Levels of Industrial Engineering in an Enterprise - Enterprise Level to Engineering Element Level Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering Strategy - Enterprise Level Industrial Engineering
Facilities Industrial Engineering
Process Industrial Engineering - Process Machine Effort Industrial Engineering - Process Human Effort Industrial Engineering.
Operation Industrial Engineering.
Element Level Analysis in Industrial Engineering
Traditional Industrial Engineering Principles, Methods, Techniques and Tools
Historical Timeline of Development and Evolution of Industrial Engineering Principles, Methods, Techniques and Tools
1886 - The Engineer as an Economist by Henry Towne
Volume VII of the Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
pp. 428- 431. Paper presented at the 1886 meeting of the Society.
1893 - Design of Belt System Based on the Cost Data collected - F.W. Taylor. First industrial engineering work.
1895 - Elementary Rate Fixing Department (F.W. Taylor) - The First IE Department.
- Time Study
- Differential piece rate system
- Merit based daily wage system
1901 - Cost Reduction by Engineering based on Cost Data accumulated by Cost Accounting (James Newton Gunn) - The term Industrial Engineer formally mentioned
1903 - Shop Management (F.W. Taylor)
Production Planning
Productivity Management
Functional Supervision
1905 - Industrial Engineering (Henry Towne)
1906 - Productivity Improvement through determining cutting parameters giving high productivity
Motion Study
1911 - Scientific Management (F.W. Taylor)
Productivity Science
1911 - Principles of Industrial Engineering - Book by C.B. Going
1912 - 12 Principles of Efficiency
1914 - Psychological Evaluation of Scientific Management - Lilian Gilbreth
1921 - Process Charts
Performance Rating in Time Study
Motion and Time Study
Methods Engineering - Maynard
Work Simplification - Alan Mogensen
Operation Analysis - Maynard
MTM - Maynard
Modern Industrial Engineering Principles, Methods, Techniques and Tools - Phase I
1949 - Value Analysis and Engineering (L.D. Miles)
Work Study
Poka Yoke
Modern Industrial Engineering Principles, Methods, Techniques and Tools - Phase 2
Group Technology
Total Productivity Maintenance
Total Productivity Management
Total Industrial Engineering
Productivity Management
Lean System
2017 - Principles of Industrial Engineering (Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.)
Industrial Engineering of 3D Printing - Additive Manufacturing
Focus Areas of Industrial Engineering
Manufacturing Cost Policy Deployment (MCPD)
Methods Design Concept (MDC)
Principles of Industrial Engineering - Taylor - Narayana Rao - IISE 2017 Pittsburgh Conference Paper Presentation.
2018 - Machine Work Study
Industrial Engineering 4.0 - IE in the Era of Industry 4.0
2020 Manufacturing Cost Reduction Policy Deployment
Total Process Chart
More to be included.
Traditional and Modern Industrial Engineering - Another Classification
- Introduction to Industrial Engineering
- Contribution of Taylor, Gilbreth, Emerson, Maynard, Barnes, Shigeo Shingo
- Productivity Science - Traditional but neglected. Not popularized.
- Productivity Engineering -
- Product Industrial Engineering, - Developed by L.D. Miles (1949) - Still not a regular area of IE.
- Process Industrial Engineering - Traditional. But now processes are becoming totally modern in industry 4.0.
- IE Economic Analysis
- IEOR - Many new techniques have emerged. Meta heuristics.
- IE Statistics - Six Sigma Optimization - TQM and Six Sigma are new. IEs have embrace TQM and have to utilize six sigma in robust productive process design.
- Human Effort Industrial Engineering - Traditional. But many areas like design of handtools is not done well even today.
- IE Measurements - Cost measurement is not done adequately in IE.
- Productivity Management - Relatively modern. Developed by David Sumanth and Scott Sink. But once again neglected.
- Applied Industrial Engineering - It gets expanded periodically. IE in new technogies and IE with new technologies.
- Industrial Engineering 4.0
Updated 4.5.2023, 22.7.2022, 3.4.2022, 23,3,2022, 24.2.2022, 24.12.2021, 15 July 2020
10 April 2019
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