Thursday, March 30, 2023

Software Engineering - Industrial Engineering in Software Engineering

Is the full capability of the #hardware exploited for value creation? An industrial engineer can evaluate periodically.  Software engineering component of industrial engineering.
#IndustrialEngineering #Productivity #CostReduction #InformationSystems  #SoftwareEngineering

An industrial engineering approach to software development
D.N. Card, R.A. Berg
Many different tools and techniques have been developed to increase software quality and productivity. However, periodic acquisition of improved methods and tools, by itself, does not ensure continual improvement. To be effective, new technology must be integrated into an underlying process. That process must be managed explicitly. This paper describes an industrial engineering approach that treats software development as a process distinct from its unique application to any specific project. Its essential elements include formal process definition, software measurement, process engineering, and quality control. Although already successfully embedded in many manufacturing processes, application of industrial engineering techniques to software remains a novelty. Nevertheless, this approach provides the software enterprise with a long-term plan for improving software quality and productivity.
Journal of Systems and Software
Volume 10, Issue 3, October 1989, Pages 159-168

SWE Industrial Engineering - Software Engineering Process Improvement Function

This guide was written to help organizations establish and sustain a process improvement group as the
focal point of a software engineering process improvement program.

The guide is  concerned with the technology used in existing and improved processes and the human side of stimulating a higher quality process. 

The term technology is used throughout this guide in the broadest sense. For example, this use of the term would include software inspection as a peer review technology for detecting errors in software development work products; computer-aided software engineering (CASE) as a technology providing automated support for performing activities and creating work products in the software development process; and change management as a technology for planning and implementing organizational change.

How do organizations move from their current state to one where there is continuous improvement? First, they must establish an organizational commitment to quality; next, they must create an entity in the organization that is the focal point, some group responsible for facilitating actions supporting that commitment; and finally, they must carefully plan each step to move from the current situation to the desired one. In the software industry, the organizational focal point is a software engineering process group, and the model for the step-by-step change is the process improvement cycle. 

The Process Improvement Cycle
Software process improvement is a continuous cycle. 

1. Set expectations based on capabilities of new technologies and benchmarking.
2. Assess the current practice inside the organization.
3. Analyze the variance between expectation and practice.
4. Develop and Propose changes that will reduce the variance and thereby improve the process.
5. Plan the integration of the improvements into the existing process and update the process definition. If a formal process definition does not exist, it should be documented now.
6. Implement the improvements.
7. Perform the process as it is now defined.
8. Start over.

The Process Group - Industrial Engineering Group

The software engineering process group is the focal point for process improvement. Composed of line practitioners who have varied skills, the group is at the center of the collaborative effort of everyone in the organization who is involved with software engineering process improvement. Group size is usually equal to 1-3% of the development staff.

Following are ongoing activities of the process group:

• Obtains and maintains the support of all levels of management.
• Facilitates software process assessments.
• Works with line managers whose projects are affected by changes in software engineering practice, providing a broad perspective of the improvement effort and helping them set expectations.
• Maintains collaborative working relationships with software engineers, especially to obtain, plan for, and install new practices and technologies.
• Arranges for any training or continuing education related to process improvements.
• Tracks, monitors, and reports on the status of particular improvement efforts.
• Facilitates the creation and maintenance of process definitions, in collaboration with managers and engineering staff.
• Maintains a process database.
• Provides process consultation to development projects and management.

The process group is not part of product development but is staffed by practitioners. As a result, it has expertise in software engineering.

An improved process also allows easier acquisition and adoption of new technology because that technology can be acquired in direct support of defined processes. The process definition necessary to a disciplined software process is also prerequisite to reasoned analysis about what software tools and methods best support the goals and the creation of products and systems within the organization.

Improvement Activity Plan Implementation Steps
1. Overview
 •Goals and objectives
 •Related policies
 •Needs analysis
2. Technology description
3. Enabling technology
4. Sources for technology
 and related services
5. Purchases
6. Tailoring
7. Education and training
8. Technology selection
9. Evaluation procedures
10. Schedule and responsibilities

A process that is not well understood and articulated cannot be managed or improved. Just as manufacturers must select activities and tools for a particular product line, software organizations must also define and implement appropriate processes for each major development effort. Software, by its nature, is very easy to change. Because software practitioners are well-educated professionals who readily take independent action, a well articulated and understood process is essential to the orderly and predictable operation of a software development organization.

A well-defined and articulated description is prerequisite to process improvement. As Card and Berg [Card89] state, "periodic acquisition of improved methods and tools, by itself, does not ensure continual improvement. To be effective, technology must be integrated into an underlying process. That integration must be managed explicitly." Increases in quality and productivity, along with the successful use of technology, depend directly on a well articulated and well-understood process.

Card and Berg [Card89]: An industrial engineering approach to software development
D.N. Card, R.A. Berg,  Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 10, Issue 3, October 1989, Pages 159-168

Describing the Existing Process
Building a process definition for an organization begins with describing what exists. Eventually, the definition of what should exist is also created, and replaces the initial description.

Recommended reading for those beginning the task of describing or defining software process:
[Humphrey89], Ch. 13, "Defining the Software Process."

Any of a number of different methods may be used; one of the simplest, ETVX [Radice85], is described below. Another straightforward method with tool support is described in [Kellner89]. Whatever the method, describing the existing process should result in documentation of how software products are actually developed and maintained in a given organization.

4.1.1. Documenting the Process: One Approach

One very accessible approach to writing a process description is presented in [Radice85]. Radice considers a process to be made up of software activities, which must be defined. A defined activity is one which has:
(1) a list of entry criteria that should be satisfied before beginning the tasks, (2) a set of task descriptions that indicate what is to be accomplished, (3) a validation procedure to verify the quality of the work items produced by the tasks, and (4) a checklist of exit criteria that should be satisfied before the activity is viewed as complete. (p. 83)

Radice calls this the E (Entry Criteria) T (Tasks) V (Validations) X (Exit Criteria) process architecture. Using ETVX to describe each phase of software activity should result in a consistent description of software development processes. Gaps—missing activities or a missing E, T, V, or X for an activity—that appear in the process description indicate where immediate process improvement may be needed. For example, the exit criteria for module design may not have been defined or may not match the entry criteria for the next activity. On the most abstract level, process definition is simply the determination of what stages and activities will be used by a given software organization. 

[Radice85] lists the following phases for a commercial product:

• Requirements and planning
• Product-level design
• Component-level design
• Module-level design
• Code
• Unit test
• Functional verification test
• Product verification test
• System verification test
• Package and release
• Early support program
• General availability
E, T, V, and X must be defined for each activity.

 Types of Measurement

In general, there are two types of measures: product and process. Product measures describe the characteristics of each system component being produced or maintained. Typical product measures are size, cost, complexity, quality (number of defects), and resources consumed to develop or maintain the component. Process measures describe aspects of the process used to produce or maintain those components, and are attributable to the human processes that create the product. Typical process measures are defect rates, repair rates, and production rates. Broader measures such as labor turnover, learning curve, communications overhead, and degree of overall adherence to the defined process also relate to process. In fact, a single measure may apply to both process and product, depending upon its usage and one’s point of view. Both types of measures may be collected on individual components or across groups of components; when product measures are aggregated, they often provide information about the process.

Defect Prevention
Several process information files are needed to support the defect prevention process. 
• The defect file contains a record of each defect and information such as originator, description, resolution, disposition, and effort to repair.
• The action item file contains the action items that arise out of a causal analysis of the defects. These items are suggestions for improving the process so that future defects would not be manifest in the software product.

