Source: Industry 4.0 - Cap Gemini Consulting View: Sharpening the Picture beyond the Hype.
2014 Report
Supply Chain Productivity Improvement/Cost Reduction Opportunity - 20%
Connected supply chain has cost reduction potential of 20% due to increased visibility and process automation possibilities.
Source: Industry 4.0 - Cap Gemini Consulting View: Sharpening the Picture beyond the Hype.
2014 Report. Also 2011 report on Digital Transformation of Supply Chains.
External Supply Defect Rate Reduced to 1 ppm through 3D Xray inspection coupled to IoT based Cloud Computing/Edge Computing.
In piston production, each item is controlled through a data matrix code and subjected to 3D X ray inspection that is compared with a 3D model using computer and defectives segregated. The delivered defect rate came down to 1 ppm.
Source: Industry 4.0 - Cap Gemini Consulting View: Sharpening the Picture beyond the Hype.
2014 Report.and Automobil Produktion, Issue 5, 2013, p.74,
Industry 4. 0 IoT has to the potential to improve productivity
Industrial internet - connection between machines
Consumer internet - connection between people.
IoT approaches allow firms to fundamentally integrate, sensing, analytics and data control into engineering (manufacturing) and business processes.
Papers indicating that IoT has the potential to improve productivity
In the ongoing decade, productivity will be driven by internet of things.
IoT technology reduces cost of customization. Hence custom made products can be manufactured at lower cost.
Productivity Leap with IoT - Special Focus on Global Asset Management and Smart Lighting
2013 VTT Technical Research Centre FinlandWhether you interests are motivated by cost savings or improved revenue, the IoT is uniquely positioned to help with both.
What you need to know about IoT: The right information can change the world.
AT&T 2016 report80 billion euros spent on IoT solutions will create a benefit of one trillion for the EU28 economy.
The value will come from three sources:
Increased productivity of business organizations (430 billion euros)
Savings in power etc. by consumers (300 billion euros)
Increase in health of people will provide more working time (210 billion euros)
Every euro spent can produce up to 12 euros benefit.
The Internet of Things: A New Path to European Prosperity
1Trillion opportunityA.T.Kearney,2016
The first two (IT) waves gave rise to huge productivity gains and growth across the economy. While the value chain was transformed, however, products themselves were largely unaffected. Now, in the third wave, IT is becoming an integral part of the product itself. Another leap in productivity in the economy will be unleashed by these new and better products.
The third wave of IT-driven transformation thus has the potential to be the biggest yet, triggering even more innovation, productivity gains, and economic growth than the previous two.
Smart, connected products have three core elements: physical components, “smart” components, and connectivity components.
How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition
Michael E. PorterJames E. Heppelmann
Harvard Business Review, NOVEMBER 2014 ISSUE
Accenture estimates the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) could add $14.2 trillion to the global economy by 2030.
Arguably the biggest driver of productivity and growth in the next decade, the Industrial Internet of Things will accelerate the reinvention of sectors that account for almost two-thirds of world output.
Dimensions, Characteristics, Parameters or Variables of Industry 4.0 (IIoT) that Increase Productivity.
*Low cost monitoring of products, equipment and persons
*Low cost control through software embedded in the product or the cloud
*Low cost optimization.
Smart, connected products can apply algorithms and analytics to in-use or historical data to dramatically improve output, utilization, and efficiency. In wind turbines, for instance, a local microcontroller can adjust each blade on every revolution to capture maximum wind energy.
How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition
Michael E. PorterJames E. Heppelmann
*Enabling measurements in demanding conditions with low maintenance cost and without hindering production.
VTT has developed a solution for measuring temperature, inclination, humidity, strain and other characteristics from machines and inside structures (e.g. walls) at distances up to 10 m, without batteries in the sensor. The principle is based on powering the sensor with radio frequency energy waves and using the return transmission to read out the resulting data (see Link ‘Zero Power Sensor’). The IPR protected technology allows for several individually identifiable sensors to be operated in the same space.
*Energy-efficient communications
A platform has been developed for energy-efficient communications between mobile devices that identifies the most appropriate combination of technologies for different exchanges
*Maintenance when needed
The Internet of Things will help individual companies to limit the waste. Products which are connected to the web can communicate how they're being used or their current status. This data will be used to schedule maintenance when it's really needed, instead of the current set of relatively inefficient rules.
*Predictive analytics based on data collected on products will be used to reduce failures and improve product design. This will boost the efficiency of products and contribute to productivity in user organizations.
*The IoT will change how manufacturers and service companies interact with customers. Reliance on massive call centers and customer service departments will be greately reduced and IoT enabled products will be directly connected to a service assessing their condition and taking relevant action.
*Smart lighting
*Smart heating
*Smart cities
* Machine level information system
Each machine can be aggregated into a single information system that accelerates learning across the machine portfolio.
