Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Machine Tool Improvement and Cutting Time Reduction

Machine Effort Industrial Engineering

Determination of optimum cutting parameters - Speed, Feed and Depth of Cut - Development of scientific machine work

According to Taylor - Narayana Rao Principles of Industrial Engineering (2017), principles of machine utilization economy are needed but not yet developed in industrial engineering.

Machine Utilization Economy - Principle of Industrial Engineering

Resource Utilization Economy Principles

The principle can be restated better more appropriately. "Principles of resource utilization economy to be developed for all resources used in engineering systems." (Added on 9 June 2018).

Utilization economy principles are to be developed for each resource used in the production processes. So far, in industrial engineering discipline, principles of motion economy only are deveoped. There has to be research and effort to develop similar principles for all resources.

Principles of Industrial Engineering - Presentation

by Dr. K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao in the 2017Annual Conference of IISE (Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering) at Pittsburgh, USA on 23 May 2017



Taylor's Effort to Improve Machine Tools First to Improve Productivity of a Machine Shop.

Taylor described his project of improving a machine shop productivity and below is the work he had done on machines first.

By means of four quite elaborate slide-rules, which have been especially made for the purpose of determining the all-round capacity of metal-cutting machines, a careful analysis was made of every element of this machine in its relation to the work in hand. Its Pulling power at its various speeds, its feeding capacity, and its proper speeds were determined by means of the slide-rules, and changes were then made in the countershaft and driving pulleys so as to run it at its proper speed. Tools, made of high-speed steel, and of the proper shapes, were properly dressed, treated, and ground. (It should be understood, however, that in this case the high-speed steel which had heretofore been in general use in the shop was also used in our demonstration.) 

A large special slide-rule was then made, by means of which the exact speeds and feeds were indicated at which each kind of work could be done in the shortest possible time in this particular lathe. After preparing in this way so that the workman should work according to the new method, one after another, pieces of work were finished in the lathe, corresponding to the work which had been done in our preliminary trials, and the gain in time made through running the machine according to scientific principles ranged from two and one-half times the speed in the slowest instance to nine times the speed in the highest.

The change from rule-of-thumb management to scientific management involves, however, not only a study of what is the proper speed for doing the work and a remodeling of the tools and the implements in the shop (machine effort industrial engineering), but also a complete change in the movements made by operators to operate the machine.  The physical improvements in the machines are necessary to insure large gains. They are followed by improvement in the activities performed by people in combination with machines. 

It seems important to fully explain the reason why, with the aid of a slide-rule, and after having studied the art of cutting metals, it was possible for the scientifically equipped man, who had never before seen these particular jobs, and who had never worked on this machine, to do work from two and one-half to nine times as fast as it had been done before by a good mechanic who had spent his whole time for some ten to twelve years in doing this very work upon this particular machine. 

In a word, this was possible because the art of cutting metals involves a true science of no small magnitude, a science, in fact, so intricate that it is impossible for any machinist who is suited to running a lathe year in and year out either to understand it or to work according to its laws without the help of men who have made this their specialty. Men who are unfamiliar with machine-shop work are prone to look upon the manufacture of each piece as a special problem, independent of any other kind of machine-work. They are apt to think, for instance, that the problems connected with making the parts of an engine require the especial study, one may say almost the life study, of a set of engine-making mechanics, and that these problems are entirely different from those which would be met with in machining lathe or planer parts. In fact, however, a study of those elements which are peculiar either to engine parts or to lathe parts is trifling, compared with the great study of the art, or science, of cutting metals, upon a knowledge of which rests the ability to do really fast machine-work of all kinds.

The real problem is how to remove chips fast from a casting or a forging, and how to make the piece smooth and true in the shortest time, and it matters but little whether the piece being worked upon is part, say, of a marine engine, a printing-press, or an automobile. For this reason, the man with the slide rule, familiar with the science of cutting metals, who had never before seen this particular work, was able completely to distance the skilled mechanic who had made the parts of this machine his specialty for years.

It is true that whenever intelligent and educated men find that the responsibility for making progress in any of the mechanic arts rests with them, instead of upon the workmen who are actually laboring at the trade, that they almost invariably start on the road which leads to the development of a science where, in the past, has existed mere traditional or rule-of-thumb knowledge.

When men, whose education has given them the habit of generalizing and everywhere looking for laws, find themselves confronted with a multitude of problems, such as exist in every trade and which have a general similarity one to another, it is inevitable that they should try to gather these problems into certain logical groups, and then search for some general laws or rules to guide them in their solution.

Development of Science for Machine Elements

Two Important Questions regarding Machine Tools to be Answered through Scientific Research

All of these experiments were made to enable us to answer correctly the two questions which face every machinist each time that he does a piece of work in a metal-cutting machine, such as a lathe, planer, drill press, or milling machine. These two questions are:

In order to do the work in the quickest time,

1. At what cutting speed shall I run my machine? and

2. What feed shall I use?

They sound so simple that they would appear to call for merely the trained judgment of any good mechanic. In fact, however, after working 26 years, it has been found that the answer in every case involves the solution of an intricate mathematical problem, in which the effect of twelve independent variables must be determined.

Each of the twelve following variables has an important effect upon the answer. The figures which are given with each of the variables represent the effect of this element upon the cutting speed.

For example, after the first variable (A) we quote,

"The proportion is as I in the case of semi-hardened steel or chilled iron to 100 in the case of a very soft, low-carbon steel." The meaning of this quotation is that soft steel can be cut 100 times as fast as the hard steel or chilled iron. The ratios which are given, then, after each of these elements, indicate the wide range of judgment which practically every machinist has been called upon to exercise in the past in determining the best speed at which to run the machine and the best feed to use.

(A) The quality of the metal which is to be cut; i.e., its hardness or other qualities which affect the cutting speed. The proportion is as 1 in the case of semi-hardened steel or chilled iron to 100 in the case of very soft, low-carbon steel.

(B) The chemical composition of the steel from which the tool is made, and the heat treatment of the tool. The proportion is as 1 in tools made from tempered carbon steel to 7 in the best high-speed tools.

(C) The thickness of the shaving, or, the thickness of the spiral strip or band of metal which is to be removed by the tool. The proportion is as 1 with thickness of shaving 3/16 of an inch to 3 1/2 with thickness of shaving 1/64 of an inch.

(D) The shape or contour of the cutting edge of the tool. The proportion is as 1 in a thread tool to 6 in a broad-nosed cutting tool.

(E) Whether a copious stream of water or other cooling medium is used on the tool. The proportion is as 1 for tool running dry to 1.41 for tool cooled by a copious stream of water.

(F) The depth of the cut. The proportion is as 1 with 1/2 inch depth of cut to 1.36 with 1/8 inch depth of cut.

(G) The duration of the cut, i.e., the time which a tool must last under pressure of the shaving without being reground. The proportion is as 1 when tool is to be ground every 1 1/2 hours to 1.20 when tool is to be
ground every 20 minutes.

(H) The lip and clearance angles of the tool. The proportion is as 1 with lip angle of 68 degrees to 1.023 with lip angle of 61 degrees.