 The process group should capture the history of the improvement efforts. The group should collect, catalog, and maintain reports and other artifacts related to attempts to improve the process. In many organizations, these products are lost when personnel change, and the improvement lessons must be learned all over again. Records should include: an indication of what went well and what did not go well; a description of how problems were handled; and suggestions for improving performance on similar tasks in the future. Capturing and reviewing lessons learned can be a part of the development life
cycle. The challenge is to make this information available to those who need it, past the life of a project.

Beginning Continuous Improvement
The process of introducing an improvement includes selecting a candidate technology, tailoring the technology and the training for its use, and using the technology on a pilot basis. Feedback should be collected and the full implementation plan is developed  in light of the pilot experience.

One key long-term activity is the installation, over and over again, of new procedures and technology that support process improvement. These installations should begin with a pilot (prototype) installation—a controlled experiment. Pilots are essential when an organization has no experience with a technology, or when the technology will be applied in a new domain or with inexperienced staff. This is true even if the technology seems to be mature, as with software inspections, or even if the organization has excellent in-house resources, such as a technical working group with some experience in cost estimation. If a technology is new to an organization, it cannot be considered mature in that context. Appendix D presents an extended discussion of this phenomenon. This chapter describes some considerations for executing a pilot effort.

Process Consultation
The process group spends a significant proportion of its time coaching others and problem solving, based on the examples of best practices developed in other organizations. This consulting and broad awareness of the quality of particular efforts is indispensable for the success of the overall process improvement program.

As the focal point for process improvements, the process group spends a significant proportion of its resources meeting with those whom it serves. The group’s consulting activities include:

• Helping to set realistic expectations for improvement activity results.
• Tailoring process priorities, definitions, standards, training, and other process
• Suggesting methods for improving a specific process if a working group has not
already done so.
• Analyzing process measurement data.
• Facilitating improvement planning meetings and activities.
• Demonstrating improvement technology. (For example, serving as a moderator
for inspections until a project can develop its own inspection moderators.)
• Referring groups with similar interests to each other so that they can help each
Process group members must have or develop good consulting skills; they need the ability
to listen and clarify, and to collaborate in problem solving with those who seek their help. If
process group members have access to training or expert advice (especially in the form of
"shadow" consulting) in this area, they should take advantage of it.

Process Group Membership
Process group members should collectively have experience from throughout the software life cycle.

Members of the process group are advocates for improvement. They are software professionals assigned, generally full time, to help the organization increase the maturity of its
software process. Members should be carefully selected with the goal of balancing the experience and educational background of the group as a whole.

Selecting the Process Group Leader

The process group leader must be an acknowledged technical leader,
with these characteristics:
• Extensive experience in or knowledge of the software process.
• Experience advocating improved software development processes, methods,
and tools—that is, improved quality and productivity.
• Experience in management or project leadership.
• Knowledge of the software development environment

Robert L. Grady and Deborah L. Caswell, Software Metrics: Establishing a Company-Wide Program, Prentice-Hall, 1987.
• H. J. Harrington, The Improvement Process: How America’s Leading Companies Improve Quality, McGraw-Hill, 1987.
• Watts Humphrey, Managing the Software Process, Addison-Wesley, 1989.
• Rosabeth Moss Kanter, The Change Masters: Innovation for Productivity in the
American Corporation, Simon and Schuster, 1983.

• Marvin Weisbord, Productive Workplaces: Organizing and Managing for Dignity, Meaning, and Community, Jossey-Bass, 1987.

Process Management Approach - Card
The process management approach includes three essential activities: process definition,
process control, and process improvement. An undefined process cannot be controlled. An
uncontrolled process cannot be improved consistently. Because improvement means
change, attempting to improve an unstable process often leads to further instability. Figure
B-3 shows how these elements are connected by the common threads of performance data
and corrective action.

The process definition activity provides a prescription for performing work. Measuring the
initial process performance establishes a baseline against which subsequent performance
can be compared. The process control activity is concerned with identifying and correcting
special causes of poor quality, to keep the process performing as intended. That is, it seeks
to maintain key quality parameters within pre-defined control limits. The process improvement activity seeks to identify and rectify common causes of poor quality by making basic
changes in the underlying process.

Software Design Improvement

Until recently, hardware designers left many important product quality considerations to be handled by manufacturing engineers. Because software does not go through a corresponding manufacturing phase, the software engineer must deal with those producibility concerns directly [Card90]. That is, the software system must be designed to be easy to implement and maintain. This is in addition to satisfying the customer’s functional requirements.

 Process Design Improvement
Once the process has been defined and controlled, management can turn its attention to improving the underlying process. This can be done by simplifying the process and by inserting appropriate new technology. [Turner78] suggests five questions that should be asked about each process element:
1. Is this activity necessary or can it be eliminated?
2. Can this activity be combined with another or others?
3. Is this the proper sequence of activities?
4. Can this activity be improved?
5. Is the proper person doing this activity?
Initial process improvement efforts should be concentrated at leverage points: those activities that require the most effort and produce the most problems (see, for example, Pareto
analysis in [Grady87]). Improvement actions should be evaluated in situ by studying their
effect on actual process performance.

An Introduction to Technological Change
This topic  addresses the fundamentals of implementing technological change in software organizations. The process group can greatly improve its odds for success if it understands and acquires some skills in managing the technological and organizational change attendant to process improvement.

 It is an introduction to the basic knowledge that is prerequisite to effective and predictable technological change in the context of software engineering. 

Technology Mapping

Mapping is a simple but powerful way to determine whether a technology is likely to succeed in an organization. The mapping process essentially involves: 1) examining the technology to be implemented for aspects of context that have been built into it and 2) comparing ("mapping") the results of this examination to the results of the organizational context analysis. If there is minimal overlap, the risk is high that implementing the technology will be complex and unpredictable and will require more resources, especially in pilot efforts. If there is a significant overlap, the chances of success are greater. The comparison should take into account the fact that some aspects of context may carry more weight than others. Context analysis is a useful step to take just prior to beginning a search for a technology. It
can help narrow the candidate field by noting major aspects of context, such as application domain, technical compatibility, and budget, which would seriously constrain possible matches. Once the list is pared down to a half dozen or so technologies, mapping is a major step in the final selection process.

Mapping  is necessary because all software engineering technologies are based on a set of assumptions. Certain application domains or classes of application domains—for example, real-time embedded, MIS, scientific—may be assumed when a technology is developed. Certain types of users—for example, ordinary citizen, engineer, scientist, bank teller—may also be assumed. Certain technical requirements—machine type and size, operating system, network type—are usually stated. The easiest technologies to eliminate from a candidate list are those with the least overlap with the organization’s context; as the list shrinks, the mapping process requires more detective work and attention to subtleties such as software engineering terminology, life-cycle phase coverage and definition, and style of work in groups. Even a technology that is well targeted to a particular market niche cannot take all variations of an organization in that niche into account. The best test of a new technology is a series of pilot uses, thoroughly evaluated.

When an organization is dealing with newer and softer technologies, mapping becomes critical. If transfer mechanisms are people-based, they are heavily influenced by frame of reference and by the skills of the people who must translate between frames of reference in the
transfer process.

Boundary Spanners
Boundary spanners are people who are comfortable in multiple frames of reference; they
can work effectively as members of a business organization, with management and engineers, and on professional society committees. Examining the process of communicating in
different languages provides a useful analogy to the services boundary spanners perform.
Because the mapping process is similar to translation between languages, it is best done by
boundary sponsors who are the equivalent of multi-lingual. If these people have extensive
experience in translation, they will know when to proceed cautiously; they will understand
the need, for example, to define carefully terms that most people will assume are well understood.
Boundary spanners are common outside organizations in the technology advocate roles described in Figure D-3. These boundary spanners play an important role in getting new products from research into the marketplace, in articulating the new technology in universities and professional communities, in marketing the technology once it becomes a product, and in supporting new users.

