Tuesday, September 24, 2024

De - Clutter to Flow Better - A Business Novel on TOC - Visweswaran Sundararam - Book Information

 De - Clutter to Flow Better

(application of Theory Of Constraints (TOC) in business transformation)

Author Name: Visweswaran Sundararam

About the book by the publisher.

This is a business novel.  The setting is realistic, the characters represent their various functions, and yet are not reduced to mere cardboard personas who merely mouth the lines expected of them given their role/ function with their organizations.

 The consultant and his assistant who come to the rescue of these hapless managers weave their magic. No, not by waving a wand or uttering incantations, but using the demonstrated techniques of asking the right questions, remaining silent while the group collectively puts its brains together to solve their never-ending challenges, gently nudging them when they threaten to go astray from their paths, etc. 

The solution is not dished out to them in a spoon, but they are made to earn it for themselves. And, herein, lies the author’s own expertise and experience as a successful management consultant, having seen this all and having dealt with it on innumerable occasions. 




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