(J) The elasticity of the work and of the tool on account of producing chatter. The proportion is as 1 with tool chattering to 1.15 with tool running smoothly.

(K) The diameter of the casting or forging which is being cut.

(L) The pressure of the chip or shaving upon the cutting surface of the

(M) The pulling power and the speed and feed changes of the machine.

It may seem preposterous to many people that it should have required a period of 26 years to investigate the effect of these twelve variables upon the cutting speed of metals. To those, however, who have had personal experience as experimenters, it will be appreciated that the great difficulty of the problem lies in the fact that it contains so many variable elements. 

And in fact the great length of time consumed in making each single experiment was caused by the difficulty of holding eleven variables constant and uniform throughout the experiment, while the effect of the twelfth variable was being investigated. Holding the eleven variables constant was far more difficult than the investigation of the twelfth element.

As, one after another, the effect upon the cutting speed of each of these variables was investigated, in order that practical use could be made of this knowledge, it was necessary to find a mathematical formula which expressed in concise form the laws which had been obtained. As examples of the twelve formulae which were developed, the three following are given:

        P = 45,000  D 14/15 F 3/4

        V = 90/T 1/8

        V = 11.9/ (F 0.665(48/3 D) 0.2373 + (2.4 / (18 + 24D))

After these laws had been investigated and the various formulae which mathematically expressed them had been determined, there still remained the difficult task of how to solve one of these complicated mathematical problems quickly enough to make this knowledge available for every-day use. If a good mathematician who had these formula before him were to attempt to get the proper answer (i.e., to get the correct cutting speed and feed by working in the ordinary way) it would take him from two to six hours, say, to solve a single problem; far longer to solve the mathematical problem than would be taken in most cases by the workmen in doing the whole job in his machine. Thus a task of considerable magnitude which faced us was that of finding a quick solution of this problem, and as we made progress in its solution, the whole problem was from time to time presented by the writer to one after another of the noted mathematicians in this country. They were offered any reasonable fee for a rapid, practical method to be used in its solution. Some of these men merely glanced at it; others, for the sake of being courteous, kept it before them for some two or three weeks. They all gave us practically the same answer: that in many cases it was possible to, solve mathematical problems which contained four variables, and in some cases problems with five or six variables, but that it was manifestly impossible to solve a problem containing twelve variables in any other way than by the slow process of "trial and error."

A quick solution was, however, so much of a necessity in our every-day work of running machine-shops, that in spite of the small encouragement  received from the mathematicians, we continued at irregular periods, through a term of fifteen years, to give a large amount of time searching for a simple solution. Four or five men at various periods gave practically their whole time to this work, and finally, while we were at the Bethlehem Steel Company, the slide-rule was developed which is illustrated on Folder No. 11 of the paper "On the Art of Cutting Metals," and is described in detail in the paper presented by Mr. Carl G. Barth to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, entitled "Slide-rules for the Machine-shop, as a part of the Taylor System of Management" (Vol. XXV of The Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers). By means of this slide-rule, one of these intricate problems can be solved in less than a half minute by any good mechanics whether he understands anything about mathematics or not, thus making available for every-day, practical use the years of experimenting on the art of cutting metals. This is a good illustration of the fact that some way can always be found of making practical, everyday use of complicated scientific data, which appears to be beyond the experience and the range of the technical training of ordinary practical men. These slide-rules have been for years in constant daily use by machinists having no knowledge of mathematics.

A glance at the intricate mathematical formula which represent the laws of cutting metals should clearly show the reason why it is impossible for any machinist, without the aid of these laws, and who depends upon his personal experience, correctly to guess at the answer to the two questions,

    What speed shall I use?

    What feed shall I use?

even though he may repeat the same piece of work many times.

To return to the case of the machinist who had been working for ten to twelve years in machining the same pieces over and over again, there was but a remote chance in any of the various kinds of work which this man did that he should hit upon the one best method of doing each piece of work out of the hundreds of possible methods which lay before him. In considering this typical case, it must also be remembered that the metal-cutting machines throughout our machine-shops have practically all been speeded by their makers by guesswork, and without the knowledge obtained through a study of the art of cutting metals. In the machine-shops systematized by us we have found that there is not one machine in a hundred which is speeded by its makers at anywhere near the correct cutting speed. So that, in order to compete with the science of cutting metals, the machinist, before he could use proper speeds, would first have to put new pulleys on the countershaft of his machine, and also make in most cases changes in the shapes and treatment of his tools, etc. Many of these changes are matters entirely beyond his control, even if he knows what ought to be done.

If the reason is clear to the reader why the rule-of-thumb knowledge obtained by the machinist who is engaged on repeat work cannot possibly compete with the true science of cutting metals, it should be even more apparent why the high-class mechanic, who is called upon to do a great variety of work from day to day, is even less able to compete with this science. The high-class mechanic who does a different kind of work each day, in order to do each job in the quickest time, would need, in addition to a thorough knowledge of the art of cutting metals, a vast knowledge and experience in the quickest way of doing each kind of hand workAnd the reader, by calling to mind the gain which was made by Mr. Gilbreth through his motion and time study in laying bricks, will appreciate the great possibilities for quicker methods of doing all kinds of hand work which lie before every tradesman after he has the help which comes from a scientific motion and time study of his work.

For nearly thirty years past, time-study men connected with the management of machine-shops have been devoting their whole time to a scientific motion study, followed by accurate time study, with a stop-watch, of all of the elements connected with the machinist's work. When, therefore, the teachers, who form one section of the management, and who are cooperating with the working men, are in possession both of the science of cutting metals and of the equally elaborate motion-study and time-study science connected with this work, it is not difficult to appreciate why even the highest class mechanic is unable to do his best work without constant daily assistance from his teachers. And if this fact has been made clear to the reader, one of the important objects in writing this paper will have been realized.

It is hoped that the illustrations which have been given make it apparent why scientific management must inevitably in all cases produce overwhelmingly greater results, both for the company and its employees, than can be obtained with the management of "initiative and incentive." And it should also be clear that these results have been attained, not through a marked superiority in the mechanism of one type of management over the mechanism of another, but rather through the substitution of one set of underlying principles for a totally different set of principles, by the substitution of one philosophy for another philosophy in industrial management.

Many researchers follow the path initiated by Taylor to develop cutting speed optimization and cutting time reduction to develop better methods for various machine tools. Industrial engineers have to go through those papers and use proper cutting parameters and reduce the cutting time. Similar work needs to be carried on various other machine so that that work time is reduced to produce unit output, thereby increasing the productivity of machines.

Updated on 1 August 2018, 30 July 2017

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Productivity Science and Productivity Engineering - Gilbreth

The aim of motion study is to find and perpetuate the scheme of perfection. There are three stages in this

1. Discovering and classifying the best practice.

2. Deducing the laws.

3. Applying the laws to standardize practice, either for the purpose of increasing output or decreasing hours of  labor, or both.

Source: MOTION STUDY - Frank B. Gilbreth (1911) - Part 1

Observe the three steps to develop the productivity science and productivity engineering.

1. Discovering and classifying the best practice.

Observation, identification and recording the best practices in body motions are indicated in the first stage. This is the data collection stage for developing laws of productivity science.