 In their role, boundary spanners typically serve on technical working groups or as members of the process group "porting" technology experience from one organizational group to another; they
connect the inside of the organization to the outside world. They track technology directly
[Carlyle88]; they may also track it by serving on outside working groups such as the IEEE
Computer Society standards committees. Having largely internalized context analysis
results for their own organization, they effectively scan for and select candidate
20 technologies. People who perform this role best have had experience in a number of
contexts; criteria for boundary spanners are much the same as for members of process

See search results of SEI software process improvement

Software Development Processes

Software Engineering

The Top 10 Blog Posts of 2022 - CMU Software Engineering Institute

SWE Body of Knowledge


Ud. 30.3.2023
Pub. 29.7.2020

Industrial Engineering in Computer Engineering and Information Technology

Ubiquity of Industrial Engineering Principle - Industrial Engineering is applicable to all branches of engineering.

High Velocity SAS Coding: Application of IE to software Development

Is the full capability of the #hardware exploited for value creation? An industrial engineer can evaluate periodically.  #Software engineering component of industrial engineering.

Industrial engineering of software
Optimization and Performance of Computer


Productivity of Programmers

Safety and Health of Computer Operators and Users
Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) - Causes and Suggestions for Prevention

Kaizen - Software Development and Products

Kaizen and Software Engineering
by Patrick Weibel, Software Architect


Value Engineering - Software

Competing on Speed in Software Development - Video Lecture by Mary Poppendieck
Ideas to reduce complexity and increase speed of development are given in the lecture

Engineering Economics Related to Software Development and Products

Software Engineering Economics, 1983, Barry Boehm

Software Engineering Economics and Best Practices of Internetbased Software Development

Embedded system engineering economics


Monday, March 27, 2023

Industrial Engineering in Electronics Engineering

Ubiquity of Industrial Engineering Principle - Industrial Engineering is applicable to all branches of engineering.

In each branch of engineering the following three areas of industrial engineering are to be applied to increase productivity and reduce unit cost of output.


Help us to Reduce Your Cost of Electronics Manufacturing.

Electronic component procurement cost reduction program
Short Description:
In today’s electronics industry, companies face a common challenge. The main task is to reduce manufacturing costs without sacrificing product quality. Indeed, creating profitable products in our digital age is by no means an easy task. The only way to mitigate the difficulties is to delve into the specific steps of the process and use proven strategies to reduce overall costs.

All you need to do is send us your BOM and you will receive.

Free analysis highlighting immediate savings opportunities.

Timely alerts on high quality, fully traceable buying opportunities from our OEM and EMS partners. Average savings of about 30%.

The Future of Sustainable Electronics Manufacturing.
The report concentrates on the fundamental building blocks of electronics - printed circuit boards (PCBs) and integrated circuits (ICs).

Cost Reduction in Electronics Design


Microelectronics Process Engineering at San Jose State University: A Manufacturing-oriented Interdisciplinary Degree Program
San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, 95192, USA. E-mail: elallen    at sjsu dot edu
Department of Materials Engineering, California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA
Int. J. Engineering Education. Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 519-525, 2002


Tools and Combination Tools Electronics Assembly

Jigs and Fixtures - Electronics Assembly

Cost Reduction - Electronics Product

PCB Design and Manufacturing Productivity - Product and Process Industrial Engineering

PCB Assembly - Method Study - Process Industrial Engineering Exercises

SMT Machine - Production Line - Machine Work Study - Machine Productivity Improvement

T/R Module - Transmitter - Receiver Module - Cost Reduction

MMIC Technology - Cost Estimation and Reduction - Industrial Engineering - Articles and Cases

Bharat Electronics Limited

Multiple criterion optimization of electronic circuits
M Lightner
Carnegie Mellon University
Stephen W. Director

The two input MOSFET NAND gate used as an example.  The first step in designing the NAND gate is to choose a model for the transistors. We chose a four terminal model that includes the effect of substrate
bias. This model and its defining equations are presented. There are many possible sets of designable parameters that could be used in designing the NAND gate, for example, the lengths and widths
of all the devices as well as the flat band voltages of the devices. We choose the flat band voltage, V _ , the
Ftf width of the bottom two transistors, W2~, (constrained to be the same) and the width of transistor T^ V^, as the designable parameters.

Digital Circuit Optimization via Geometric Programming

2006 paper
NXP Semiconductors, Research, DMS - Physical Design Methods,
Hich Tech Campus 48, 5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Magma Design Automation,
TUE Campus, Den Dolech 2, Dommel Building Z-Wing 8, 5612 AZ Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Optimization of Components and Products - Topics to be covered

Chip design optimization 
Optimization of Systems
Chip production
Productivity of Human Factor
Safety and Health of Employees

Assembly of electronic products

McKinsey  Cananda - 2006

Cost Management in Electronics

Manufacturing Cost Modeling - Electronics Assembly Example
(In Information-Based Manufacturing: Technology, Strategy and Industrial Applications

New Technology

A Printed Circuit Board Inspection System With Defect Classification Capability

August 15, 2013
I. Ibrahim, S. Bakar, M. Mokji, J. Mukred, Z. Yusof, Z. Ibrahim, K. Khalil, M. Mohamad

An Up-To-Date Bibliography on Electronics Manufacturing Technology

Electronics Manufacturing Technical Article Library Online

Updated on 27 March 2023,  7 Nov 2021,  25 December 2020
First published on 20 Oct 2013

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Industrial Engineer’s Digest: Improving Factory Performance - 2021 Book

This book is written in 5 parts

Part-I: Industrial engineering basics

Part-II: Data capturing, calculations, and reports

Part-III: How-to guides

Part-IV: Improve factory performance

Part-V: Advanced reading

The print version of this book “Industrial Engineer’s Digest: Learn, Practice and Improve Factory Performance” is now available on the Amazon store. You can purchase the book in your country-specific Amazon store.

To be a successful IE.

First, you need to learn the manufacturing process, then learn the industrial engineering concepts - learn IE tools, methods of improving various processes and activities. 

Next thing you need to apply your learning in the process where applicable. 

Updated 25.3.2023

Pub. 12.5.2021

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Industrial Engineering in Agricultural Engineering


What is Agricultural Engineering?

Agricultural engineering, also known as agricultural and biosystems engineering, is the field of study and application of engineering science and designs principles for agriculture purposes, combining the various disciplines of mechanical, civil, electrical, food science, environmental, software, and chemical engineering to improve the efficiency of farms and agribusiness enterprises[1] as well as to ensure sustainability of natural and renewable resources.[2]

An agricultural engineer is an engineer with an agriculture background. Agricultural engineers make the engineering designs and plans in an agricultural project, usually in partnership with an agriculturist who is more proficient in farming and agricultural science.

What Agricultural Engineers Do
Agricultural engineers solve problems concerning power supplies, machine efficiency, the use of structures and facilities, pollution and environmental issues, and the storage and processing of agricultural products.

Agricultural engineers solve problems related to agricultural equipment, water quality and water management, biological products, livestock facilities, food processing, and many other agricultural areas.

Graduates in this  program are employed for the purpose of

designing and managing food production systems
protecting surface and ground water quality
designing natural resource management systems
developing and managing bioprocessing systems
designing off-road vehicles and agricultural equipment
designing animal production facilities and environmental control systems.

Industrial Engineering in Agricultural Engineering.

Product Industrial Engineering

Facilities Industrial Engineering

Process Industrial Engineering

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Industrial Engineering Philosophy - Delaney


Industrial  Engineering is essentially a philosophy with a materialistic and a human  aspect.

 The materialistic aspect  is  based on the conception that business of enterprise can only succeed  if it renders a real service. To serve people, then, industry must make  products that people can buy. The only way a service or product can  get wide distribution is by making its cost low. The main obstacle to  low cost is waste — waste of time, of material, of energy.

