- Introduction to Industrial Engineering
- Contribution of Taylor, Gilbreth, Emerson, Maynard, Barnes, Shigeo Shingo
- Productivity Science
- Productivity Engineering -
- IE Economic Analysis
- IE Statistics - Six Sigma Optimization
- Human Effort Industrial Engineering
- IE Measurements
- Productivity Management
- Applied Industrial Engineering
- Industrial Engineering 4.0
- Industrial Engineering Case Studies
The course's first module is introduction to industrial engineering. It starts with history of industrial engineering.
The second module describes the fundamental IE concepts initiated by Taylor, Gilbreth, Emerson, Gantt. In the second generation industrial engineers the contribution of Maynard and Barnes are highlighted. Then we have Japanese contributions. The contribution of Shigeo Shingo is specially included.
The developments in industrial engineering since 1880 were formulated into a discipline of engineering in 1908 by Prof. Diemer. The developments up to 2017 were summarized as principles of engineering by Narayana Rao and were presented in the IISE Annual Conference at Pittsburgh. The paper is part of the proceedings of the conference.
The third module takes the principle of productivity science forward.
The following modules are the discussion of the principle of productivity engineering, the primary engineering activity or the primary activity of industrial engineering.
- Introduction to Industrial Engineering
- Contribution of Taylor, Gilbreth, Emerson, Maynard, Barnes, Shigeo Shingo
- Productivity Science
- Productivity Engineering -
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