2. Deducing the laws.

The second stage is data analysis from perspective of identifying the law. This is the developing the productivity science theory or law.

3. 3. Applying the laws to standardize practice, either for the purpose of increasing output or decreasing hours of  labor, or both.

This is productivity engineering stage. The law is applied to increase output or productivity.

Manufacturing Engineering: Principles For Optimization - Daniel T. Koenig - Book Information

Manufacturing Engineering: Principles For Optimization - Daniel T. Koenig - Book Information

Manufacturing Engineering: Principles For Optimization: Principles for Optimization

Daniel T. Koenig
CRC Press, 01-Aug-1994 - Technology & Engineering - 439 pages

Offers instruction in manufacturing engineering management strategies to help the student optimize future manufacturing processes and procedures. This edition includes innovations that have changed management's approach toward the uses of manufacturing engineering within the business continuum.


Manufacturing Engineering: Principles for Optimization, Third Edition

Publisher: ASME
Publish Date: 2006
Pages: 536

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Manufacturing Engineering Organization Concepts
Chapter 2 Manufacturing Engineering Management Techniques
Chapter 3 Factory Capacity and Loading Techniques Chapter
4 Capital Equipment Programs Chapter
5 Machine Tool and Equipment Selection and Implementation
Chapter 6 Producibility Engineering
 Chapter 7 Methods, Planning, and Work Measurements
Chapter 8 Job Evaluations, Pay Plans, and Acceptance
Chapter 9 Employee Appraisal and Evaluation
Chapter 10 Process Control Engineering and Quality Control in Job Shops
Chapter 11 Maintenance Engineering Chapter
12 Computer Numerical Control of Machine Tools
Chapter 13 Fundamentals of Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Chapter
14 Computer-Aided Process Planning and Data Collection Chapter
15 The Group Technology Basis for Plant Layout Chapter
16 Manufacturing Engineering Aspects of Manufacturing Resources Planning Chapter
17 Just In Time and Its Corollary Lean Manufacturing: A pragmatic Application of Manufacturing Engineering Philosophy
Chapter 18 Environmental Control and Safety Chapter
19 The Integrated Productivity Improvement Program
Chapter 20 Using ISO 9000 as a Means of Becoming a "World Class" Company
Appendix A: Employee handbook
 Appendix B: Sales Incentive Program
Appendix C: Investigation Points (Product Company) Glossary Selected Related Readings Index

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Product Design Efficiency Engineering - Component of Industrial Engineering

We can use term Product Industrial Engineering to described the efficiency improvement carried out by industrial engineers in the product designs.

Product Industrial Engineering - Methods and Techniques - Articles

Value Engineering - Introduction

Value Analysis and Engineering Techniques

Value Analysis: Approach and Job Plan

Knowledge Required for Value Engineering Application and Practice

Value Analysis and Engineering - Examples by L.D. Miles

Functional Analysis Systems Technique (FAST) - Value Engineering Method

Value Engineering - Examples, Cases and Benefits

Value Engineering in Construction - Structures, Roads, Bridges

Value Engineering at the Design and Development Stage - Tata Nano Example

Low Cost Materials and Processes - Information Board  - Database for Industrial Engineering and Value Engineering

Value Engineering - Bulletin - Information Board

Lean Product Development - Low Waste Product Development - Efficient Product Development

Design for Manufacturing

Design for Assembly

The Role Industrial Engineer in Product Design

By William McAleer and Harold B. Lawson, H.B. Maynard & Co.,
Chapter 10.5 in Maynard IE Handbook, 2nd Edition

The article was published in the 2nd Edition of Maynard Industrial Engineering Handbook as chapter 10.5

Industrial engineering has a role in both the design for making and design for selling.

Industrial engineer's knowledge of methods improvement, motion economy and motion study, work measurement using stop watch as well as predetermined motion times enable him to redesign the product designs to make the less costly to manufacture and also make them less costly to use by the user.

Design for Making

The industrial engineer is a key person reviewing the design. He makes an analysis of design to determine if it is possible to manufacture at an economical cost. Based on the analysis, he finds ways to reduce costs through suggested design modifications prior to final design approval,

Industrial engineer is also an engineer and hence has knowledge of design process and method. He redesigns the production process also to obtain lower cost of production.  He does this without affecting the quality, appeal, saleability, or any other aspect of the product desired by the customer and explicitly designed in by the product design team. An industrial engineer does this work by his knowledge of equipment, processes, tools, wages and the like.

The typical examples of suggestions by industrial engineers for redesign were given by the authors as:

1. Relocation of holes, appendages, fasteners, and the like for easier access in processing or assembly.
2. Modification of design to use existing tools, jigs, fixtures or equipment.  (especially if a new equipment is suggested that will have low utlization)
3. Addition of tapers, rounded edges, and symmetry to parts to simplify positioning required for assembly.
4. Specification of easier to use fasteners (Shigeo Shingo came out with various ideas on fasteners to reduce set up times of machines)
5. Use of free machining stock or use of materials having higher machinability.

(Article link: Important Points Made in the Article)

Presently we can see the follow methods and techniques as relevant to product design efficiency engineering activity.

Value Engineering
Design for Manufacture
Design for Assembly
Target Costing Exercises
Design Optimization

Related Articles

Value Engineering
       Value Analysis and Engineering Techniques
       Value Engineering 2014 - Subject Update

       Value Engineering - Examples, Cases and Benefits

Design for Manufacturing
Design for Assembly
Target Costing Exercises
Design Optimization
Six Sigma in Design

A New Design for Production (DFP) Methodology with Two Case Studies
Lee Ming Wong, G Gary Wang, Doug Strong
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada

Case Study

L&T TS was approached for an overhaul in the transmission assembly for agricultural equipment in the minimal possible time span.

Redesign the power take off shaft and gears.
Incorporate hydro pump gear into the equipment pump drive gear and redesign pump drive housing to incorporate a single flange mounting to the main transmission housing.
Optimize Transmission housing and front cover to reduce material volume.
Specify bearing selection and verification.

http://www.larsentoubro.com/lntcorporate/LnT_NWS/PDF/LnT%20TS%20overhauls%20tractor%20transmission%20assembly%20in%20a%20record%20time%20of%2060%20days.pdf (Link not working presently)

Updated 20 July 2018,  16 July 2017,   16 July 2016,  9 July 2016,  14 June 2015
First published   20 February 2014

Monday, July 16, 2018

Job Evaluation - Introduction

INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING is redesign (engineering) of Products, Facilities and Processes for Productivity increase.
Productivity Management Imperative for USA - McKinsey. Returning US productivity to its long-term trend of 2.2 percent annual growth would add $10 trillion in cumulative GDP over the next ten years (2023 - 2030).


Wage scales and job evaluation; scientific determination ... Lott, Merrill R.

Wage incentive methods, their selection, installation and operation, by Charles Walter Lytle ...
Published: New York, The Ronald press company [1943]

Available on hathitrust

1954, Ronald Press
Available on archive


Collective bargaining to decide wages and salaries is democratic and helpful but by itself does not assure correct answers. This fact is evident from the frequent demands for rebargaining. In fact, we can hardly expect correct answers from unaided bargaining if we consider how many variables are involved. Bargaining done in ignorance on both sides is always a needlessly slow, costly process, and when the conditions of the bargain keep changing, so that it must be done over every year or every six months, it may give little improvement over unilateral guesswork by employer.

