Friday, September 27, 2024

Overall Process Effectiveness - A Measure for the Effectiveness of an Operation/Process

 Overall Process Effectiveness to Measure the Effectiveness in an Operation Process

by Lisbeth del Carmen Ng Corrales 1,2,María Pilar Lambán 1,Paula Morella 1,Jesús Royo 1,Juan Carlos Sánchez Catalán 3 andMario Enrique Hernandez Korner 1,2


Design and Manufacturing Engineering Department, Universidad de Zaragoza, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain


Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Ciudad de Panama 0819-07289, Panama


Smart Systems, Tecnalia, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), 20009 Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Machines 2022, 10(2), 133;

As established in the literature for the development of rigorous research, research questions are established, which we will answer using the AR methodology. This paper attended to answer these research questions:

RQ1. Can the new indicator measure the effectiveness of the lateral unloading truck process?

RQ2. Does the AR methodology provide solutions to the organizational issue?

RQ3. Has this study identified opportunities for improvements in the unloading process?

The process begins with the arrival of the truck at the external part of the unloading area, the driver gets off with the documentation corresponding to the transported material he is transporting. Then, the driver enters the warehouse, hands over the documents to the unloading operator who checks if the material belongs to that unloading section. If it does, he tells the driver to park the truck in the unloading track, otherwise, he is shown where to go. The operator records the following data in the document: route, time window, time of entry, time of exit, supplier, and registration.

Once the truck is on the unloading track, the driver gets off, puts on helmets and boots to start the process of preparing the truck to unload the material. The driver opens the side tarp of the truck, removes the side safety boards, and waits for the unloading operation. The operator begins the process by verifying that the material inside the truck is in good condition, if so, he proceeds to unload the containers. Otherwise, if the products contained are disordered in the truck, not loaded sideways, or in poor condition (wet, damaged, dumped, etc.), he calls the supervisor to verify the integrity of the container to proceed with the unloading process or asks the truck to leave. The operator uses a long-shovel forklift to unload the material and place it in the reception area, where it is temporarily stored and then placed in the warehouse. The material is stored in containers, the containers of the same type are placed together. It is also considered that all the material transported in the same truck must be placed in the reception area as close as possible.

Once the unloading process is finished, the operator signs the document confirming, the driver proceeds to place the lateral safety boards, close the tarp, and leave the premises, leaving the unloading track for the next truck. Before continuing with the next truck, the operator must perform a verification of the products in the containers. The list of materials detailed in the documentation provided by the driver upon arrival must coincide with the material that was unloaded from the truck. If there is a difference, the operator takes note of it and notifies the supervisor to report the discrepancy.

The aim of this new indicator OPE is to measure the effectiveness of a logistic process. This framework considers that the effectiveness of the process is affected by internal and external factors. Internal factors are those situations that occur within the company and are managed and controlled internally in the organization. In contrast, external factors originated outside the company, depending on the participation or collaboration of external agents to manage and control them. Both factors influence and affect positively or negatively the performance of the company.

The factors that were analyzed for the development of the indicator are availability, performance, quality, and punctuality. The availability measures the real total time the system is operating without time losses due to the lack of resources that prevent the process from running smoothly. The resources that affect the availability are the lack or failure of the forklift, lack of operator, among others.

This framework goes in pursuit to integrate important aspects of the process in a single measure of effectiveness (Figure 4). The perspectives to be measured with this framework are the availability of resources, the performance of resources, the quality of the process, and the added factor of punctuality. This last factor seeks to include a broader picture that affects the development of the process.

Through the framework proposed it can be possible to record and measure the process to obtain data for continuous improvement. Besides, the OPE allows the losses identification to take action and generate continuous improvement for lean performance.

The success of this collaborative research provides a practical contribution to the company that will improve the unloading process with the OPE implementation. Besides, it generates theoretical knowledge that can be applied to other departments or companies.

With the OPE results, the company identified two improvements that help resource efficiency. First, it was noticed that more than 50% of trucks do not arrive in the planned time window, affecting the unloading schedule by shifts. Improvements are being made in the planning of truck arrivals, and meetings have also been held with suppliers to take joint action. Establishing a collaborative process with the supplier will strengthen the process flow between them [48]. The second improvement is the time redistribution of the operator to the unloading process. It was identified that the operator has a lot of leisure time with the availability parameter, so it was decided that the operator would attend two unloading areas.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness: Systematic Literature Review and Overview of Different Approaches

by Lisbeth del Carmen Ng Corrales 1,2,*,María Pilar Lambán 1,Mario Enrique Hernandez Korner 1,2 andJesús Royo 1


Design and Manufacturing Engineering Department, Universidad de Zaragoza, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain


Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Ciudad de Panama 0819-07289, Panama


Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(18), 6469;

(This article belongs to the Special Issue 2021 Smart Manufacturing on Production System, Quality Assurance, Process Optimization, and Digital Modeling)

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