Source: Industrial Internet: Pusing the boundaries of Minds and Machines, Peter C Evans and Marco Annunziata, GE, 2012
Drivers That Facilitate Transition to Industry 4.0 Production Systems at National Level
WEF - The Readiness for the Future of Production Assessment (Industry 4.0) - 2018The driver is the construct used for the assessment. Six drivers are used in the assessment,
Driver 1 -Technology & Innovation
Concepts of the Construct
Technology Platform
• Availability of ICT
• Use of ICT
• Digital Security & Data
Ability to Innovate
• Industry Activity
• Research Intensity
• Available Financing
Driver 2 - Human Capital
Concepts of the Construct
Current Labour Force
• Labour Force Capabilities
Future Labour Force
• Migration
• Education Outcomes
• Agility & Adaptability
Driver 3 - Global Trade & Investment
Concepts of the Construct
• Trade Openness
• Trade Facilitation and Market Access
• Investment and Financing
• Transportation and Electricity
Driver 4 - Institutional Framework
Concepts of the Construct
• Efficiency & Effectiveness
• Rule of Law
Driver 5 - Sustainable Resources
Concepts of the Construct
• Energy and Emissions
• Water
Driver 6 - Demand Environment
Concepts of the Construct
• Market Size
Consumer Base
• Consumer Sophistication
The Readiness for the Future of Production Assessment (Industry 4.0)
Key Hypotheses
The Readiness for the Future of Production Assessment (Industry 4.0) developed by WEF is
intended to stimulate discussion and advance further research.
There are two key hypotheses and working assumptions that are fundamental to the assessment’s framework that needs to be tested and researched over time.
1. The most important drivers of future readiness are Technology & Innovation, Human Capital, Institutional Framework and Global Trade & Investment.
2. Scale is not a prerequisite for future readiness.
Download the report - WEF - The Readiness for the Future of Production Assessment (Industry 4.0) - 2018
Examples of Productivity, Cost saving, Waste Elimination and Lower Cost of Products
Verizon is saving more than 55 million kWh annually across its 26 data centers by deploying sensors and control points throughout the data center by connecting wirelessly.
IoT Primer - Making Sense of the next Mega Trend - Goldman Sachs
Sep 3, 2014
Smart street lights equipped with sensors are saving cities energy and money by detecting pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles so that lights brighten and dim when they sense movement
IoT to identify and keep track of repairs on city roads.
State of the Market: Internet of Things 2016
Verizon, 2016
In heavy machinery, Schindler’s PORT Technology reduces elevator wait times by as much as 50% by predicting elevator demand patterns, calculating the fastest time to destination, and assigning the appropriate elevator to move passengers quickly.
In the energy sector, ABB’s smart grid technology enables utilities to analyze huge amounts of real-time data across a wide range of generating, transforming, and distribution equipment (manufactured by ABB as well as others), such as changes in the temperature of transformers and secondary substations. This alerts utility control centers to possible overload conditions, allowing adjustments that can prevent blackouts before they occur.
In consumer goods, Big Ass ceiling fans sense and engage automatically when a person enters a room, regulate speed on the basis of temperature and humidity, and recognize individual user preferences and adjust accordingly.
How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition
Michael E. PorterJames E. Heppelmann
Harvard Business Review, NOVEMBER 2014 ISSUE
Automation of HR Processes - Productivity in HR department and also time saving of employees
Industry 4.0 - IIoT Technology - Industrial Engineering - Productivity Science - Research Opportunities
The development of green IoT technologies (e.g., energy-efficient techniques or approaches that can reduce the consumed power by sensors).
Internet of Things: A Review of Surveys Based on Context Aware Intelligent Services
David Gil, Antonio Ferrández, Higinio Mora-Mora, and Jesús Peral
Sensors (Basel). 2016 Jul; 16(7): 1069.
Interesting Related Research and Issues
The Shaping of Ambient Intelligence and the Internet of Things: Historico-epistemic, Socio-cultural, Politico-institutional and Eco-environmental Dimensions
Simon Elias Bibri
Springer, 05-Nov-2015 - Computers - 301 pages
Recent advances in ICT have given rise to new socially disruptive technologies: AmI and the IoT, marking a major technological change which may lead to a drastic transformation of the technological ecosystem in all its complexity, as well as to a major alteration in technology use and thus daily living. Yet no work has systematically explored AmI and the IoT as advances in science and technology (S&T) and sociotechnical visions in light of their nature, underpinning, and practices along with their implications for individual and social wellbeing and for environmental health. AmI and the IoT raise new sets of questions: In what way can we conceptualize such technologies? How can we evaluate their benefits and risks? How should science–based technology and society’s politics relate? Are science-based technology and society converging in new ways? It is with such questions that this book is concerned. Positioned within the research field of Science and Technology Studies (STS), which encourages analyses whose approaches are drawn from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, this book amalgamates an investigation of AmI and the IoT technologies based on a unique approach to cross–disciplinary integration; their ethical, social, cultural, political, and environmental effects; and a philosophical analysis and evaluation of the implications of such effects.
Interesting Reports
The Internet of Things: Seizing the Benefits and Addressing the Challenges -OECD Report, 24 May 2016 (Management issues included in the report)
The Digitalization Productivity Bonus - Siemens Financial Services Report - 2017
Updated on 25.1.2024, 2021 - 4.10.2021; 2018 - 28 October 2018, 18 January 2018,
12 December 2017
Search Google for "IoT dimensions productivity" without quotes 3,67,000 results are there. So it is an interesting topic for many.
ReplyDeleteIndustry 4.0 (IIoT) Productivity pathways - *Low cost monitoring of products, equipment and persons