Job evaluation is merely a convenient name for systematic preparation for pricing in the labor market, closely comparable to modern pricing of merchandise. The latter is made possible by adequate cost analysis, the former by adequate job analysis.

Job evaluation, then, is neither more nor less than an effort to apply sound principles of measurement to determine what each job in an organization is really worth. It is the fair share, to which a satisfactory performance of a job should entitle the man who performs it, of the profitable
result to which his performance contributes. To make job analysis adequate for job evaluation it is necessary to think beyond the concept "amount of work" because that implies only the quantitative
part of the employee's contribution. That part is tangible and can be positively checked by comparing the units produced per period of time with set tasks as is done for incentive payment. Less tangible,
and hence more difficult, is the qualitative part which involves skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions and many more possible subordinate considerations that are covered by these
four major considerations.

This qualitative part of the employee's contribution is a matter of guessing in old-fashioned "rate setting" and is not part of "motion and time study." Hence a separate and different kind of job study must be made with the specific purpose of measuring the qualitative contribution. Such further study begins with job review or "job analysis," carries through "job description-specification," "job classification," and ends with "evaluation." This foundation should underlie every job rate whether for time payment or for incentive payment.  Modern job analysis and its recent extension, job evaluation, are now solving this long neglected problem impersonally and objectively. These terms
may be defined as follows:

Job analysis is the review study of definite jobs to ascertain what kind and what degree of man-qualities are necessary to make man-job units operate satisfactorily.

Job evaluation is the extension of job analysis to ascertain reliably the relative worth of jobs, to transform these appraisals into a structure of adequate rates, and to provide standard procedures for all additions to, and adjustments in, the rate structure.

Labor efficiency or man-productivity is the variable effect of, or response to, plant conditions and practices which are variable causes. The latter variables can largely be planned, for better or for worse, by the policies, plans, and activities of management which create the jobs, or more accurately, the man-job units. Graphically we can picture man-job unit productivity as the resultant of five or six job-planning  components} Obviously, if we wish to change the direction or increase the magnitude of the man-job productivity resultant we must begin by installing, building up, or correcting the job-planning components, not just one or two of them, but all of them.

Let us suppose, for instance, that two like-sized factories, A and B, make identical improvements in one component, say wage incentives. That would be building up one of the job plan plan components.  and each factory might achieve the same man-job unit productivity gain in
percentage. But if A, because of the weakness of other job variables, had been below B in productivity before the change, it would continue to be below B after the change. The weakness of A's other variables would not be corrected by the addition or strengthening of the single component and the resultant productivity would not be as much improved as it could have been if all components had been re-aligned. From the fact of equal percentage gain A would seem to be improving as much as B. Actually A might still be far below its rightful potential.

Of the five or six components constituting job plan  the most fundamental are the standardization of conditions and the standardization of operations. The former — development of equipment, that is, the design or selection of the most expedient equipment, jigs, tools, gauges, and the like — establishes the physical potential for quality of product. The latter — job standardization,
that is, motion and time study - — establishes the physical potential for efficient operating. The first can largely be purchased from without while the second must be developed almost entirely from within. When these two components of job control have been fully developed the factory will have attained improved, standardized jobs. The tasks or amounts of work per hour which derive therefrom can be used as bases for much of the planning and controlling, for efficiency measurement, for extra-financial incentives, and the like.

Prerequisites of Job Evaluation.
 Job standardization is a prerequisite of job evaluation.  If jobs are definite and stable, because of automatic machinery, then perhaps further job standardization may be omitted, but we can scarcely
imagine any kind of practical work which cannot be improved by an appropriate application of motion and time study.  Job review-analysis and evaluation can be used more peremptorily but usually should not be. Certainly management must have gained labor's confidence in its general
competence and fairness before attempting to build the component review-analysis and evaluation. When management has achieved the prerequisites it can gain a more complete confidence by creating
a systematic and analytic job evaluation.

Primary Purposes of Job Evaluation. In brief we may state the primary purposes of job evaluation as follows:

1. To establish a general wage level for a given plant which will have parity, or an otherwise desired relativity, with those of neighbor plants, hence with the average level of the locality.

2. To establish correct differentials for all jobs within the given plant.

3. To bring new jobs into their proper relativity with jobs previously established.

4. To accomplish the foregoing by means of facts and principles which can be readily explained to, and accepted by, all concerned.

Job evaluating can become a control of importance because:

1. By reducing all essential job facts to convenient form it enables a management to implement policies of fairness.

2. By adopting sound principles and impartial techniques it trains the supervisory force to be more nearly objective.

3. By clarifying lines of authority and responsibility it obviates misunderstanding.

4. By substantiating confidence it lessens grievances and simplifies wage negotiations.

Conformity to sound principles makes possible consistency in job rating and the latter is the cornerstone of mutual fairness. If man-merit rating can be added as a top layer to all base rates, then payment by time can have a limited but important incentive effect.

Secondary Purposes of Job Evaluation.  Certainly a: unified rate structure embracing all jobs is important to any employment department. We will say here that, either for hiring or for transferring and promoting, even for demoting and discharging, a set of job description-specifications is considerably more valuable when consistent base rates or rate ranges are affixed to them.

The secondary purposes are well indicated by the following outline of a job evaluation program.

1. To determine qualities necessary for a job when hiring new employees.

2. To determine qualifies necessary for a job when making promotions.

3. To determine if the system of advancement in a particular plant is from the job of lowest order toward the job of highest order.

4. To determine qualities necessary when bringing back men who have been laid off or have been on leave for war service. During the interval there may have been changes in job content.

5. To support explanations to employees as to why a particular man would not be suitable for a given opening. Many seniority clauses give preference to length of service only after the requirements of the job in the way of experience, etc., are satisfied. If the job rating has been made up by an independent agency and the entire plant has been rated there is likely to be less stress on mere seniority.

6. To determine if men now occupying various jobs have qualifications required by the specifications.

7. To determine if all men are placed to best advantage in respective jobs available, also to guide the revamping of jobs for skill conservation.

8. To analyze hourly rates and to determine if they are in line with rating given.

9. To compare periodically wage rates with those for similar occupations at other local plants.

10. To point out where greatest opportunities lie for development of automafic equipment and improvement of working conditions, removal of hazards, etc. Any plant where job ratings are very high, indicating a predominance of highly skilled labor, usually is a plant where there are
very few automatic operations. High ratings indicate places where it is most likely that improvements in equipment can be justified.

Primarily job evaluation is not concerned with improvements in tools and methods but such possibilities are sometimes brought to light during the analyst's review studies, in which case a report should be made to the industrial engineering department.

11. To train new supervisors. Specifications outlining duties of each man are useful in starting a new foreman on the job. Even an old foreman may have a wrong conception of job content and worth.