If methods of tasks are not evaluated for the time taken, some or many tasks may use  the  complicated and time consuming elements.  The basic aim of the Industrial Engineer is that of saving time. Eor  this, he uses the strictly objective approach compounded of two elements  which are ANALYSIS and MEASUREMENT respectively.  They bring imagination, discovery and ingenuity down to rational terms.

 Through ANALYSIS of tasks, a vast lot of isolated and apparently unrelated pieces of information and phenomena are uncovered within the task as well across tasks. These are  brought together, sorted out and compared. Theories are evolved regarding elements common across tasks and  further observations are made until some practical solution that takes less time is found.  Typical of the analytical phase are the several techniques of method  study ranging from the flow process chart to the micro-motion study.  Here, analysis is used to eliminate waste of time and effort. The job  is simplified: back-tracking is avoided, unnecessary handling is eliminated, short cuts are taken, the design is changed to save material.

 Using MEASUREMENT  procedures are evaluated  in terms of time and cost. Time study is industry's tool for measuring the productive capacity of its human and mechanical resources. It is the  measurement of work and one of its end result is a number which expresses  the time that should normally be taken to complete a given task. Time  study is concerned with the question: "How long should it take ?" along with  "How long does it take ?" That is a vastly different matter which  calls for skill, judgment and careful training. Not only the time taken  has to be recorded accurately but the effect of working pace on that  time has to be appreciated. This is called "performance rating".  

We might say that through his techniques, the Industrial Engineer  creates time.  In the present instance, the "fait accompli" is the  steady increase in the productivity per individual and per unit of resource in industry.  where. It is safe to say, on the basis of all available data, that production per average individual is increasing at the rate of about 3 percent  per  year. It is what makes possible the shorter hours and higher wages.

 Where will it lead us, no one can foresee or dares to foretell. Yet, an  article published in "Business Week" June 1952, is quite revealing.  It deals with the astounding results and implications of farm mechanization. In the span of a generation, over two million men have been  dropped from farm employment and, yet with almost no increase in  tilled acreage, our (North America's) farm output has increased by 40%  and our output per worker by 60%. Since 1920, the output per man  hour has doubled.

The Industrial Engineer, His Philosophy and the Scope of His Activities

Walter Delaney

Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations, Vol. 9, No. 2 (MARCH 1954), pp. 149-155 (7 pages)

DELANEY, Walter, B.A., Waste  and Humidity Controller,  Dominion  Textile Company Lim

Industrial Engineering is Engineering Plus Productivity - Industrial Engineering Philosophy


I would like to state the philosophy of industrial engineering as engineering systems can be redesigned or improved and installed periodically for productivity increase or improvement. The primary drivers of productivity improvement are developments in basic engineering disciplines and developments in industrial engineering (developments in productivity science, productivity engineering and productivity management). The additional drivers are developments in related disciplines, for example, economics, mathematics, statistics, optimization techniques, ergonomics, psychology and sociology etc. - Narayana Rao, 1 April 2021.

Industrial Engineering - History

How many Industrial Engineers can a Company Employ for Cost Reduction?

For $100 million cost, there can be one MS IE and 6 BSIEs.

Industrial Engineering is Engineering Plus Productivity Philosophy - Science - Engineering - Management

Product Industrial Engineering = Product Design Engineering + Product Productivity Philosophy - Science - Engineering - Management

Process Industrial Engineering = Process Design Engineering + Process Productivity Philosophy - Science - Engineering - Management

Facilities Industrial Engineering = Facilities Design Engineering + Facilities Productivity Philosophy - Science - Engineering - Management

Human Effort Industrial Engineering = Mechanic Arts + Human Effort  Productivity Philosophy - Science - Engineering - Management

Productivity Philosophy - Science - Engineering - Management in engineering formally started as important activities in the first annual convention of ASME.  May be we can look for call for productivity and cost reduction of engineered products in some earlier engineering writings also. But the ASME presidential lecture (1880) is a formal call for the engineering community and it was answered with a solutions provided by various members of  the ASME in subsequent years.

The concern for management and productivity issues  occupied the attention of the first ASME  president. Thus ASME's attention to the topic is there right from its founding . In fact, R.H. Thurston  the first ASME president, in his inaugural address (1880), included productivity improvement  and  economy among the objects of the society in his inaugural address. 

"We are now called upon to do our part in the work so well begun by our predecessors, and so splendidly carried on by our older colleagues during the past generation. We have for our work the cheapening and improvement of all textile fabrics, the perfecting of metallurgical processes, the introduction of the electric light, the increase of facilities for rapid and cheap transportation, the invention of new and more efficient forms of steam and gas engines, of means for relieving woman from drudgery, and for shortening the hours of labor for hard-working men, the increase in the productive power of all mechanical devices, aiding in the great task of recording and disseminating useful knowledge; and ours is the duty to discover facts and to deduce laws bearing upon every application of mechanical science and art in field, workshop, school, or household."  - Thuston. R. H. Thurston. President's inaugural address. Transactions ASME, 1, 1880, pp. 14-29.

Industrial engineering department was advocated by F.W. Taylor as a department that improves engineering elements based on experiments and science that was motivated by shop operations experience to increase productivity and reduce costs. He termed the department as "elementary rate fixing department."

The productivity concept as developed by Taylor, Gilbreth, and Miles has multiple dimensions and attributes.  Important of them are quality and human comfort, safety and health.

Industrial engineering Principles, Methods Tools and Techniques

A to Z of Industrial Engineering - Principles, Methods, Techniques, Tools and Applications

Industrial Engineering 4.0 - IE in the Era of Industry 4.0 - Blog Book

This is the 2000th Post of this blog.

Ud. 21.3.2023, 2.1.2022, 25.6.2022
Pub 25.1.2020

Industrial Engineering Philosophy


I would like to state the philosophy of industrial engineering as "engineering systems can be redesigned or improved and installed periodically for productivity increase or improvement." The primary drivers of productivity improvement are developments in basic engineering disciplines and developments in industrial engineering (developments in productivity science, productivity engineering and productivity management). The additional drivers are developments in related disciplines, for example, economics, mathematics, statistics, optimization techniques, ergonomics, psychology and sociology etc. - Narayana Rao, 1 April 2021.

Engineering developments are continuously monitored by IEs for their productivity effect and productivity engineering is developed appropriately. Thus engineering and industrial engineering grow together and help the society in becoming resource efficient.

(C) Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.

The Industrial Engineer, His Philosophy and the Scope of His Activities
Walter Delaney
Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations, Vol. 9, No. 2 (MARCH 1954), pp. 149-155 (7 pages)

DELANEY, Walter, B.A., Waste  and Humidity Controller,  Dominion  Textile Company Lim

Important points of the above paper.
Industrial Engineering Philosophy - Delaney

At the core of Taylor’s philosophy was a belief that any job could be studied, and that best practices could be learned and taught. If one man could make three pairs of shoes in a day and another only two, why? 

Taylor said that managers could learn from a skilled craftsman and encapsulate for others. In Taylor’s words, management, planning and control of work  had “… laws as exact and clearly defined … as the fundamental principles of engineering …”

Taylor was intently focused on “maximum prosperity,” for business as well as workers which he called “THE principle object of management.” Maximum prosperity meant both lower costs for businesses and higher wages for laborers. And the recipe for achieving both was the elimination of inefficiencies through development of productivity science or waste elimination.

The development of science related to productivity improvement, and modifying engineering and management systems to utilize productivity science in engineering activities and organizations are the major activities of industrial engineers. We can say productivity science, productivity engineering and productivity management are the major components of industrial engineering. - Narayana Rao.
Principles of Industrial Engineering, Proceedings of the 2017 Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference, K. Coperich, E. Cudney, H. Nembhard, eds., pp. 890-895.

