Tuesday, July 7, 2020

University of Oklahoma Norman Campus - Industrial Engineering Programs

30. University of Oklahoma Norman Campus
 Norman, Oklahoma

BS Degree – http://www.ou.edu/coe/ise/academics/undergraduate/courses---electives
MS Degree - https://sis.ou.edu/StudentRegistrationSsb/ssb/courseSearch/courseSearch

Productivity Management Course Offered  -NO

Industrial engineers, to improve, integrate, inform, and innovate.

Industrial engineers are improvement engineers. ISEs help organizations add value by eliminating waste, maximizing quality and productivity, and using resources effectively.

Industrial engineers are integration engineers. ISEs bring people, processes, and technologies together to solve complex problems in all types of organizations.

Industrial engineers are information engineers. ISEs use computer-based tools to collect data, organize and analyze information, and present solutions for decision-making.

Industrial engineers are innovation engineers. ISEs use a holistic approach, combining engineering expertise with a business perspective, to solve modern, often large-scale, problems.


Contact  - Janet Allen
Office: CEC 116-G
Phone: (405) 550-3969
Email: janet.allen  @ou.edu

Randa Shehab
Associate Dean, Nettie Vincent Boggs Professor
Office: CEC 107
Phone: (405) 325-4277
Email: rlshehab  @ou.edu

Research Interests
Engineering education, cognitive ergonomics, human-system integration

Shivakumar Raman
Director of ISE; David Ross Boyd Professor; Morris Pittman Professor; Samual Roberts Noble Foundation Presidential Professor

https://www.linkedin.com/in/shivakumarraman/ (Connected)

Updated on 7 July 2020, 2 Sep 2019

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