Friday, May 19, 2023

System Efficiency Engineering - Industrial Engineering

Industrial engineering as system efficiency engineering and human effort engineering - Narayana Rao

The system uses resources and system efficiency is attained by ensuring resource efficiency that is getting more out of each resource used by engineering systems. This view of industrial engineering is adopted and used by many organizations and academic departments.

F.W. Taylor, credited as father of industrial engineering has done efficiency improvement of machines and men and thus did system efficiency engineering, machine effort industrial engineering and human effort industrial engineering.

Taylor's Industrial Engineering in New Framework - Narayana Rao

Increase the efficiency of engineering departments

Lean Engineering: A process to increase the efficiency of engineering departments
Lean Engineering is a continuous improvement process designed to increase the efficiency and horsepower of engineering departments within manufacturing companies to make them more competitive in their marketplace.

The goal of a Lean Engineering initiative is to increase the amount of valid engineering data (Engineering Intelligence) produced per dollar invested in your engineering assets.

Achieving engineering efficiency plays a pivotal role in helping you not only reach your goals, but increase productivity, reduce costs and give you a leg up on your competition.

Lean Six Sigma Engineering:  Developing efficient and waste-free designs (the Lean aspect), as well as those that are defect and error-free (the Six Sigma aspect).

Industrial Engineering – efficiency improvement of your production

Industrial engineers develop efficient processes

Industrial engineers help keep Oregon companies competitive by developing efficient processes using materials, machines, information, energy, and workers to make a product or provide a service.

Knowledge, skills, and abilities required for industrial engineering are also given in the article.

Energy Efficiency Engineering: Making more with less and getting it done

Professor Michael Walmsley, School of Engineering


Lecture delivered on 17 July 2018

As an industrial engineer, you'll find ways organizations create waste during production and replace those outdated systems with ones that work efficiently.
Industrial engineers work now to utilize machine learning and robotics for faster, more efficient production processes, and ensure that manufacturing systems don't fall obsolete.
Industrial engineering programs prepare you to face this reality and utilize all engineering disciples for innovative systems.  Accessed on 7 July 2019

Economic Efficiency and Engineering Efficiency

Human factors alone cannot improve the operational efficiency of an aeroplane. A wider, ‘system perspective’ is required.
The human factors that relate to technological developments in aviation
Innovation in Aeronautics
2012, Pages 132-154

Smart energy grids (SEGs) can enhance the operational efficiency of energy supply via distributed generation with bidirectional energy flow.

Asset management systems are a class of software and hardware applications used in the process plants for the efficient and optimum utilization of the equipment.
Chapter 16 - Asset management systems
Industrial Process Automation Systems
Design and Implementation
2015, Pages 479-506

Many interesting results are there system efficiency engineering in Google search (9 Nov 2021)

Improvement of the engineering efficiency in a systems engineering context, case of automotive products and related manufacturing systems engineering
December 2003
Etienne Lardeur
R&D Manager - Data Scientist student

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Systems Efficiency Engineering - A Focus Area of Industrial Engineeering

Ud 19.5.2023, 9 Nov 2021
Pub 7.7.2-19

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