12. To facilitate explanations to an employee of the fact that any improvement in working conditions theoretically should mean a reduction in his wage rate. For example, if a worker is located in a poorly heated building and better heating is installed, the installation of heating equipment, an improvement in working conditions, lowers his job classification. Theoretically the base rate for the job should be lowered accordingly. Actually, poor working conditions rarely carry high ratings.

It is not advocated that better working conditions be provided for the express purpose of lowering workers' rates. However, if an employee is shown that he is paid a higher rate because his working conditions are not the best, he will probably be better satisfied with his job.

Collectively job evaluation facilitates the making of safe plans for the rearrangement or replacement of large numbers of workers. Only by such means is it possible to enter bargaining negotiations
without fear or fumbling. Without it decisions are often influenced (1) by the favoritism of a supervisor, (2) by the advertising ability of an employee, (3) by bad guesses regarding the ratio of demand to supply, or (4) by precedents previously influenced by any of the foregoing. Job evaluation can eliminate all these extraneous influences. The first two are precluded and the third, that of demand-to-supply ratio, can be kept from being confused with the relative worth of jobs by measuring the relative worth in terms of abstract points regardless of money rates. The supply-demand influence should be left to bargaining. In short, job evaluation completes the phases of job study and makes possible a rate structure which is independent of off-side, disrupting influences. Naturally this condition aflows a management to proceed with confidence and should do much to gain and keep the complete confidence of workers. This advantage alone will usually justify whatever costs are involved. It was, in fact, the exposure of this need that plunged management into the movement during the latter half of the prolonged depression, 1935-1940.

Transformation of "Rate Setting."
The original purpose of job analysis was to classify jobs in order to correct the setting of job
rates. Various attempts at job classification were made by Civil Service reformers, beginning with the Civil Service Commission of 1871. But modern job analysis was started in 1909 by a requirement of the Civil Service Commission of Chicago and the subsequent work of the Commonwealth Edison Company of that city. No doubt inspiration for this step came from Taylor's practices: his further
specialization of jobs, his "science of work" studies, his more careful selection and placement of operatives, and his examples of increasing unit labor cost to reduce unit total cost. Apparently Taylor and other engineers were too busy with the improvement of methods to go far into this, the last step of job study. In fact, these pioneers, in developing better shop management, were putting most jobs on incentive payment and were content to work backward from total earnings to derive the base rates. Time-paid workers were left to supervision and "functionalized foremanship" was supposed to solve supervision. Furthermore, Taylor had little union contact until after 1912. Thus the personnel men developed job analysis, as they named it, and for several years it remained mostly in large offices.

World War I gave impetus to this personnel function. From that
time on its use spread wherever there was a functionalized personnel
staff. It seems, however, that the rate-setting function in factories
was held jealously by line executives and they paid little attention to
the new personnel files of job description-specifications. In fact, the
techniques of job analysis were only then emerging from the experi-
mental stage. Foreman-made descriptions were tried. Then the per-
sonnel staffs made their own. Ranking or grading whole jobs was
the usual method of determining their relative worth. A few indus-
trial engineers were beginning to analyze work on basic "character-
istics" but even in such experiments no one attempted to use weighted
points to measure the relative worths. In 1924, Merrill R. Lott tried
out the first thorough-going plan for weighting separate work char-
acteristics. His fifteen characteristics included three that are now
considered extraneous and others that were not well related but he,
and those who followed, did get the pioneering done in time for a
more urgent need.

Pressing Need Had Developed by 1937. Meanwhile, jobs had
been getting more specialized and more individualized. This out-
come was the natural consequence of the many choices in equip-
ment brought into being for various scales of operation and of many
special solutions to "the one best way" which motion study was beginning to effect. No longer was it safe to assume that jobs bearing the same titles in different factories were identically the same jobs.
Employers could use only the relatively few key jobs for rate com-
parisons, and even these needed to be checked by personal inspec-
tion. Thus the "going rate" for any class of jobs in a community
became less evident, and more undependable, as a basis for informal
rate setting. This lack of reference points meant that the manage-
ment of each plant had to work out its rate structure more inde-
pendently of interplant comparisons.

By 1937 another force, that of the unions, was pressing to the
same storm center. Organized labor had long advocated "standard
rates" and numerous states had passed minimum wage laws. The
National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933-35 put the latter on a
federal scale and the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 intensi-
fied the activity of the unions. After the Supreme Court sustained
that law in 1937 the two-year-old CIO was able to increase its
membership by large numbers of unskilled and semiskilled workers
and to exert a power never before wielded by American employees.
Wage rates for large groups were set by collective bargaining and
pushed upward frequently. Hours came down and, in not a few
cases, efficiency per man-hour fell off alarmingly. In short, bargain-
ing became as unbalanced in favor of employees as it had ever been
unbalanced in favor of employers. Many a manager found it diffi-
cult to defend his base rates. Where that occurred the higher-ups in
management became interested and demanded some kind of "job-
pictures" to help them get a grasp of the whole situation. Thus the
few companies which had learned how to build a stormproof rate
structure were stormed by their less farsighted neighbors asking for
help. Soon the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, the
National Metal Trades Association, and other employer associations
were deep in the new business of job evaluation.^

Peace-to-War, War-to-Peace Conversion Benefited. It may not
have been appreciated at the time but it can be seen now that it was
fortunate to have thoroughly reliable methods of rate setting pushed
into being before the war expansion began in 1941. As the Amer-
ican machine tool industry benefited from its depression-completed
redesigning and tooling, so American management benefited from
its depression-completed development of job evaluation. The rate
structure of many a plant was more free from "out-of-line rates"
than ever before. New jobs could be fitted quickly into the structure.
New thousands of employees could quickly be assigned high but
consistent rates. New demand-supply requirements could be ad-
justed without upsetting any of the weighted values. Hence these
prepared companies were better able to meet the demands of war
without undue rate confusion and without loss of confidence on the
part of unions.

Many managements that were not prepared in this respect at the
time of conversion lost no time in getting prepared for the reconver-
sion. They realized that when wage and salary controls were eased
or relinquished there would be a great commotion wherever man-
agement failed to develop a program of job analysis and job evalua-
tion. Much confusion, distress on the part of top management, and
in many cases actual strikes were avoided where this preparation
took place. A mature program of job control perhaps does not
insure perfect calm, but it can do a great deal to smooth out the
agitation. Job evaluation and all it connotes provide a factual basis
for decision and for negotiation. It implements policy and wins
confidence, and these advantages are always helpful when manage-
ment is confronted with difficult problems.

Here are only a few of the job evaluation problems which needed
attention during post-war years. Some jobs had been split to make
one skilled job for a woman and one heavy job for a man, neither
of which rated as high as the original job. As women withdrew
from industry or as the scale of operations shrank, it became neces-
sary to recombine some of these narrowed jobs and put the more
general job into a higher classification. Other jobs were upgraded
on responsibility resulting from certain war conditions. Such jobs
needed to be re-evaluated and reclassified downward. Many jobs
were hastily put on incentives, without an evaluated base. In fact,
the extension of evaluated bases for incentive jobs had barely begun
at the end of the war and that had to be undertaken without delay
in plants where it had thus far been neglected. We assure top man-
agement that it will now save itself much trouble by installing job
evaluation where no steps have been taken in that direction. In
fact, it will also save itself much time for other matters.

