Sunday, March 13, 2022

Production Process Planning - Foundation for Production

Lesson 64 of Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course

Lesson of Process Industrial Engineering FREE ONLINE Course (Module)

Industrial engineers have to understand process plans and analyze them. During observation and also based on process charts prepared by them based on observation, they have to notice the deviation from process plan in the actual production and enquire the reasons for them. In Toyota Production System, the shop personnel are given the responsibility for improving the process plans on a continuous basis. In this case, there are three departments looking for improving process plans. The process planning department, the industrial engineering department and the shop engineers and operators.


Process planning is an essential engineering function of production engineering. An engineers first plans, makes a process drawing similar to the component design drawing and then executes it, follows the steps as indicated and achieves the desired result. A mechanic cuts an adds till he reaches the desired result. An engineer has the knowledge and skill to visualize the transformation of the job step by step, cut by cut. Hence first describes the complete process through operations and elements in drawings.

What are the steps in process planning.

Professor Gideon Halevi described them in chapters. The foundation of process planning is knowledge of engineering, both design theory and production processes. 

2. Selection of primary process - from purified metal or alloy to primary shape.

Under the above 8 heads, many more details are to be described like NC tool path.

Process plans are the basis of many decisions in setting up and expanding manufacturing systems and facilities.

To determine the feasibility of setting up a new business with one or more products, estimate of manufacturing cost is required to develop various feasible price points at which demand can be estimated. Estimation of manufacturing cost requires, a process plan at least certain basic core details.

To decide the buying of equipment and machines, types and numbers, process plan is required. To determine work force required, process plan is required.

Production planning and control department is mainly concerned with orders received and planning the flow of orders and the required materials and components in the production facility. The department uses the process plans and route sheets given by the process planning department.

Multiple Process Plans for a Component

The earlier practice was to release only one process plan for one component. In the modern practice, the recommendation is to release multiple process plans based on the facilities available in the factory and suppliers so that production planning can choose the plan the best suits the circumstances and minimize delay of jobs and idle time of machines in a planning period. 

In contrast to earlier periods, in the age of computers, component design and process planning are more parallel so that revisions can be done before designs are finalized and better and less costly designs are created. There is provision in this simultaneous or concurrent engineers to include cost accountants, cost estimators, industrial designers, industrial engineers etc. and utilize the knowledge of various specialists more at the initial design stage itself.

Integration between Design and Process Planning

Gideon Halevi recommends that the product concepts can be shared with process planners and the relevant issues of production processes related to product concepts can be communicated to product designers. Thus collaboration between the two can extended to zeroth point of product design.

Process planners need to have design knowledge to propose design features that will meet design objectives and at the same time reduce processing cost and lead time.

Industrial Engineering Aspect of Process Planning

To do process industrial engineering, industrial engineers have to begin with existing process plans. They observe the current process to find out the extent to which the operators are following the process plan and the modifications they introduced for good and deviations they are doing to realize production in the face of current difficulties. The observation of current process is recorded in process charts. Analysis of current process plan and the current process chart is the step that reveals opportunities for engineering changes, termed as industrial engineering changes (continuous change in process or even product based on shop floor data and cost data that changes due to changes in material prices and prices of other inputs). Industrial engineers in process industrial engineering area are also process planners only with a distinction that they make incremental changes on a continuous basis.

Manufacturing process is a chain of activities (Manufacturing Value Chain).

Product Requirements Definition
Product Specification
Product Design
Process Planning, 
Resource Planning Equipment Acquisition and Purchase Decisions (as needed), 
Production Quantity Planning
Inventory Planning & Control (Management)
Shop Floor Control

Process planning involves decision making and the decisions are to be optimized (benefits are to be maximized and costs are to be minimized).

The process planner is an expert in manufacturing processes and his decisions may optimize at operation level or process level.

There are other levels at which optimization has to be done. The levels are: item, part, product, product mix, and business. Industrial engineers have the responsibility to optimize the total cost of the organization to give maximum profit.

(C) Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. 2020

Updated  13.3.2022,  11 Sep 2021,  3 August 2021,  19 July 2021
Pub 18 July 2020

Process Planning Introduction
Fredumacation, 18 Oct 2020

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