Updated on 21.3.2023, 6 July 2022,  8 April 2021,  25.6.2022
First posted on 2 April 2021

Industrial Engineering - History

How many Industrial Engineers can a Company Employ for Cost Reduction?

For $100 million cost, there can be one MS IE and 6 BSIEs.

Do it. It is Real Engineering. Industrial Engineering is Engineering Primarily.
Find 5 new engineering developments every day in elements related to facilities, products and processes in your organization and assess their use for industrial engineering. 
Best Practices in #IndustrialEngineering 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Introduction to the Principles of Teaching - Edward L. Thorndike - 1906

I am writing about teaching and learning in Industrial Engineering blog as Industrial engineers have to train operators in new methods. They have to provide knowledge or information also about the new method to the operators and develop positive attitudes and feelings in them regarding the new methods. Basic principles of teaching and learning are applicable to training process also.

 The Aims of Education.—Education as a whole should make human beings wish each other well, should increase the sum of human energy and happiness and decrease the sum of discomfort of the human beings that are or will be, and should foster the higher, impersonal pleasures. These aims of education in general—good will to men, useful and happy lives, and noble enjoyment —are the ultimate aims of school education in particular. 

Its proximate aims are to give boys and girls health in body and mind, information about the world of nature and men, worthy interests in knowledge and action, a multitude of habits of thought, feeling and behavior and ideals of efficiency, honor, duty, love and service. The special proximate aims of the first six years of school life are commonly taken to be to give physical training and protection against disease; knowledge of the simple facts of nature and human life; the ability to gain knowledge and pleasure through reading and to express ideas and feelings through spoken and written language, music and other arts; interests in the concrete life of the world; habits of intelligent curiosity, purposive thinking, modesty, obedience, honesty, helpfulness, affection, courage and justice; and the ideals proper to childhood. 

The special proximate aims of school life from twelve to eighteen are commonly taken to be physical health and skill; knowledge of the simpler general laws of nature and human life and of the opinions of the wisest and best; more effective use of the expressive arts; interests in the arts and sciences, and in human life both as directly experienced and as portrayed in literature; powers of self-control, accuracy, steadiness and logical thought, technical and executive abilities, cooperation and leadership; habits of self-restraint, honor, courage, justice, sympathy and reverence; and the ideals proper to youth.

The schools must prepare for efficiency in the serious business of life as well as for the refined enjoyment of its leisure.

The Special Problem of the Teacher.— It is the problem of the higher authorities of the schools to decide what the schools shall try to achieve and to arrange plans for school work which will attain the desired ends. Having decided what changes are to be made they entrust to the teachers the work of making them. The special problem of the teacher is to make these changes as economically and as surely as is possible under the conditions of school life. His is the task of giving certain information, forming certain habits, increasing certain powers, arousing certain interests and inspiring certain ideals. 

The principles of teaching may mean the general principles applicable to the formation of all habits or the highly specialized rules of procedure for forming the habit of correct use of shall and will; they include the laws valid for the acquisition of any knowledge and the discussion of the particular difficulties in teaching the spelling of to, two and too. But the problem is always fundamentally the same:— Given these children to be changed and this change to be made, how shall I proceed? Given this material for education and this aim of education, what means and methods shall I use?

The sciences of biology, especially human physiology and hygiene, give the laws of changes in bodily nature. The science of psychology gives the laws of changes in intellect and character.

Elements of Psychology by E.L. Thorndike  1905

Principles of Teaching - Thorndike 1906

Saturday, March 18, 2023

November - Tim Cook Month of Industrial Engineering and Productivity Management

Time Cook was a special invitee to 2021 IISE Annual Conference. He emphatically told that industrial engineers have to increase efficiency and productivity and do cost reduction.

Cook is given special credit for improving the supply chain of Apple and provide low cost supply. Steve Jobs is given credit for new product introductions, quality and customer delight.

Supply Chain Industrial Engineering - Part 1.



Supply Chain Industrial Engineering - Part 2.



Supply Chain Industrial Engineering Module - Supply Chain Cost Reduction - Productivity & Quality Improvement

Supply Chain Efficiency - Supply Chain Waste Elimination - Lean Supply Chain

Supply Chain Industrial Engineering - Online Book

Supply Chain Industrial Engineering Process Charts

Top Companies - Supply Chain Industrial Engineering Initiatives & Projects

Supply Chain Industrial Engineering - Concept and Bibliography

Friday, March 17, 2023

Industrial Engineering - Frederick Taylor's Productivity System for Rapidly Attaining The Maximum Productivity.


Industrial Engineering - Frederick Taylor's Productivity System for Rapidly Attaining The Maximum Productivity. 

Part 1 - Advantages.

Part 2 - Faults in the Current Piece Rate Systems.

Part 3 - Establishment of Methods Improvement & Rate Fixing Industrial Engineering Department.

Part 4 - The Law for Proper Cutting Speed for Machines

Part 5 - Importance of The Scientific Rate-fixing Department.

Part 6 - Improvement of Machine Elements.

Frederick Taylor's Productivity System for Rapidly Attaining The Maximum Productivity - Part 1

Frederick Taylor's Productivity System - 2 - 1895 - Part 2 - Faults in the Current Piece Rate Systems

Frederick Taylor's Productivity System - 3- 1895 - Part 3 - Establishment of Methods Improvement & Rate Fixing Industrial Engineering Department


Frederick Taylor's Productivity System - 4 - 1895 - Part 4 - The Law for Proper Cutting Speed

Frederick Taylor's Productivity System - 5 - 1895 - Part 5 - Importance of The Scientific Rate-fixing Department

Frederick Taylor's Productivity System - 6 - 1895 - Part 6 - Improvement of Machine Elements

Frederick Taylor's Piece Rate System for Rapidly Attaining The Maximum Productivity - Part 1

Frederick Taylor's Productivity System for Rapidly Attaining The Maximum Productivity - Part 1

The advantages of this system of management (Taylor's Piece Rate System) are :

The manufactures are produced cheaper under it.
The system is rapid  in attaining the maximum productivity of each machine and man

TAYLOR, F. W., "A Piece-Rate System, Being a Step Toward Partial Solution of the Labor Problem,"
Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers 16, 856-903, 1895



The ordinary piece-work system involves a permanent antagonism between employers and men, and a certainty of punishment for each workman who reaches a high rate of efficiency. The demoralizing effect of this system is most serious. Under it, even the best workmen are forced continually to act the part of hypocrites, to hold their own in the struggle against the encroachments of their employers.

The system introduced by the writer, however, is directly the opposite, both in theory and in its results. It makes each workman’s interests the same as that of his employer, pays a premium for high efficiency, and soon convinces each man that it is for his permanent advantage to turn out each day the best quality and maximum quantity of work.

The writer has endeavored in the following pages to describe the system of management introduced by him in the works of the Midvale Steel Company, of Philadelphia, which has been employed by them during the past ten years with the most satisfactory results.

The system consists of three principal elements :

( i ) An elementary rate-fixing department.

( 2 ) The differential rate system of piece-work.

( 3 ) What he believes to be the best method of managing men who work by the day.

Elementary rate-fixing differs from other methods of making piece-work prices in that a careful study is made of the time required to do each of the many elementary operations into which the manufacturing of an establishment may be analyzed or divided. These elementary operations are then classified, recorded, and indexed, and when a piece-work price is wanted for work the job is first divided into its elementary operations, the time required to do each elementary operation is found from the records, and the total time for the job is summed up from these data. While this method seems complicated at the first glance, it is, in fact, far simpler and more effective than the old method of recording the time required to do whole jobs of work, and then, after looking over the records of similar jobs, guessing at the time required for any new piece of work.