Surveys Indicating Present Use. A survey made by the Na-
tional Industrial Conference Board in 1948, covering 3,498 com-
panies, showed that 59 per cent of them had job evaluation applied
to nearly all hourly paid jobs. Over half of these companies applied
job evaluation to salaried jobs, one third to supervisory jobs, and
one eighth to executive jobs. About the same time the Bureau of
Labor Statistics reported that unions were participating in these
plans at 50 per cent of the plants making metal parts, assemblies
made of metal, and the like.

A later NICE survey reported that 70 per cent of the plans in use
were point systems, 10 per cent factor comparison systems, 14 per
cent combinations of the foregoing, 4 per cent mere classification,
and 2 per cent other unnamed systems.

Recently The Dartnell Corporation of Chicago surveyed 96
companies regarding their use of job evaluation. All but 8 of the
companies had installed their plans since 1940. Of these plans, 74
used weighted points, 8 comparison of characteristics, 8 character-
istics comparison combined with weighted points, and 6 ranking.
Only 38 companies brought in consultants for installation. Only
12 companies were nonunion, but 41 did not include the matter in
their union contracts; 43 did. Fourteen companies did not apply
it to the office force; 82 did. Only 12 companies had training pro-
grams for preparing their supervisors, but 85 held meetings with
their supervisors. All but 16 companies held meetings with their
employees and most of them used the employee magazine plus bul-
letins to explain what was coming.

C. W. Lytle, "Job Evaluation— A Phase of Job Control," Personnel XVI, No.

Also Roland Benjamin, Jr., "The Dynamics of Job Evaluation," The Manage-
ment Review, XLII, No. 4.

^ Developed directly from the works of Taylor and Gilbreth with the objective
of determining the least costly methods of utilizing the physical assets. References
recommended: Ralph M. Barnes, Motion and Time Study (New York: John
Wiley & Sons, 1948); Production Handbook (New York: The Ronald Press Co.,

■* By this procedure he reduced unit labor cost without reducing employee

^^ Eugene Caldwell, "Job Rating," The Iron Age, CXLIV, No. 10.
■' In 1938, of 63 companies questioned, 32 were found to be doing job evaluation.

® See Report No. 605 (Chicago: Dartnell Personnel Administration Service). 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Energy Conservation - Efficiency

The Business of Energy Conservation, part 1
Feb 2018

Anything you save, be it energy, or material or any cost contributes to your bottom line.



UC Santa Barbara Summit on Energy Efficiency Part 1


Energy Efficient Materials and Manufacturing Processes- Keynote address by Michael McQuade, Senior Vice President of Science & Technology, United Technologies Corporation.


UC Santa Barbara Summit on Energy Efficiency Part 3
Critical Materials for Energy Technologies.



9 videos are there on Energy Summit - UK Santa Barbara
Part 4
Innovations in Solid State Lightning


Part 5










End Use Energy Efficiency MIT Lecture


Updated 15 July 2018
Earlier update 4 December 2013

Combination Tools

Vise Grip 3Pc Plier Set Long Nose - Combo - Multi


Combination systems give you a complete toolkit in one package. A tool for all garden tasks. Clip-on tools can change the function of your combi tool in a matter of seconds. One minute it's a hedge trimmer, the next it's a blower. Suppliers of petrol and battery power units and attachments from edgers, cultivators to sweepers, all by leading brands such as Husqvarna, Stihl and Makita. Ideal if you have limited storage space, or need to transport a whole range of tools for a single job.


AMK 25C Combination Tool for Rescue Operations

Combination cutting/spreading/pulling tool
Extremely lightweight, compact size for easy storage
Ideal for "first response" applications
Anodized for corrosion protection
Check valve design maintains load
Available with D-ring handle
Convert a Model AMK-25C Combination Tool to any Model 25 Cutter with genuine AMKUS blades

AMK 15C Combination Tool for Rescue Operations

Combination cutting/spreading/pulling tool
Well balanced and easy to use
Check valve design maintains load
Anodized for corrosion protection
Equipped with D-ring handle

Holmatro combination tools are multifunctional and allow the user to cut, spread, squeeze, and pull with just one tool. Now featuring a unique blade design and a deadman's handle. The deadman's handle improves one-hand operation with a positive grip, features an accurate spring return to neutral position, and allows for proportional operation for more precise control.

The Holmatro 4150 combi tool also has all the benefits and features of the 4000 series and CORE® Technology.

High Performance Combination Tools from  Kennametal

Drill, chamfer and countersink with one tool

Combination Tools Improve Machining Center Productivity

With today's CNC technology, it is possible to combine drilling, tapping and chamfering in a single operation by using specially designed cutting tools.

A good example  is the Thriller Tool, manufactured by Thriller, Inc. (Dearborn, Michigan), a division of the Turchan Technologies Group. This tool can perform in a single operation what usually calls for a drill, chamfering tool, and tap or thread mill. In so doing, this kind of combination tool reduces the number of tools, toolholders and tool positionings required, and it eliminates tool changes between operations. Properly applied, the result is a significant cost and time savings.

Allied Machine  combination tool for drilling and chamfering.

A part made of modified 4140 steel, required a considerable amount of holemaking. It has 57 1.362 "-dia., 2½ "-deep through-holes and 54 1.438 "-dia., 4½ "-deep through-holes.

RMC was applying three cutting tools to complete each of the 57 holes: a drill, a twin boring bar and a chamfer mill. The challenge was consistently achieving the tolerance while maintaining the production rate, . “The ±0.002 " tolerance was too tight for the twin boring bar setup.

The shop then decided to have a special made to both drill the hole and cut the 0.150 "×45° chamfer. It is tooled with the GEN3SYS XT insert and the tool body was customized to have a built-in chamfer. It shortened the cycle time and  also reduced inventory by eliminating the boring bar and chamfer mill.

RMC runs two parts before replacing an insert. Each tip is reground at least once. Reground inserts provide  identical performance. By switching to this comnination GEN3SYS XT drill, RMC went from a 1,600-rpm spindle speed, 524-sfm cutting speed, 8.0-ipm feed rate and 1-minute cycle time per hole, to 865 rpm, 308 sfm, 12.11 ipm and 14.12 seconds per hole.
(Source:http://www.ctemag.com/aa_pages/2012/120413-ProductiveTimesA.html    )

Updated 15 July 2018
Earlier update 7 December 2013

Friday, July 13, 2018

Blockchain Technology - Exploration - Industrial Engineering Point of View

What is blockchain technology? - Does it improve productivity?

Industrial engineers have to understand every new technology to assess its productivity improvement potential. The new products may improve productivity of users (customers). New equipment may increase the productivity of the operations of the organizations. New processes may promise increased productivity and reduced costs.

Blockchain increases Digital Trust.

Collection of Articles, Books and Papers on Block Chain Technology and Applications


Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric is a blockchain framework implementation and one of the Hyperledger projects hosted by The Linux Foundation. Intended as a foundation for developing applications or solutions with a modular architecture, Hyperledger Fabric allows components, such as consensus and membership services, to be plug-and-play. Hyperledger Fabric leverages container technology to host smart contracts called “chaincode” that comprise the application logic of the system. Hyperledger Fabric was initially contributed by Digital Asset and IBM, as a result of the first hackathon.

IBM Started Kit for Blockchain Developers

Different Smart Contract Platforms

Blockchain Technology To Track Global Food Supply Chain

June 2018
Blockchain beyond the hype: What is the strategic business value?
By Brant Carson, Giulio Romanelli, Patricia Walsh, and Askhat Zhumaev

How blockchain will fundamentally change our lives in future
Blockchain has the potential and can be implemented across diverse sectors such as banking, education, and health.
March 09, 2018


How blockchains could change the world

Updated 14 July 2018,  7 July 2018,  28 May 2018
First published 24 May 2018

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Digital Transformation at Daimler Benz - Now Daimler is Digital Champion of PWC Survey

11 July 2018

PWC 2018 survey of Industry 4.0 implementation classified Mercedes Benz as Digital Champion.

Mercedes-Benz as pioneer of the digital transformation: From Car Manufacturer to Networked Mobility Service Provider

Frankfurt, Sep 14, 2015

 The automotive industry is changing fundamentally, things are speeding up. A new  megatrend is “digitalisation” – also known in an economic context as “Industry 4.0”. Mercedes-Benz is a pioneer in this development. The inventor of the automobile is actively driving forward the transition from automotive manufacturer to networked mobile mobility service. Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes‑Benz Cars, explained the strategy and the current status of development on the eve of the 2015 Frankfurt International Motor Show (IAA). Presenting the “Concept Intelligent Aerodynamic Automobile”, known for short as “Concept IAA”, Zetsche showed a concrete example of the fascinating opportunities offered by digital product development.

Picture source:

Digitalisation has been a central strategic issue in all areas of Mercedes-Benz for many years. Technical innovations like driveline electrification and autonomous driving, in particular, would be unthinkable without the digital transformation. The same applies to production, where the brand with the three-pointed star likewise plays a leading role. In parallel, the progress of digitalisation in the area of marketing & sales means Mercedes-Benz is taking into account altered customer expectations and the associated transformation in communication patterns and behaviour.

“It’s about nothing more and nothing less than the complete networking of the entire value chain – from research and development, through production to marketing and sales,” said Zetsche, speaking on the eve of the show. “This digital transformation is in full swing at Mercedes-Benz. We are transitioning from car manufacturer to networked mobility provider, whereby the focus is always on the individual – as customer and employee. This is how we will continue to develop the company and thereby ensure our future competitiveness.”

Digital prototype – more speed, more precision, more diversity

Digitalisation at Mercedes-Benz is particularly advanced in the area of research and development. By way of comparison, computer renderings with around one thousand elements were possible in the 1970s. One decade later, this had risen to 25 times as many. Today, the figure stands at up to 80 million elements and rising.

Digital prototyping accelerates the development of new generations of cars – but more than that, it also raises their quality and offers opportunities for increased diversity. The car of the future is being simulated and optimised as a digital prototype from the earliest stages of its development.

“With the aid of digital prototypes, we are also improving the passive safety of our vehicles – faster, more precisely and more efficiently than ever before,” said Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG responsible for Group Research and Mercedes-Benz Cars Development. Another particularly impressive example is aerodynamics. “The key term here is Big Data, the evaluation of large quantities of data from a wide range of sources,” continued Weber. “Before we let a new car anywhere near our wind tunnel, it has already successfully passed a barrage of digital tests as a complete data model.”
The opportunities and potential this unlocks for production development are not difficult to imagine. One example is that current Mercedes-Benz production cars are already aerodynamic world champions in virtually all classes. The opportunities presented by digitalisation are already being used to the maximum by the Formula 1 team. From add-on parts such as aerodynamic features, through to new engine and drive components, the route from computer data model to race track is often impressively short and fast.

Production – shorter innovation cycles and better ergonomics

Production, too, is becoming more flexible and efficient thanks to digitalisation. The aim is intelligent production, notable for its transformability, resource efficiency and better ergonomics for workers. Dr. Zetsche: “The more diversity we have in the market, the more flexibility we need in production. The key here, too, is digitalisation. Plants will become smart factories, where equipment and components are seamlessly networked. And what’s even more important – people and robots will work harmoniously together in the smart factory of the future.”

Robots are already omnipresent in automotive production today – especially where the work would be particularly strenuous or even ergonomically harmful for people. Nowadays, an assembly step is generally completed either by workers or by robots, the latter still being enclosed in protective cages for safety reasons. This is set to change, with people and robots interacting directly with one another in future.

Man and machine work hand-in-hand.

Combining the cognitive superiority and flexibility of human beings with the power, stamina and reliability of robots not only increases quality, but also leads to significant improvements in productivity. And at the same time, it offers a whole array of new possibilities when it comes to ergonomic and age-appropriate work – also and particularly in respect of demographic changes in society.

Markus Schäfer, Board Member responsible for Mercedes-Benz Cars Production and Supply Chain Management: “The intelligent cooperation of people and robots plays a central role for us. To state it clearly, the use of new types of robots is not a matter of ‘man or machine?’ We are committed to an intelligent teamwork approach.”

Wilfried Porth, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG responsible for Human Resources: “The experience, creativity and flexibility of our colleagues cannot be replaced by robots – now or in future. There will, however, be less seriously strenuous, heavy work. This is what we see as the ideal division of labour between people and robots.”

Production planning – increasing flexibility and precision

Through digitalisation, production equipment and installations can be designed to be highly flexible in future, enabling construction, expansion and adaptation without major delays. This not only improves the prerequisites for long-term planning, but also enables faster response to short-term shifts in the market.

One example of this transformable production is the so-called object-coupled assembly system, whereby mobile robot systems can be used in production in a variety of different ways, without the need to technically modify or stop the production line. The robots can dock onto the respective bodyshell on the production line, carry out their work and switch to the next vehicle while the line keeps moving. Daimler is also using digitalisation in quality assurance, involving the cooperation of entire installations. Smart factories, holistic automation and control technology, company-wide standard modules and new, network-based working models will enable detailed dialogue between individual plants in future. This will see the global network of Daimler AG grow closer together and lead to greater efficiency in production and sales.

This efficiency will also carry through to suppliers – problems with a production system can be identified, analysed and resolved via remote diagnostics. Such networking with other companies also enables faster and more efficient processes within those companies and raises the quality of cooperation in general.

Marketing & sales – more individuality through digitalisation

However, the digital revolution does not end when a vehicle leaves the production line. Mercedes-Benz is also using the opportunities presented by digitalisation in marketing & sales. Within the scope of Best Customer Experience, Mercedes-Benz is working with the multi-channel approach that flexibly interlinks a large number of innovative marketing & sales formats and digital elements. Major emphasis is being placed on the digitalisation of all channels – in communication as well as sales and service. Online stores are enhancing existing sales outlets and making it possible to order or lease a vehicle at any time.