The differential rate system of piece-work consists, briefly, in offering two different rates for the same job, a high price per piece in case the work is finished in the shortest possible time and in perfect condition, and a low price if it takes a longer time to do the job, or if there are any imperfections in the work. (The high rate should be such that the workman can earn more per day than is usually paid in similar establishments.) This is directly the opposite of the ordinary plan of piece-work in which the wages of the workmen are reduced when they increase their productivity.

The system by which the writer proposes managing the men who are on day-work consists in paying men and not positions. Each man’s wages, as far as possible, are fixed according to the skill and energy with which he performs his work, and not according to the position which he fills. Every endeavor is made to stimulate each man’s personal ambition. This involves keeping systematic and careful records of the performance of each man, as to his punctuality, attendance, integrity, rapidity, skill, and accuracy, and a readjustment from time to time of the wages paid him, in accordance with this record.

The advantages of this system of management are :

First. That the manufactures are produced cheaper under it, while at the same time the workmen earn
higher wages than are usually paid.

Second . Since the rate-fixing is done from accurate knowledge instead of more or less by guess-work, the motive for holding back on work, or “ soldiering ”, and endeavoring to deceive the employers as to the time required to do work, is entirely removed, and with it the greatest cause for hard feelings and war between the management and the men.

Third. Since the basis from which piece-work as well as day rates are fixed is that of exact observation, instead of being founded upon accident or deception, as is too frequently the case under ordinary systems, the men are treated with greater uniformity and justice, and respond by doing more and better work.

Fourth, It is for the common interest of both the management and the men to cooperate in every way, so as to turn out each day the maximum quantity and best quality of work.

Fifth. The system is rapid, while other systems are slow, in attaining the maximum productivity of each machine and man ; and when this maximum is once reached, it is automatically maintained by the differential rate.

Sixth. It automatically selects and attracts the best men for each class of work, and it develops many first-class men who would otherwise remain slow or inaccurate, while at the same time it discourages and sifts out men who are incurably lazy or inferior.

Finally. One of the chief advantages derived from the above effects of the system is, that it promotes a most friendly feeling between the men and their employers, and so renders labor unions and strikes unnecessary.

There has never been a strike under the differential rate system of piece-work, although it has been in operation for the past ten years in the steel business, which has been during this period more subject to strikes and labor troubles than almost any other industry. In describing the above system of management the writer has been obliged to refer to other piece-work methods, and to indicate briefly what he believes to be their shortcomings.

1. Capital demands fully twice the return for money placed in manufacturing enterprises that it does for real estate or transportation ventures. And this probably represents the difference in the risk between these classes of investments.

2. Among the risks of a manufacturing business, by far the greatest is that of bad management ; and of the three managing departments, the commercial, the financiering, and the productive, the latter, in most cases, receives the least attention from those that have invested their money in the business, and contains the greatest elements of risk. This risk arises not so much from the evident mismanagement, which plainly discloses itself through occasional strikes and similar troubles, as from the daily more insidious and fatal failure on the part of the superintendents to secure anything even approaching the maximum work from their men and machines.

3. It is not unusual for the manager of a manufacturing business to go most minutely into every detail of the buying and selling and financiering, and arrange every element of these branches in the most systematic manner and according to principles that have been carefully planned to insure the business against almost any contingency which may' arise, while the manufacturing is turned over to a superintendent or foreman, with little or no restrictions as to the principles and methods which
he is to pursue, either in the management of his men or the care of the company’s plant.

4. Such managers belong distinctly to the old school of manufacturers ; and among them are to be found, in spite of their lack of system, many of the best and most successful men of the country. They believe in men, not in methods, in the management of their shops ; and what they would call system in the office and sales departments, would be called red tape by them in the factory. Through their keen insight and knowledge of character they are able to select and train good superintendents, who in turn secure good workmen; and frequently the business prospers under this system (or rather, lack of system) for a term of years.

5. The modem manufacturer, however, seeks not only to secure the best superintendents and workmen, but to surround each department of his manufacture with the most carefully woven network of system and method, which should render the business, for a considerable period at least, independent of the loss of any one man, and frequently of any combination of men.

6. It is the lack of this system and method which, in the judgment of the writer, constitutes the greatest risk in manufacturing; placing, as it frequently does, the success of the business at the hazard of the health or whims of a few employees.

7. Even after fully realizing the importance of adopting the best possible system and methods of management for securing a proper return from employees and as an insurance against strikes and the carelessness and laziness of men, there are difficulties in the problem of selecting methods of management which shall be adequate to the purpose, and yet be free from red tape, and inexpensive.

8. The literature on the subject is meagre, especially that which comes from men of practical experience and observation. And the problem is usually solved, after but little investigation, by the adoption of the system with which the managers are most familiar, or by taking a system which has worked well in similar lines of manufacture.

9. Now, among the methods of management in common use there is certainly a great choice ; and before describing the “differential rate” system it is desirable to briefly consider the more important of the other methods.

10. The simplest of all systems is the “day-work” plan, in which the employees are divided into certain classes, and a standard rate of wages is paid to each class of men ; the laborers all receiving one rate of pay, the machinists all another rate, and the engineers all another, etc. The men are paid according to the position which they fill, and not according to their individual character, energy, skill, and reliability.

11. The effect of this system is distinctly demoralizing and levelling; even the ambitious men soon conclude that since there is no profit to them in working hard, the best thing for them to do is to work just as little as they can and still keep their position. And under these conditions the invariable tendency is to drag them all down even below the level of the medium.

12. The proper and legitimate answer to this herding of men together into classes, regardless of personal character and performance, is the formation of the labor union, and the strike, either to increase the rate of pay and improve conditions of employment, or to resist the lowering of wages and other encroachments by the part of employers.

13. The necessity for the labor union, however, disappears when men are paid, and not positions ; that is, when the employers take pains to study the character and performance of each of their employees and pay them accordingly, when accurate records are kept of each man’s attendance, punctuality, the amount and quality of work done by him, and his attitude towards his employers and fellow-workmen.

As soon as the men recognize that they have free scope for the exercise of their proper ambition, that as they work harder and better their wages are from time to time increased, and that they are given a better class of work to do— when they recognize this, the best of them have no use for the labor union.

14. Every manufacturer must from necessity employ a certain amount of day-labor which cannot come under the piece-work system ; and yet how few employers are willing to go to the trouble and expense of the slight organization necessary to handle their men in this way ? How few of them realize that, by the employment of an extra clerk and foreman, and a simple system of labor returns, to record the performance and readjust the wages of their men so as to stimulate their personal ambition, the output of a gang of twenty or thirty men can be readily doubled in many cases, and at a comparatively slight increase of wages per capita!

15. The clerk in the factory is the particular horror of the old-style manufacturer. He realizes the expense each time that he looks at him, and fails to see any adequate return ; yet by the plan here described the clerk becomes one of the most valuable agents of the company.

Part 2. Frederick Taylor's Productivity System - 2 - 1895 - Part 2 - Faults in the Current Piece Rate Systems

Go to  Part 1 -  Part 2   -  Part 3 -  Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6

Updated 17.3. 2023, 6 November 2021,   7 December 2018, 8 November 2018, 21 July 2018

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

December - Coca-Cola Month of Industrial Engineering and Productivity Management


Productivity Success Story - Coca Cola

Coca-Cola - A case study of total productivity management

Rao, K V S S Narayana.  Industrial Management; Mar/Apr 2021



Coca-Cola is raising customer satisfaction levels by gaining greater visibility into its transportation operations, an exercise that has helped reduce detention and dwell times and is giving all constituents a better view of where shipments are and when they will arrive. The company is using technology tools from FourKites to achieve the results, a project representatives from both firms discussed during an education session at CSCMP EDGE 2021. Improving visibility throughout the  supply chain can bring strong gains in productivity and efficiency.

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners ServiceNow helps make employees’ lives easier at the world’s largest bottling company and increases productivity of employees.

Setting a digital-first, self-service mindset for employee productivity and engagement

Create a one-stop digital platform to manage all HR processes 
Products  - ServiceNow® HR Service Delivery- ServiceNow® Safe Workplace

1 Million hours of productivity unlocked for employees.
>23K employees use the system
© 2021 ServiceNow, Inc. 

Coca-Cola Andina Builds Data Lake on AWS, Increases Analytics Productivity by 80% for More Data-Driven Decision-Making


15 Dec 2020
Coca-Cola United was challenged to streamline its order and invoicing procedures. It rose to the occasion quickly, using Microsoft Power Automate robotic process automation (RPA)

The solution was built by the company’s fusion teams of citizen developers and professional developers and its partner, Happiest Minds Technologies. Coca-Cola United started by synchronizing data between the company’s SAP CRM system and Azure SQL using Azure Data Factory. Happiest Minds added the automation, creating a master automated service agent they’ve dubbed “Asa.” Developed on Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Power Platform, Asa consists of several bots and uses Azure Key Vault to help secure and control passwords and other sensitive data.

Power Platform Build Tools for Azure DevOps were used to co-ordinate work between Coca-Cola United and Happiest Minds, making it easier to drive continuous improvement and development across the project. These tools also enabled automation of common build and deployment tasks. “Power Platform and Azure DevOps enabled our citizen developers, pro developers and partner to build as a team – and that accelerated the entire development process,” says Means. 

Now, when a CRM agent enters an order into the CRM system, Asa takes it from there and signs in to the company’s SAP system without human intervention. Asa easily accesses orders, which are now tracked in a Microsoft Azure SQL database rather than in an Excel spreadsheet. Asa reads the database and creates a PO in the company’s SAP system. Asa then submits the order to the supplier’s web application, validates successful entry, monitors the email system for invoice and delivery emails, matches them to the correct order, and then stores the attachments in Azure Blob Storage for future reference. After that, Asa uses form processing in AI Builder to extract information from those email attachments that’s necessary to close the process in the Accounts Payable system, and finally, it releases the invoice and PO from SAP. These steps occur with bots within the Asa bot running in unattended mode, a key capability of Power Automate RPA that takes mundane, tedious tasks from humans and shifts them to bots. With RPA unattended mode, everything is fully automated. After deploying the unattended mode in Azure Virtual Machines, Coca-Cola United can now schedule and trigger events that increase end-to-end automation of high-volume tasks—like its suddenly expanded orders for Freestyle. And because Asa is cloud-based, it can automatically scale to any job and interoperate with any application. Just as importantly, Power Platform and Azure provide a rich set of monitoring and alerting capabilities that facilitate debugging.

The new, simplified process frees the dedicated CRM agent, allowing orders from all channels, such as inbound and outbound call center agents, field service sales representatives at customer sites, and via a customer self-service portal.

28 Aug 2020

The Coca-Cola Company Announces Strategic Steps to Reorganize its Business for Future Growth.

Innovation, marketing efficiency and effectiveness are top priorities for the company. 

The company is building a networked global organization. The company will create new operating units focused on regional and local execution that will work closely with five marketing category leadership teams that span the globe to rapidly scale ideas.

 the company is reinforcing and deepening its leadership in five global categories with the strongest consumer opportunities:

Sparkling Flavors
Hydration, Sports, Coffee and Tea
Nutrition, Juice, Milk and Plant
Emerging Categories
The leaders of these categories will work across the networked organization to build the company’s brand portfolio and win in the marketplace. Global category leads will report to Chief Marketing Officer Manolo Arroyo.

Moving forward, the operational side of the business will consist of nine operating units that will sit under four geographical segments, along with Global Ventures and Bottling Investments.

The company’s operating leaders will report to President and Chief Operating Officer Brian Smith.

Platform Services

The company today announced the creation of Platform Services, an organization that will work in service of operating units, categories and functions to create efficiencies and deliver capabilities at scale across the globe. This will include data management, consumer analytics, digital commerce and social/digital hubs.

Platform Services is designed to improve and scale functional expertise and provide consistent service, including for governance and transactional work. This will eliminate duplication of efforts across the company and is built to work in partnership with bottlers.

Platform Services will be led by Senior Vice President and Chief Information and Integrated Services Officer Barry Simpson.


Plan to realize cumulative savings of $4.3 billion in 2019.

Productivity  plan performance 2018: This plan  was introduced in 2012 and expanded a couple of times since then to extend up to 2019.

It  focuses on

  • restructuring the Company’s global supply chain; 
  • implementing zero-based work, an evolution of zero-based budget principles, across the organization; streamlining and simplifying the Company’s operating model; and 
  • further driving increased discipline and efficiency in direct marketing investments. 

The new productivity plan has been extended its previous productivity plan to save $3 billion in annual savings by 2019 to achieve an additional incremental savings of about $800 million, bringing its current program to $3.8 billion in productivity savings. If the $500 million of productivity that is planned to  be transferred to Coca-Cola’s bottling partners in 2019, the program extends to $4.3 billion in productivity savings by 2019.

18 Jan 2019

Several factories at HCCB use ErgoBloc.  This technology has helped save electricity and water, while increasing speed and maximising output. With ErgoBloc technology, the bottles do not have to be passed through the air conveying rails, and within a block, they reach the filling machine. Subsequently, the filling happens at a much higher temperature (15-17 degrees Celsius) than the earlier process. Thus the product warming process has been eliminated, which saves a good amount of water.

At Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages, we understand the importance of saving our resources today and consider ourselves responsible for shaping tomorrow. After all, a stitch in time saves nine!

Related to Ergobloc

Migration of SAP to AWS - Coca Cola Swire - 2019

By migrating our entire IT infrastructure to AWS, we achieved digital transformation of our IT systems, which can serve millions of retail customers or even hundreds of millions of consumers rather than the previous 10,000 sales representatives.
Ke Li
Manager, Cloud Service & IT Operations, Swire Coca-Cola

AI, ML and Data Analytics Use in Coca Cola

How Coca Cola is Leveraging Machine Learning in the Hyper-competitive CPG Industry

The Amazing Ways Coca Cola Uses Artificial Intelligence And Big Data To Drive Success
Sep 18, 2017


Coca-Cola’s 2015 Productivity Initiatives: A Closer Look at Costs

Sharon Bailey
Nov 27, 2015

21 October 2014
Coca Coal is expanding its current successful productivity program by targeting annualized savings of $3 billion per year by 2019. This productivity program will focus on four key areas:

• Restructuring the Company’s global supply chain, including manufacturing in North America;
• Implementing zero-based budgeting across the organization;
• Streamlining and simplifying its operating model; and
• Driving increased discipline and efficiency in direct marketing investments.

15 October 2013

During the three and nine months ended September 27, the company recorded charges of $97M and $312M, respectively, related to its productivity and reinvestment program.

The first component of this program is a global productivity initiative focused around four primary areas:

  • global supply chain optimization;
  • global marketing and innovation effectiveness;
  • operating expense leverage and operational excellence; and
  • data and information technology systems standardization.

The second component of its productivity and reinvestment program involves an integration initiative in North America related to  acquisition of Coca-Cola Enterprises' former North America business.

The company has identified incremental synergies in North America, primarily in the area of its North American product supply operations, which will enable the company to better serve customers and consumers.

As a combined productivity and reinvestment program, the company anticipates generating annualized savings of $550M-$650M which will be phased in over time. Coke said it expects to begin fully realizing the annual benefits of these savings in 2015, the final year of the program.

Feb 2012

The company says productivity is a “core pillar” of its “2020 Vision”, which sets out its target to double revenue in the next eight years.