Greater focus is being placed on digital interaction in the real world, too. The Mercedes me stores are equipped with a wide array of digital design elements. Prospects can configure exactly the car they want easily and conveniently at multi-touch monitors and plasma screens. In addition, more than half a million people are interacting with Mercedes-Benz every day via the brand’s global social media platforms – more than with any other car maker.

The easiest access to the personalised brand world is offered by the Mercedes me online portal, where Mercedes-Benz is accessible at any time. The spectrum ranges from electronic appointment booking for classic customer service, through individual networking with a customer’s own vehicle to the offer of personally configured financial services. Customers can also find products that are not restricted to their own car. This includes mobility services like car2go and information on lifestyle activities and entertainment offerings.

Mercedes me was launched one year ago, enabling customers across Europe to connect with their vehicles anywhere, anytime. Customers of not-yet networked vehicles will also soon be able to enjoy the pleasures of conveniently networking their vehicles – with the Mercedes connect me adapter. A total of 24 car model lines dating back to 2002 can be retrofitted to enable secure access to vehicle information. Mercedes-Benz will begin this connect me offensive in early 2016, with successive implementation in European markets where connect me is also offered.

Mercedes me – digital access to the personalised world of Mercedes  

“Mercedes me always places the customer front and centre, enabling him or her to access the brand anywhere, anytime, regardless of whether they need a service, require entertainment or want remote control of vehicle functions,” said Ola Källenius, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG, responsible for Marketing & Sales Mercedes-Benz Cars.

Mercedes me innovations include the new Lifestyle Configurator, which enhances the classic vehicle configurator. The customer can use it to enter their individual preferences in furnishings, travel destinations or sporting disciplines and, on the basis of their selections, is suggested a vehicle that would be the best match for them.

Ola Källenius: “You can use the Lifestyle Configurator to search for a new Mercedes-Benz in exactly the same way you would search the internet today for, say, fashion – simply, interactively and without having to be a technology buff.”

Dieter Zetsche: “In Marketing & Sales, digitalisation brings us first and foremost the opportunity to address our customers’ desires even more individually. The new Lifestyle Configurator shows us that the digital and real customer worlds will continue to merge at Mercedes.”

Vehicle communication and data protection

The rapid development of communications technology is still opening up completely new perspectives. Experts assume, for instance, that a 5G mobile communications network will be up to 100 times faster than LTE. Comprehensive updates to the car’s software, for instance, can then also be handled online in just a matter of seconds.

Due to this in particular, data protection is especially important to the company. Dieter Zetsche: “The opportunities are enormous; as is our responsibility to protect our customers’ private lives and to ensure that personal information does not fall into the hands of third parties. This responsibility also means our vehicles must be secure against manipulation from outside. It is therefore our duty and our aim to make our cars as secure as possible. We are working incredibly hard on this.”

The digital transformer – “Concept IAA”

At the Frankfurt International Motor Show, Mercedes-Benz is showing what digitalisation can mean for the car as a product in real terms, with the “Concept IAA” (Concept Intelligent Aerodynamic Automobile). The increase in speed and efficiency through digitalisation is impressively demonstrated in figures. Design development, which alone would previously have taken up to two years, was achieved in less than eleven months.

The Mercedes-Benz Concept IAA is two cars in one – an aerodynamic world record holder with a cd figure of 0.19 and a four-door coupé with a fascinating design. The study, which will be premiered at the IAA in Frankfurt, automatically switches from Design mode into Aerodynamic mode upwards of 80 km/h, altering its form with a large number of active aerodynamic measures. Inside, the Concept IAA carries forward the design lines of the S-Class and S-Class Coupé, offering new, touch-based functionalities and a highly emotional, digital operating experience. At the same time, the interior provides a glimpse into the interior of a business sedan of the near future. Outside, the rear lights are a particular highlight evocative of the stardust or glow of a jet engine. These lights with their “stardust effect” will celebrate their premiere in a production model in early 2016.

The Concept IAA is also the perfect example of the technologically fundamental changes in the automotive sector driven by digitalisation. For Mercedes-Benz, a fully digital process chain from research and development, through production to sales, logistics and services is far more than science-fiction. Dieter Zetsche: “What’s definitely clear to me is that this car here and the outlook for Mercedes‑Benz have one thing in common – they both look damn good.”

Media release by Daimer - 14 September 2015

Updated 11 July 2018,
First posted 18 April 2016

Sunday, July 1, 2018

July - Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan with Links

Scientific Management of Taylor

First Week

1. Importance of National Efficiency

2. Foundation of Scientific Management

3. Soldiering and Its Causes

4. Underlying Philosophy for the Old Systems of Management

5. Scientific Management - Introduction


7. Illustrations of Success of Scientific Management - - Pig Iron Handling

8. Background for Development of Scientific Management - -Midvale Steel Company Machine Shop

9. Elaborate Planning Organization - Need and Utility


10. Illustrations of Success of Scientific Management - Bricklaying Improvement by Gilbreth

Second Week of July

11. Illustrations of Success of Scientific Management - Bicycle Balls Inspection Example

12. Scientific Management in Machine Shop

13. Development of Science in Mechanic Arts

14. Study of Motives of Men

15. Scientific management in its essence

16. Role of Top Management in Implementing Scientific Management

17. Scientific Management Summarized

18. Harrington Emerson - A Pioneer Industrial Engineer

19. The Twelve Principles of Efficiency - Part 1

20. The Twelve Principles of Efficiency - Part 2

Third Week

15 July to 19 July

Principles of Industrial Engineering - Taylor - Narayana Rao

Industrial engineering Principles, Methods Tools and Techniques

16 July

Industrial Engineering - The Concept - Developed by Going in 1911

Product Industrial Engineering

Product Design Efficiency Engineering - Component of Industrial Engineering

17 July

Value Engineering - Introduction

Value Analysis and Engineering Techniques

18 July

Value Analysis: Approach and Job Plan

Knowledge Required for Value Engineering Application and Practice

19 July

Value Analysis and Engineering - Examples by L.D. Miles

Functional Analysis Systems Technique (FAST) - Value Engineering Method

Fourth Week
(22 to 26, July)

22 July

Value Engineering - Examples, Cases and Benefits

Value Engineering in Construction - Structures, Roads, Bridges

23 July
Value Engineering at the Design and Development Stage - Tata Nano Example

Low Cost Materials and Processes - Information Board  - Database for Industrial Engineering and Value Engineering

24 July
Value Engineering - Bulletin - Information Board

Lean Product Development - Low Waste Product Development - Efficient Product Development

25 July
Design for Manufacturing

Design for Assembly

26 July

Target Costing and Industrial Engineering

Target Costing and Target Cost Management

Industrial engineering is a management activity. It focuses on cost reduction and thereby increase of sales due to lower prices and increased profits to the organization and through it increased incomes to employees of an organization apart benefit to other stakeholders of the organization. Also the managerial activities of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling are relevant in industrial engineering practice. Industrial engineering are asked to do efficiency studies managerial processes also. So they have to know the output and inputs of managerial processes and how managerial processes are carried out. Industrial engineering programs have principles of management as a course in the curriculum.

Please give suggestions for improvement of any article that you are reading in this blog. Continuous improvement is possible with your suggestions and additional information provided by you.

Updated 1 July 2018, 23 July 2017