New PET Bottling Plant at Bidadi, India

Five to six people are operating the line and the plant now produces an average of 720,000 x 600 ml
bottles per day. The new line is performing fully as expected: bringing savings in the consumption of energy and water and producing light-weighted bottles.
The new Sidel's line is  flexible.  HCCBPL is currently bottling products in three different formats: 600ml ('on-the-go' size) at an output of 36,000 bottles per hour, 1250ml at 22,000 bph, and the larger 2000ml at 18,000 bph.,-india

Coca-Cola Supply Chain Management Company (SCMC) is the largest non-carbonated beverages (NCB) manufacturer worldwide. Of their 12 sites across China, 10 of them are implementing TRACC to power their world class operations (WCO) efforts. At the end of 2010, Coca-Cola SCMC built a new plant in Foshan, Guangdong.

Coca-Cola SCMC had made an organisation-wide decision in 2005 to implement WCO across all of its sites.  These plants are progressing well on their journey to world class, with best practices being commonplace. It enables them to send their  new employees on internships at well-developed sites, so these new employees learn best practices from the very beginning.

For new Foshan plant, their main goal was to achieve 90% mechanical efficiency on the pilot line within 90 days of the start-up.


MBA Dissertation on Coca Cola Strategy
Dinesh Purvankara
Simon Fraser University

2006 SEC Filing

(C) Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. 2019

Brian Hong
Group Director, Productivity Center of Excellence at The Coca-Cola Company
Greater Atlanta Area

Comprehensive Supply Chain, Operational Excellence, and Quality Leader with a history of developing and executing business strategies that enhance network capabilities while reducing total delivered costs. Specializing in addressing and resolving key business challenges such as; variability reduction, productivity improvements, strategic cost reductions, change management, growth through innovation, customer integration, and supplier collaboration.

10+ years of proven high level executive experience achieving and surpassing all expected corporate goals and delivering this in a deadline, cost driven environment. Group Director of Operational and Productivity Center of Excellence, Master's Degree in Business Administration and expertise as Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and Business Leader. Additional Core Competencies include:

 Cost Reduction
 Operations Management
 Change Management
 Business Roadmaps for Improvement
 Cost & Benefit Analysis
 Continuous Process Improvement

Employment History

The Coca-Cola Company

Title Group Director, Productivity Center of Excellence
Employed Mar 2016 – Present

Location Greater Atlanta Area

Accountable for developing and executing high-level strategies to deliver sustainable End to End Productivity, Technical Capability, Maintenance Strategy, PMO Governance, and Operational Excellence for The Coca Cola Company North America Supply Chain (CCNA).

 Developed organizational Productivity Framework and Governance to deliver over $180 MM in sustainable productivity over the last three year horizon.
 Strategic oversight for developing overarching Technical Capability and Operational Excellence Programs to enhance organizational capabilities.
 Developed PMO governance model to support CCNA Supply Chain
 Led CCNA Supply Chain engagement in the Business Transformation Office (BTO) to drive sustainable growth and cost management for Coca Cola North America.
 Led the strategic turnaround of two network critical manufacturing locations in customer service and cost.
 Led Maintenance Strategy implementation in Autonomous and Professional Maintenance

Group Director, Operational Excellence Center of Excellence
Dates Employed Apr 2013 – Mar 2016

Location Greater Atlanta Area
Responsible for delivering sustainable network productivity to support growth and cost reductions. Provide technical and leadership guidance within Coca Cola Refreshments and The Coca Cola Company to drive sustainable capability development in cost, quality and service.
 Developed comprehensive Six Sigma DMAIC training and implementation strategy for CCR, The Coca-Cola Company and network. $20 million in value creation and/or cost reductions for The Coca-Cola Company.
 Completed a strategic facility turnaround to support customer service improvements by 80%
 Implemented Operational Excellence processes with a strategic customer resulting in increased Quality and Service leading to a 15 year contractual extension
 Led initiatives valued at $6 million in productivity and/or increased sales while reducing consumer complaints by 80%
see less

Director, Customer Solutions Walmart/Sam's
Dates Employed 2010 – Apr 2013

Location Portland, Oregon Area
Supply chain liaison between the sales organization of Coca Cola Refreshments (CCR) and Walmart/Sam’s. Increasing customer satisfaction and capabilities to reduce the total cost of ownership.

• Facilitated the development of an integrated collaborative customer process with Walmart. Developed an integrated pipeline of initiatives to support a 3 year strategic plan. Recognized as being the only DSD/Merchandising customer for the collaborative process with Walmart.
• Led the strategic prioritization and execution of the collaborative process to optimize the value chain between Walmart and The Coca Cola Company.
• Led process simulation between Walmart and The Coca Cola Company to investigate a $40 million opportunities
• Led CSI initiative to develop cost savings opportunities. Identified over $18 million in cost reductions for The Coca Cola Company
• Led the integrated approach on ASN optimization for Walmart. Integrated external suppliers such as MillerCoors, Dean Foods, Pepsico, Nabisco, Kraft, Kellogg, and Anheuser Busch.

Regional Operational Excellence Director - West
Dates Employed Feb 2007 – 2010
Location Vancouver, WA
Co-developed, directed and administered the company’s continuous improvement approach across multiple business units, twenty manufacturing plants and multiple support functions
 Facilitated the development and implementation of CCNA’s manufacturing productivity programs that generated $32.5MM in productivity
 Delivered 17% improvement in productivity without capital expenditures for CCNA’s thermal platform
 Worked collaboratively with Coca-Cola North America and a strategic supplier to identify root causes of a quality defect. Developed and executed analytics that enabled Supplier Quality to negotiate the recovery of $745K
 Instituted an integrated approach to optimize the production to delivery process, to increase customer satisfaction. Integrated approach utilized a new warehouse layout and production scheduling focused on product flow. Became “best in class performance” for warehouse deliveries as recognized by the Coca Cola Company

Title QA Mananger II
Dates Employed2004 – Feb 2007

LocationPortland, Oregon Area
Led the Quality Function at the Portland manufacturing plant. Managed and developed hourly and salaried personnel to enhance quality systems and processes, which included the integration of Six Sigma methodoligies.

• Developed and executed a competency model to enhance employee engagement and development which is now being utilized by The Coca-Cola Company – Operational Quality.
• Critical team member in identifying and executing on $1.7 million savings opportunity through transportation optimization.

RR Donnelley
Total Duration 5 yrs
Title Senior Supplier Integration Engineer

Dates Employed 2002 – 2004

Guided the development and execution of an integrated collaborative Supplier Management program that encompassed all strategic outsourced suppliers to develop and execute strategic initiatives focused on driving down the total cost of ownership while enhancing revenue growth.

 New product solution collaborating with outsourced suppliers on $20 million customer. Evaluated, developed and mitigated supplier risks in conformance with business objectives and strategies.
 Developed and implemented a Standardized Supplier Scorecard to identify joint opportunities for continuous improvement and reduced cost.
 Critical member in executing supplier development at multiple outsourced suppliers to support the strategic initiative of a $300 MM customer.

Title Quality Assurance Manager
Dates Employed 1999 – 2002
Employment Duration 3 yrs
Managed and developed a 24/7 organization encompassing 6 Process Engineers that were Certified Six Sigma Black Belt, 4 salaried process technicians, and quality inspectors. Led the Quality and Process Improvement functions within a manufacturing environment that generated over $95 million in annual sales.

 Increased customer satisfaction by 20% by aligning customer commitments/expectations with manufacturing performance and capabilities.
 Led cross functional teams to increase raw material utilization - annualized return of $1.4 million.
 Trained and mentored Six Sigma Greenbelts - Annualized savings of $150,000
 Implemented 24/7 inspection process that resulted in $250K in cost avoidance in S&W


CII - TPM Club